This story comes from Vermont.
I haven’t written about Bhutanese refugees in awhile. To date, we moved over 96,000 of the Nepali people (mostly Hindu, some Buddhists) who had been expelled from Bhutan to American towns and cities.
Go here for a post which gives a little of the background about the George W. Bush era plan to help the UN clean out its camps on the border of Nepal. It was supposed to be a joint effort with many other countries, but of course we took the vast majority of them.
We said we would take 60,000 beginning in 2007, but as is always the case, we go way beyond what we told the public we would do.
Here is where they were distributed in the US (from Wrapsnet):
We have also reported on many previous occasions about the exceedingly high suicide rate in the US Bhutanese ‘community.’
It is interesting to me that many do-gooders who push refugee resettlement to America never grasp that some people cannot make the cultural shift and that pushing resettlement can actually have deadly consequences, as it did for this man.
If you go back to my early posts (see archive) on the Bhutanese resettlement, you will see that the camp dwellers initially fought like hell to not be “scattered to the four winds.”