In Oregon: “A beautiful cycle of charity?”

On Sunday I reported that Democrat writer Steven Roberts (of the DC/NYC bubble) had posted a syndicated column praising Republican governors for betraying the President’s first effort to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program and opening their welcoming arms to more refugees for their states that will ultimately cost state taxpayers millions to care for.

I asked if the Burmese refugee, Esar Met, who raped and murdered a Christian girl in Utah was part of the “beautiful cycle of charity” and suggested you write a letter-to-the-editor if the column shows up in your home town paper.

He especially focused on Utah’s Governor Herbert in his stunningly fluffy piece about how refugees are the most wonderful people, helped by benevolent Christian charity doled out by the likes Church World Service and World Relief, and that they also provide workers to companies looking for unskilled employees for low wage jobs.

But, nary a mention of any cultural upheaval or criminals  that come along with welcoming certain ethnic groups from Africa, Asia and the Middle East—refugees like Esar Met.

Roberts’ implication of course is that our President is a nativist SOB for wanting to halt the “beautiful cycle of charity.”

This morning I see Roberts’ column is published in an Oregon newspaper—at Coos Bay’s The World.

If we don’t remember, it didn’t happen, right?

But, I remember (it is my job to remember) and likely you do too because I reminded readers at Frauds and Crooks’ recently:

Memory Lane: Somali Refugee Planned to Bomb Oregon Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony


Mohamed Osman Mohamud is a refugee (you raised to adulthood with your tax dollars) who told an FBI undercover operative that it was a “sin” for him and his family to live in the US. So he figured he might blow up some Americans as a jihadist?


Once again, I recommend that if you see Roberts’ fluffy, puffy piece in your paper that you write a response letter-to-the-editor praising the President for trying to keep us safe—for putting Americans FIRST!