"Alternative safe pathways" could bring ten times more Syrians to your towns than first proposed

You knew didn’t you!  You knew that Obama and the United Nations would not be satisfied with a paltry 10,000 Syrian (mostly Sunni Muslim) “refugees” for your American towns this year!  (I had previously cheered the fact that Obama was seemingly dragging his feet and might not reach his goal. Many of you, loyal readers, would have none of it! You were right!)

obama and hillary
Obama will get ‘alternative safe pathways’ in place and Hillary will carry it out. My friends, stopping her is the only way we can save America.

Now comes news that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is pushing a new concept (because the word ‘refugee’ has become a dirty word). It is called “safe pathways.”
This week Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies reported (see news here) on the backdoor scheme to try to trick Americans leery of opening their arms and wallets to thousands of inadequately screened Middle Eastern REFUGEES.
Besides speeding up the refugee screening process itself, they will just expand family reunification to third-cousins-once-removed (just kidding, but barely). They will give struggling colleges special deals to invite Syrian ‘students’ to room with your kids. And, this to sweeten the pot for greedy global corporations, give special worker visas for the creation of a mobile workforce.
Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily yesterday gives us all the gory details.  Here is how he begins:

President Obama and Congress have agreed to fund the permanent resettlement of 10,000 Syrian refugees, but the number of Syrians entering the U.S. over the next three years will end up being much larger.

Possibly up to 10 times larger, says one analyst who follows the global refugee movement. And it’s all about to be done under the radar of Congress with nearly zero media coverage.

Fresh evidence to that effect has come from the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees Filippo Grande and a statement by the U.S. State Department. Together, those statements indicate the U.N. has many more Syrians in store for the U.S. than what Obama has publicly acknowledged.

“Refugees” are out “safe pathways” are in!

“Often when they talk about numbers it’s a bit opaque,” says Nayla Rush, senior researcher for the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. “They want to permanently resettle 480,000 (into countries outside of Syria), but that’s not enough. There will be resettlements but then other routes, ‘alternative safe pathways,’ as stated by the U.N. high commissioner, who is using a new word, ‘pathways.’

Continue reading here.
This is all that matters…..
If you are thinking that Obama has only a few months left, that is still plenty of time to get this in place for Hillary who, you know, will carry on his diabolical legacy of changing America by changing the people.
It is really important that you are aware of the stealthy plan to seed America for not just the remainder of Obama’s term, but for years to come, and vote as if your future depends on it!  It does, and not just yours, but your generations to follow!

Heads-up Aberdeen, South Dakota! New resettlement site being proposed

Update: State Department admits today that the Syrian Sunni surge to America is on, and readers that is why you will see many more stories like this one from South Dakota—they need to find places to put them!
People ask me all the time, how will I know if my town is next?  The only way you will know is by picking up little tidbits of information like this from South Dakota Public Radio.  Hat tip: Joanne

Mike mayor
Aberdeen Mayor Mike Levsen: ““We need workers, and we certainly would be glad to have more friends and neighbors and more children in our schools and more cultures that we can learn from.” [And you get to pay for it all while big business gets cheap labor!]
There is no organized advanced planning for the secretive UN/US State Department resettlement sites.
There is no proper notice to communities. There will be no input from you, the taxpayer paying for all of this.  The process is one big free-for-all with federal contractors, like the Lutherans here, scrambling (especially now!) to find ‘welcoming’ communities with government subsidized housing as the Obama refugee surge has moved into high gear.
[Please see my previous post on the 100-mile radius, because as they move them out from the bulls-eye, they create ever-expanding target ranges for resettlement.—ed]
And, as you read and listen to the public radio story, I want you to think about this!
As infuriating as it is, it is one thing to sign the new refugees up for their “services” (aka welfare, food stamps, education, medical care), but now we see an expanding need to follow previously resettled refugees around the country as they move on their own to make sure they have a federal contractor to hold their hands to get their “services” wherever they move!

Do they ever stop being ‘clients’ of federal contractors?

And, notice that when “integration” is discussed (not ASSIMILATION) that integration seems to be linked somehow to their “services”— to their welfare?  What! no integration without a connection to the taxpayer teat?
From South Dakota Public Radio:

South Dakota could eventually have another direct resettlement site for refugees. A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. Currently any refugees who migrate to South Dakota arrive in Sioux Falls or Huron. A number of them choose to secondarily migrate to Aberdeen, and officials are considering making that city a direct resettlement site.

Tim Jurgens
Tim Jurgens, State Refugee Coordinator. SD is a Wilson-Fish state (see what that means below).

Tim Jurgens is the State Refugee Coordinator. He directs the Center for New Americans with Lutheran Social Services. Jurgens says he and others are trying to figure out the number of refugee eligible individuals that currently live in Aberdeen, to see if there’s a need to make it a direct resettlement site.

“Currently if they secondarily migrate into Aberdeen, so they arrive somewhere else, and they secondarily choose to move, it creates a bit of an issue,” Jurgens says. “Because when folks secondarily migrate, you don’t necessarily have all of the information you want or need for effective integration. Secondly, the funding is not necessarily going to be there immediately to assist the community. And then third, it’s just that you don’t know what services they’ve already achieved or already had, so you have to really restart that process for appropriate integration from a delayed time frame. So those would be the advantages to being a direct resettlement site.”

In summary, they can have a much faster delivery system of your money to refugees if they have an office in your town!

By the way, the Lutheran Social Services office in Huron is within 100 miles of Aberdeen, so there is no reason to set up a satellite office!
There is much, much, more to get you angry, continue reading here.
Some in North Dakota get it!  Come on South Dakota! Your governor could stop this in a heart beat!
As a Wilson-Fish state (see TN close to filing a States’ rights lawsuit) there is no role for elected representatives of the people in South Dakota, decisions are made about who is resettled there by Lutheran Social Services and the Obama Administration.

Just now as I had a look at other news here at RRW about South Dakota I was reminded of the 2014 Iraqi refugee sex trafficking case, here.

And, don’t miss this, there is some sort of funny business between BIG Meat (cheap immigrant labor)/the city and a federal immigrant visa program in Aberdeen already.

Interview with Anne Richard (Asst. Sec. of State) is revealing!

We learn that Irish immigrants at one time were as dangerous for America as Islamic terrorists and that refugee kids are cute!
Anne Richard cspan
I just want to give you two quotes from the woman who is at the top of the food chain when it comes to bringing third worlders to your towns.
Anne Richard is the Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration. She is one of several government employees involved with refugee resettlement who move in and out of government as employees first of federal contractors. (She was previously a VP at the International Rescue Committee.)
This is an interview with NPR where she knows her emotion-driven audience:
First, while responding to questions about terrorists getting in to the US as Syrian refugees, she equates the situation now with when the Irish came to America in large numbers (an aside: always remember that when the great waves of Irish came, they could not access welfare!).
Here she suggests that fear of them at the time is on the same level as our fear of ISIS today.

RICHARD: No, I think we’re trying to put together the best program possible. What I worry about the political discussion is it endangers this American tradition. And we have seen in the past that, you know, the Irish were too dangerous to bring in because they were going to be drunkards and hotheaded and backward.

And, further along in the interview, she demonstrates that she is driven by emotion (or at least trained to use that appeal)!
To me, to us, this is about being clear-eyed about the economic and social welfare of our communities.  This is about public policy decision-making.  This is about the costs to our economy. This is about whether there are unemployed Americans seeking work.
This is not about whether immigrants are nice people or their kids are cute!  
One of their favorite tricks (watch for it in your community) when you question the wisdom of inviting large numbers of impoverished people to your town, is that they want to drag out the poor refugees/immigrants as pawns to parade them before you in order to pull on your heart strings.
Here is Richard’s revealing comment to NPR:

RICHARD: Well, I meet a lot of refugees. And I find that when people meet refugees, they get it. They get the fact that these are families and that these are people who are really struggling and that they are resilient because they’ve already survived getting out of their countries. And so I think that Americans need to see more of the faces of refugees like I have. When you meet the individuals, the families, they have kids that are cute. They have grandparents who are wise. They have parents who are caring and want to help everybody.

I am sure all of those things are true, but they still don’t stack up to a clear-eyed economic analysis about whether mass migration of very needy people is good for American wise grandparents, caring parents, and cute children!
One more thought (I’m laughing when I think of it!):  Imagine the next time there is a refugee-promoting meeting in your town, and you bring out some impoverished senior citizens, some out of work vets, a few disabled Americans in need of subsidized housing and some poor/hungry American children to demonstrate your point.  Can you imagine the howls of outrage on the other side that we might play their same game!

Is yours one of the top cities targeted by globalists and immigration activists for third world resettlement?

A reader sent this article from a Partnership for a New American Economy (Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch etc) working with federal contractor ‘Welcoming America’ (archive here) to target cities (some counties/states) ripe for flooding with migrants of all sorts.

Marriott wants maids! One of the fat cats working to bring in immigrant labor to compete with Americans is Bill Marriott, Chairman of the Marriott Corp. and one of the leaders of this propaganda effort. I avoid Marriott hotels in my travels. http://www.renewoureconomy.org/featured-members/bill-marriott/

I wrote about them here  at RRW before (and here at American Resistance), but am finding that since new readers arrive every day, I need to occasionally repeat vital information.
Here are the cities selected where open borders activists and other local groups will be given grants to soften up the community to accept the joys of multiculturalism being brought to them largely by nine federal resettlement contractors.  Watch for propaganda campaigns that involve some elected officials in local government.
And, ask yourselves why these financial fat cats care so much!  The answer: it is all about cheap immigrant labor and the free flow of it around the world for big corporations represented by these fat cat globalists.
They must tamp down the resistance they are meeting from average working Americans who don’t want to pay for their greed through job losses for Americans and taxpayer-funded welfare goodies to immigrants!
Watch for the PR media campaign in these cities:

Akron and Summit County, OH
Anchorage, AK
Birmingham, AL
Brownsville, TX
Columbus, OH
Detroit, MI
Fargo, ND
Houston, TX
Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, KS/MO
Lancaster, PA
Los Angeles, CA
Macomb County, MI
Nashville, TN
New Orleans, LA
Phoenix, AZ and Arizona State
Pittsburgh, PA
San Jose, CA
Salt Lake County, UT
Upstate NY Region (Syracuse/Buffalo, NY)

Continue reading here.
We are up against a lot of BIG MONEY hiding behind a veneer of humanitarianism.  It would be so interesting to see who these globalists are supporting in Election 2016!
By the way, Grover Norquist works closely with this cabal, see here.

Iowa jobs programs for refugees could cost state taxpayers hundreds of thousands

The story is from the Des Moines Register today (hat tip: Joanne).

State Senator Bob Dvorsky
Iowa State Senator Janet Petersen (D) is working to find the money for more refugee “services” in the state budget.

Hey, folks in Montana and Wyoming, listen up!  When the wannabe refugee contractors tell you that the refugee resettlement program for your state will cost your state and local taxpayers zip, zero, nada, refer your elected officials to this article about the need for a jobs program and more “services” for the 10,000 refugees who have been placed in the state.  (Apparently the meatpacker employers don’t pay enough!)
$350,000 is being sought from the state legislature to help fund RefugeeRise and it’s “advocacy” efforts on behalf of (mostly Burmese?) refugees who don’t have enough “services.”
Of course, the first question I have is where is the refugee resettlement agency that placed them in the first place, aren’t they already being paid to help refugees get “services” and jobs?
RefugeeRise appears to me to be yet one more taxpayer-funded subsidiary of an expanding refugee industry.
This is, after all, an industry!