Knowledge is Power IV: How to Find Out Who is Being Resettled and Where

Back in early November, before I launched my series of posts I’m calling Knowledge is Power (KiP) I told readers how to use the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center sometimes simply referred to as Wrapsnet.

I’m re-posting this as part of my KiP series because I often receive e-mails from readers asking me who has been placed in their state/city/town.

As much as I would like to do the searches for you I can’t and once you learn how to do it, you can have a lot of fun searching around.

But, one note of caution, refugees can and do move and this data only applies to what is known in the industry as ‘primary resettlement.’  It is ‘secondary’ migration that is changing some communities significantly as refugees move from where they were placed by one of the nine federal contractors*** to join others of ‘their people’ in ethnic enclaves growing in many areas of the country.  They want to live with their own kind of people!

For a brief time a few years ago the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) did publish information on ‘secondary’ migration but I haven’t seen any such data for a long time.


Here then is how to use the Refugee Processing Center database (from a post I wrote in November 2019):

Go here.

Click on ‘reports’ in the right hand corner.

Then click on ‘Interactive reporting’ (there are useful data in the other categories), but for today’s lesson it is ‘Interactive reporting’ that you want.

You will get a screen that looks like this:

For the first exercise I picked the first choice:  MAP.

A screen opens that asks for your start date and the last date. I chose November 1 to today, the 9th.  It asks for nationalities and provides a drop- down (I chose all) and I chose for sort order ‘number of individuals.’

And presto, I got this map (below) to show where 563 refugees were placed between November 1 and today.  On the page after the map I can see the numerical breakdown for all of the states that ‘welcomed’ refugees over the last week.

As usual Texas is numero uno!

(Reminder! These are just refugees admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Program, not unaccompanied alien children, not Special Immigrant Visa holders, and not asylum seekers!)



Now go back to the first screen and see your other choices for searches.  You can find out which ethnic groups were placed in which cities in your state.

When choosing parameters for the ‘arrivals by destination’ search, choose ‘fiscal year’ and ‘destination.’  Just for fun I did Minnesota.  Here are the ‘new Minnesotans’ that arrived this week [that was the first week of November 2019.—ed].

You can find out the religions of refugees arriving (although not by state). And you can even find how many kids are coming (cost to your schools!) and how many senior citizens will be coming to collect their SSI.

I’ve never been able to find out which contractors settled which refugees.  It might be there somewhere and if you find it let me know!

Now try it yourself!

See the previous installments of Knowledge is Power by clicking here.


*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

A ‘religious’ message from CWS’s “ministry!” CWS is one of three federally funded contractors suing to stop the President’s effort to reform the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program.

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

Go here to see that the nine contractors sucked down over $3 BILLION in federal grants in the last 11 years.

(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.


Pennsylvania: Catholic Charities Shopping for New Refugee Sites within 100-Mile Radius

And, they are accompanied by a paper company executive who wants a small community nearly 60 miles from Harrisburg, PA to ‘welcome’ refugees the company wants to employ.

I have been saying for twelve years that there is an unholy alliance between businesses seeking cheap labor and ‘religious’ resettlement contractors acting as their head hunters!

Additionally, in case you thought I didn’t have my facts, here we see clearly that this US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ subcontractor*** is talking about the 100-mile radius from their office in which refugee resettlement agencies can place refugees.

We should be thanking the President for his September Executive Order even if the contractors succeed in killing it in the courts because we are learning new things every day and citizens like those in Juniata Terrace, PA, like those in Beltrami County, MN, are being educated.


Catholic Charities is out and about lining up new locations within a hundred miles of Harrisburg!


From The Lewistown Sentinel (emphasis below is mine):

JUNIATA TERRACE–The public was out in full force Tuesday night for the Catholic Charities group presentation of their refugee resettlement plan to the Juniata Terrace Borough Council.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg is 35% taxpayer funded. An additional 40% of their income is ‘service fees’ which I assume taxpayers are funding as well.

Anne Lusk and Amin Habeeb [Egyptian see here.—ed] from Catholic Charities spoke about the resettlement to the public and the council. Lusk and Habeeb wanted to lay out the facts so the council and the public had a better understanding of the program. The resettlement will not be happening any time soon. [But they are getting people primed because they think that when the Dems regain the White House, the gates will open wide.—ed]

Programs like this are popping up all over the country and Pennsylvania is no exception. Lusk spoke on the major presence of resettled refugees in areas like Lancaster County, noting that Cumberland County had also recently passed the program for their area.  [Juniata Terrace is in Mifflin County so it appears the county itself has not consented (so far).—ed]

Seeking locations within 100-mile radius!

The program is based out of Harrisburg and is attempting to resettle refugees within a 100-mile radius. These refugees are fleeing issues in their home country, whether religious prosecution, war or other struggles.

Catholic Charities lining up future locations!

For now, the charity is visiting different locations in Mifflin county to provide information to the boroughs so they can decide whether to adopt the program at a later time. The refugees who are part of the program are “very educated and very hard workers and are respectful to the community,”according to Lusk.

She has no idea if the refugees are “educated” and “respectful” because Catholic Charities, nor the county or state, is permitted to choose refugees—they will get what they get from anywhere in the world: impoverished and uneducated Congolese or demanding Somalis, or Iraqis who think low-skilled work is beneath them, for example!

We are paying for Catholic Charities to act as an employment service!

Here we see that Catholic Charities is working with business interests to supply them with workers! What the h*** ! Why are we, taxpayers, paying for this!

Donald Chapman III, president of Nittany Paper, was also present. Chapman contacted the Catholic charity for help finding workers for the paper company as they look to expand. The positions would be full-time. According to him, bringing in the refugees would not take away from the jobs for county citizens. The program is meant to have a positive impact on the local area as a whole.

The program would integrate, at most, 10 families and settle them into the area. They would have a jobs at Nittany Paper and a living space near the company, making transportation to work easier. [Living space near the company? Is the company paying for that, or are the taxpayers shelling out for the housing?—ed]

Attending members of the public expressed concerns about the program. Several citizens were worried about crime and an increase in drug problems if the resettlement were allowed. The public also expressed concern for how the community will support the influx of people. Tensions ran palpably high during the presentation, with several agruements breaking out between citizens. The Catholic Charities group will be present at next month’s Lewistown Borough Council meeting, according to Lusk.

Many thanks to The Sentinel!

*** I’m going back to correct my ‘Knowledge is Power III’ post where I said I didn’t have a list of the Bishop’s subcontractors.  I found it in the course of researching this story. Go here to see the long list of subcontractors working for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.