Greeley, CO: Refugee advocate worries about backlash against Somalis

Earlier I posted a news round-up of stories on the Somali refugee slasher, see it here.  Then I mentioned there are three (at least) other news stories I wanted to spend more time on.  I posted the first of those here.
And, this is the next one, from the Greeley Tribune.  The story is not about how citizens of Greeley are worried about an Islam-inspired attack there, but whether the Ohio State attack might cause some Americans to say nasty things about Somalis in Greeley. Sheesh.

I took this photo of JBS (previously Swift & Co) headquarters in Greeley, CO on my tour of meatpackers of America this past summer. JBS is a Brazilian-owned company.

Before I tell you the news from Greeley, know that we have an extensive archive on Greeley here at RRW going back years.

Greeley has a Somali refugee population because one of the largest FOREIGN-OWNED meatpackers (JBS) has lured them there to fill the company’s need for cheap legal immigrant labor.

Think about it! A foreign company gets to tap into cheap refugee labor (subsidized by welfare) and change your town forever!
Greeley Tribune (emphasis is mine):

After hearing of the attack at Ohio State University on Monday, Global Refugee Center Executive Director Erich Strehl’s first thoughts were for the victims. [Sure!—ed] Eleven were injured when Somali-born student Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into students and then stabbed many others.

But Strehl’s mind quickly turned [I bet it did!—ed] to Artan’s Somalian heritage and the impact that could have on the community he serves in Greeley, a community already on edge after a contentious election season.

“I thought it was an unfortunate event to have happened at any time, but particularly now with the way things are in the United States with refugees and the program that resettles them,” Strehl said.

Erich Strehl of the Global Refugee Center in Greeley shills for BIG MEAT. Does he understand that?


For the past several years, 100-200 Somalian refugees have taken up residence in Greeley. After a period of time, refugees are no longer tracked, free to go anywhere just like any American, Strehl said. So pinpointing an exact number of Somalian refugees in Greeley or Evans at any one time is difficult. There’s no indication any Somalian-born residents in northern Colorado have violent intentions, as the Ohio State student did. Strehl said attacks like the one at Ohio State serve to terrorize those in the Somali-American community as much as any other American. [The Islamist terrorist at Ohio State had shown no violent intentions either before he went on the murderous rampage on Monday!—ed]

“If anyone gets reprisal outside of the localized incident it would be those who have similarities to the individual carrying it out,” Strehl said.

Although Strehl hasn’t heard specifically of verbal or physical attacks against local Somalian refugees, he knows there is uncertainty and concern in the community. It was that way when Donald Trump became president-elect, particularly among Muslim refugees.

“The concern has only been heightened, particularly in this last attack,” Strehl said.


“We did communicate with local police and even the FBI,” Strehl said. “There didn’t seem to be any known threat against refugees here.”

This last is about making sure that they firmly implant the idea that the victims here are Somali refugees!

For more at the Greeley Tribune story, click here.
When you visit our Greeley archive, don’t miss Greeley’s role in the formation of radical Islamic thinking! As they populate Greeley you can be sure the Islamic supremacist thinkers get a great chuckle out of that fact!
Also, we had written so much about Greeley and Swift a number of years ago, we had a separate category just for the on-going controversy there—-the epicenter of conflicts over Muslim demands for special accommodation in the workplace.  Click here.

Laugh of the day: see what Soros is spending money on to help refugees

I have much more to say about the subject of Refugee Resettlement as a business opportunity (with humanitarianism as the cover for those with a financial interest) for another day.  However, I came across a list of companies working to benefit refugees and got a chuckle out of the write-up on Soros, here.

Soros Fund Management pledges to invest up to $500 million in companies leveraging their resources and ingenuity to aid refugees worldwide, doubling down on the premise that the private sector can lead global change. These investments will target startups, established companies, and social impact initiatives, including businesses started by refugees themselves. While investments will cross a variety of sectors, Soros sees particular potential for emerging digital technologies to help refugees gain access more efficiently to government, legal, financial, and health services, thereby improving the quality of life of millions around the world.

Translation: Soros wants to be sure the refugees have ready access to “services” (aka welfare) = your money!

I don’t understand why these globalists are never concerned about American/European poor people!

Up next! Niagara Falls to become 'welcoming' refugee resettlement site

We learned months ago that the US State Department had been secretly assessing the feasibility of 47 new sites in which to place some of Obama’s last wish—110,000 refugees for America in FY2017.
Those 47 would presumably be in addition to the 110-200 listed here. (oops! The State Department’s Refugee Processing Center has taken down some of the handiest links we could previously access. Sure hope it is just temporary and not a further effort to keep information from the general public.)

Seneca Niagara Casino needs workers, so Niagara Falls will get a refugee office. Starting wages must be too low to attract Americans! I wonder who owns this Casino? No time to find out right now….

Because there is no published list of new sites we can only assume that is because the federal government and its contractors do not want to tip off any citizens who might object.
We have been listing all those we learn about (see list below).
But here is the latest news on Niagara Falls from Buffalo News.
The Jewish resettlement contractor says there are jobs there for refugees—what as waiters, maids and janitors in hotels catering to tourists?

As many as 50 refugees from one of the world’s troubled spots are likely to resettle in Niagara Falls next year as Jewish Family Service of Buffalo and Erie County expands its services northward. [It is just the beginning, the numbers will increase each year and there is no stopping it once a contractor has set up shop.—ed]

The U.S. State Department recently approved Jewish Family Service’s application to begin refugee resettlement in the Cataract City [nickname—ed], said Marlene A. Schillinger, the local group’s president and CEO.

Jewish Family Service will be the first refugee resettlement agency working in Niagara Falls, and Schillinger said it makes sense to do so.

“There’s capacity for this in Niagara Falls,” she said. “There are employment opportunities.”

Many refugees who have resettled in Buffalo have taken jobs at the Seneca Niagara Casino, and Jewish Family Service hopes some of the new arrivals who settle in Niagara Falls will do the same.

Jewish Family Service has been working with Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster and the Niagara Falls School District to prepare for the refugees’ arrival.

“You can’t just plop people down there,” said Peter Scott, career services program manager at Jewish Family Service, who will supervise the new operation.

They say the community is all fine with it! Does the community even know?

Democrat Mayor Paul Dyster supports the arrival of the federal refugee resettlement program to Niagara Falls. See his bio here:

And despite fears that refugees from Syria might be a terror threat, “we have not had any pushback from the community,” Scott said. “And there’s certainly an economic benefit.”

Dyster could not be reached for comment, but Schillinger and Scott said the mayor has been supportive, hoping a refugee influx in Niagara Falls could revitalize neighborhoods and stem falling population, just as it has in Buffalo.


Fewer refugees have arrived in America recently from Burma, the destination that has been the source of a majority of Buffalo’s refugee influx in the past 15 years. But Burma remains one of the top five home countries for refugees moving to the U.S., along with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Iraq and Somalia.

One thing the good citizens can be sure of is that the refugees will most likely be Muslims from Iraq, Syria and Somalia.  Even with the Burmese, large numbers now arriving are Burmese Muslims (which won’t make the Burmese Christians living there very happy!).  Just so you know, only a handful from DR Congo are Muslims.  However, Niagara Falls officials need to know they will get a mix of refugees and they don’t get to choose their favorite ethnic groups.
You should know that this Jewish agency is a subcontractor of the major federal resettlement contractor Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

New sites!

Here are some of the new sites being chosen by the US State Department (that we know of!).  We are adding Niagara Falls, NY. If anyone there is interested in learning more, check out our ‘Ten Things Your Town Needs to Know‘ by clicking here.
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted as a primary resettlement site!)
Charleston, WV (expansion of what was a very small program)
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Poughkeepsie, NY
Wilmington, DE
Watertown, NY (maybe)
Youngstown, OH (maybe)
Storm Lake, Iowa
Niagara Falls, NY

Lancaster County, PA refugee economic study is misleading

If everything is so copacetic in Lancaster County, then why did it go 57% for Donald Trump?

This is what the Left is so good at—writing studies that are not completely accurate to paint a positive picture of the economic impact of refugees on a community and then use it as a news-hook.
But, in this case the study (the propaganda!) which concluded that immigrants/refugees economically benefit Lancaster County, PA was produced by the real driver of the Open Borders movement, not the Leftwing, do-gooder, ‘humanitarians,’ but business interests who want the ready supply of cheap labor—-the Chamber of Commerce and Bloomberg’s New American Economy cheered on by federal refugee contractor Church World Service which receives most of its funding from you, the taxpayer.  [For more on the New American Economy, go here.–ed]

NEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 15: Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg speaks at a press conference announcing a new initiative between the Clinton Foundation, United Nations Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies, titled Data 2x on December 15, 2014 in New York City. Data 2x aims to use data-driven analysis to close gender gaps throughout the world. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
Do not trust any propaganda from leading Open Borders advocates like Bloomberg: “Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg speaks at a press conference announcing a new initiative between the Clinton Foundation, United Nations Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies…” (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

The article at (fake news?) seems to be promoting refugee resettlement, but when you look closely, the educated and hardworking immigrants cited are mostly not refugees—they are Vietnamese (we only take a handful of refugees from Vietnam now), Mexicans, Germans!, Dominicans, and a smaller number of Cubans which we do take as refugees, but shouldn’t be!
But, the most important and misleading aspect of the story is that there is no information in the study about what the refugees/immigrants cost Lancaster County and the federal taxpayer for welfare, subsidized housing, food stamps, medicare, the criminal justice system and a biggie—education for the kids.
The low wages Tyson Foods and other big global corporations pay their labor is supplemented by you, so of course the business community loves this model!

Lancaster County is Donald Trump land. The president-elect won 57 percent of the 240,000 votes cast there, compared with Hillary Clinton’s 38 percent.

The county of about a half-million people also is home to fast-growing numbers of immigrants and refugees – 23,094 as of last count – whose rate of growth from 2009 to 2014 was nearly double the rate for the county as a whole. Nationwide, immigrants and refugees were among groups often lambasted by candidate Trump.

VP Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Cheryl Irwin-Bass.

But in Lancaster County, according to a study released Tuesday, foreign-born residents have had “an outsize” positive impact on the local economy, and in 2014 contributed $62.8 million to Social Security, $16.4 million to Medicare, $52.5 million in state and local taxes, and $103.3 million in federal taxes. Their spending power was estimated at $440.5 million.

The study was a joint project of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Lancaster County Refugee Coalition. It was conducted and underwritten by the bipartisan New American Economy, a Washington nonprofit whose cochairs include former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter.


“With the very serious workforce challenges the business community faces, the findings in this report will help us to more fully leverage every person in this county,” Cheryl Irwin-Bass, vice president of the chamber, said when she presented the study at her group’s annual State of the County event.


The study cites manufacturing and health care as industries in which immigrants have played important roles. Some refugees have obtained jobs at Tyson Foods. [I wonder if refugees who sign up abroad to come here are forewarned about the meatpacking jobs they are expected to fill—ed]


Church World Service has an office in Lancaster City, and the refugees she helps include Syrians who have had to flee their war-ravaged homeland. The top five immigrant groups are from Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Germany, and Cuba. [Mostly NOT refugees—ed] continues here.

Rally earlier this year against more refugees for Lancaster. Trump voters!

Forget humanitarianism, it is all about money!

If I have done nothing else with this post and years of work on the subject of Refugee Resettlement I hope I have gotten one important message through to you dear reader—-Refugee Resettlement in America is NOT first and foremost about humanitarianism, it is about big business and cheap labor!
I’ve written a lot about Lancaster (Amish country) over the years. My interest began in 2007 when it was Lancaster’s spillover (there was some problem with crime there we were told by our police chief) that came to my county in western Maryland.
Go here for my archive on Lancaster. See especially posts where some very unhappy citizens protested against more refugee resettlement and where the school system endured a very expensive lawsuit filed by lawyers for refugees (I bet Bloomberg didn’t include that cost in his study!).

Maine immigration lawyer: we are too old and too white!

That is the same thinking that got Europe into such deep trouble—the idea that one must welcome hordes of diversity in order to, what? still have enough people to buy cars or rent apartments, or require teachers—to fuel the economy.  And, they pretty much say it in this article at a small town newspaper in Maine, to wipe our old white butts in nursing homes!

Immigration lawyer Jennifer Atkinson: Maine a “bastion of whiteness.” Not good for Maine or my business!

Watch, I’ll be accused of being a white nationalist (oh wait! I already am labeled as such!) just for writing about this story.
But, it isn’t me saying this, it is an immigration lawyer whose livelihood depends on more immigration just as a used car salesman looking for refugees to sell to (not disparaging used car salesmen!) does, or a nursing home owner who is trying to get workers at the cheapest hourly wage he can get!
Here is the story from Maine. ‘Lawyer, employer encourage hiring more refugees‘ which reports that refugees are now being spread out further from the normal resettlement sites in Maine (thanks to Catholic Charities).

“Why are we so old?” immigration attorney Jennifer Atkinson asked a small crowd gathered Nov. 16 for a talk about her work, hosted by the Camden Conference at Rockport Opera House.

“Look around…” she said. “We’re white. We’re so old because we’re so white.”

She put the area’s demographics bluntly, calling the Midcoast “a bastion of whiteness” within the oldest and whitest state in the country.


While some residents might be content with this, Atkinson said it doesn’t bode well for Maine’s economy or its future.

When you read these next lines consider this:  I’m white and old enough to remember when the pressure on all of us college grads was to have ONLY two children or risk killing the planet.  Guess who didn’t listen to that—the rest of the brown world didn’t listen! Heck we have 9/11 mastermind KSM telling interrogators that they are going to take us over by outbreeding us!

Statistically speaking, there is a correlation between whiteness, oldness and slow population growth.


Maine’s aging and decreasing population (the state had a net loss of 928 people last year) leads to cascading problems: low school enrollment, pressures on budgets, strains on services — especially health care — and declines in the working-age labor force. [928 doesn’t sound like a lot to me!—ed]


“To grow we have to be willing to become more racially diverse,” Atkinson said, “because that’s where the growth is, in non-white communities.

“There’s always the option to reach out to refugees and asylum-seekers,” she added, fully disclosing that doing so would be good for her Friendship-based practice, but also would benefit employers and the community as a whole.

Who is taking care of the old white people in nursing homes?

I don’t have time to discuss the next section, but you should read it, here.   It is about a nursing home owner who has figured out that he can hire refugee labor probably much cheaper than a Mainer.  When making arguments about why they hire refugees they NEVER admit it is about the hourly wage.  They could probably find Americans for this work if they paid a decent wage!  But, that would mess up their bottomlines!
(Your tax dollars subsidize the family’s needs when wages are too low.)
LOL! Big business owners are always pretending they are doing God’s work by hiring refugees!
Having had some experience with nursing homes in recent years, any one of you considering finding one for your elderly family member, especially one with some form of dementia, make sure that all those caring for your loved one (no matter their skin color) SPEAK ENGLISH WELL.  It is hard enough for the mentally impaired as it is, and they need to be able to communicate well with a nursing aid. Something as benign seeming as a urinary tract infection can kill if not detected in time.

Questions I want answered: 

Why is that Leftwingers are always pushing for more population growth (to fuel the economy) when they must know that growth of that sort will necessarily bring some degradation of the environment—more cars, more roads, more houses, more school construction, less open space, etc?  I don’t get it! If there is some Open Borders Leftwinger who would like to explain it to me and our readers, I would very much welcome a guest column.
And this too? Why all the yammering at whites to have only 2 kids, I don’t see any of you nagging the Arabs or the Africans to do the same thing.
See our Maine archive by clicking here.