Malta: “Patriots” protest against illegal aliens; fear Muslim takeover of Malta

‘Maltese patriots’ march past group of African Muslims in Saturday’s anti-immigration protest. They want Malta for the Maltese people. Photo: Ray Attard


Patriots!  (I do love the Tea Party lingo!)

Some of the people of Malta have had it with the huge influx of illegal aliens from Africa and the Middle East and have now joined France, the UK, Sweden, and Italy (among others) in forming a political movement in an effort to halt immigration into Europe.

From Malta Today:

Malta could become a Muslim state within the next 20 years, according to Alex Pisani, the president of the self-declared Organisation of Maltese Patriots (Ghaqda Patrijotti Maltin).

“The people don’t yet know what integration means, it is like giving people full citizenship rights,” Pisani said. “These people will then also be able to bring their family members over. At this rate, we expect Malta to become an African or Muslim state within the next 20 years. Islam is slowly taking over Europe, but we have one religion- Catholicism, and we are proud of it.”

He was speaking right before the organisation’s second anti-immigration protest on Saturday morning, this time with a specific emphasis on their perceived problems brought about by integration with foreign cultures.

Pisani, 61, of Valletta, and the owner of a confectionery, again denied being a racist.

“I’m not fighting for my skin colour but for my Maltese identity,” he explained.

Although here I must say, watching Ferguson, MO burn while the US has a black President could make one wonder if the white race is under siege around the world.  Race relations in America have probably been set back decades by lack of respect for the rule of law and the violent mobs destroying other peoples’ lives and property in Ferguson.

Urging the fearful to come out and express their opinions publicly, Pisani went on to say this this:

“This is your future we’re fighting for,” Pisani told onlookers. “You should be ashamed of yourselves for not uniting with us in this protest.”

The protest ended outside Castille, with Pisani praising the cheering crowd for being “true patriots” and criticising the people who only share their anti-immigration views on Facebook.

Puppets of the EU!

When asked whether his support for such parties means that he is in favour of Malta leaving the European Union, Pisani said that it will work out well for Malta as “we have become puppets of the EU.” 

For our extensive archive on Malta’s illegal alien problem going back seven years, click here.  Maltese readers topped our list of the largest number of readers outside the US two weeks ago, here.

New readers should know that we are bringing hundreds of those illegal aliens to the US every year.  See our most recent post on that subject.

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.  You really need to know what is happening in Europe because the American press is not saying a word about the popular anti-immigration uprising on the Continent.

Geert Wilders speech on the tenth anniversary of the Islamic slaying of Theo Van Gogh

Halt the ‘invasion of Europe’ says Dutch political leader Geert Wilders and turn it back….

Wilders spoke on Sunday in Copenhagen (note surrounding security guards). Photo at New English Review

Here is just a tiny bit of Wilders’ speech, read the whole thing at New English Review.

Americans take heed of what happens when the Muslim population reaches a critical point.  The Netherlands is a tiny country. The only difference between them and us is the time it will take to reach critical mass in the US.

It is our free speech in America that might yet save us.

Here is Wilders:

Friends, I have good news from the Netherlands.

Today, the popularity of my party, the Party for Freedom, is at a high. An opinion poll published this morning shows that we have by far become the largest party in the Netherlands, with almost 20 per cent of the vote. 1 out of 5 Dutchmen would vote for the PVV today.

The policies that we stand for are also getting more popular than ever.

We want to stop all immigration from Islamic countries.

We want to stimulate voluntary re-emigration to Islamic countries.

We want to expel all criminals with dual citizenship and deprive them of their Dutch nationality.

We want to de-Islamize our nation.

We had the pleasure of hearing Geert Wilders speak in Washington, DC in 2009, here.  See our entire archive on Wilders by clicking here.

Our series on the ‘invasion of Europe’ is here.

Update November 5th:  See Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage magazine about a recent 60 Minutes segment—Obama will see Sharia dominant in America in his lifetime.

Alinsky: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

Saul Alinsky, as everyone should know by now, is the ‘great’ mind behind the throne—Obama’s throne.  (Thanks to all of you who found my spelling error!Remember the rumors that Alinsky’s portrait hangs in the White House?   In his little book of evil (Rules for Radicals) he lays out his prescription for political success with twelve simple rules.

O’Keefe (who exposed ACORN) wades across the Rio Grande dressed as Osama bin Laden.

Number 5 (and one our side of the political debate seems almost incapable of using) is this one: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

Do you remember the incident in 2006 when New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd dared to make fun of Obama’s protruding ears and he chewed her out over it?  She was on to something—Obama knew if jokes and ridicule about him became a common practice he was done (in addition of course to knowing what a thin skin he has anyway!).

So today we start with a little humor!  James O’Keefe knows how to use Rule #5! Funny that we are the radicals now and the Obama-Left is the establishment.

I meant to post it the day it broke on Drudge!  Did you see James O’Keefe dressed as Osama bin Laden wading across the Rio Grande to break into America?  He was not caught by border patrol agents.  From the Washington Times:

Investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe exposes the U.S.-Mexico border’s vulnerability to terrorism in his latest undercover project, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

“I see no border patrol. I see no security,” O’Keefe said in the video before donning a bin Laden mask. “Thousands of people have stood in my footsteps right now. They’ve come from South America, Honduras, Guatemala, and they’ve all crossed the border. And if they can cross, anybody can cross.”

Watch the six minute Project Veritas video (it is only sort-of funny when you see how easy it is for terrorists to cross).

Robin Williams takes on the Jihadists

Then for your second laugh of the day, watch comedian Robin Williams take on the Jihadists in Robin Williams’ Last Gift: Angering ISIS (hat tip: Judy).  He actually did get the Islamists going if the comments on twitter are any indication.

From PJ Tattler:

The Islamic State is omnipresent on Twitter these days, so it was curious to see the jihadists weighing in on the death of Robin Williams just as the rest of the world was last night.

However, they weren’t as kind to the kafir, heavily citing the above hilarious sketch he did about jihad and the whole idea of getting 72 virgins upon martyrdom.

Click here to watch Williams’ minute and a half stand-up routine on jihadists and their virgins.

Looking around at the controversy about Williams in the Muslim world, it seems reviews were mixed as this twitter mention (right) indicates.


When we first started to read about Saul Alinsky back in 2007 (at the same time that RRW got its start), we named a category here “community destabilization” because that is one thing Alinsky (and his community organizers) sought to do in order to “change” America. My theory is that concern for American citizens in poverty went out of vogue (and frankly many Americans climbed into the middle class) so then impoverished immigrants became the pawns of choice—the new community destabilizing element for the radical Left (for Obama, Jarrett et al).

Imagine 2050: If you oppose spreading illegal aliens (aka phony refugees) around America, you are a “nativist!”

“Nativist” is obviously the favorite word of the one-worlders at Imagine 2050

I laughed my head off when I saw this blast at the Tennessee “nativists” (and at RRW) because in 2012 I wrote about their love affair with the word “nativist” here at Potomac Tea Party Report.  This is what I said then:

Have you ever heard of the website Imagine 2050?  I bet most of you haven’t.  I hadn’t.  But, they are foaming at the mouth over there today over the challenges filed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute to CASA de Maryland’s non-profit status.   I told you about it here yesterday.

Did you know we are all “white nationalists,” “nativists,” “xenophobes,” and “nativist lackeys,” and did I mention “nativists!”

Anyone who has a differing view on immigration is labeled a “nativist”  (or a racist bigoted redneck boob).  They seem to think that having a name-calling temper tantrum will make us go away.  I don’t know about you, but I love it!

Check out their latest blast at Tennessee activists after they sent out an action alert, here, on the ‘unaccompanied minors’ crisis  and how it could hurt the citizens of Tennessee.  BTW, that post continues to be our Top Post for the last week!

Imagine 2050:

As the nation continues to sort out whether or not the tens of thousands of children who fled violence in Central America will be granted asylum, prominent nativist groups in Tennessee are petitioning to say they are unwelcome in their state. However, the opposition to these asylum-seeking children proves to be more of the same from these groups. – See more at:


Leading the charge to close the state to the children has been the Middle Tennessee chapter of the anti-Muslim grassroots organization ACT! for America. On Monday, the group issued an alert to its base that refugee resettlement agencies were in talks with the federal government about setting up “emergency shelters” for the children in Tennessee. As expected, ACT! Middle TN was not in favor of such a plan.

Read on…

And, they apparently didn’t like my comparison of open-borders “humanitarians” to cat hoarders!

The vehemently anti-refugee blog Refugee Resettlement Watch added to the denunciation of Tennessee’s potential role in housing the children. In a July 6 post, the site’s founder Ann Corcoran likened the refugee resettlement agency’s efforts to animal hoarding.

“These people remind me of animal hoarders with a psychological ailment who fill their homes with cats, don’t have the finances to care for them properly, and don’t know when to stop,” she wrote.

Guess we are getting under their skin!

I wonder if one of the kids at Imagine 2050 would take up my guest post challenge, here.

Good summary of hot spots where communities are fighting back; plans for this weekend

World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann has posted a good summary about the upcoming ALIPAC nationwide demonstrations against amnesty and the border surge and has listed some of the communities standing up and saying NO! to the feds who want to dump illegal aliens on their communities.

Frankly, I ended yesterday frustrated by how to keep up and report to you about every place in America that has so far opposed the Obama border invasion, but thanks to Hohmann’s summary I feel relieved and will move on to a few other issues involving refugees and ‘unaccompanied minors’ (fake refugees) today.

Here is World Net Daily:

Rush Limbaugh is good on the issue of uncontrolled immigration except he, like so many, doesn’t get it that the Catholic Church is being PAID by the feds to resettle refugees and the unaccompanied alien minors. US Bishops are as hard Left as Obama on immigration.

A massive protest scheduled for July 18 and 19 across the United States is aimed at stopping the influx of Central American children flooding across the border, and more than a dozen smaller community protests already have played roles in stopping the children from being brought there.

Citizens in Westminster, Maryland; Oracle, Arizona; Vassar, Michigan; Greece, New York, and many other places have blocked the importation of illegal aliens into their communities through public protests, letters and official resolutions from elected leaders.

See full list below.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh led his show Tuesday with stories about the successful pushback against the illegals going on across America.

“Here’s what you do not know,” he said. “There are towns all over America standing up to this invasion, just like they did in Murrieta, California. You’re not hearing about it, however, and I am here to tell you why you’re not hearing about it. Westminster, Maryland, is a town standing up to it, just like Murrieta, California, did. Oracle, Arizona, is standing up to it.

“In Nebraska they’re gonna stand up to it when they find out. The governor is fit to be tied,” Limbaugh continued. “Upper Michigan, same thing. There are towns all over America standing up to this. There are protests happening, but they’re not being covered.”

But the mother of all protests promises to be Friday and Saturday. It’s dubbed the National Day of Protesting Against Immigration Reform, Amnesty & Border Surge, and it’s gaining support by the hour, said William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC and one of 11 sponsors. The main organizers are ALIPAC, Overpasses For America and, Gheen said.

“Right now it’s looking like we’ll have a little more than 300 protest rallies large and small across the country.


Look here for a state by state listing of protest locations.

There is lots more, read it all.  Hohmann summarizes what is happening in a bunch of hot spots around the US.

See our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ by clicking hereThe archive extends back several years.