Lastest migrant ships stopped by Italy, Italian PM calls on other EU countries to take them

Invasion of Europe news…..

He is calling their bluff!

Other European countries agreed just recently to share the burden with an invasion weary Italy, let’s see how many keep their word.

Italian Coast Guard ship Diciotti with migrants arrives in Trapani
Some of the latest batch of African men ‘rescued’ at sea.

So far Germany, France and Malta have agreed to 50 each which means 300 (of the original 450) are still in limbo.

I was looking for any mention of where the 450 are at right now.

Let me know if you see that important bit of information.

From The Local:

France, Germany, Malta will take 50 rescued migrants each: Italian PM

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White House aide fired after reportedly clashing with Stephen Miller over refugee numbers

“This is a disaster for the bureau. She is really a good ally.”

(Anonymous State Department official)

That quote above is all you need to know!  If the Deep-staters at the US State Department consider her an ally, then she needed to go.

stephen miller serious
She reportedly butted heads with Stephen Millier

As I’ve been mentioning, this is the time of the year when Administration wrangling over refugees really begins to heat up.  That is because the President submits his determination to Congress in September in which he tells them how many refugees and from where they will come when the feds begin to admit the next batch of refugees for the next fiscal year (FY19 begins October 1).

I told you here that State Department resettlement contractors want 75,000 in the coming year. It looks like this year will barely break the 20,000 mark setting a record for the least number of refugees entering the US since the Refugee Act of 1980 was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.***

For new readers, the contractors are paid on a per refugee head basis, so there is never any incentive for them to take a breather and agree to slow the flow.

The article at Foreign Policy says that the ousted staffer was a Trumper since the campaign days. But, then I wonder why she was so cozy with the career professional resettlers in the State Department who are working to undermine (through leaks to contractors and the media) the President’s policy on refugees.

Continue reading “White House aide fired after reportedly clashing with Stephen Miller over refugee numbers”

Minnesota gubernatorial candidate says he will withdraw state from refugee program

It is a good campaign message, but in reality will get MN no where.

How quickly people forget that in the last few years three other Republican governors made a big show out of withdrawing their states from the federal program (Texas, Kansas, New Jersey) and of course they still get refugees with Texas presently being the top ‘welcoming’ state in the nation.


Somali population in St. Cloud and elsewhere in MN is increasing.


As they did with those states, the US State Department will simply turn the whole resettlement plan for the state over to a non-profit (contractor) group to manage.  (The Tennessee case is on appeal and if by a miracle, TN wins, then that strategy could go up in flames for the feds.)

Don’t get me wrong, there are political considerations for Mr. Johnson as he is up against former governor Tim Pawlenty in the primary, it is definitely worth discussing in the campaign.  And, as governor there will be many things the state government could do to rein-in the program by reforming the state’s welfare system, etc.

Indeed, Pawlenty was a Republican establishment governor of the state during the expansion of refugee resettlement to St. Cloud and must have known what was happening.  I would say look to his campaign donors and see if he was being funded by big business (poultry!) interests looking for a steady supply of cheap labor to the St. Cloud area.  I presume Mr. Johnson has some good investigators at work to discover Pawlenty’s ties to the program while he was governor.  LOL! Any photos of Pawlenty snuggling with the Lutheran resettlement people?

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Russia entertaining idea of inviting persecuted white South African farmers to relocate in Russia

We have written on this topic on many previous occasions.  The Rainbow Nation (South Africa) has been experiencing xenophobic and racist violence for years.

The most bloody violence has been directed at the landowners who farm the land (and incidentally feed the population)!

Readers should know that the US (so far) has not invited the persecuted farmers to America, but we do admit hundreds of ‘refugees’ a year from South Africa.

We resettle Somali and other Africans that South Africa rejects.  So much for the Rainbow Nation myth!

And, by the way, I haven’t heard any clamor from the US refugee industry/contractors to add South African whites to our refugee admissions for the coming year.  Why is that?  Could it be that it doesn’t fit the meme—only people of color are persecuted, never the other way around!  Think about it! Admitting such a thing would turn the whole UN upside down!

Can you imagine the day when European whites from Sweden, the UK or France beg for asylum in the US? I can.

Smart move on Russia’s part…..

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Refugee contractors begin political pressure to up refugee numbers for FY19; they want 75,000

We would sure like more in Kansas says refugee contractor—the International Rescue Committee (headed by moneybags Miliband).

Miliband in Manhattan
The IRC is headquartered in Manhattan where Brit David Miliband is pulling down an annual salary of nearly $700,000 as he places third world refugees in the heartland.

Here is the first news I’m seeing of the nine refugee contractors*** beginning their push to pressure the President to increase the ceiling for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2019 which begins on October 1, 2018.

Long time readers know that the President sets a CEILING for admission sometime in September and “consults” with Congress, but Congress, although it has the power to dole out money, has in the past just let the President pretty much do what he wants to do.

By demanding a ceiling that they know is unrealistic for this President, they will use the President’s ultimate number (likely low) to bludgeon him in the media yet again.

This revealing story is from KMUW in Wichita, Kansas:

Kansas Resettlement Agency Working To Increase Next Year’s Cap On Refugee Admissions

Continue reading “Refugee contractors begin political pressure to up refugee numbers for FY19; they want 75,000”