Thanks for making November our top month ever!

As always I preface a report from RRW with the caveat that we are a small blog with a very narrow focus, so we continue to be amazed by how many people are interested in this rather arcane subject.

November 2013 is our top month for visitors in our 6 year history (5,155 posts).  We had 45,661 views this month (1,522 daily average) and that puts our total views at 1.6 million.   But there is more than that!  We reached 28,985 facebook users in the last week of November alone!

We also added 77 followers when our goal each month is to add a modest 30 new followers.

The top home country for visitors is obviously the US, but we have readers in 157 countries!  The nine (after the US) in descending order in the month of November were:  UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, South Africa, France, Thailand and India.

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If this is your first visit to RRW, be sure to see our fact sheet on the US Refugee Resettlement Program, here.  It is daily one of our top most visited features.  See our Top Posts list in the right hand side bar to see what people are reading on any given day.

Remember RRW is a charitable enterprise, we are paid by no one for our work and we write (and post comments) when we have a few minutes.

NH man charged with writing racist graffiti on refugee home could get up to 30 years

It is all about the letter ‘b’   Photo: Concord Monitor

He has plead not guilty.  Evidence against him is based on handwriting analysis.

For a background on the arrest, go here.

From AP at the San Francisco Chronicle:

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The lawyer for a New Hampshire man charged with penning racist graffiti on the homes of African refugee families has entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

Raymond Stevens, 42, of Pembroke was scheduled to be arraigned on a felony criminal mischief charge in Merrimack Superior Court Wednesday, but the plea eliminates the need for that hearing.

Stevens was arrested Oct. 15 and charged with writing hateful messages in black permanent marker on the homes of four refugee families in the same Concord neighborhood in 2011 and 2012. He is free on $8,000 bond.

If convicted, Stevens faces 10 to 30 years in prison because police say the crime was motivated by hostility toward the victims’ race and national origin.

Case hinges on his handwriting, specifically the letter ‘b’:

Concord Det. Det. Wade Brown looked through more than 1,000 criminal files and complaints generated from the city’s South End between 2009-2011 looking for any handwritten documents featuring the distinctive lowercase letter “b” written like the number six, along with other distinctive letters and unusual word choices used in the graffiti.

When that search failed, Brown turned to gun permit applications and found one submitted by Stevens, who used to live in the same neighborhood where the graffiti appeared.

“Three telltale “b’s” appeared to be an exact match to the racist messages,” Brown wrote in his arrest warrant application.

Searches of Stevens’ home, car and the tattoo parlor he owns in Nashua turned up more handwriting samples that were sent to the FBI for analysis. Police also found racist cartoons and writings on his Facebook pages that “were clearly indicative of a white supremacist ideology,” according to the affidavit.

I doubt writings on Facebook will hold much water in court—we still have freedom of speech.

Photo is from this Concord Monitor story and it’s clearer there.

We have written many many posts on New Hampshire which is one of those formerly red states being turned blue with a big push to bring in refugees and other immigrants.  Click here for more on New Hampshire where efforts have been made, but unsuccessful, for a moratorium on further refugee resettlement.

Republicans and immigration: an incisive and depressing analysis

Editor’s note:  Blog partner Judy posted this today at Potomac Tea Party Report, but it is also important for followers of RRW to read it and consider its implications.

Peter Brimelow publishes an adaptation of a speech he gave in a post called  “Hitler’s Revenge” And Donor Riots: Why Americans Aren’t Allowed To Talk About Immigration.  Brimelow is a longtime critic of our immigration policies and author of the 1995 book Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster.

Peter Brimelow

The speech is too complicated to summarize, and it is well worth reading in its entirety, but I’ll give you some excerpts.  This one makes one of his key points:

…the West now faces another existential threat—every bit serious as the Soviet Union. And that is mass Third World immigration.

In the U.S., mass immigration as was kicked off again by the 1965 Immigration Act, after a 40 year pause during which there was essentially no immigration at all. Simultaneously, enforcement against illegal immigration collapsed, so that there are somewhere between 12 and 20 million illegals in the country right now.

The demographic impact of this is dramatic. Because immigration is skewed by public policy toward non-traditional sources, by 2040 a majority of people in the U.S. will be non-white. This is a country that was 90% white in 1965, when the Immigration Act was passed.

Now, of course, what that means is that at that point the US will cease to exist. It will not be the historic America that we know. It may be something else. But it’s not going to be America.

And this is going to happen very soon. Within the lifetimes of at least two people in this room!

Now the amazing thing about this transformation is that it isn’t inevitable at all.  It’s the result of a public policy that isn’t popular at all–in fact, it is extremely unpopular.  

Of course Brimelow has been called a racist and excluded from polite society.  I myself would not emphasize the color of the immigrants but rather their culture, which is the important thing.  In fact, I recall Pat Buchanan writing several decades ago that he would rather have an educated Nigerian neighbor than a British football hooligan, or something along those lines.   Another excerpt:

So now, federally, we have the third major Amnesty drive in the last 10 years, the Gang of Eight’s bill that was put together after the last election—S744. It’s important to recognize that this bill is not simply an Amnesty bill: it also double or triples legal immigration, which was already at record highs. It’s a mind-boggling thing.

Obviously, this tremendous, well-funded campaign for the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill was not put together in 5 minutes after the 2012 election. It was ready to go regardless of who won. I believe that had Mitt Romney won the election, he would have supported Amnesty, just as George W. Bush did. Romney actually said that in the Hofstra debates (“I’ll get it [Comprehensive Immigration Reform] done. I’ll get it done. First year.” But nobody paid any attention to him.

So why the huge gap between what the ruling class wants, including the GOP establishment, and what the vast majority of Americans want?  Why can’t we even have a proper debate?  Two very interesting points.  The first:

Everyone here is interested in the power of ideas and ideas rule the world and we all agree on that. The difficulty in the immigration debate is what I called in Alien Nation back in 1995 “Hitler’s Revenge.” The elites of the West emerged from WWII utterly traumatized by the experience of confronting Nazism. It was so traumatic that they went overboard on the opposite side. They became convinced that any discussion of ethnicity or cultural heritage at all, let alone race, was unthinkable. You couldn’t address these things without being a Nazi.

Second is something I’ve not seen before, at least anything beyond slogans of the rich benefiting from immigration:

But there’s a secondary finding that hasn’t has gotten even as much publicity as the general finding: Although immigration doesn’t benefit in aggregate to the native born, it does cause a redistribution of income from labor to capital. It’s running somewhere at 2-3% of GDP, it’s a very large number.

Republicans who benefit from this redistribution are the big donors.

You hear a lot about how the Republican Party is a captive of an extremist faction—that is, the Tea Party. But I actually think that the real extremist faction is not the voters, but the donors.

In some ways, you can interpret the GOP’s history in the last 20 years as a kind of donor riot. The donors just simply refuse tolerate any kind of restriction on immigration at all. They go straight to the candidates, and above all to the consultant class, and tell them they won’t spend money on elections.

There’s lots more, including an account of how Israel recently solved its illegal immigration problem.  Solved it.  Because they knew it was a matter of national survival.  But Israel has an identity as a Jewish state.  We have lost our identity, as those who asserted there was such a thing as an American culture (not popular culture but one concerning traditions, morals, politics, religion, etc.)  have been stigmatized as racists and have, for the most part, shut up.

Breivik’s message to Norway (Pravda doesn’t mind mentioning it)

Where is the rest of the media?

Earlier this week few media outlets marked the second anniversary of Anders Breivik’s slaughter of mostly children of the political ruling class in Norway reminding us of those iconic monkeys.  But, I see that Pravda isn’t shy about presenting some facts.

Honestly, I think the average westerner, average American (including reporters), can simply not wrap their minds around the demographic fact that Europe will be a Muslim-dominated continent by mid-century if there are no immediate policy-changes regarding refugees and immigration generally.

Here are several snips from the Pravda piece on the anniversary of Breivik’s “message.”  The article is worth reading in its entirety.

Two years have passed since the dreadful massacre in Norway by an ultra-right activist Anders Breivik. The tragedy has highlighted the fact that the country’s authorities have failed to solve the problem of immigrants, especially Muslims. Inaction of the authorities largely provoked the heinous crime whose victims were mostly Norwegians.


The most unpleasant fact for the Norwegian authorities is that many citizens of the kingdom, while finding Breivik’s actions unacceptable, partially agree with some of his ideas. In the 2009 elections, the ultra-right Progress Party won the second place with 23 percent of the vote, demanding to ban Muslim immigration and restrict immigration altogether. Norwegian Muslims from the local Center for Combating Racism complained that after Breivik’s crime the attitude towards them has only worsened.

Can you imagine a paragraph like this one in any major publication in the West?

Norwegian official statistics says that the unemployment rate among immigrants from Asia and Africa exceeds nine percent, while among the indigenous Norwegians it is four times lower. Why would they work? Unemployment benefits amount to a thousand dollars a month, child benefits are even larger. They can live, breed, and the government will pay. As a result, indigenous Norwegian taxpayers have been maintaining a number of immigrant slackers for decades.

Breivik predicted that in ten years Oslo would be Muslim:

Muslim immigrants whose number amounts to approximately 180,000 (over three percent of the population) have even harder time integrating into the local community. 32,000 of them came from Pakistan, 28,000 – from Iraq and Somalia. 16-17 thousand people from Turkey, Iran and Bosnia reside in the country; there are also numerous immigrants from Afghanistan and Kosovo. A significant portion of immigrants from Russia (16,000) are natives of the North Caucasus.

The first mosque in Oslo was erected in 1974, and today there are several of them. Various Muslim organizations operate in the country. As of last year, approximately 40 percent of school children in the capital were children of Muslim families. In 58 of the 136 schools children of immigrants (mostly Muslims) already make up the majority of students. Breivik concluded that in ten years city of Oslo will be Muslim, and many agreed with him.

“We came to change you!”  (Iraqi Kurd now in prison in Norway):

An Iraqi Kurd nicknamed Mullah Krekar has been living in Norway for over 20 years. “We came to change you. Look at the population growth in Europe where the number of Muslims is growing like a mosquito swarm. In 2050, 30 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim,” he said.

Here comes my nag!  Don’t forget to read about Al-Hijra.  The Islamic Doctrine of jihad by immigration (and how we deal with it) is, in my view, a more significant factor in the future of the West than any terrorist attacks or upheavals in the Middle East making headlines today.

Denmark: Opposition party official suggests unhappy Muslims should find another place to live

Remember yesterday, in a post about Europe and the Arab Spring, here, I reported that writer Anat Berko suggested it will be Western women who lead the way back from the brink of cultural annihilation.

Inger Støjberg Photo: Scanpix

Add Inger Støjberg  to the list!

And, this made me laugh my head off, critics said “her approach to Danish Muslims lacked nuance!”  Nuance!  WTF! (sorry, we don’t use profanity here, but I can’t help myself sometimes!).  Nuance! when Europe is going down the tubes!

From the Copenhagen Post (Hat tip: Fjordman via twitter)

Muslims who show no interest in adopting Danish values ought to think about why they settled in Denmark in the first place, the immigration spokesperson for leading opposition party Venstre argued in an opinion piece published in Politiken newspaper today.

In her piece, Inger Støjberg criticises Danish Muslims who actively try to shield themselves from Danish values and norms and who think that their religious beliefs should not be allowed to be mocked.

Støjberg pointed to a study of Danish Muslims in which 55 percent responded that criticising religion should be banned and 64 percent thought that free speech should be limited in particular circumstances.

“Denmark is the land of the Danes and you are more than welcome to become a Dane and take part in the work and community,” Støjberg wrote. “But to those Muslims who constantly work against us, constantly question us, are unsatisfied, encourage going to holy war in Syria, commit honour killings, belittle our values, flag or way of living – to all of you: Go and find somewhere else to live. No one is forcing you to stay. We accepted you and now it’s up to you to show the necessary respect for our society and the values it is built upon.”  [Of course we all know they are not in Denmark to become Danes, but to change Denmark into a Muslim country.—ed]

Probably squishy men who said this (it’s the same sort of thing they say about Pamela Geller):

Government parties Socialdemokraterne (S) and Socialistisk Folkeparti both said they agreed with the general points made by Støjberg, but that her approach to Danish Muslims lacked nuance.

But, will Støjberg and Venstre go this far?

Spotting an opportunity, Martin Henriksen, integration spokesperson for Dansk Folkeparti, proposed that Venstre should use this opportunity to follow up with strict policies aimed at curbing migration from Muslim countries.

“I think that Venstre and Dansk Folkeparti should join together for the next election with a goal of reducing Muslim immigration to somewhere close to zero. It is the most effective solution to ensure that Denmark will remain socially and culturally united in the decades ahead,” Henriksen said.

By the way, one of the most read posts this year at RRW is this one where Laura Ingraham called for a halt to all Muslim immigration to America.

Addendum: Remember back in 2010 the Ft. Morgan, CO police chief went to Denmark (the trip was paid for by the US State Department) ostensibly to learn how to integrate Ft. Morgan’s Muslim refugee population from a country with lots of successful experience.  Do you think they might send him back now to have a follow-up chat with Henriksen and Støjberg?

Here is our archive of the many posts we’ve written about Denmark and its immigrant population.