Baltimore: Crime/murder rates up, police force shrinking, and we are told refugees are bringing boom times

Of course consider the source of this glowing tale of how Baltimore’s economy is on the mend thanks to the large numbers of refugees and immigrants helping to revitalize the community.  The fluffy story is being peddled by non-other than Think Progress (think George Soros and John Podesta!).
But, first don’t miss the news from Reuters just two days ago about how Baltimore can’t find enough policemen for a dwindling force while the murder rate skyrockets.

One reason Baltimore is in deep trouble. Photo:

Does it ever occur to the social engineering geniuses in the refugee resettlement industry/open borders movement that social unrest in inner cities could be coming from forcing ethnic diversity on a struggling African American community?  Do the American citizens see the special treatment refugees receive and does that cause some of the simmering anger to explode? (Remember we learned here that rioting blacks targeted the Arab-owned stores in those riots last year.)
Here is the Think Progress story that begins with the usual warm and fuzzy tale of a refugee ‘making it’ in Baltimore. (Don’t forget our news from yesterday about the storytelling propaganda campaign being spearheaded by the UN’s ‘The Hive.’)
We know from our research that refugees receive special grants and other loan programs that allow them to purchase homes and businesses—programs not available to the local African American community. Refugees also have special auto purchasing programs funded by you.

Some local politicians see refugee resettlement as a way to revitalize their cities and to harness talent and skills for entry-level jobs that many native-born Americans may not necessarily want to do. [What is this, ‘may not necessarily want to do?’ Might they necessarily want to do it if wages were higher? Aren’t wages depressed when large numbers of low-skilled refugees move in?—ed]


Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has seen the value in resettling refugees in her town. Foreign-born workers earned about $1 billion in wages in 2011, with immigrants holding more than 27,000 jobs. They also own 21 percent of the city’s businesses, about three times more than the native-born population, a Baltimore City government report found. Beyond Baltimore, many other cities have found that resettling refugees could help grow the economy by allowing refugees to buy homes, learn English, and eventually become citizens. [Think Progress of course does not report on how much the immigrants take from the community in social service costs, school expenses, and certainly the criminal justice system!—ed]

Continue reading here.

So the star of this story came to the US after being an illegal alien in Malta!

Switching subjects!  This is the first time I have seen a media reference to the fact that ever since the Bush Administration the US State Department has been scooping up aliens/economic migrants who came to the island nation of Malta from North Africa ILLEGALLY, and presto-chango declaring them refugees!  I’ve been writing about this subject for almost nine years, this is just one recent post.
Do you know that when someone lands in Europe (for example) and asks for asylum that they are to be granted asylum in the first country in which they land (or rejected for asylum). But, the George Bush State Dept. changed all that for Malta.  We now take hundreds of Malta’s illegal aliens/economic migrants off their hands and transport them to America!
So, the star of Think Progress’s story was not a real refugee.  He was an alien who got to Malta and was living there for several years before, as he says, he chose to come to America!  WTH!  (See here, he was not a refugee!)

Admitted as a refugee to the United States in April, G.T., who asked for his real name to be withheld because he still has family back in Eritrea, didn’t always have a life this consistently American. He spent nine months trudging through Eritrea to Sudan, then another four months to Libya. From there, he took a perilous journey by boat to Malta, where he worked for three years and four months. While his own journey to Malta happened a few years before the European Union began facing a crush of refugees from Africa and the Middle East, his trek was hardly different from the one undertaken by millions of refugees traveling across the Mediterranean Sea.

In Malta, G.T. was happy “when I heard that there was a chance to go to America. Everyone knows that America has good opportunities,” G.T. told ThinkProgress in a phone interview. “That’s why I prefer to choose to come here.

Endnote: Think Progress ironically illustrates its story with a photo of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor which was created when some very rich and powerful developers, working in collusion with elected officials, condemned the homes and apartments of many of the city’s poor (including African Americans!) to develop the Inner Harbor. So poor people got the shaft and the supposed champions of the poor at Think Progress are apparently too dumb to know. One more reminder that ‘humanitarianism’ is only the cover used by the rich and powerful to line their pockets.

If Syrians safely go home (to Syria!) today for EID, are they still legitimate refugees?

The answer of course is NO!  Legitimate refugees are people escaping persecution of one sort or another. Economic migrants and even people staying out of war zones are NOT real refugees!

syrian border
If Syrians move back and forth across Turkish/Syrian borders, are they really persecuted refugees fearing for their lives?

I’ve been remiss in not reporting this fantastic essay by two former US asylum judges in which they define very carefully the definition of a refugee (or legitimate asylum seeker)—a definition that we believe has been intentionally perverted so that anyone in the world on-the-move is considered a refugee.
Serious students of the Refugee Admissions Program must read ‘Blurred lines: Migrant vs. Refugee’ by the Hon. Mahlon F. Hanson and Hon. Elizabeth A. Hacker posted last month at the Immigration Reform Law Institute. (Hat tip: Joanne)
Then ask yourselves, if Syrians “return home” to Syria for the holidays are they truly refugees? Or, are they economic migrants using the conflict as an excuse to move up in the world (at your expense!).
From TRT World:

Thousands of Syrian refugees in Turkey are returning home to Syria to mark the Islamic festival of Eid al Fitr which commences Tuesday.

Turkey temporarily relaxed controls at the Cilvegozu border crossing in its south-eastern province of Hatay last week, allowing Syrians with foreigner cards—those issued to refugees—to pass into northern Aleppo.

The border will remain open till 5pm local time on July 5, the start of the three-day holiday. Syrians returning to Turkey are obliged to do so before July 8 or face being barred from the country.

Turkey regularly opens the border to allow Syrians to return home for Eid holidays.

Why does the political Left and open borders aficionados on both the Left and Right want everyone to be a REFUGEE?
First because refugees are eligible for all sorts of welfare/services.  They  are free to work in the country in which they have landed, they can bring in the extended family, and they will ultimately become citizens of the countries in which the UN places them.  Why the political Right doesn’t see that they will ultimately vote the R’s (in America, in Europe the Right gets it) out of office is beyond me.  But, it seems that the Republican supporters of Open Borders see the dollar signs as the refugees are ready cheap labor for their big donors and the R’s get to wear the white hat of humanitarianism as an added bonus!
Of course there are surely larger forces than some on the American Right and Left driving the No Borders movement worldwide, but who or what is doing that is beyond my understanding!
This post is archived in our ‘immigration fraud’ category (808 previous posts) among other places.

How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Related update: See that Chobani has a new Lesbian ad that has fired-up one group of Moms! Click here.
And, it informs us about one reason why Donald Trump says the Chamber of Commerce is no friend of America!
I had to laugh this morning as CNN talking heads were scratching theirs about why Trump would go after the Chamber of Commerce which they described as reliably Republican and conservative. No longer!

The Chamber at the national level and in many cities and counties is being run by Democrats or Open Borders Republicans.

Chobani twin falls plant
Chobani brags that it built this massive $450 millon plant in 326 days. I would like to know if any shortcuts were granted by officials at all levels of govt. who surely had to approve the project on environmental grounds.

The most important points you need to know about what refugee resettlement is all about comes together in the wake of that awful sexual assault of a little girl in Twin Falls, Idaho by migrant boys (they still refuse to call them refugees).
Local government officials lashed out at citizens who wanted answers because they needed to shut them up—why? Because this city is invested in Chobani Yogurt’s largest plant in the world which is in turn dependent on cheap refugee/immigrant labor (some call it slave labor!).
By suggesting that a large refugee population may not be good for your town, you ruin their carefully crafted narrative.
Refugee resettlement is about MONEY and power and to hell with whether it changes the social, economic and cultural makeup of your home town or threatens your security. So-called humanitarian compassion is the cover for a lot of very dirty business.
Calling you hateful or racist is how they shut up anyone who dares to look more deeply into the scheme that includes foreign interests (many of the big meatpackers drawing refugee labor are foreign owned!), the UN, the US State Department, Dems looking for voters and everyone involved, including the so-called ‘religious charities, looking to line their pockets while telling themselves they are doing God’s work!
In another Hohmann/WND investigation on the situation there we learn that the Mayor of Twin Falls, who gave a sanctimonious speech when citizens became emotionally enraged by the bits of the story that were leaking out about the sexual assault of the little girl (were the accused boys’ family members working at Chobani, that is what I would like to know!), is also the President of the Chamber of Commerce and was instrumental in bringing the massive Chobani Yogurt plant to the city.
We have previously told you about Chobani, and that its CEO and founder Hamdi Ulukaya, is from Turkey.  Yesterday, he responded to Obama’s call for large corporations to hire more refugees with a ‘yes sir’ happy to do it!   See that news, here.

***Important update*** 

Bloomberg has scrubbed its story from yesterday in which they reported that Chobani Yogurt was one of the companies responding to Obama’s call to hire additional refugees. Apparently they have not promised to do so!  What is up with this???? In January Hamdi Ulukaya was reported at the World Economic Forum at Davos saying he would urge other companies to hire refugees, has he changed his mind about his own company, see hereSure looks like it!

Corrects to remove reference to Chobani yogurt hiring additional refugees in ninth paragraph

Now, here is what Hohmann learned (read this story, recognize the pattern!):

WND has learned that Barigar was instrumental in recruiting Chobani to Twin Falls back in 2011, and he now plays a dual role of elected official and president/CEO of the local Chamber of Commerce.

Barigar, a Democrat, has been in leadership roles with the Chamber for 11 years. During that time he has also served two stints on the city council, with a gap between January 2008 and January 2012 in which he was not part of the city government.

It was during that gap, but while he was running for office in 2011, that he was busy working to lure Chobani to Twin Falls.

“I was a member of the recruitment team that recruited Chobani to Twin Falls in 2011,” Barigar told WND in a phone interview Thursday.

Read the whole thing, see the pattern as clear as I’ve ever seen it, and look for this happening in your town!  Citizens of Rutland, VT, Missoula, MT, Asheville, NC, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV, etc. read this. 

People ask me all the time what they should do, and frankly after doing your homework and getting your facts (including info. on campaign contributions), you are going to have to work to remove elected officials who are working to change America by changing the people and are worshiping the all-mighty dollar while they do it!
Endnote: When I looked at that photo and reflected on the speed with which this plant was built, I’m thinking someone with an investigative bent could write a book about this whole project, how it came to be, and how it has changed the town of Twin Falls forever. You can visit our Twin Falls archive, here, to start your research. Be sure to see this older post here at RRW about the expanding mosque there (who is paying for it?).

Asheville, North Carolina! You are next! Federal refugee contractor has come to town

There were some other things to write about this morning, but here we are, once again, telling you about the latest town targeted by the UN/US State Department and the International Rescue Committee to be the among the new sites for placement of mostly Middle Eastern and African refugees.
And, the amazing thing is that there are apparently no efforts being made to hide the fact that one of the drivers of this effort is the need by some hotel chains (planning new hotels in the area) for maids and janitors.
Note to ‘humanitarians:’ you are being used!
From the Citizen-Times:

ASHEVILLE – A global aid and humanitarian organization is exploring the possibility of making Western North Carolina a resettlement site for refugees.

Representatives from the International Rescue Committee met with local residents at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on Wednesday to discuss the feasibility of a preliminary plan to relocate 150 people fleeing persecution in their home countries to the Asheville region.

If plans move forward, the first household could come as early as next spring, J.D. McCrary, executive director of the IRC office in Atlanta, told the crowd of more than 50 people. Others would arrive over the ensuing 12 months, he said.

Just like everywhere else, the IRC has been holding meetings and greasing the skids BEFORE word got out to the citizens of Asheville.

Donald Trump is right about the Chamber of Commerce—it is not friendly to conservatives and those who have concerns about immigration and preserving jobs for Americans!

The IRC has been meeting with city and county officials, as well as other interested stakeholders such as the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, throughout the week, McCrary said.

JD McCrary
J.D. McCrary, executive director of the IRC office in Atlanta

“I am happy to tell you that your community is very, very welcoming.” he said. “This is a wonderful, wonderful town and you should be very proud of that. “

Available, affordable housing might be the greatest hurdle to a viable resettlement, McCrary said. There are jobs here. Some 1,700 new hotel rooms are coming in the next year and those hotels need workers. 

Could Marriott be one of them? See Marriott wants maids, here.
The heck with “marginalized” African-American citizens!
The Citizen-Times continues:

Some worried how a local resettlement would impact Asheville’s already marginalized African-American and Hispanic communities. Others wondered if Asheville could meet the needs of a resettlement.

Click here for more.
Are you interested in forming a ‘Pocket of Resistance?’
Anyone with concerns in Asheville first needs to learn more about the International Rescue Committee (I bet we have a hundred posts on them here at RRW, use our search window).  See also our Frequently Asked Questions, here.
Don’t miss ‘Ten things your town needs to know’ here.
See also this excellent write-up just yesterday about Radford, VA (another new target site).
And, you need to especially pay attention to what happened when the IRC tried to open an office in Athens, GA.  Here is just one post with links to follow.  McCrary arrogantly said the feds would decide if there were going to be third-worlders resettled in Athens and not the Democrat mayor!
Remember readers this is all happening because Obama is dramatically increasing the numbers of refugees admitted to the US and he is assuming that Hillary will be elected and will put the program on steroids, so the federal resettlement contractors are all out scouting new towns (having worn out their welcome in some of the 200 or so other towns and cities they are flooding).  
I think they also are assuming that if they get dozens of new offices opened, it will be harder (should Trump win) to get them all closed probably for years as the new administration gets settled in.  And, by then the seed community has been planted!

In my 9 years of writing about refugees I have not seen such a huge campaign to expand the number of towns to be seeded (colonized!).

Add Asheville to our growing list which includes Missoula, MT, Ithaca, NY, Radford, VA, Reno, NV, Rutland, VT, Fayetteville, AR, and Charleston, WV (am I forgetting any?) which I have written about in recent months.

Tomorrow Obama will nag businesses to give jobs and stuff to refugees

In September Obama and Justin Trudeau will be hosting a refugee shindig at the United Nations and so in advance of that Reuters tells us Obama will be pressuring businesses (starting tomorrow) to give more jobs to refugees, and more goodies too.  I guess he wants to brag at the UN this fall.
But, wait, aren’t we being told ad nauseum that refugees are self-sustaining within months of arrival and boosting the local economy wherever they are placed?  Can’t have it both ways!

Power with O and H
The sooner these three are gone the better off we will be! Power, Obama and Hillary want our borders erased.


The White House will on Thursday rally businesses to give jobs to refugees ahead of a September summit where U.S. President Barack Obama will urge world leaders to boost humanitarian funds by a third and double the number of refugees being resettled.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said on Wednesday that the Obama summit during the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations would also aim to get one million refugee children in school and one million more refugees access to legal work in the neighboring countries they fled to.

“The summit is by no means a panacea; even if we hit every target, our response will still not match the scale of the crisis,” Power told the United States Institute of Peace, adding that it would boost the number of countries trying to help.

“We need businesses, big and small, to do more too; which is why tomorrow, the White House is launching a private sector call to action, which will rally companies to do their part, from providing jobs to donating services to refugees,” Power said.

So does that mean some low-skilled Americans will lose their jobs so a refugee from Africa or the Middle East can have it?
I’ll have more to say tomorrow.