Ethiopian refugee arrested in Virginia, government says he lied to become US citizen

Here we go again!  It sure looks like the Trump Justice Department has launched a campaign to ferret out those who fraudulently got in to the US claiming they were refugees. (Reminds me to start watching DOJ press announcements on a daily basis!)

Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart has penned another post within days of telling us about the Iraqi refugee arrested in California.  In that case the government alleges that the Iraqi was a member of ISIS when he arrived here from Turkey.

Here we learn that the DOJ is alleging that this refugee was not abused and persecuted, but was himself a human rights abuser.

Report: Ethiopian Refugee Arrested for Fraudulent U.S. Citizenship, Was Interrogator During ‘Red Terror’


Special agents from the Department of Homeland Security arrested an Ethiopian refugee after he was indicted on Tuesday on felony charges of allegedly fraudulently obtaining U.S. citizenship.


The red terror
See wikipedia:     Image is from 2016 film:



“Mergia Negussie Habteyes, 58, is charged in an indictment, which was returned by a grand jury for the Eastern District of Virginia on Aug. 14, alleging that Negussie told a series of lies to U.S. immigration authorities in the course of obtaining authority to enter the United States as a refugee, subsequently obtaining lawful permanent-resident status, and ultimately obtaining U.S. citizenship,” The Department of Justice(DOJ) said in a statement released on Friday:

Specifically, the indictment asserts that, when he applied for naturalization in the United States, Negussie falsely stated that he never persecuted persons because of their political opinion, and he failed to disclose that he had committed a crime or offense for which he was not arrested.

In fact, according to the indictment, Negussie served as a civilian interrogator in the Higher 3 prison in Ethiopia in the late 1970s, during a period known as the Red Terror. In that role, Negussie is alleged to have participated in the persecution, through brutality, of individuals imprisoned because of their political opinion.

Additionally, Negussie falsely stated that he never gave false or misleading information to any U.S. government official while applying for any immigration benefit and that he never lied to U.S. immigration authorities to gain entry or admission into the United States and to obtain immigration benefits.

News of the arrest of the Ethiopian refugee in Virginia on felony charges follows the announcement this week of the arrest of an Iraqi refugee and alleged Islamic State murderer in California, who was charged with lying on his refugee application and now faces an extradition hearing based on a warrant for the 2014 of an Iraqi police officer issued by an Iraqi judge in May of this year.

More here.

The Washington Post has a short article yesterday, but doesn’t give us any additional information.

I want to know exactly when he was admitted to the US as a refugee.  I would also love to know which resettlement agency placed him, but that is something we rarely ever hear.  An exception is the recent case of the Iraqi who shot a police officer in Colorado where we learned it was Lutheran Social Services that was his caretaker upon arrival.

By the way, over the years we have brought in a huge number of refugees from Ethiopia and even one of the nine contractors is the Ethiopian Community Development Council  (head quarters located in Virginia).

This post is filed in my Crimes’ category along with 2,000 plus other stories involving refugee and immigrant crimes here and around the world.


US Catholic Bishops launch campaign to pressure Trump to admit large number of refugees

This is one more in a stream of news stories about how the federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors are fighting for their lives as their budgets shrink under this President.

USCCB fy19
See the toolkit here:

It is no surprise that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—the largest resettlement agency of the nine NGOs hired by the US State Department *** to place refugees in your towns and cities, is launching this campaign directed at Donald Trump.

For years, I have searched in vain to discover the numbers of refugees each of the nine resettles, but this article at least (thanks to reader Joanne for sending it) tells us that the Bishops must be number one!

“The USCCB, along with a national network of Catholic partners, has resettled nearly one-third of all refugees to the U.S. since 1980.”


As usual, no where in this appeal to parishioners do they mention that they are PAID BY THE HEAD FOR EACH REFUGEE THEY PLACE!

Continue reading “US Catholic Bishops launch campaign to pressure Trump to admit large number of refugees”

Uzbek refugee sentenced to additional 20 years in prison for attempted murder

The warden was supposed to die! (Kurbanov told the court)


Fazliddin Kurbanov was already serving a sentence of 25 years on terrorism charges when he tried to kill the warden at California’s Victorville prison. The warden was seriously wounded and scarred for life from the improvised knife attack.

Thanks to Richard for spotting the story at Creeping Sharia.

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Kurbanov is just one of many vetted refugees who have been found to have terrorist or criminal connections and the Trump Administration has been busy finding more as we have been reporting.


We have covered this case from Kurbanov’s arrest in 2013. We were especially interested in how so many radicalized Uzbek’s were being ‘welcomed’ to America as refugees.

Continue reading “Uzbek refugee sentenced to additional 20 years in prison for attempted murder”

Unhappy refugee contractors not getting insider information out of Trump Administration

The story at The Intercept by reporter Sara Aziza is a rehash of much of the same old stuff the Open Borders Refugee industry has been spreading far and wide as the time approaches for the Trump Administration to announce its “Determination” for how many refugees the US will ‘welcome’ in FY19 under the US Refugee Admissions Program.

The Intercept reporter Sara Aziza

The title (below) is overstating the case.  In my view, the Trump team could be doing a lot more to really “dismantle” the program.

As I have said repeatedly, the Administration can “slash” the numbers for a few years, but without real reform of the seriously flawed program from the UN picking most of our refugees to the US State Department and its contractors*** secretly sending them to unsuspecting towns and cities (often to satisfy the needs of globalist industries), the US Refugee Admissions Program will simply pick right up where it left off in 2020 or 2024 if the present system isn’t completely scrapped.

You can read most of The Intercept story  (hat tip: Joanne) for yourself, but I have picked out a few nuggets that made me chuckle in a story about “Trump’s race to the bottom.”


Continue reading “Unhappy refugee contractors not getting insider information out of Trump Administration”

Breitbart: Chronology of lies in case of Iraqi refugee arrested in California

So much for “robust” screening…..

Michael Patrick Leahy writing at Breitbart did a thorough job of cataloging the chronology of lies told by alleged ISIS fighter turned Obama refugee—Omar Ameen.

From Breitbart yesterday (I saw it after I posted my short news item on the arrest, here)

And, btw, other news stories on the case only did a quick summary, while Leahy actually went to the court filings:

Iraqi Refugee, Alleged Islamic State Murderer, Arrested in California


The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested an Iraqi refugee in Sacramento, California on Wednesday on the authority of an arrest warrant for the 2014 murder of an Iraqi police officer issued by an Iraqi judge on May 16.

Ameen has a scheduled hearing on Monday in his extradition case—watch the courts save his ass!

“Omar Ameen, 45, an Iraqi national, wanted on a murder charge in Iraq, appeared before a federal magistrate judge in Sacramento, California today in connection with proceedings to extradite him to face trial in Iraq.

Ameen settled in Sacramento as a purported refugee and attempted to gain legal status in the United States,” the Department of Justice said in a statement released late Wednesday.

Court documents alleged that Ameen, who entered the United States from Turkey in November 2014 through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, led a four truck ISIS caravan to Rahwah, Iraq where he murdered the police officer on June 22, 2014.


Court documents presented on Wednesday outline what appears to be a highly sophisticated ruse by Ameen, who along with many members of his family has been a member of ISIS and its predecessor Islamist terrorist organizations since at least 2004, to gain approval into the U.S. Refugee Admissions program by making a number of false statements, and then use his approved U.S. refugee status as a getaway mechanism after carrying out the 2014 murder of the Iraqi police officer.

Leahy then goes through a series of lies told by Ameen that should have raised red flags if he had ever received any “robust” vetting as the Obama Administration and the refugee industry had been insisting was the case.

As we have reported on many occasions, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees does the first cut on the supposed screening of refugees to America. 

Leahy plucked this bit from government filings against Ameen:

In or about April 2012, Ameen arrived in Turkey and began the process of applying for refugee status.

Ameen claimed on his Resettlement Registration Form before the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (“UNHCR”) that in 2010, his father, Abdulsattar Ameen Hussein, was killed due to his cooperation with the American military. . . In actuality, the death certificate for Abdulsattar Ameen (which Ameen did not submit with any of his applications) indicates he died from natural causes—a cerebral clot—on December 25, 2010.

That is just one example of the shoddy screening this alleged ISIS fighter received.

comey (1)
Apparently James Comey was right about one thing when he told Congress in 2017 that the FBI was investigating US refugees for ties to terrorism.  300 he said!

Perhaps most astounding is Ameen’s time line.

He was granted refugee status on June 5, 2014 even as he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest in Iraq for other ISIS terror-related activities. He returned to Iraq on June 22, 2014 and allegedly killed the police officer. Did no one even know he had left Turkey?

Five months later he was resettled in Sacramento by the Obama Administration.

Read all of Leahy’s account here.

Expect the whole story to disappear from the media within days because it flies in the face of the major refugee industry talking point that refugees are thoroughly screened.

By the way, four resettlement contractors were operating in Sacramento in 2014: International Rescue Committee, Church World Service, US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.  Wonder which one placed him.

One more thing…

Through the Obama years Turkey was one of the top countries processing refugees to the US, see here.  Under President Trump, Turkey lost its significant role in sending us mostly Muslim refugees.