ALIPAC organizing nationwide protests against amnesty and the surge

Americans for Legal Immigration‘s national day of protest is this next Friday and Saturday (July 18 & 19) in dozens and dozens of locations.   Hat tip: Bruce

This is what they say at their website:

More than 170 protests nationwide see below. If you want to add a protest near you, please email all of your details to with “new event” in the subject line.

Please join us at the times and places below to protest at state capitals, on overpasses, outside the offices of amnesty supporting lawmakers, and at locations where Obama is trying to bus and house illegal aliens as part of his new federal smuggling operation!

Click here for the complete list so-far!

One suggestion for ALIPAC from someone who has followed LEGAL immigration programs that are destroying America, maybe it’s time for a name change!  The Refguee Resettlement progam (used now for the invasion),  Diversity Visa Lottery, and Temporary Protected Status are all LEGAL, but are helping to bring down America just the same.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “Local Anti-Refugee Leaders” investigated by SPLC

….And, then what?

This is not hot news just off the presses, but is buried in recommendations in a report that the J.M. Kaplan Fund and Suzette Brooks Masters commissioned with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and published in February 2013.

HIAS is one of the top nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.***  See we want more money from Congress now too!  (Just like the Catholics want more money!)

We first mentioned the report on how to counter the local backlash here just ten days ago.

Let me say at the outset!  This is classic Saul Alinsky/hard left stuff on the part of HIAS and Suzette Brooks Masters and so it makes me laugh!  If you are a “local anti-refugee leader” you should be proud to be identified by them, because it means you are getting under their skin and disrupting their plans to bring more leftwing voters and more Muslims to America!

Suzette Brooks Masters and to her right is Garrett Johnson who was Senator Lugar’s staff person who helped investigate problems in Indiana in advance of the critical GAO report in 2012.

Frankly, I’ve been bummed to not yet have been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s hate groups list!  (See Southern Poverty Law Center stands up for Hamas!).

Plea to SPLC, please add me to your list of hate “groups.”  I would be honored!

One of the funniest things I ever read was Daniel Greenfield writing about how he and his cat became a SPLC designated hate group.  Read it and laugh!   Hey, I have a cat too!


My first response on finding out that I was now a hate group was to look around to see where everyone else was. A hate group needs the “group” part, and one man and a cat don’t seem to be enough. Even when the cat is a well known bigot who hates mice, birds, car alarms that go off in the middle of the night, the plumber and sudden noises.


But, I digress…..

Yippee! In Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities, RRW does get a mention on page 10:

Online forums such as Refugee Resettlement Watch have emerged for individuals critical of the resettlement program to share their concerns. Many of the posts express disdain for the refugee resettlement program, particularly the resettlement of Muslim refugees, along with anti-Muslim views.

Their footnotes lead readers to this post we wrote in 2012 about Congressman Keith Ellison being their go-to guy in Congress!

Check out the report especially if you are in one of the three states with pockets of resistance identified by HIAS at that time (there are more now!)—Tennessee, New Hampshire and Georgia.

Now to the recommendations and especially the one suggesting that if you have problems with changing America forever by importing tens of thousands of third-worlders every year and more Muslims, you should be identified, investigated and then what?

Page 16: Recommendations

 Adopting the following recommendations would help counter the refugee backlash and keep communities open and welcoming to refugee resettlement:

Read all of them, but note this one:

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders: The national refugee agencies should partner
with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more
about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

And, so what if we do?  You people belong to organized networks!  This is America.  You know that old-fashioned notion about freedom of association, it still exists!

Why do these Jewish groups want more Muslim immigration to America?

One of the great mysteries of our times is how the Jewish leaders of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the J.M Kaplan Fund don’t get it—frankly, a large percentage of the world’s Muslims want them dead and facilitating Muslim migration to America is not going to make that Islamic imperative go away.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is also a Jewish-run organization.

Are they that naive?

About the photo:  It is interesting that HIAS apparently invited a staffer in the now former Senator Lugar’s office who did some of the research on the program in Indiana that resulted in a damning GAO report on the refugee resettlement program.  Were they, at this 2011 event, trying to convince him to move along—nothing to see?

***The contractors



Wyoming newspaper, too lazy to find facts, calls names

“Haters” and “bigots” that is what mainstream media publications call anyone searching for the FACTS involving anything to do with immigration in America these days.

So it is no surprise to see this editorial (not a letter to the editor mind you!) from the educated and erudite and oh-so-sophisticated making up the editorial staff of the Wyoming Tribune Eagle.

The message is you are a “bigot,” “bigot,” “hater,” “hater,” “racist,” “xenophobe,” (LOL! the more powerful if they say the words many times!)  if you have any questions about a federal or state government program involving immigration and your tax dollars, so shut up.  It is pathetic really.

Here is how they begin, but you can read it all yourself!  And, it is this sort of journalism that is at the very root of why Refugee Resettlement Watch exists to this day!

Tribune Eagle (Hat tip: Joanne):

The debate over Wyoming setting up a program to accommodate refugees from foreign lands is similar to the debate over decriminalizing pot in The Cowboy State. Some think that as long as it is illegal to possess marijuana in Wyoming, there will be no pot here.

That same ignorance is behind the opposition to creating a refugee program here: If there’s no system in place, refugees won’t come to Wyoming.

That’s just wrong, Gov. Matt Mead has pointed out, because refugees are already living here. Having no plan in place to ease them into the system n no, there will be no “refugee camp,” despite claims from the conspiracy theory crowd n simply gives the state no control and few options to provide help to the refugees who do come calling on Wyoming to make it their home.

Unfortunately, this issue has drawn the haters out from under their rocks since Mr. Mead announced a few months ago that his office was exploring the issue. (Wyoming is the only state without some kind of refugee settlement plan.)

The McCraken family owns this newspaper and Mike McCraken is the publisher.  They own the Casper Star Tribune too (this paper and the Star-Tribune have the widest circulation in the state), so it looks like they control the news in Wyoming.

History lesson from the archives of Refugee Resettlement Watch

We, a couple of women, began RRW in 2007 when our local newspaper, the Hagerstown Herald Mail, refused to do any investigation into how the first group of newly arrived refugees ‘found their way’ to our rural Maryland county (dropped off by the Virginia Council of Churches).  Many problems ensued that mostly revolved around the refugees not being adequately cared for by the VCoC.  Citizens wanted answers.

Curious too about how the government program works, I asked the Herald-Mail to please do some small amount of investigating about how the program works—how did a church group from Virginia get to drop off hundreds of mostly Meskhetians (Turkish Russians) and no one knew about it, or few knew about it.

Naively, at the time, I asked the paper to find some answers to the following questions.  I thought if the public understood the program there would be less anxiety in the community.

This is from the text of an e-mail I sent to a reporter in 2007:

Here are some (maybe more than you were looking for!) questions:

1)  Under what authority can a private religious group choose to bring refugees into a community?  Why Hagerstown?

2)  Are assessments done of the community and its ability to absorb more people who will, at least initially, live below the poverty line?   Do we know how many people in Wash. Co. live below the poverty line?  How many in Hagerstown?

3) Is there any accounting done of the cost to the community?   For instance, is there high demand now for low income apartments in the Hagerstown area?  Will more immigrants push up the cost of housing for all low income people in the county?

4)  Are elected officials consulted before and during the process?  Is there any legal authority that requires such consultation?    Was there any outreach to Commissioners and City Council prior to the establishment of Virginia Council of Churches program here?

5)  Who pays for the immigrants housing, food, medical until they are fully established? 

6) Is there a saturation point determined, or can this program just go on indefinitely?  Who determines saturation point?

7)  Since these refugees will have low skilled work, is health insurance available to them, or must they depend on public health care?   Is there any accounting of how many in the first group are now covered by medical insurance?  What has been the response of public health services?

8)  Are schools in Washington County overcrowded?  Maybe the initial 200 refugees have not put a burden on the schools, does anyone know?   Will the next 200 put a burden or the 200 after that?

9)  Have there been any crimes committed or use of police services during the first wave of immigrants?

10)  How well has the original group of refugees learned English?  Did all adults attend ESL classes regularly enough to learn?

11)  What programs are in place to encourage other assimilation to living in America?

12)  Who were the volunteer groups and churches in Washington County that helped support the first wave?  Are they still helping with the newcomers?  What sort of support did they give to the immigrants?   Are there such people lined up to help with the next wave?

13)  Are there regular meetings in Washington County to assess the problems/progress of the first group?

Do elected officials attend?  Does the public attend?

14) Is it a normal practice for a group such as Virginia Council of Churches to go to elected officials and ask for funds ($15,000 in this case)?  

15) Why did VCoC leave Carroll County?  Why are they not locating these people in Virginia?  Have those cities in Virginia been saturated?

16)  Does VCoC get government funds for its overhead?  If so, how much? 

The paper refused to even try to answer these straightforward questions and began the editorial name-calling.  If I recall correctly they weren’t even so crass, or so mean, as to call those of us with questions “bigots,” “racists” or “xenophobes,” but we were called “unwelcoming” and “kitten kickers.”

That did it!  If the news media could not be counted on to find facts on how refugee resettlement works, the average citizen (paying for the program) had to have another source for information—RRW was born!

Bottomline!  You have a right to know every detail about how your tax dollars are being spent and how your community will be changed!  Don’t let their name-calling silence you!

I just went back and re-read the Wyoming Tribune Eagle editorial  and note, at the end, that they have the audacity to advise the Governor to cut any citizens with questions out of the process when getting input on the plan—unbelievable!  Is Wyoming now Moscow?

Shame on you Tribune Eagle, if this program cannot survive full and open scrutiny and public discussion, should it be secretly put in place?

New Readers!  To catch up on the Wyoming controversy, click here for all of our previous posts.

Lebanese blogger says NGO’s benefit from Syrian refugee crisis, calls them NGO-imperialists

Describing herself as a Lebanese academic and resistance fighter, Amal Saad, writing at ASG’s counter-hegemony unit, has a few choice words for the “humanitarian aid and development community” (those with what she calls a “white savior complex”).

Amal Saad: Every refugee represents a career opportunity.

Amal Saad (emphasis is mine):

Geostrategic and political considerations aside, crude economic motives drive the imperialist campaign to prolong the war on Syria. In parallel with the mega-profits reaped by the corporate media and its army of information warlords, and the “War on Terror” military industry which thrives on the expansion of the al-Qaeda franchise, is another kind of war profiteering.

In the true spirit of capitalism, the humanitarian aid and development— a.k.a. “White Saviour Complex”— community has turned crisis into opportunity.

State and corporate funded NGOs have found in Syria’s 2.5 refugees and 6.5 million internally displaced, a veritable goldmine of collective misfortune. Every refugee represents a career opportunity for procuring project funds and extracting exorbitant fees for consultancies, training, workshops etc. And despite the colossal proportions of the refugee crisis, most aid work is driven by donors’ agendas and bureaucratic imperatives, rather than the immediate needs of the displaced and deprived.

Just as Big Business tries to whitewash its public health and environmental crimes with “Corporate Social Responsibility” schemes, western governments think they can arm and support the rebels, while sugarcoating the innumerable crimes they have committed against the Syrian people with their humanitarian interventions.

NGO-imperialism is just another way the Empire “kills the victim and walks in his funeral procession”, as goes the Arabic saying. Only in this case, he makes a profit out of the funeral as well.

I don’t agree at all with Saad’s political point of view, but I think she makes some good points here worth pondering.

However, I don’t see how Capitalism can be blamed when governments are funding the NGO’s, sounds more like Socialism to me, but that aside, there is no question that non-profits are using the Syrian “refugee crisis” to their financial advantage.  Adding insult to injury, they also then get to put on their “savior” hats and the media eats it up.

Canadian (Muslim!) professor: Canada has disarmed itself by swallowing the toxin of multiculturalism

…..and, if Canada has, surely the US is worse because a debate like this one (hosted in part by a mainstream news outlet) would never even happen in America!  Frankly, even our major immigration control groups don’t have the nerve to address this issue publicly!

Dr. Salim Mansur has called for a moratorium on immigration to Canada from Muslim countries.

Here is the story from Israel National News.   Isn’t that funny that this account of what happened is published in Israel.  The only other report I saw in Canada was one blasting the professor for his “Islamophobia!”

Emphasis below is mine:

The MacDonald-Laurier Institute and the Globe and Mail held a public conference recently on the phenomenon of Muslim immigration to the West, which debated whether or not the influx is bringing a culture of violence to Canada and other Western countries.

The debate was conducted between Doug Saunders, journalist for Foreign Affairs for the Globe and Mail, and Salim Mansur, a Political Science professor at the University of Western Ontario, reports Shalom Toronto.

The two addressed the following questions: Are immigrants from Muslim countries bringing violence and values ​​that are inconsistent with Western values​​? Are Muslim immigrants integrating into Western society in the same ways that other ethnic minorities do? And, is Muslim immigration a threat to Canada or West?

Interestingly, it was the political science professor – who is, himself, Muslim – who maintained that Islam remains a threat to Canadian society.

You can read what Saunders had to say and then this is what Dr. Mansur warns us about:

“Canadians’ mistaken notion that all cultures are equal has disarmed this nation in the confrontation with the illiberal demands of radical Islam,” he fired, noting he was “drawing upon – as an immigrant, as a person of color and as a Muslim – inside knowledge of and lived experience in the cultures of both liberal democracy and Islam.”

“A liberal-democratic society based on individual rights, freedom, and the rule of law cannot indefinitely accommodate non-liberal or illiberal demands from immigrant groups without subverting its own culture,” Mansur noted. He then identified three risk factors: the rise in birthrates among the Muslim community, the nature of Muslim culture and its relationship to non-Muslim cultures, and the West’s multiculturalism.

Statistics cited by the professor include proof that the foreign-born population in Canada has become predominantly non-Western since 1967, especially in major city centers, and that the Muslim immigrant population is growing four times faster than other immigrant populations.

As a culture, Mansur stressed, Islam became a “rigid, closed system” during the 14th century, as a result of a heavy Bedouin influence. Mansur maintains that early Islam found Bedouin culture “savage” – but it nonetheless prevailed.

“The full face of this Bedouin-ized Islamic culture that has wrecked the diversity of the Muslim world from within is to be seen in the bigotry, violence, vulgarity and misogyny of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Khomeini followers,” Mansur noted. “It is the nature of mainstream contemporary Muslim politics – or Islamism – to conform to the Bedouin disposition.”

This disposition, Mansur claimed, characterizes contemporary Islamic values – even in immigrant communities. The things heard in Canadian mosques are “intractably opposed to liberal democracy,” and aim to “ruin from within” Canadian and Western values, according to the Professor.

Multiculturalism, meanwhile, threatens to allow this attitude to rear its ugly head in the political sphere, according to Mansur.

“In having swallowed the toxin of official multiculturalism, Canada has disarmed itself of the ability to discriminate between immigrant groups which are importing cultural baggage that is harmless, and those that are toxic to the values of liberal democracy,” Mansur concludes.

Time for a little more debate in America about the forbidden ‘M’ words—-Muslims, multiculturalism, and moratorium!