Daniel Pipes: Sweden opting for suicide by immigration?

That’s a good way of asking what our reporting for years seems to be leading to for Sweden.  Yesterday Daniel Pipes writing at National Review Online reports on how close the Swedes are to committing cultural suicide.


Woe to anyone in Sweden who dissents from the orthodox view that welcoming large numbers of indigent peoples from such countries as Iraq, Syria, and Somalia is anything but a fine and noble idea. Even to argue that permitting about 1 percent of the existing population to emigrate annually from an alien civilization renders one politically, socially, and even legally beyond the pale. (I know a journalist threatened with arrest for mild dissent on this issue.) Stating that there exists a Swedish culture worth preserving meets with puzzlement.

Daniel Pipes: Before too long, the supreme issue of national suicide might actually be discussed. Photo: http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/pipes_daniel

And yet, the realities of immigration are apparent for all to see: welfare dependency, violent bigotry against Christians and Jews, and a wide range of social pathologies from unemployment to politically motivated rape. Accordingly, ever-increasing numbers of Swedes find themselves — despite known hazards — opting out of the consensus and worrying about their country’s cultural suicide.

Efforts by the immigration restrictionists—Sweden Democrats—to debate immigration are being squashed from both the political left and the so-called political right.  I say woe to those countries without freedom of speech (no matter how unpopular the words are) because it leaves no place else to go but toward civil unrest and ultimately violence.

Maybe we should thank Sweden for helping the rest of us see and understand the lesson.

Read it all.

Back in 2013, we posted on an extremely good idea presented by Mr. Pipes—Let refugees stay in their own cultural zones.

Why won’t they?  Because Mohammed told them to MIGRATE!

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, here.  Do you find it as puzzling as I do that there is so little mainstream media news coverage in the US of the on-going invasion of Europe?  Or more accurately, there is some coverage of individual issues and incidents, but no one really tying it all together and placing the blame squarely where it needs to be—on out-of-control Muslim migration.

Letter writer: Refugee resettlement an affront to States’ Rights

This letter to the editor from the Battle Creek Enquirer showed up in my alerts today.  I’m posting it for a couple of reasons.  First it raises that all-important point of States’ Rights and whether the federal government has the authority to simply drop off refugees to be cared for on the state and local taxpayers’ dime.

And, I’m posting it to remind readers to express your opinion publicly.  It won’t do any good to be well-read and knowledgeable about the immigration crisis we face and then do nothing about it.  While we still have free speech, use it, as this writer has done!  Figure out some way to reach new people every day!   [For the record, I do not know Patricia Cavanagh, but I am thankful to her for speaking out!]

From the Battle Creek Enquirer (Letter: Resettling Syrian refugees brings our ruin):

On Dec. 9, the State Department website reported the United State plans to lead in resettling Syrian refugees. “We are reviewing some 9,000 recent UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner Refugees) referrals from Syria. We are receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.”

They are to be put on a fast track to citizenship and able to get their families here under The Refugee Act of 1980, signed into law by President Jimmy Carter. The cost is $2 billion per year and could cost $10 billion per year. Why hasn’t the news media disclosed these facts?

President Theodore Roosevelt said, “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

Oklahoma, Texas, Montana and Utah each passed laws declaring their states sovereign and not under the federal government directives. We the people should remind our state legislators of our rights given to us by the 10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

Patricia Cavanagh


Editor’s note:  Sadly, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah are all big refugee resettlement states, Texas is the largest, so are they all talk and no action about reserving their sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment

Calling all lawyers!  To my knowledge, no one has ever challenged the federal refugee program (where the UN is choosing our refugees!) on Constitutional grounds.  We need some conservative legal group to step up!

Writer at American Thinker: What is America’s survival plan? Stop Muslim immigration!

Minnesota! Photo: http://pamelageller.com/2014/06/fbi-minnesota-muslims-leave-us-wage-jihad-syria.html/

Carol Brown says there isn’t a plan at the moment, but gives us a list at American Thinker (yesterday) of what we must do in America as we watch Europe’s potential death in the face of the growing Islamic threat and Western societies (at least the ones which want to survive) reaction to it.

(If you are a new reader, see our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, here.)

To set the stage (emphasis mine):

We’re facing the greatest national security threat we have ever known and there is no coherent plan to battle the enemy. This nation is so far behind the eight ball, the president and his minions won’t even name the enemy, no less fight it.

Name = Islam

Even worse, those in positions of power and influence misrepresent what the enemy stands for. Like a pre-recorded announcement that just won’t stop, we are endlessly subjected to the false refrain: Islam is a religion of peace. By Muslim lights, we live in the Dar al Harb, the territory of war, simply because we refuse to accept Islam. We didn’t declare war, Mohammed did.

And when it comes to the threat of Islamic supremacism, it’s not only the left that’s putting us at risk. The right is hardly better, as both parties serve up a boatload of ignorance, complicity, and cowardice on a daily basis. Our elected officials draft legislation, set foreign policy, speak at podiums, sit on panels, write press releases, pen op-eds, and yack away on talk shows about the wonders of Islam. If anyone challenges what they’re peddling, the peddlers get rather hot under the collar. As for the truth-tellers, they are mocked, marginalized, and vilified.

And what a truth it is, as we confront a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination ruled by one religion — an ideology that is infecting every aspect of our culture and which has the potential to destroy all of civilization.

Brown goes on with her prescription and from my point of view, this is Brown’s most important step:

Stop immigration from Islamic countries: As seen throughout Europe, it doesn’t take a lot of Muslims to wreak havoc on a nation. To help ensure we don’t wind up like Europe, we must halt all immigration from Islamic countries. The risks are simply too high. No nation has an obligation to allow immigration from any and all countries. And in the case of immigration from Islamic countries, it is impossible to fully vet Muslim immigrants for the following reasons: (1) We cannot know who has an agenda to impose Sharia law (and stats show most support it). (2) We need to recognize that increasing numbers of Muslims who seem like regular folks are morphing into jihadists. (3) We must understand the role that taqiyya (sanctioned deception) plays in any vetting process. Islam is not compatible with Western values. It is not compatible with Judeo/Christian values. It is not compatible with liberty and freedom. It’s illogical to import people from cultures where some, many, or most individuals hate America and want to destroy everything we stand for. (When considering this issue, one should also keep in mind the 3 stages of jihad.)

Numbers matter for the Hijra!

Read it all.

Germany: Pre-Christmas anti-Islam rally brings out 17,500 protesters

Invasion of Europe update….

Dresden demonstrators hold a cross painted in colors of the German flag. Reuters photo. http://www.ibtimes.com/germany-protests-2014-protesters-sing-christmas-carols-anti-islam-march-1765734


This is news from earlier in the week that we didn’t get to before Christmas.

From the Daily Sabah:

Germany witnessed the largest anti-Muslim demonstration on Monday night with up to 17,500 people reportedly attending protests in the eastern German city of Dresden while chanting anti-immigration and anti-Islamic slogans.

In the face of widespread hatred toward Muslims in German society, some German politicians and religious leaders have condemned the protests, which are being organized by the Dresden-based right-wing group Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEDIGA), a group that holds anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant views. In response to the growing anti-Islamic feeling, counter-demonstrators also marched through the streets of Dresden to support immigration policies.


Peace and solidarity within German society has deteriorated over the last couple of weeks. Far-right anti-Muslim groups have become more prominent in Germany with more people starting to consider Islam a threat to their society. With the majority of Germans supporting anti-Muslim rhetoric and anti-immigration policies, according to a poll, more people have started to consider Islam a threat to their society.

In the face of the growing number of refugees and asylum seekers seeking shelter in Germany and the threat posed by the radical militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), the majority of Germans have been fueling anti-immigration sentiment while calling for more restrictive immigration policies.

The article mentions that the German equivalent of the Chamber of Commerce is looking for more (cheap) foreign workers (sound familiar!).

The number of refugees entering Germany may rise next year to 200,000, said the German Office for Migration and Refugees, DPA reported.

See our entire archive on the growing strife in Germany.  Any guesses—civil war coming?

Dutch politician Geert Wilders to face prosecution for “inciting racial hatred”

It won’t be the first time he faces a court on “hate speech” charges.

Geert Wilders: “I will never let anyone silence me.”

See our recent posts (here and here) on the courageous Wilders as he calls for a limit on Muslim immigration to the West.

From the UK Daily Mail (hat tip: Brad):

Dutch far-right populist lawmaker Geert Wilders is be tried for inciting racial hatred after pledging in March to ensure there were ‘fewer Moroccans’ in the Netherlands, prosecutors said Thursday.

‘The public prosecutor in The Hague is to prosecute Geert Wilders on charges of insulting a group of people based on race and incitement to discrimination and hatred,’ prosecutors said in a statement.


The case centres on comments Wilders made at a March 19 rally after local elections.

He asked his followers whether they wanted ‘fewer or more Moroccans in your city and in the Netherlands?’
When the crowd shouted ‘Fewer! Fewer!’ a smiling Wilders answered: ‘We’re going to organise that.’

Wilders adamant—will not retract anything!

In a written statement, Wilders says he ‘said what millions of people think and believe.’

Wilders says authorities ‘should concentrate on prosecuting jihadis instead of me.’

‘I do not retract anything I have said,’ Wilders, whose Party for Freedom (PVV) is leading opinion polls.

‘In my fight for freedom and against the Islamisation of the Netherlands, I will never let anyone silence me. No matter the cost, no matter by whom, whatever the consequences may be,’ he said.

Immigration control activists gaining power across Europe, as we have seen (see our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, and Germany earlier this week).

The far-right is on the rise across Europe, fed by disillusionment with the establishment, economic hardship and worries over immigration.

In Sweden’s neighbour Denmark, the Danish People’s Party has seen its support soar on a platform of tight immigration, tougher punishment for criminals and more welfare spending, apparently on track to become the country’s biggest party.

Americans pay attention!  Cherish and hold on to our free speech rights—the only hope we have to save America!