Sweden: Overweight Somali women in western countries causing increase in some diseases

So, I’m guessing that Sweden doesn’t have its own version of the food police. No Michelle Obama?

Here is one more example of the extra costs related to admitting certain ethnic groups to countries where views on health are diametrically opposed to what it is where they came from.

There are exceptions! Defying the stereotype, Swedish Somali model obviously did assimilate! http://beauty-around.com/en/tops/item/965-most-beautiful-somalian-women

From Science Index:

Physical inactivity presents a major public health challenge and is estimated to cause six to ten percent of the major non-communicable diseases. Studies show that immigrants, especially women, have an increased risk of non-communicable diseases compared to ethnic Swedes. Somali immigrant women have increased rates of overweight and obesity, low fitness levels and low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness compared to non-immigrant women. These findings suggest that Somali women are at increased risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases. Few studies explore determinants of physical activity among Somali women. The aim of this study was to explore Somali women’s views and experiences of physical activity after migration to Sweden. A qualitative focused ethnographic approach was used in this study.

Check it out, there are other articles about problems with Female Genital Mutilation, the problems with lack of Vitamin D (due to being covered all the time) and there is even an article about Somali men in Minnesota not getting exercise.

Another Somali woman who dares to challenge Islam is of course Ayan Hirsi Ali.  Wouldn’t you think she would be embraced by young western women instead of being vilified?

See our complete ‘health issues’ category here.  And, everything you need to know about migrants arriving in Sweden here.

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