Thanks to all of you who have been encouraging me to keep the news coming about refugee issues here and abroad. However, the best I am going to be able to do is to give you a few stories that interested me over the last couple of weeks—stories that might not have been widely viewed.
You will see that the Invasion of Europe is on-going. Yikes! Poland now.
And, you might get a chuckle out of the fact that the contractors are fuming over their man in the White House and the fact that the US Refugee Admissions Program is limping along (except for the huge rush of Afghan Muslims being distributed in places that have heretofore not seen many refugees) like not far from me in Frederick, MD where the Lutherans are now opening a new office.
And, getting ready for future refugees—those fake refugees they call climate refugees—are places like Fayetteville, Arkansas of all places.
Check out John Binder at Breitbart for news on Biden’s Afghans. And for other immigration news seeBorderhawk every day!
And, use my search window for background research as there are over 9,000 posts archived here!
“Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.”
(Boston Globe columnist, Marcela García)
The refugee news from the last week primarily revolves around two main themes—the ‘children’ surging across the US border and where to put them before releasing them into the country; and why Biden has yet to sign the document to start the flow of third world refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East to Anytown, USA.
The ‘children’ as we have been reporting in recent weeks are not refugees even as the open-borders-promoting mainstream media wants you to believe they are.
The mostly teenagers are illegal aliens hoping to claim asylum, or so they say.
The vast majority will never achieve refugee status because most will never appear in any asylum adjudication process, and even if they did show up few could prove that they were persecuted in their home country.
Also, as I have been saying, the largest number of those getting in are older teens who will soon age-out of the system altogether. In one story this week a weak attempt was made to answer the question—what happens when they age-out?
What happens to unaccompanied migrant children when they turn 18?
They must find a sponsor—-what a joke!
Moving on to the other major theme of the week, the mystery deepens—so why hasn’t Biden signed the annual determination document that would lift Trump’s low number from 15,000 refugees to 62,500 for the fiscal year?
Refugee contractors heads are exploding as their man Chairman Joe isn’t removing Trump’s refugee ceiling.
His State Department already told Congress that the Administration wants 62,500, an absolutely unattainable number as the fiscal year ends in a little over 5 and a half months.
But, no Biden signature yet!
What surprises me most is that the refugee contractors*** who have a pipeline into the State Department, a pipeline that was functioning during the Trump years, don’t appear to know what the hold-up is.
However, a theory is developing—Biden doesn’t want to look TOO PRO-IMMIGRANT!
The crisis on the border alone tells us it is a little late for that!
Everyone with eyes can see that the Biden/Harris administration is the most PRO-immigrant and most Americans-last administration of all time.
Is Biden afraid of appearing too soft on immigration?
The official name of the malady is xenophobia. Donald Trump did everything he could to spread the condition, and it still infects us. [LOL! They can’t resist whacking Trump!—ed]
Unlike Trump, President Biden doesn’t fear displaced foreigners who fled their homes due to civil conflict, natural disasters, persecution, or systemic violence. Nor does he blatantly use them as handy political props. Still, he may be afraid of appearing soft on immigration, just as some were labeled soft on crime a generation ago.
That could be one explanation for why Biden hasn’t reversed Trump’s historically low refugee admissions cap of 15,000 annually, leaving many in the resettlement world baffled. It could also be that the administration is consumed with managing the influx of migrant children at the US-Mexico border.
Regardless of the reason, Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.
The Globe opinion piece directs us to an exchange that happened at a White House press briefing with Jen Psaki on Thursday. The reporter is not identified:
Q Gotcha. And then, a quick follow-up. Why haven’t refugee flights continued at this point? Last month, the President did announce that he intended to raise the refugee cap before the typical, you know, end of the fiscal year —
MS. PSAKI: Yeah.
Q — where it traditionally happens. That hasn’t seemed to happen yet. Why haven’t those flights continued?
MS. PSAKI: He remains committed, but I don’t have an update on the timing of the flights.
Q Does it have anything to do with the fact that resources are going towards the border at this time? Or —
Incidentally, the Biden team has put the Temporary Protected Status program on steroidsdemonstrating that their pro-immigration policies are moving full steam ahead, except (strangely) for the Refugee Admissions Program.
Here we see the not wanting to look too PRO-immigrant theme continued at the Buffalo News:
Refugee numbers drop in Buffalo – and Biden isn’t boosting them
Privately, some refugee advocates speculate that Biden is delaying opening up refugee resettlement so long as undocumented immigrants continue crossing the border with Mexico in record numbers, perhaps fearing political blowback from any move that might be seen as pro-immigrant.
Why is Buffalo so eager for more refugees?
Dear readers, this is a major reason why Democrats want refugees!
Democrat-run cities are dying and they see that moving the third world to their cities will be their ticket to saving them and their own political power. Nevermind that you pay for it both financially and culturally.
The Buffalo News continues….
Biden’s inaction has prompted a growing sense of frustration among those long have backed refugee resettlement as a key cog in stabilizing or even growing Buffalo’s population, such as Rep. Brian Higgins.
“Buffalo is among the most successful refugee resettlement cities in America,” said Higgins, a Buffalo Democrat. “President Biden should immediately lift the previous administration’s arbitrary and cruel refugee resettlement limits.”
By the way, besides the fact that dying cities need bodies to keep Dems in power, it isn’t just the Democrats. The globalists (including Republicans!) push for cheap labor, as outlined in a lengthy, but well worth reading treatise at the Last Refuge, explains more.
The mystery deepens and frustrations grow as Biden still has not signed the all important Determination to begin the admission of the 62,500 FY2021 refugees his State Department consulted Congress about more than month ago.
As I reported a couple of weeks ago, refugees were ready to fly into America from throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East when we learned that plane tickets were canceled because Biden had yet to sign a document that would begin this branch of the invasion.
There are only 6 months left in this fiscal year, so getting 62,500 resettled throughout the country would be a major undertaking as it represents a number not seen in decades.
Here The Hill on Thursday published an opinion piece by Mary Elizabeth Margolis from a new political lobbying group that promotes refugee resettlement and the candidates who push for changing America by changing the people.
There are fewer refugees being resettled to safety in the U.S. right now than there were during the last year of the Trump administration. Read that again.
Mary Elizabeth Margolis
For refugee protection advocates, hopes for a Biden administration have been high.
From the beginning of his campaign, President Biden promised he would quickly restore American leadership by rebuilding the historically bipartisan life-saving refugee resettlement program — which was decimated under the Trump administration. It’s the reason we at Voice for Refuge, the only refugee focused 501(c)4, heartily endorsed President Biden.
To his credit, after inauguration President Biden quickly signaled his intent to follow through on his commitment to support refugee resettlement. Through executive action, he rescinded the previous administration’s wrongful refugee bans and laid the foundation to strengthen refugee protections and increase refugee admissions.
President Biden also announced his plan to increase the refugee admissions goal, known as the presidential determination, for the remainder of this fiscal year to 62,500 — from the historic low of 15,000 — and then to 125,000 for Fiscal Year 2022. This change would also end the Trump-era guidelines harmfully restricting which refugees could be resettled, which had made even meeting the tiny existing goal nearly impossible. The harm caused by the overly restrictive refugee categories cannot be overstated.
As the administration met its legal obligations to consult Congress on the revised refugee admissions goal, it seemed as if it would only be a matter of days before families would be reunited and American communities would be able to start welcoming more refugees home. Flights were booked, apartments were prepared, and then nothing.
President Biden has not been forthright with why this delay is happening.
LOL! Not being “forthright!” Just imagine the language they would be using if this was Trump!
More here. We also learned that Biden has not chosen an Assistant Secretary of State for PRM to oversee the program.
The Refugee Council USA is the long-standing consortium of groups that lobbies for refugees and includes the nine federal resettlement contractors*** and a whole host of open borders groups.
One of their favorite activities is to gin-up letters and here on Wednesdaythey did just that.
Over 200 groups sent Biden a letter demanding he get moving on opening up the flow from around the world, including from those terror producing countries that Trump had restricted.
We elected you so get moving buddy!
PRESS RELEASE: More than 200 local, state, and national organizations urge President Biden to sign a revised refugee admissions goal
Today, Refugee Council USA and 208 local, state, and national organizations sent a letter to President Biden, urging him to follow through on his promise to refugees around the world.
See the letter here to see who exactly is trying to flood America with third worlders. In addition to national groups there are groups listed by state.
And, along with the usual contractors and ‘religious’ charities, CAIR is listed, as is Islamic Relief USA and even Codepink!
BTW, RCUSA tracks monthly admissions to the US, see here.
Dragging out Jimmy Carter…..
Jimmy Carter is the granddaddy of the US Refugee Admissions Program and Senator Joe Biden helped create it!
I missed this news last week, but it’s worth adding here.
This is Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society using Jimmy Carter to chide Biden.
On the anniversary of the Refugee Act, Biden needs to act
Mark Hetfield of HIAS
On Feb. 12, the Biden administration made the case in a 15-page document to Congress that the White House intends to issue an “emergency presidential determination” to reset the U.S. refugee resettlement program because of “grave humanitarian concerns” and “the public interest.”
The Biden administration’s subsequent failure over the last five weeks to address what is, in its own words, an “emergency” is both perplexing and harmful.
The now deceased Senator Ted Kennedy was the chief sponsor of the Refugee Act of 1980, Biden helped get the bill passed and Jimmy Carter signed it into law on Saint Patrick’s Day 1980.
With the stroke of a pen, Biden can reverse the harm that Trump has caused the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, raise the refugee ceiling from its current all-time low and, most importantly, end discriminatory policies barring refugees based on national origin.
Yet, in spite of the good intentions expressed on Feb. 12, Biden has merely continued all of the Trump administration’s refugee resettlement policies.
As a nation of immigrants and refugees, we now wait for Biden, who as a young senator wasa co-sponsor of the Refugee Act, to restore the promise of the act and the American tradition of being a welcoming country.
I’ll begin this week with high praise for Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who introduced legislation in the House of Representatives that calls for a moratorium on immigration.
It will go nowhere, but she deserves much praise for doing something the Republicans rarely do—she went on the offense!
The foolish GOP chickens, time and again, simply react to what the Dems are pushing and virtually never stake out a position that forces the Socialists to counter them.
Trump did it brilliantly and they all hated him for it. And, that is why they want to get rid of Marjorieas well!
I heard Greene interviewed by Greg Kelly on Newsmaxand Kelly seemed a bit nervous when he asked her if she meant a moratorium on all immigration and she said, no, just illegal immigration.
Kelly looked relieved. Although it is simply a guess on my part, I figure that he has swallowed this line and has been repeating it everywhere:
ILLEGAL immigration is bad, but LEGAL is good!
When I hear someone say that, usually a politician, I know that they don’t know what the hell they are talking about (or they think you are too dumb and uninformed to counter them!).
Don’t they know how screwed-up the LEGAL US Refugee Admissions Program is (I have over 9,000 posts archived here to prove it)?
Don’t they know about all the LEGAL temporary refugees who stay here for decades under the ridiculously named Temporary Protected Status label?
Or, what about the LEGAL Diversity Visa Lottery (aka Green Card Lottery) where 50,000 migrants a year are admitted to the US after winning a lottery—a program that exists thanks to the now deceased Senator Ted Kennedy who created it because he claimed we don’t have enough diversity in the US.
Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC)
And, that brings me to the news that you are all hearing, every day and all day, that the US border is being overrun by child refugees.
First, the “children” are mostly teenaged boys as I reported hererecently.
Secondly, readers need to understand that these “children” are NOT refugees.
Supposedly they plan to ask for asylum which if granted would make them refugees and give them all the rights of refugees we select and bring to America through the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). However they are not refugees when they arrive. They are illegal aliens.
Finally, most will never even fit the definition of a legitimate refugee who must prove that he or she is being persecuted, has left their country, and cannot safely return to his/her home country. The UACs are largely economic migrants.
Seeking a better life and/or running from crime are not legal grounds for refugee status.
I think the Open Borders agitators knew that by pushing legislation two decades ago that put the (mostly) teens’ care under the umbrella of the Office of Refugee Resettlementit would (further) muddy media understanding and cement in the public mind that they are refugees. They are not!
And, as you know, they are eventually coming to a town near you with the help of at least a couple of the nine refugee resettlement contractors.***
Two contractors that are paid to take care of the kids are the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
View the number of unaccompanied children released to sponsors by stateand by county.
The Hill reported yesterday that apparently, since Biden’s inauguration in January, the US border has been breached by 15,000 UACs:
Number of migrant children in US custody passed 15,000: report
The number of migrant children in U.S. custody has passed 15,000, CBS News reported Saturday.
Records reviewed by the network showed that the government has about 15,500 unaccompanied migrant minors in U.S. custody. Over 5,000 unaccompanied minors are currently held in a tent holding facility run by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other stations along the U.S.-Mexico Border as of Saturday morning.
And to put that in prospectivehere is data at the Office of Refugee Resettlement on past years. See that in the entire FY20, that UACs were at 15,000.
However, there were many Trump years that saw very large numbers of mostly teenaged youths entering the US.
And, btw, I have finally begun hearing commentators on Newsmax say that the “children” are mostly teenagers. It is about time!
Moving on to other refugee news….
It is a great mysterythat as of a couple of days ago there was still no news about Biden signing a Presidential determination to admit 62,500 refugees into the US before September 30th.
As I reported in the first week of March round-up, refugee plane tickets are being cancelled and the so-called banned Muslim refugees have not begun entering the US.
Checking the (limited!) data just now at the Refugee Processing Center, I see that we have admitted only 1,779 refugees in the first 5 months of the fiscal year. The 2020 fiscal year began on October 1, 2020. That is a long way from 62,500 with only 6 and a half months to go.
It is interesting to note that the cabal at the Refugee Council USA, the Washington, DC based lobbying arm of the refugee industry, is silent about Biden’s (their man!) failure to sign the determination.
Biden is however, getting some negative media attention for his failure to agree to the 62,500 admissions proposal his State Department has already put forth. See this headline:
Biden wants credit for reversing Trump’s refugee policies. So why has he left them in place?
In more round-up news LGBTQ refugeesare in need of mentoring.
In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the contractors. They worked to ‘elect’ Biden and as taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people. Americans Last! is their motto!
See my category News Round-upfor previous posts. Round-ups have been sporadic over the years, but I am trying now to do them regularly.
First up this week to lure you in (before I get to some more important, but less titillating news) is today’s post at ‘Frauds and Crooks’which could just as easily have been posted here first.
Know that almost all Somalis in America arrived in the US as refugees (you paid for them to come with your tax dollars) or are the children of refugees.
The resettlement contractors*** and the US State Department salted them throughout the country including in Tennessee.
A new campaign by the refugee industry is calling on Chairman Joe to get behind the idea of allowing colleges to sponsor refugee families!
This is one more ploy to find more places to ‘welcome’ refugees and it’s a twofer as far as they are concerned—it will help indoctrinate your college students to the supposed joys of diversity as the push is on for so-called ‘action civics’ as I mentioned at ‘Frauds and Crooks’on Tuesday.
More Than 50 Organizations Call Upon Biden Administration To Pursue Campus Sponsorship of Refugees
At first when I saw this news, I assumed that 50 colleges were begging for refugees, but check out the letter, here, and see that the signatures are the usual refugee industry activist groups (including Americans for Prosperity/Koch Brothers, and a few of the resettlement contractors) and only a smattering of colleges are backing the idea.
For my Minnesota friends, St. Cloud State signed the letter.
Another bit of news this week that you need to keep an eye on going forward is this.
The refugee industry wants to make sure that a President could never again lower the ceiling on refugee admissions as Trump did.
Pay attention to this news too! In 2014, Obama began a likely illegal program involving Central American children who could be processed into the US as refugees from their own countries. Trump abolished the program, but now Biden has reinstated it.
They think that if they can process ‘kids’ (mostly teens) into the US from their own countries it will slow the rush on the border. It won’t.
And, by the way, remember that fleeing violence is not a criteria for a legitimate determination as a refugee. Over the years the open borders Lefties have expanded the definition and just assume they will get away with it because they are rarely challenged in court.
Biden restarts program to help migrant children fleeing violence in Central America
State news…..
Here is news from a few states. I think the refugee industry lobbyists have sent out marching orders to their “affiliates” and asked them to gin-up warm and fuzzy stories on refugees for local media consumption.
Refugee coordinators are in the process (right now!) of figuring out (along with the contractors) how many refugees can be accommodated in certain towns and cities in your state.
Get in touch with them and get as much information as you can about plans for your state by being friendly and courteous. Your goal is to get information first, so it is also best to not be a know-it-all. You won’t learn a thing if you start by antagonizing them.
***For New Readersthese are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House, are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, and they have succeeded in getting the new administration to promise to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for next year FY2022—that is the highest it has been in 29 years.
The 62,500 number is for the remainder of FY21. FY21 ends in less than 7 months.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting struggling Americans last!
See my category News Round-upfor previous posts. Round-ups have been sporadic over the years, but I am trying now to do them regularly.