As I have reported often over the years, then Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors*** of Senator Ted Kennedy’s Refugee Act of 1980 that among other things created a tax-payer funded gravy train for federal refugee contractors masquerading as charities.
Hypocrisy alert!

However, old Uncle Joe has never put his money where his mouth is and Delaware has received only a tiny fraction of the impoverished refugees in need of support from local taxpayers over the last nearly 4 decades.
All that could change now as Delaware governor John Carney is begging the feds for (more!) refugees and the states largest and most populous county, New Castle County, said YES weeks before the governor did.
Here is what Carney told the US State Department in a letter dated December 10, 2019:
Our country has historically been a refuge of safe harbor for those fleeing war~torn countries, violence, and political persecution. We should continue to stand as a beacon of hope and freedom for people around the world. In that spirit, as Delawareans, we are proud to do our part, and continue to accept the resettlement of refugees.
They have no shame! Do their part?
Heck, they can have Texas share this year!
According to the US State Department data base at the Refugee Processing Center, Delaware has only ‘welcomed’ 171 refugees since the beginning of fiscal year 2003. (Data before 2003 is not easy to access.)
Well it is a small state you say!
It is twice the size of Rhode Island which took in 3,122 poor third worlders in the same time period.
Now it’s time for Delaware to put up or shut up!
Presidential candidate Joe Biden says he will up the number of refugees to be admitted to the US to 125,000 in his first year in office—that is a number way above anything the Obama Administration admitted. He announced his immigration goals here in December:
Biden wants to stop the Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from parents, end extended detention and reverse restrictions on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, according to his campaign. At the same time, Biden wants to create a pathway to citizenship for about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S., expand access to work visas in areas of economic need and boost the annual U.S. refugee admissions cap to 125,000 from the current 18,000, among other provisions in the plan.
It should be clear to all America Firsters that Trump must get four more years.
*** These were the Senate co-sponsors in 1979 that deserve the blame for creating this dysfunctional UN-driven refugee program.
Sen. Javits, Jacob K. [R-NY]
Sen. McGovern, George [D-SD]
Sen. Randolph, Jennings [D-WV]
Sen. Pell, Claiborne [D-RI]
Sen. Ribicoff, Abraham A. [D-CT]
Sen. Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [D-NY]
Sen. Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [D-NJ]
Sen. Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [D-MI]
Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]
Sen. Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR]
Sen. Tsongas, Paul E. [D-MA]
Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]