Refugee Contractors Counting on US Military to Fight for Increased Refugee Admissions

What do you think?

We have admitted almost 240,000 refugees including interpreters and others who supposedly helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2006 and some former military leaders say it isn’t enough and are pushing for more ‘new American’ Muslims for your neighborhoods.

It sure ticks me off!

Recently one of the nine federally-funded refugee contractors—the International Rescue Committee—crowed that former military leaders had sent a letter to the White House telling the Prez that it was imperative to bring in tens of thousands of additional refugees to help them—the military—around the world.

One of the signers of the letter to Trump is Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark who openly supported the Presidency of Barack Obama.

You can see the letter here.  For anyone who knows even a little about the refugee industry you will immediately recognize the language in the letter as boilerplate refugee industry lingo.

You might also notice that the military brass is mixing apples and oranges when discussing refugee admissions.

There are two major flows for legal ‘refugee’ admissions.

As CEO of the International Rescue Committee, the wealthiest of nine federal refugee contractors, Miliband crowed about the military support for more refugee admissions. Does he want to be sure to preserve his partially-federally funded salary of over $900,000 per YEAR?***

One is the original program set up by the Refugee Act of 1980 that is at present admitting around 30,000 refugees from places like the DR Congo, Burma, the Ukraine and some other African countries.  Our military isn’t actively engaged in those places.  That is the program approaching a critical decision point in the coming days and weeks.

Then there is the newer Special Immigrant Visa Program that admits the supposed military helpers from Iraq and Afghanistan.  It seems that those are the primary places of concern to top brass who have made promises of a ticket to America in exchange for their help.

The numbers of Afghan and Iraqi SIVs are separate from the Refugee Act of 1980 refugees.

[An aside: I argue that if you bring every last Iraqi and Afghan supporter of America to live in the US, what have you left in those countries—only those that hate us!]

Before I even get to the news—An important meeting is scheduled at the White House on Tuesday to discuss setting the cap for refugee admissions in FY2020—ponder these numbers.

From the Refugee Processing Center:

Since October 1, 2006, we admitted 10,917 regular refugees from Afghanistan and 58,371 Special Immigrant Visas through August 26, 2019 for a total of 69,288.

During that same time period we admitted 143,082 Iraqi refugees and 18,508 SIVs from Iraq for a total of 161,590.

Total interpreters for the two hotbed Islamic countries was 76,879!

Really! That many were doing translation services for us? Or did anyone who took out the trash qualify to become your new neighbor?

Isn’t that enough?  And, how many of the military brass who are shilling for the refugee contractors (like moneybags Miliband) are inviting Afghans and Iraqis to their homes, or to their neighborhoods?

Sorry this is getting long, but here is the story you need to read.  From the New York Times (hat tip: Joanne):

Trump Administration Considers a Drastic Cut in Refugees Allowed to Enter U.S.

WASHINGTON — The White House is considering a plan that would effectively bar refugees from most parts of the world from resettling in the United States by cutting back the decades-old program that admits tens of thousands of people each year who are fleeing war, persecution and famine, according to current and former administration officials.

There is much discussion in the NYT article about Trump aide Stephen Miller and his dastardly deeds (like placing loyal Trump supporters at the State Department) to slow the refugee flow into America.

In meetings over the past several weeks, one top administration official has proposed zeroing out the program altogether, while leaving the president with the ability to admit refugees in an emergency.

Another option that top officials are weighing would cut refugee admissions by half or more, to 10,000 to 15,000 people, but reserve most of those spots for refugees from a few handpicked countries or groups with special status, such as Iraqis and Afghans who work alongside American troops, diplomats and intelligence operatives abroad.

Both options would all but end the United States’ status as a leader in accepting refugees from around the world.

The issue is expected to come to a head on Tuesday, when the White House plans to convene a high-level meeting in the Situation Room to discuss at what number Mr. Trump should set the annual, presidentially determined ceiling on refugee admissions for the coming year.


Advocates of the nearly 40-year-old refugee program inside and outside the administration fear that approach would effectively starve the program, making it impossible to resettle even those narrow populations. The advocacy groups say the fate of the program increasingly hinges on an unlikely figure: Mark T. Esper, the secretary of defense.

Barely two months into his job as Pentagon chief, Mr. Esper, a former lobbyist and defense contracting executive, is the newest voice at the table in the annual debate over how many refugees to admit. But while Mr. Esper’s predecessor, Jim Mattis, had taken up the refugee cause with an almost missionary zeal, repeatedly declining to embrace large cuts because of the potential effect he said they would have on American military interests around the world, Mr. Esper’s position on the issue is unknown.

The senior military leadership at the Defense Department has been urgently pressing Mr. Esper to follow his predecessor’s example and be an advocate for the refugee program, according to people familiar with the conversations in the Pentagon.


A senior Defense Department official said that Mr. Esper had not decided what his recommendation would be for the refugee program this year. As a result, an intense effort is underway by a powerful group of retired generals and humanitarian aid groups to persuade Mr. Esper to pick up where Mr. Mattis left off.

Read it all here.

Reducing the numbers in not enough!

A reminder to all! Even if the number of refugees drops to nearly zero (it won’t!), the program will still be in place for a future President to simply put it on steroids to make up for what they will call the “lost Trump years.”

There must be a complete overhaul of the program while Trump is in the White House!

*** I hadn’t checked British national David Miliband’s salary for awhile so imagine my shock to see this from the most recent Form 990 for the IRC.

The IRC received over $500 MILLION from the US Treasury (from you!) in this one year!

Look at these salaries!

You should contact the White House over this weekend and on Monday and tell the President what you think he should do!

Arizona Iraqi refugee arrested in bomb-making plot, media avoids the ‘R’ word

Thanks to reader Julia for sending the story from the Daily Mail with the rather long headline:

REVEALED: Iraqi refugee who planned to carry out terror attacks with bombs he built in Las Vegas was caught in elaborate FBI sting teaching agents to make IEDs with skills he learned in Iraq

Check out the Daily Mail story with photos and a video.  The video mentions that the brother of the alleged wannabe bomber reported that they are Iraqi refugees.

Ahmad arizona
Ahmad Suhad Ahmad

But what interested me more than the actual news is that the US media is once again burying the information about Ahmad Suhad Ahmad being a REFUGEE we welcomed to America.

Ahmad reportedly wanted to bomb someone or something in Mexico.

I searched for a US story to write about and there are plenty, but most didn’t mention the refugee part of the story.  This one was the most interesting.

From The Federalist Papers:

Refugee Caught Making Bombs For Assassination, Media Covers Up Story

A refugee has been caught in the nick of time as he was making bombs to prepare for a terror attack, but the mainstream media wants to hide it from you.

Ahmad Suhad Ahmad, a refugee from Iraq, was caught in an undercover sting operation by the FBI making bombs in his Las Vegas hotel.

This is the reason you have to vet “refugees” as they attempt to flood into the United States.

Not every one of them is a freedom seeking migrant looking for a better life. Some of them want to take yours.

It is also the reason you have to vet stories from the mainstream media as it will do anything to push the idea that all refugees are good and there is no danger.

More here.

Fake News!

And, if I didn’t make myself completely clear in the post I wrote about the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, because the mainstream media fails to tell the general public the full truth about refugees and how the resettlement process works, and about many other issues, conspiracy theories grow and fester.

Unfortunately, it is constant deceptive reporting from major media’s Leftist world-view that produces irrational actions by people who are angered by the continual half-truths they see every day at the Washington Post, the New York Times and on CNN (to name a few of the main culprits.)

And, it is how President Trump’s railing against “fake news” resonates with those now getting most of their news from alternative media on their phones and computers.  They see the full story (both sides!) by reading widely on the internet and feel they have been lied to by the dominant media.

Update: Just as I am ready to post, I see some stories now reporting the alleged bomb-maker’s refugee roots.


CAIR Texas angry that refugee numbers dropping under Trump

No surprise of course, but I thought my Texas readers might like to know.

If you missed it the other day, see my post about the numbers for fiscal year 2018 that just closed on September 30th.

Texas was the number one resettlement state in the nation in FY18. 


From Houston Public Media:

Texas Sees Major Cuts in Refugees from Iraq, Syria in 2018


Texas welcomed 67 percent fewer refugees in fiscal year 2018 than in 2017, down to 1,697 people from 4,768.

Some of the starkest drops in refugee arrivals were from Iraq, Iran and Syria, majority Muslim countries.

Iraqi refugee resettlement dropped from 949 to 25 in Texas. The number of Syrian refugees went from 455 to just one in fiscal year 2018.

Sobia Siddiqui, CAIR TX

Sobia Siddiqui, communications coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Texas Chapter, said the cuts are discriminatory.

“Our president ran his campaign and one of his strongest and most vocal points is that he called for a ban on all Muslims,” said Siddiqui.

She said there are refugee families in Houston who can’t be reunited with family members facing dangerous situations abroad because of the ban.

“There’s a lot of anxiety and uncertainty about if people will be able to have their families rejoin them back here in the United States or even in Houston,” said Dan Stoecker, CEO of The Alliance, which offers refugee services in Houston.

More here.

The Alliance is a subcontractor of the Ethiopian Community Development Council, the smallest, and likely most vulnerable to a federal budget cut, of the nine refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement to the US.

In 2016,  I excitedly reported that the State of Texas withdrew from the US Refugee Admissions Program, but you can see that without a follow-up legal challenge by the state it was a meaningless move.  The contractors now run the program in the state!

Case of Iraqi refugee linked to ISIS exposes failed vetting system under Obama

The UN helped pick him for US resettlement!

Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies poses a wide range of questions about how a man with two arrest warrants in Iraq got in to the US from Turkey in 2014, received extensive benefits from the US taxpayer, and lived here until now undetected.


Follow-Up Questions on Omar Ameen’s Refugee Resettlement Case


I have chosen two questions to highlight the fact that we allow the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and a non-profit Catholic group to do the initial screening of refugees entering the US from Turkey.

BTW, during Obama’s term in office, Turkey was the second highest processing country for refugees entering the US after Kenya.

Do you trust those two agencies to decide who your new neighbors will be?

Continue reading “Case of Iraqi refugee linked to ISIS exposes failed vetting system under Obama”

Security ‘specialists’ and Open Borders activists argue that Trump is doing TOO MUCH vetting of refugees

They claim the Trump Administration is intentionally slowing the arrival of refugees destined for your towns and cities by TOO MUCH security screening.

See my two previous posts this morning: Comey said (as recently as May 2017) that 300 refugees were being investigated for possible terror connections, here, and Trump’s FBI (Department of Justice) has instituted more rigorous screening, here.

But, the Open Borders Left is screaming bloody murder saying that the few refugee terrorists they know of don’t warrant extra screening measures being put in place primarily by the FBI.


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Just a few we know of….circled is Uzbek Islamist and convicted terrorist who tried to kill a California prison warden in 2016. I will bet he isn’t even on the Leftists’ radar screen!


Continue reading “Security ‘specialists’ and Open Borders activists argue that Trump is doing TOO MUCH vetting of refugees”