Ft. Morgan, CO Police Chief sent to Denmark to learn more about refugees

The trip, sponsored by the US State Department as part of a program to help communities deal with a refugee influx, is detailed here in a lengthy article in the Ft. Morgan Times:

Fort Morgan Police Chief Keith Kuretich spent two weeks in Denmark recently talking with of-ficials about Fort Morgan’s experience with refugees and immigrants, and learning about that country’s situation.

He flew to Denmark along with seven other Americans as part of the World Learning Visitor Exchange Program supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cul-tural Affairs Office of Citizen Exchanges.

The Chief did learn that terrorism is a real problem in Europe with its open borders.

Read it all.

The Ft. Morgan honor killing

I wonder what ever happened with that Ft. Morgan Somali honor killing we wrote about last in May, here.   I wonder if the Chief discussed honor killings with his Danish counterparts?

Now I see, Abdi plead guilty when faced with the evidence that the knife he used to kill his stepsister was taken from Swift & Co. meatpacking plant where he worked (the victim worked at Cargill meatpacking) indicating perhaps that the murder was premeditated.  He would then have to face trial on first degree murder charges.   The article says he was to be sentenced in July, but I don’t see any story on that.

Abdi’s plea bargain effectively sweeps the whole honor killing story under the rug.

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