There were some other things to write about this morning, but here we are, once again, telling you about the latest town targeted by the UN/US State Department and the International Rescue Committee to be the among the new sites for placement of mostly Middle Eastern and African refugees.
And, the amazing thing is that there are apparently no efforts being made to hide the fact that one of the drivers of this effort is the need by some hotel chains (planning new hotels in the area) for maids and janitors.
Note to ‘humanitarians:’ you are being used!
From the Citizen-Times:
ASHEVILLE – A global aid and humanitarian organization is exploring the possibility of making Western North Carolina a resettlement site for refugees.
Representatives from the International Rescue Committee met with local residents at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on Wednesday to discuss the feasibility of a preliminary plan to relocate 150 people fleeing persecution in their home countries to the Asheville region.
If plans move forward, the first household could come as early as next spring, J.D. McCrary, executive director of the IRC office in Atlanta, told the crowd of more than 50 people. Others would arrive over the ensuing 12 months, he said.
Just like everywhere else, the IRC has been holding meetings and greasing the skids BEFORE word got out to the citizens of Asheville.
Donald Trump is right about the Chamber of Commerce—it is not friendly to conservatives and those who have concerns about immigration and preserving jobs for Americans!
The IRC has been meeting with city and county officials, as well as other interested stakeholders such as the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, throughout the week, McCrary said.

“I am happy to tell you that your community is very, very welcoming.” he said. “This is a wonderful, wonderful town and you should be very proud of that. “
Available, affordable housing might be the greatest hurdle to a viable resettlement, McCrary said. There are jobs here. Some 1,700 new hotel rooms are coming in the next year and those hotels need workers.
Could Marriott be one of them? See Marriott wants maids, here.
The heck with “marginalized” African-American citizens!
The Citizen-Times continues:
Some worried how a local resettlement would impact Asheville’s already marginalized African-American and Hispanic communities. Others wondered if Asheville could meet the needs of a resettlement.
Click here for more.
Are you interested in forming a ‘Pocket of Resistance?’
Anyone with concerns in Asheville first needs to learn more about the International Rescue Committee (I bet we have a hundred posts on them here at RRW, use our search window). See also our Frequently Asked Questions, here.
Don’t miss ‘Ten things your town needs to know’ here.
See also this excellent write-up just yesterday about Radford, VA (another new target site).
And, you need to especially pay attention to what happened when the IRC tried to open an office in Athens, GA. Here is just one post with links to follow. McCrary arrogantly said the feds would decide if there were going to be third-worlders resettled in Athens and not the Democrat mayor!
Remember readers this is all happening because Obama is dramatically increasing the numbers of refugees admitted to the US and he is assuming that Hillary will be elected and will put the program on steroids, so the federal resettlement contractors are all out scouting new towns (having worn out their welcome in some of the 200 or so other towns and cities they are flooding).
I think they also are assuming that if they get dozens of new offices opened, it will be harder (should Trump win) to get them all closed probably for years as the new administration gets settled in. And, by then the seed community has been planted!
In my 9 years of writing about refugees I have not seen such a huge campaign to expand the number of towns to be seeded (colonized!).
Add Asheville to our growing list which includes Missoula, MT, Ithaca, NY, Radford, VA, Reno, NV, Rutland, VT, Fayetteville, AR, and Charleston, WV (am I forgetting any?) which I have written about in recent months.