Trump Administration Admits nearly 12,000 Refugees to US in FY2020; Some Data Will No Longer be Available

The fiscal year ended yesterday and the totals are in at the Refugee Processing Center.

The exact total for the year is 11,814 the lowest number in four decades.

The ceiling for admissions had been set by President Trump at 18,000 and that number likely would have been reached except for the travel restrictions placed by the UN as the Chinese Virus spread around the world.

Of the 11,814, 2,503 (about 20%) are Muslims from mostly Burma, Iraq, Syria, Somalia and Sudan. There is NO Muslim ban.

Making up for lost time, the administration admitted 2,626 in the last 30 days, the highest monthly number for any month in the past fiscal year.

However, for me and I expect for many others tracking refugee admissions on a regular basis, you will have a shock when you see this notice at the Refugee Processing Center.


The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State is building a new IT system to facilitate refugee processing. Effective October 9, 2020 at 5:00pm ET, PRM’s Refugee Processing Center will no longer be able to provide certain previously available reports and interactive reporting will no longer be available.

Interactive reporting has been the most valuable portion of the data available and its removal will put us in the dark about which towns refugees are placed, their demographic makeup, their religions, etc.

Are the deep staters getting ready to expand in a Biden administration and want to keep us in the dark about who is coming into the country?

Do Trump’s people even know!

If you have been using that data base, you have a week to capture information through Interactive reporting.  There will be broader data still available, but interactive data allowed for a deeper drill down into information over whatever time period one entered as a parameter, even on a daily basis.

I guess these will be the last maps I will be posting as they are generated at Interactive reporting.

Here is where refugees were placed (11,814) over the last 12 months (the FY runs from October 1 to September 30th of the following year).

Top ten ‘welcoming’ states are California, Washington, Texas, New York, Michigan, Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Ohio.

Interesting that so many of those states are states the Dems want to control once they change enough of the people.



Here is where the refugees arriving in America (2,626) were placed during September:



For those of you who have never used the data at Interactive reporting, I explained how to do it here in ‘Knowledge is Power IV.‘ Better hurry if you want to try it out and capture some data about your state.

No word yet, as far as I know, about the Presidential determination for FY2021 which is usually submitted to Congress for consultation before October first.

See tag FY2021 for all of my posts in recent weeks on this coming year’s Presidential determination.

Dick and Dianne Demand Prez Consult on Refugee Admissions for FY2021

So what else is new!

Dick and Dianne: Blah! Blah! Blah!

Senator Dianne Feinstein and pals sent a sharply worded letter to the Trump Administration demanding their right to a consultation on the number of refugees the Trump team is willing to admit to the US beginning in two weeks.

The funny thing is that since I have been following the US Refugee Admissions Program there was never such a demand prior to Trump and I can remember very well that Obama wasn’t exactly on fire to hold consultations with the House and Senate.  Such “consultations” were held at the staff level without fanfare.  But that was then and now that Trump is president they demand their rights!

What is never said is that there is no requirement in the law that says we must admit any refugees to the US—the “ceiling” could be zero!

Since I have been doing a series on the FY2021 Presidential Determination, go here, I’m posting this ho-hum piece of news to help round-out my archives on the topic.

Feinstein, Durbin, Nadler, Lofgren to Trump: Consult Congress about Refugee Resettlement as Required by Law

Washington–Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) joined Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Representatives Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) to call on the Trump administration to restore our nation’s long-standing bipartisan tradition of providing safety to the world’s most vulnerable refugees and to immediately engage in meaningful consultations with Congress, as required by law, before setting the annual refugee admission target for fiscal year 2021.

Prior to any presidential determination on the number of refugees to be admitted in the upcoming fiscal year, the law requires that cabinet-level officials representing the president engage in a consultation with Senate and House Judiciary Committee leaders. The law is clear that the consultation must occur before the start of the fiscal year. Yet, for the last three years, the Trump administration has refused to consult with Congress in a timely or meaningful manner.

“Fiscal Year 2021 begins in less than a month, yet we have not received a proposed refugee admissions plan from the Administration and the consultation has not been scheduled. As such, we urge you to immediately transmit the Administration’s proposed refugee admissions report to Congress and expeditiously schedule the statutorily-required consultation,” the members wrote in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Homeland Security Under Secretary Chad Wolf, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar.

The members continued, “Given the magnitude of this crisis, the United States must not abandon our leadership role in providing safety to refugees who are most in need of resettlement. Surely we can do more when it comes to helping refugees.”

In their letter, the members outline how the Trump administration has decimated the United States Refugee Admissions Program and ignored the statutorily-authorized role of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. The administration has set the annual refugee admissions target at embarrassingly low numbers for three years in a row. In FY 2018, the administration set a target of 45,000 refugees and ultimately allowed just 22,507 refugees into the United States. In FY 2019, the administration slashed the target to just 30,000, which was the number of refugees ultimately admitted. This fiscal year, the administration dropped America’s moral standing to a new low by setting a target of only 18,000 refugees and issuing an executive order purporting to allow state and local governments to block refugees from being resettled in their communities. As of September 4, 2020, the administration has admitted just 9,474 refugees this fiscal year.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there were more than 79 million people displaced worldwide at the end of 2019, a record high. Among this displaced population are 26 million refugees – the highest number in history – more than half of whom are children. UNHCR estimates that 1.4 million refugees are in urgent need of resettlement.

Full text of the letter is available here.

Only a couple of years ago the refugee industry was demanding 75,000 refugees from the Trump Administration but now, election year, it is 95,000!

This line from the letter has become the industry’s talking point for FY2021:

Since the enactment of the Refugee Act of 1980, the United States had set an average resettlement goal of 95,000 refugees per year until President Trump took office.

It makes the gullible media believe that all Presidents over the decades have wanted that huge number, but indeed even their darling Obama never dared to set a ceiling that high until he was ready to leave office.***

Have a look at the ceilings and actual admission numbers going back to 1980.

The high numbers in the early years represented large numbers of Southeast Asians and Russians escaping Communism.

Go to the Migration Policy Institute where you can click on each data point and get exact numbers. It is very interesting. See that it’s been 25 years since anyone set a ceiling at 95,000 or admitted that large number.


When looking at the graph, consider the Presidents over those years.

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) Extremely concerned about helping those escaping Communism

George HW Bush: 1989-1993

Bill Clinton: 1993-2001

George Bush: 2001-2009

Barack Obama: 2009-2017

*** I don’t know why but, the Migration Policy Institute does not have Obama’s last ceiling at 110,000 as the data maintained by the Refugee Processing Center shows.  See chart in this post.

Lutheran Refugee Contractor Promotes “Welcoming Refugees 2021” Letter to the Prez

And did you know! Forcibly displaced people declined in 2020!

As I said in my previous post this morning, September is the big month for pressuring the President to set a high ceiling for the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in the fiscal year that begins October first.

I was curious to see if I could find out who is behind this year’s ‘” campaign and as best as I can figure out it seems to be the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service federal resettlement contractor which has a special “toolkit” for the project here.

I’m guessing however that most of the other eight contractors are helping to gin-up local elected official support to pressure the President to set a ceiling of 95,000 refugees for the upcoming year.

Although 95,000 seems to be the magic number again this year, the letter they have prepared for Trump this year leaves that number out.  I’m guessing that is because it is so high it would turn off prospective local elected official support.

You can see last year’s letter here.

Be sure to see who in your state signed it!

Take note of the fact that the number of daily needy refugees has dropped from last year.  Wow!  It is not often that the scaremongers actually report a reduction in the numbers!

Last year’s letter:

Each day, an estimated 44,000 people are forcibly displaced from their homes due to violence, persecution, or war. 

This year’s letter:

Each day, an estimated 37,000 people are displaced from their homes due to violence, persecution, or war.

The goal is to get this year’s letter signed by as many local and state elected officials they can wrangle by a week from today!

Open for Business! US Refugee Admissions Jump in August

1,318 refugees moved to America in the month of August. That is a huge jump from the previous COVID ‘crisis’ months that saw 522 arrive over a four month period from April through July.

Forty states welcomed the third worlders who will now need shelter, food, and medical care as US citizens continue to struggle themselves with those same needs.

Of the nine states and the District of Columbia that were unwelcoming, three are worth mentioning.  Vermont (Bernie), Delaware (Biden) and the District of Columbia didn’t take any.

Here is the map for August from the Refugee Processing Center.


I know the numbers are hard to read, so here are the top ten welcoming states (sure send us more poor people!):   Texas, California, Washington, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia.

Presidential Determination for 2021 due by the end of the month!

September 30th marks the end of the fiscal year and the President is required to tell Congress this month how many refugees the administration would like to admit in the coming fiscal year.

Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy set up the Refugee Admissions Program that has been operating to bring in more Democrat voters for 40 years. But, I’ve found it ever-so-amusing that Delaware has welcomed only a tiny, tiny number of refugees in those 4 decades.

I haven’t seen anything yet about where the negotiations stand, but if this is like other years there is much negotiating going on behind the scenes.  Of course the President could put off making any determination in light of the more important business facing the federal government right now.

Even if Trump sets a low ceiling, as he has done in previous years, it is just a ceiling and doesn’t mean that it must be reached.  And, if Biden succeeds in November, all bets are off.

Biden has already promised 125,000 refugees for 2021.

I thought you might be interested in this data at the Refugee Processing Center which shows the ceiling and the actual admissions for the last ten years. Take note of the fact that Obama himself never brought in anywhere near 125,000 in a year.

August 2020 data (1,318) had not been added yet.

And, these numbers do not include the Special Immigrant Visas from Iraq and Afghanistan that are treated with the same benefits as refugees.

As soon as I see anything about what the President is proposing for 2021, I’ll report.

Remember, as we have said for four years, he can set the arrival number at zero!

As of July 30th, US Refugee Admissions have Resumed

As you know if you follow RRW, the Refugee Admissions Program came to a grinding halt in March due to the worldwide travel restrictions in the wake of the Chinese virus pandemic.

However, the US State Department announced on July 29th that our welcome mat had once again been put out for third world migration to Anytown, USA.

By the way, as I reported here on August 2nd we never really stopped bringing refugees altogether.

From CNN:

Refugee admissions to the US resume after being on pause due to coronavirus

(CNN)Refugee admissions to the United States have resumed after being put on pause for five months due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the State Department.

In March, the US put a temporary pause on refugee admissions after the International Organization for Migration, which is in charge of booking refugees on their travel, and the United Nations refugee agency announced a temporary suspension of resettlement travel. Both organizations have since moved to restart admissions.

Sec. of State Mike Pompeo Opens Refugee Admissions Program as COVID (supposedly) continues to sicken and kill Americans and destroy the economy. What’s a few more mouths to feed!

In a statement to CNN, a State Department spokesperson said Secretary Mike Pompeo approved the resumption of admissions on July 29.

“This program is a vital lifeline for the world’s most vulnerable refugees who have no other alternative and who are made even more vulnerable by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the spokesperson said, adding that the program “resumed arrivals for approved refugees effective July 30 with significant COVID health measures in place as required by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The spokesperson didn’t provide additional details on what extra health measures entailed. Refugees are usually heavily screened before arriving in the US.


We have admitted 196 refugees and spread them out among 22 states in the two weeks since Pompeo made the announcement according to data compiled by the Refugee Processing Center.

The top three welcoming states are Texas, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Of the 196, 41 are Muslims (there is no Muslim ban).  The 41 include 15 Burmese Rohingya people and 15 Syrians.

Just a reminder, next month the President is required by law to submit his determination (ceiling) for the number of refugee arrivals for FY2021 that begins on October 1, 2020.

We will be watching! to see what the President does.  He can, of course, postpone any decision, or he can set the ceiling at zero.