Outrage! Somalis try to silence mayor of Grand Island, NE…

…and, if they succeed, you will be next!

Boy does this make my blood boil!    Do you remember last Wednesday that the New York Times actually published a front page story about the multicultural tension in Grand Island, NE in the wake of Muslim prayer demands and the subsequent firing of Somalis at the Swift meatpacking plant there?  

The mayor of Grand Island expressed to the Times that the presence of so many Somalis in town made her and others uncomfortable.   Well that is the truth, and it is happening in every town in America where large numbers of Somalis have arrived.

Does it surprise anyone to hear now that Somali COMMUNITY ORGANIZER Mohamed Rage (we’ve heard from him before) says, “She is not fit to be mayor.” 

Actually I am not surprised, but outraged by this overt ploy.  This isn’t just because he is angry with this mayor, this is to send a message to any mayor or elected official anywhere in America that you better not speak the truth! 


An Omaha Somali leader is asking Mayor Margaret Hornady to recant comments she made in a national publication that he says are discriminatory.

In a story that appeared Thursday in The New York Times, Hornady suggested she had difficulty adjusting to the sight of local Somali women in Muslim headdresses.

Hornady said that after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, it “gives some of us a turn.”

Seeing the Somali’s traditional dress reminds her of Osama bin Laden and the attacks on the U.S., she said, adding that she knows it sounds prejudiced and that she’s “working very hard on it.”

Mohamed Rage, who leads the Omaha Somali-American Community Organization, condemned the comments Friday and said he is trying to reach the mayor to address his concerns.

Rage said such comments are inappropriate for a leader, and the city’s Somali community has reacted with shock.

“She’s not fit to be a mayor,” he said. 

Please send an e-mail to the mayor MayorHornady@grand-island.com and give her support!   You might also want to comment at the Grand Island Independent story.

Update October 21:  Blulitespecial sent this news story as a follow-up.  It was mostly a rehash of the story, but the thing that interested me was this:

Zapata (VP of Muliticultural Coalition) doesn’t think the mayor’s comments will set the Mulitcultural Coalition’s progress in the community back at all. But last month’s disagreement at Swift doesn’t help things. Muslims at the African grocery store said about 20 Somalis moved to Lexington to work for Tyson, some stayed in G.I. and are living off of unemployment, and others are working on a lawsuit against JBS Swift.

Do you think some of those 20 arrived in Grand Island with a mission?

From a Smearcasting wannabe

This made me laugh and wonder when I too might have the honor of being on this distinguished list.   Of course I would never presume to be in the company of these great patriots, but maybe in a lower tier.    See Smearcasting’s smears here.

Smearcasting documents the public writings and appearances of Islamophobic activists and pundits who intentionally and regularly spread fear, bigotry and misinformation in the media. Offering a fresh look at Islamophobia and its perpetrators in today’s media, it also provides four snapshots, or case studies, describing how Islamophobes manipulate media in order to paint Muslims with a broad, hateful brush.

If you click on the face of each “Islamophobe” you will get a description of how “hateful” each is.

Hey, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, I said this in the Salt Lake City Tribune this week, will it help me make the list?

Corcoran also objects to the number of Muslim refugees who have resettled in the United States in recent years because she worries about cultural clashes on the scale of those seen in Europe.

Note to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (their name is funny too):    using words like “Islamophobe”, “bigotry”, “fear”, “hate”……racism, xenophobia, nativism and on and on and on, doesn’t work anymore.

Criminalizing criticism of Islam

Elizabeth Samson in the Wall Street Journal reports on attempts by Muslims to shut down speech and other expression critical of Muslims and Islam. She begins:

There are strange happenings in the world of international jurisprudence that do not bode well for the future of free speech. In an unprecedented case, a Jordanian court is prosecuting 12 Europeans in an extraterritorial attempt to silence the debate on radical Islam.

The prosecutor general in Amman charged the 12 with blasphemy, demeaning Islam and Muslim feelings, and slandering and insulting the prophet Muhammad in violation of the Jordanian Penal Code. The charges are especially unusual because the alleged violations were not committed on Jordanian soil.

Among the defendants is the Danish cartoonist whose alleged crime was to draw in 2005 one of the Muhammad illustrations that instigators then used to spark Muslim riots around the world. His co-defendants include 10 editors of Danish newspapers that published the images. The 12th accused man is Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, who supposedly broke Jordanian law by releasing on the Web his recent film, “Fitna,” which tries to examine how the Quran inspires Islamic terrorism.

The author says the Jordanian action is “part of a larger campaign to use the law and international forums to intimidate critics of militant Islam.” She cites the United Nations General Assembly, which recently passed a Resolution on Combating Defamation of Religions. However, it was really about one religion, as the only one mentioned in the resolution was Islam.  And look at this, horrifying on two counts.

More worrying, the U.N. Human Rights Council in June said it would refrain from condemning human-rights abuses related to “a particular religion.” The ban applies to all religions, but it was prompted by Muslim countries that complained about linking Islamic law, Shariah, to such outrages as female genital mutilation and death by stoning for adulterers. This kind of self-censorship could prove dangerous for people suffering abuse, and it follows the council’s March decision to have its expert on free speech investigate individuals and the media for negative comments about Islam.

That’s a good job for a free speech expert in an Orwellian world.

We’ve seen that some countries take their cues from “international opinion” to decide what is allowable. That, I would guess, is how Canada’s Human Rights Commissions came to think their job is to persecute journalists like Mark Steyn whose writings offend Muslims — even though what offends them is Steyn quoting Muslims’ own words. So the UN’s actions are very ominous indeed.

And as for Jordan, their prosecution isn’t just an exercise in talking to themselves. The Jordanian government has asked Interpol to arrest Geert Wilders and the Danish cartoonists and bring them to Jordan to stand trial. Both the Dutch and the Danish governments have refused to turn their citizens over. But if any of the targeted people go to a place that recognizes the Jordanian prosecution, they will be in jeopardy.

So Islamic governments can prosecute people for whatever annoys them, and those people won’t be able to travel to any country that recognizes the prosecution.  Thus does Islam keep encroaching on our lives.

Landowner Moxley sues citizen’s group in Walkersville case

A critical free speech case is developing in Walkersville, MD where the landowner who hoped to sell his property (for millions) to a Muslim group for a religious retreat that would bring up to 10,000 Muslims to the rural town in Frederick Co. MD is now including citizens in his suit.   Landowner Moxley was stymied in his plan by a zoning decision and sued the town (see our most recent post here on Walkersville).

Now comes news he is amending his lawsuit to include not just the town but the Citizens group, Citizens for Walkersville, whose members did not want to overcrowd their town and put a strain on sewer, water and roads and otherwise jeopardize the tranquility of their community.

I am not a lawyer, but this is a very important case and I bet Moxley and his Muslim friends are more interested in scaring people into silence then in extracting big bucks from a little town. 

If Moxley wins does this mean that any group could come along claiming to be a “religious” group that has been discriminated against and shove any sort of facility down a communities throat when citizens speak up to voice their concern for the quality of their environment?

Walkersville landowner David W. Moxley has amended his lawsuit against the Town of Walkersville to include a grassroots activist group that opposed a deal that would have brought a Muslim retreat center to town…..

The amendment targets Citizens for Walkersville, a group that organized opposition to the Muslim group’s plans and dominated public testimony during appeals board hearings in January and February.

In the Aug. 5 amendment to his federal lawsuit, Moxley alleges that “The officers and members of [Citizens for Walkersville] have conspired and worked in concert with town officials to prevent the [Muslim group] from using the Moxley Farm for its religious purposes.”

The amendment alleges that 20 members of Citizens for Walkersville and president Ed Marino and spokesman Steven R. Berryman “participated in the conspiracy to violate [Moxley] and the [Muslim group’s] rights,” and were “motivated by religious and racial discriminatory animus designed to deprive, directly or indirectly, the [Muslim group] of equal protection of the laws.”

In my opinion this suit is meant to silence citizens.

Brian Mosely, Shelbyville reporter, receives award for Somali series

Congratulations to Brian Mosely who took a lot of heat this past December for his hardhitting investigative report on the Somali refugee inlux to this small Tennessee city.   

NASHVILLE — Times-Gazette staff writer Brian Mosely received the state’s top award for investigative reporting by The Associated Press Saturday night, highlighting a total of 18 awards won by the paper in the state’s two major press competitions held this weekend.

Mosely was honored with the Malcolm Law Memorial Award for Investigative Reporting for his five-part series published in December of last year chronicling the influx of Somali refugees to Bedford County.

The Law award for investigative reporting was established by the Tennessee Associated Press Managing Editors in 1973 to honor Malcolm Law, associate editor of The Jackson Sun, who died in December 1972. The award is recognized as one of the most prestigious awards given for journalistic accomplishment in Tennessee. 

Read the rest of the article here.

We followed this story at Refugee Resettlement Watch as it unfolded.   By just discussing the issue of the conflict between citizens of small towns and cities and the refugees from very foreign cultures, especially a culture that resists assimilation,  Mosely was accused of being a racist.       Mosely and his editor at the Times-Gazette must be feeling some sense of having been vindicated by receiving such an important journalistic prize.