Here I go again, another post on the incredibly amusing muddle the Biden Administration has gotten itself into in regards to the flip-flop-flipping on his decision to aim to admit a certain number of refugees into the US this fiscal year.
Since I last wrote here on Wednesday, I posted a piece at Frauds and Crooks on the topic, because I am so fascinated by how the Biden White House has made such an enormous political blunder and that the corporate media has reported on the blowback Biden has received from the liberal wing of his party.
The Frauds and Crooks post focused on how quickly the refugee lobby went into action to slap Biden around on his unforgiveable waffling and announcement that he would leave the refugee ceiling/cap at the Trump level for the remainder of the fiscal year sending HIAS and other refugee pushers ballistic as heads exploded throughout the refugee industry.
See it here:
America First Has No Effective Opposition to Recreating the Third World on American Soil
There are so many things I could have written about today, but instead, I just spent part of an hour listening to a podcast at something called Skullduggery where HIAS (formerly Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) CEO Mark Hetfield gives Michael Isikoff some inside skinny on what went down last week in the White House implosion over the refugee cap for the year.
Additionally Hetfield reveals a few other nuggets of information that you may find illuminating. I did.
Hey, and if you think that somehow I pick on Mark Hetfield and HIAS, I don’t.

It just happens that Hetfield appears to be the most political of the refugee contractor CEOs and is out and about talking to the media and organizing protests. (See all contractors*** below.)
He also was the leader of the pack suing the Trump administration every time Trump attempted to reform the Refugee Admissions Program.
Calling all refugee policy wonks! This podcast is worth listening to as Hetfield describes the situation with the White House as “bizarre.”
Here are a few takeaways (some nuggets we already know, but confirmed by Hetfield):
~ The refugee admissions controversy was the first blowback Biden received from the liberal wing of the party. By May 15th a new refugee ceiling will be announced by the capitulating White House.
~ We learn that Secretary of State Blinken wants the increase, but some unknown players in the White House are politically “spooked on immigration.” That tells us that we must, for all its worth, keep talking about immigration and the southern border as a “crisis.”
~ With the refugee program it is the Muslim refugees that most scare the public. There was a few minutes of discussion about the 2015 governors’ revolt when 31 governors told Obama they refused to admit Syrian refugees to their states. Even presidential candidates such as moderates on immigration, Bush and Rubio, became “xenophobic” in their rhetoric. That really freaked-out Hetfield.
~Hetfield claims the public is mostly positive about bringing in more refugees, but apparently some unnamed advisors in the White House are looking at polling that does not confirm Hetfield’s optimistic view.
~Hetfield is “infuriated” by all of the focus on vetting refugees that delays their arrival in America. He says that no refugee has committed a lethal terror attack on US soil, but doesn’t mention that many have been stopped and apprehended before they could carry out a planned attack! And, he doesn’t mention the killers and rapists who have gotten past the screening.
~Isikoff finds Tucker Carlson’s great “replacement” theory “vile.” And then asks if Hetfield watches Carlson. This is the funny part: Hetfield says he “made the mistake” of going on Tucker’s show a few years ago.
By the way, that did not go well for Hetfield. If you missed it, here it is:
~ Hetfield called the replacement concept “beyond offensive.” He and the podcasters are concerned about whether this “strain of thinking” by the likes of Carlson, Donald Trump and Stephen Miller is “ascendant.” Hint to you: Keep it going.
~Hetfield called the administration’s border crisis a “lose-lose” situation for the President.
~As for the ceiling/cap, he wonders how the Biden team got so muddled over it as he said “set the damn cap” and set it higher than Trump’s cap. It doesn’t matter exactly what it is because it is a cap, a ceiling. He just wants to get the program moving and then Biden should fulfil his promise for FY2022 which begins on October 1, 2021 to admit 125,000 refugees from the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia.
For those of you new to the Refugee program there was some useful basic information about how the program works.
Listen to the whole interview entitled ‘Biden’s Refugee Problem.’
***If you are new to RRW, here are all of the federal refugee resettlement contractors.
The border crisis is damaging refugee resettlement!
The contractors worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris and they lobby for open borders.
From the earliest days of writing this blog it has perplexed me because if they truly cared about the refugees they legally help, they would not encourage leniency toward lawbreakers at our borders because the general public makes no distinctions.
To the average American it is all the same—too many people having too many needs for Americans to pay for.
Americans Last! is their motto!