Ten Democrat Senators push Trump Administration for higher refugee numbers in coming year

This is of course no surprise…

But, if these Senators are yours, know this:

They don’t care about you and your community, about your safety and your wallets. To them this is all about playing games on the international stage. It is all about using refugees to wheel and deal with foreign governments!

Continue reading “Ten Democrat Senators push Trump Administration for higher refugee numbers in coming year”

Pennsylvania: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society rep says Trump low admission numbers could end the program

Cathryn Miller-Wilson said this to the Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday referring to a rumored ceiling number for FY19 of 25,000:

“Those kind of numbers are the elimination of the refugee resettlement program.”


Cathryn Miller-Wilson
Cathryn Miller-Wilson   http://hiaspa.org/news/press-release-hias-pennsylvania-announces-new-executive-director

I think HIAS overstates the case, and I want all of my readers to know that although low numbers might push some of the agencies (contractors)*** under financially (because the government pays them by the head for each refugee they place), the program won’t be eliminated as long as the Refugee Act of 1980 is still on the books in its present form.

I continue to advocate for the Trump Administration to pressure Congress to reform the entire process. 

And, frankly time is running out! If the Republicans lose the house in November, then it is all over for years.

And, if the Republicans survive and Trump is not our president after 2020, there will be no reform.

So it is now or never!

Message to the White House:

Think big!

Go on the offense!

You are going to be blasted for any number lower than the 75,000 refugees the contractors are demanding.  So, my recommendation is that you set the level at zero and tell Congress to reform the program. If they want refugees, then review and reform the law! (And, we know that the White House could send recommended legislation to The Hill right now!)

There is no legal requirement that we take even one refugee! 

And, there is no legal requirement that American taxpayers support these nine supposed non-profit groups!

Here is some of the The Inquirer story with a title we have come to expect:


Immigrant advocates fear U.S. will no longer be a beacon for refugees

The fear among immigration advocates is not only that thousands of refugees could remain stuck in overseas camps. Or that staffers at resettlement agencies in Philadelphia and elsewhere could be laid off or reassigned.


Muslims praying at WH
HIAS helped organize this protest against the President. That is their banner at right. Is this what they do with our money?


They’re afraid that the United States’ historic mission of welcoming the world’s most vulnerable people [like those in the photo?—ed] could effectively be coming to an end, with President Trump expected to again lower the annual limit on refugee admissions.

The talk filtering from Washington to on-the-ground agencies is that Trump could put the new cap at 25,000, with perhaps only half that number actually entering the country, the result of bureaucratic delays and other factors. He set the current year’s figure at 45,000, a nearly four-decade low. Less than half that number have been admitted as the end of the fiscal year approaches on Sept. 30.


By law, the president, in consultation with Congress, must issue what is called the Presidential Determination before the new fiscal year starts on Oct. 1. Generally, the number begins to leak from government officials around Labor Day.


Refugees come to the Philadelphia region from Afghanistan, Iraq, Bhutan, and elsewhere around the globe, but now in smaller numbers.

“We can’t just be quiet about this,” said Cathryn Miller-Wilson, executive director of HIAS PA, which provides legal and support services to immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. “Those kind of numbers are the elimination of the refugee resettlement program.”

More here.


*** These below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

You might be sick of seeing this list almost every day, but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!

And, besides I have new readers every day.

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups and community organizers paid on our dime! And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income!


Minnesota Muslims didn’t turn out 50,000 EID celebrants…

Update:  Matthew Vadum writing at Frontpage magazine has a piece today on the gathering.

I’ve been looking around for a story that might best summarize what happened yesterday when Muslims in a supposed demonstration of power held a ‘religious’ event at Vikings Stadium in Minnesota.

When I find more stories I’ll update this post, but here is a report by Pamela Geller re-posted at the DC Clothesline with lots of photos including this one—men in front and women behind as is the tradition in Islam.

Originally printed Tuesday August 21, 2018 at Geller Report


EID at Vikings stadium



How did Minnesota get so many Somalis?

For new readers and longtime readers who may have forgotten, go here to my 2011 post that answers the question—it is one of my top most-read posts of all time.  Three federal resettlement contractors got the ball rolling because cheap laborers were needed and because Minnesota was a generous welfare state.

Now Minnesota is the top secondary migration state for Somali refugees as they head there to be with their own kind of people and build a power base.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial: Are there holes in US refugee vetting process?

I’ve marveled from time to time lately about the changes I’m seeing with media coverage of the US Refugee Admissions Program. 

Granted they are tiny changes so far, but at least some media outlets are looking more carefully at a program that NO ONE questioned eleven years ago when I first began writing RRW.

In 2007 any story about refugees was one that evoked warm feelings about the poor, downtrodden and grateful people that nice church folks were welcoming to America.

I called those stories “refugees see first snow stories.”

Omar Abdulsattar Ameen

Imagine my surprise today when I saw this editorial at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about the Iraqi refugee (alleged ISIS killer) being arrested in California.

See my previous post on Ameen’s arrest, here.


The times they are a-changin’….

Continue reading “Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial: Are there holes in US refugee vetting process?”

#Welcome75K refugees campaign off to a slow start

What is that you ask? 

It’s a Twitter hashtag campaign launched by something called ‘We are all America’ to pressure the President into succumbing to refugee industry demands for a ceiling of 75,000 refugees for your towns and cities in FY19 (which begins in a little over 5 weeks).

By the way, the Left loves to do this, and they have the money to do it!  That is, create campaigns to make it look like their views are in the majority and thus they have all the power. Don’t be fooled.

I will grant that, although the hashtag campaign began only about a week ago, you would think they would have more retweets considering the supposedly vast number of supporters refugee advocates claim to have.

This tweet below has only garnered 4 retweets since the 15th.


we are all america tweet



Here is a screenshot of the key organizers of ‘We are all America.’

I’ve checked off three federally funded refugee contractors, but remember that the Refugee Council USA represents all nine*** as its lobbying office in Washington.


steering committee

What you can do….

Besides using the hashtag #Welcome75K if you are on Twitter

Sign up for today’s webinar hosted by resettlement contractor Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. 

See what they are telling their political activists to do!


raise the ceiling
LIRS is 96-97% funded by you, the taxpayer, and if the President doesn’t raise the refugee admissions ceiling this year they will be in SERIOUS financial jeopardy! They have a lot to lose!



*** These (below) are the nine federal resettlement contractors/advocates which are largely paid for their ‘humanitarian’ work by you, the US taxpayer.

They have every right to organize and speak out against the President, my problem is that they are surely using taxpayer dollars for their advocacy.

As the numbers of incoming refugees decline so too does their income (they are paid by the refugee head!).

Another low year, perhaps lower than this year’s 20,000 plus year, could completely blow to smithereens the budget of one or more of these federal contractors which are demanding a cap of 75,000.  (LOL! The nine have colluded so they all are asking for 75,000!)

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! 

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income!