These are the train routes taken by the “children” last summer. Obama’s new plan is supposedly designed to keep the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ off the trains and put them into planes (airfare paid by you) with direct flights to cities across America. Map here:
The federal government is inviting you to a teleconference later this month to answer questions about the plan to bring kids directly from Central America to the US as refugees which then (as newly-minted refugees) will have all forms of welfare available to them, can bring family in later and become US citizens. We told you about it in February.
Note that the media is not invited!
Dear Stakeholder,
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), in coordination with the U.S. Department of State (DOS), invites you to participate in a teleconference on Tuesday, March 31, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. (Eastern) to learn more about the Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program. The program provides certain children in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras with a safe, legal, and orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some children are undertaking to the United States.
The CAM program began accepting applications from qualifying parents in the U.S. for their children on December 1, 2014. Only certain qualifying parents who are legally present in the U.S. are eligible to file for their children. Each qualified child must be unmarried, under the age of 21, and residing in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. In certain cases, the in-country parent of the qualifying child may also qualify for access if the in-country parent is the legal spouse of the qualifying parent in the U.S.
During this teleconference, representative from USCIS and DOS will provide an overview of the CAM program and answer questions.
To Join the Session by Phone
On the day of the session, please use the information below to join the teleconference.
We recommend that you call 10-15 minutes before the start time.
Toll-free call-in number: 1-888-606-7035
Passcode: CAM
Note to Media: This engagement is not for press purposes. Please contact the USCIS Press Office at (202) 272-1200 for any media inquiries.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Getting away from Muslim migrants for a moment, we have a story this morning about how federal refugee resettlement contractor (one of the big nine***), Church World Service, helps Cubans who are ECONOMIC migrants, not refugees, get settled in America.
Miguel Laguna, a caseworker at Church World Service, a refugee resettlement agency, runs an orientation class about life in the US for a newly arrived Cuban family. Credit: Monica Campbell
I’ve been wondering lately what Obama’s change in US/Cuban relations will have on the thousands and thousands of Cubans still arriving in the US under that ridiculous “wet foot, dry foot” policy.
If we normalize relations with Cuba, why would there be any “refugees” coming here? Or, will his policy simply open the pipeline completely for one and all to fly right in?
A refugee by definition is escaping persecution. People wanting a job and social services are economic migrants and not eligible for refugee status (unless you are Cuban of course).
They are coming here for American jobs! Remember! Your tax dollars pay for most of the services of Church World Service! See how much here.
Here is the story from (emphasis below is mine):
Forget for a second that you live in the United States, that you know its laws, know English, know what a Social Security number is, let alone worrying about having one.
Now imagine that’s the wave of information you are trying to absorb, quickly, in a small conference room in Miami. That’s exactly what happens to some families when they arrive in the United States.
Miguel Laguna helps guide them through the bewildering process. He’s a caseworker at Church World Service, a refugee resettlement agency with an office in the Miami area. Most of the Miami office’s clients are Cubans. [Miami office website is here–ed]
Laguna goes over with the family how to take the bus, apply for citizenship and where to study English. It’s a lot to take in.
Ramos sits with his wife, Ailén, and his son, also named Ismael. The family tells me it took two days and two nights in a small boat to reach Florida. They got lost in the Gulf of Mexico, but eventually made it. “The GPS broke, so we didn’t know where we were for a while,” Ailén says.
They say they left Cuba because there’s no work there. Ailén says she was a gym teacher making $12 a month, a pretty typical salary in Cuba. The family thought of leaving for years, but sped up their plans for fear that the United States’ unique and controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy might disappear.
That policy says that Cuban migrants who make it to shore — “dry foot” — won’t be sent back, and will essentially be granted US residency after a year and one day in this country. The original intent was to drain the best and brightest from communist Cuba by dangling US visas, so some Cubans worry that better US-Cuba relations will lead to a change in policy.
Only Congress can make changes to “wet foot, dry foot,” and that could take a while. But the rumors that the policy might disappear persist in Cuba, and a rising number of people are leaving the island for the US on boats or, in some cases, by land through Latin America.
Laguna does note that this family has an advantage: They have relatives living in Miami. For Cuban refugees who arrive alone, there’s a lot of uncertainty.
I ask them why they left Cuba. They all say similar thing: “the economy,” “jobs,” “no work.”
It’s an answer that fuels a growing argument: Why treat Cubans differently than Guatemalans who flee gangs and poverty? What about Mexicans wanting to send money back to their relatives back home, or people fleeing war and repression elsewhere who must petition for asylum in the United States? Why give Cubans a special pass?
Of course what they are working up to is not changing the fact that Cubans get a pass with special treatment, but they want every other person in the world who needs a job or is fleeing crime to get the same pass without that messy business of applying for asylum!
On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders invited French Jews to move to Israel. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s not enough. The United States should join Israel and offer to also open up its shores as a refuge to the endangered Jews of France.
He tells about his visits to France and the danger Jews are in if they wish to live openly as Jews.
When I speak with Jews in France today, I feel the return of a grave danger to Jews that has arisen too often in Europe. My father ran from the Nazis and, as a toddler, hid in the ditches of the French countryside to escape deportation and almost certain death. More recently, we remember the brutal killing of Ilan Halimi, the son of Jewish Moroccan immigrants, in January 2006…. during my recent visit to France, people mentioned Ilan Halimi’s name as a turning point for the Jews of France and as a harbinger of the tension that followed.
We must work toward saving France’s Jews before it is too late. Many French Jews are moving to Israel; more than 7,000 Jews from France have moved there this past year. Yet Israel’s existence as a refuge does not absolve the rest of the world from doing whatever is possible to save the Jews of France.
So how about it? Can French Jews seek asylum here? Or do refugees to the U.S. have to be destitute, low-skill, and a burden to the taxpayer? Let’s invite refugees who are educated, skilled, self-supporting, and an all-around benefit to our country — the Jews of France and any other European country where they are in danger.
In 2007, just as RRW was getting off the ground, the Bush Administration said that the US would “welcome” 60,000 Bhutanese (mostly Hindu) here over 5 years (read one of many accounts, here).
Congressional briefing for Hindu American Foundation.
We are now up to 80,000 of the Bhutanese (really Nepali people) who were booted out of Bhutan after living there for a generation or two. Nepal didn’t want its ethnic people back, so they lived in UN-run camps on the edge of Nepal before Bush said, let them come (The contractors need ‘clients’ and we need more docile laborers anyway! Bush didn’t exactly say that, but that is the reality).
Their arrival here was traumatic for many and news is plentiful about their hardships in the land whose streets are (NOT!) paved with gold. Their high rate of suicide in the US has not gone unnoticed by health officials (here is one recent story on that subject).
Refugees as pawns!
When I saw this news, my first reaction was ho-hum now they want some special favors for their people, so I was surprised to see that they want the US to pressure Bhutan to let some of them return to Bhutan from the camps and to let some of those resettled here to return as well!
This is not the first time we have seen “refugees” beg to go home after they learned the harsh reality of life in America. (See a post from 2010 here about how we brought thousands of Kosovars here in 1999, paid resettlement contractors to get them ‘settled,’ and then airlifted them ‘home’ within a year).
There is no incentive to slow the flow!
In 1999, the contractors were in need of warm bodies (they are paid by the head to resettle refugees and it is the need for the continuous cash flow that keeps this whole scheme afloat) and so they pressured the Clinton Administration to bring them some paying customers. Frankly, I think this is the same thing that happened with the Bhutanese and I always wondered why the mighty US (and the bullies at the UN) couldn’t financially pressure Bhutan and Nepal to repatriate their people instead of undertaking a hugely expensive resettlement of an entire population and then scattering them across the US and destroying their culture.
For the first time in the US Congress, the Bhutanese American Advocacy Day has been celebrated.
There are around 80,000 Bhutanese refugees in the US.
Organised by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) early this week on November 17, the first-of-its-kind event featured a congressional briefing along with meetings with the State Department and several House and Senate offices, the foundation said in a statement.
Life isn’t so good in America, we want to go home!
The Bhutanese delegation also asked the State Department and members of Congress to assist in applying multilateral diplomatic pressure on Bhutan to repatriate refugees remaining in the camps of Nepal as well as those resettled in other countries who long to return to their ancestral homeland.
Panelists sought to educate policy makers on the challenges endured by Bhutanese Hindus resettling here in the US, as well as the ongoing human rights concerns in Bhutan.
Bhutanese Hindu refugees living in major cities throughout the US are facing a number of challenges, including a high incidence of mental illness and suicide, trouble obtaining employment and difficulty in retaining their cultural and religious traditions.
Thanks to Obama, their difficulty in finding employment will only get harder as they compete with 5 million newly legalized aliens.
See our extensive archive on the Bhutanese, here. The resettlement is now winding down just as the Syrians will become the next favored group. At least the Bhutanese are not Muslims!
I had to laugh when I heard Limbaugh talking about climate refugees—-something we have been reporting on for years here at RRW. In fact, we are probably your go-to site for climate refugee news from a skeptical perspective. It’s not that I don’t think people will be on the move around the world due to changing factors in the environment—hasn’t that happened since the beginning of the human race?—it’s just that now it will be used as one more way to bludgeon us into opening our wallets and letting the world move in next door.
See our “climate refugees” category byclicking here (this is our 40th post on the subject):
RUSH: I had this in the Stack two days ago, meaning last Friday, I had it in the Stack yesterday, just touched on it. But let me give you a little thing here just to make a point, keep things in perspective. I mentioned yesterday the Pentagon is now developing strategies as to how to handle climate change, the Pentagon.
On the basis of what? You might say, the Pentagon, the defense department, climate change, what the heck is the connection?
You’ve got to understand who is at the Pentagon now. It’s not your average George C. Scott who wants to bomb the commies anymore. You’ve got extensions of Barack Obama in the Defense Department. So when the Pentagon talks about the fear that global warming is something they have to strategize and have to have ready to go, what it means is global warming is going to cause more pestilence. It’s going to cause more starvation.
It’s going to cause drought and it’s going to cause floods and it’s going to cause cold weather and hot weather, and all of this is going to create refugees like we’ve never seen. And these refugees are going to be marching all over the globe trying to escape the harsh conditions global warming will bring on, and that is what will present the challenge to the US military.
Don’t misunderstand. It’s not that the military is devising weapons to stop climate change. The military, under orders from Obama, is coming up with strategies to deal with the pests. The locusts, for example, and all the destruction that will be caused by global warming which will lead to increased numbers of poverty stricken refugees. And it will basically be a crowd control operation. That’s what the Pentagon’s global climate change military strategy planning is all about. Crowd control. When you get right down to it. And it’s ridiculous.