February 2021: Refugee News Round-up

Refugee industry media has gone into high gear.  As we reported recently, Biden is now aiming for 62,500 refugees to be admitted by the end of this fiscal year—September 30th.

Biden’s New Plans to Boost Refugee Numbers, Wants 62,500 by September 30th


See maps (in below story) where the first waves of new third worlders will be placed.  Later in the Biden administration I expect the contractors*** and the US State Department to spread out to new sites as they overload the existing sites.

During Trump’s Presidency Many Refugee Agency Affiliates Closed

By the way, the maps in the above post do not tell the whole story.  Refugees can be placed within 100 miles of a resettlement office, and at the end of the Obama administration his State Department was working with the contractors to expand offices into about 40 additional locations. Trump’s victory in 2016 killed that plan.

There is limited data available now at the Refugee Processing Center where numbers indicate that they have a long way to go to reach a cap of 62,500 by September 30th.

State Department data shows that as of the end of January (4 months into the fiscal year) only 1,403 refugees were admitted.  They were distributed across three fourths of US states.

Top ‘welcoming’ states are California, Washington, Texas, New York and Illinois (North Carolina is just one refugee behind IL).

Media fluff stories!

Apparently, the word has gone out to all of the subcontractors, who work for the nine federal government resettlement contractors, to gin up the media with fluff stories about the refugees soon to bring the joys of diversity to your towns and cities.

I’ve been posting some of those stories at my Refugee Resettlement page on Facebook and they have reached thousands; hundreds have weighed in with spirited comments.  Over the last 28 days I’ve reached 75,000 people there, so I don’t plan to get off of Facebook until they dump me.

News from Florida: https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/politics-issues/2021-02-22/as-biden-policies-take-effect-south-florida-expecting-large-number-of-migrants-and-refugees

Indiana: https://www.journalgazette.net/news/local/20210224/nonprofit-could-see-more-refugees

Kentucky: https://www.wkyufm.org/post/international-center-kentucky-hopes-expand-hundreds-refugees-expected-arrive#stream/0

Montana: https://www.mtpr.org/post/missoula-resettlement-group-prepping-nations-refugee-increase

Nebraska: http://netnebraska.org/article/news/1253885/bidens-increase-refugee-limits-gives-hope-local-centers

Oregon: https://catholicsentinel.org/Content/News/Local/Article/After-adapting-to-record-low-limits-on-refugee-admissions-Catholic-Charities-now-prepares-to-welcome-more-families-/2/35

Pennsylvania: https://www.inquirer.com/news/refugees-resettlement-nationalities-service-center-hias-pa-biden-trump-20210221.html

Utah: https://www.abc4.com/news/infocus/in-focus-discussion-preparing-for-more-refugees-in-utah/

See my interview at One News Now.

Keep an eye out for more on AOC and her pals pushing for “climate refugees” to be admitted to the US by the thousands.

Here at the UK Daily Mail.

And don’t forget!  No one in Washington is going to save you, it is up to you to organize locally to Make America Great Again!

Personal Story From a Reader Reminds Me! It is now up to YOU!

See my tutorial on how to compete with the Left!  I am going to add to it weekly and it will be available in my sidebar (see Obama the community organizer image!) here at RRW and at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

I have also written many refugee posts at ‘Frauds and Crooks’, see here.

For those who have inquired, I am at Gab with a limited following.  Twitter has suspended my account and removed my followers.


***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House, are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, and they have succeeded in getting the new administration to promise to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for next year—that is the highest it has been in 29 years.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting struggling Americans last!



Biden Says He Will Raise Refugee Ceiling “Back Up” to 125,000 as Americans Suffer Joblessness from Chinese Virus Lockdown

Update: Here is the Executive Order, no mention of the number yet, just laying the groundwork.  Focuses on climate refugees and getting rid of Trump’s extra vetting of refugees among a bunch of other stuff. More later as I have a better look at it.

If you have been following RRW for the last many weeks (and months!), this is no surprise.  Chairman Biden and his gang are more interested in swamping America with more mouths to feed than they are in caring for struggling citizens.

Americans Last is their mantra!

Watch the video.  Biden says he is raising the number “back up” to 125,000 leaving the uniformed to think that it was just a few years ago, during Saint Obama’s administration, that the number was that high.

It hasn’t been that high for 29 years, not since 1992!

He and Barack never even got near 100,000. (But, lazy biased reporters will never tell you that!).

Joe Biden Plans to Admit the Most Refugees in any One Year Since 1992

And, one more thing. Note that at about the 1:00 minute mark he says he will raise it to 125,000 “in the first full fiscal year” of his administration.  His first full fiscal year doesn’t begin until October 1 of this year.

So, does that mean that he is leaving Trump’s 15,000 ceiling in place for the remaining months of this fiscal year?  


As the refugees recently settled are still struggling to survive, the refugee resettlement contractors, who worked to place Joe and Kamala in the White House, have been pushing Biden to admit tens of thousands more.

Refugees Struggling in America, Yet Biden Promised 125,000 New Refugees in 2021

Tomorrow we should expect to hear from those refugee industry contractors and I’ll let you know what they say.

For new readers here they are, the America Lasters who want more refugees as the ones they previously resettled are struggling in the Chinese virus lockdown.



Few UN Refugees Resettled Worldwide in 2020, but US STILL LED THE WORLD

Even as we have heard nothing but crying and moaning for the last few years from the refugee resettlement contractors*** about that mean President Donald Trump, a report from the UN confirms we still admitted more UN-chosen refugees than any other country!

Here is the news yesterday from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

And, btw, the photo the UN uses is of a family of Congolese ‘refugees’ being resettled to France from South Africa, THE RAINBOW NATION, the country that is safe and has been touted as a welcoming beacon to the world, and did I say, SAFE country.

Why are Africans not welcome in socialist, post-apartheid, South Africa!


With refugee resettlement at a record low in 2020, UNHCR calls on States to offer places and save lives

Despite an estimated 1.44 million refugees in urgent need of resettlement globally, only 22,770 were resettled through UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, last year. This is according to annual statistics released by the agency today.

These are the lowest refugee resettlement numbers the agency has witnessed in almost two decades. The drop stems from low quotas put forward by states, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which delayed departures and programmes.

How many has Ms. Triggs taken home to her house?

“We can only hope that 2020 will be an extreme anomaly for refugee resettlement.

We urgently call on governments to boost their programmes this year, offer more places, expedite the processing of cases and help us save lives of those most in need and at greatest risk,” said UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs.


The largest numbers of resettled refugees in 2020 originated from Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Myanmar.

So isn’t your next question naturally this one:

So where did those refugees get resettled?

LOL! It isn’t in the story, you have to open the link to the data.

We actually admitted over 11,000 refugees in FY2020, this calculation is for calendar year 2020. See the data at the end of this post.  https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2021/01/22/yippee-bidens-cultural-enrichers-are-on-the-way/

Where is Ms. Trigg’s thank you to Donald Trump?


America Lasters!

***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who have worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people and are putting Americans last!


Endnote: See Frauds and Crooks today as Twitter has now basically shut me down.

Refugee Industry Advocates Pushing Biden to Immediately Set High Ceiling for Refugee Admissions

Oh boy are the Open Borders groupies energized!

Biden is aiming to top Obama in the refugee admission sweeps! 125,000 would top anything Obama did when welcoming in the third world to compete with low-skilled Americans for jobs.

Prior to the 2020 election steal, Biden/Harris promised they would immediately increase the refugee ceiling to admit 125,000 refugees in year one.

Indeed, increasing refugee admissions is a high priority for the Biden transition team, we are told.

Now there is a little waffling from the team, but those who stand to gain financially and otherwise from increased refugee admissions are trying to keep him focused (I expect that is a challenge considering his mental condition).

They are good propagandists as you will see when longtime refugee promotor Barbara Strack says it is vital to signal intent to drive up arrival numbers.

Here is what CNN had to say about a recent transition team powwow:

Biden team prepares to revamp the US refugee admissions program

(CNN)President Donald Trump spent years limiting the number of refugees coming to the United States. President-elect Joe Biden, meanwhile, has pledged to set the annual refugee admissions cap at 125,000. But first, his team will have to contend with the damage left behind.

The refugee cap, which dictates how many refugees may be admitted to the US, must be approved by the president [The President sets the level with the US State Department, but the President is the decider—ed].  But where the cap has often been viewed as a goal to be reached, the actual number of refugees admitted has fallen short under the Trump administration.

Correction!  The number set is a CEILING that is not to be surpassed except in a case of an emergency.  It is rarely achieved.  It was never meant to be a goal! See below that even St. Obama fell short.  They NEVER tell you that!

This year, the Trump administration set a refugee cap of 15,000, the lowest level since 1980.

“The program that this incoming administration is inheriting is on its last breath,” said Danielle Grigsby, director of policy and practice at Refugee Council USA.

“It’s going to require both political will and an early investment in overturning policies to see the program begin to operate as it can and is intended to.”


“The infrastructure within the government, as well as the infrastructure in the NGO community, has been very badly affected by the last four years, so we’re assessing that in order to figure out how quickly the administration can move,” a transition official told reporters during a Tuesday press call. [If the infrastructure is so damaged how did those NGO CEOs’ salaries increase!—ed]

Hmmm!  A little waffling from Biden?

“It will get done and it will get done quickly. But it’s not going to be able to be done on day one, lift every restriction that exists,” Biden said.

Building up refugee admissions has been a focus between the Biden transition team and the Department of Homeland Security, which plays a role in the process, according to a source familiar with the discussions, who noted that the team is assessing what needs to be fixed to eventually hit Biden’s goal.

Asked if the Biden administration would endeavor to set that cap in fiscal year 2021, a transition official said it’s “early to say,” adding that it “depends on the state of the infrastructure, which is something we’re determining.”


In the last few years of Obama’s presidency, the administration raised the refugee ceiling from 85,000 in fiscal year 2016 to 110,000 in fiscal year 2017 amid the Syrian crisis.


It gets tiresome to have to continually demonstrate how devious these people are when they talk to the uninformed media, but I guess someone has to do it.

Note how the propagandists like to tout those Obama CEILINGS!  Well here is the reality.

Data below is from the Refugee Processing Center that, I am sorry to say, has been deleted or removed from public view so as to keep you in the dark going forward.  Lucky for me I had a screenshot of this page.

Look very closely at the Ceilings in the first column and the actual admissions in the second one.  Obama’s presidency began in 2009.  What do you see?  He never reached the Ceiling and in some years fell many thousands of refugees short of that Ceiling.

CNN continues….

My guess is that Strack is itching for a big job in a Biden Admin. She seems to be all over the place throwing in her two cents worth.

Barbara Strack, former chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at US Citizenship and Immigration Services, was involved in the push to increase the capand cautioned that rebuilding the program will take time. Even so, signaling an intent to drive up arrivals is significant, Strack argued.

“I still think it’s very worthwhile for the administration to share that goal publicly because it lets the State Department, USCIS and [the Office of Refugee Resettlement] to start building that level,” she said. “It gives everyone their marching orders on what to build toward.”


The dwindling of the refugee ceiling under Trump has also had ripple effects in the US resettlement process, particularly for agencies tasked with helping refugees get set up.

The US Catholic Bishops want a refugee czar in the White House!  Gee where have I heard this before!


Ashley Feasley, director of policy at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, a refugee resettlement agency, said her organization is advocating that the Biden team appoint a senior-level White House coordinator ​to coordinate federal agencies and other stakeholders around rebuilding the US refugee admissions program.

More here.


So we can add Danielle, Barbara and Ashley to the list of those who put Americans last!


Americans Last!

This is what I said to Neil Munro at Breitbart, and you should ask the same every chance you get.

There’s no sense trying to argue with [progressives] except to turn it back and say; ‘What about our own poor people? Why aren’t they interested in taking care of our poor Americans? Our homeless? Why are refugees and immigrants somehow cooler and more desirable to take care of than our own poor people? Have we run out of poor Americans to take care of?’ No, clearly, we have not run out of poor Americans.

For new readers these are the Progressive groups, some claim they are ‘religious’ charities, that put the wellbeing of refugees and illegal migrants ahead of struggling Americans.





Refugee Contractor Notices Refugee Data is No Longer Available

I know, I know, it is a little hard to pay attention to peripheral issues like refugee resettlement when the future of the country is at stake in a little over two weeks (or longer if the Dems commit massive voter fraud through mail-in balloting).

However, someone has to keep a little watch on refugee admissions. After over 13 years of following the program,  I guess that is me as I drag myself from the disgusting ‘train-wreck’ news about the Biden crime family’s financial dealings in Ukraine and China.

As I mentioned here on the first of October, the State Department has decided to keep from the public major data about the refugees entering the US—data that citizens and the media have relied on for about ten years.

But, that data has not always been available to anyone who wants to look at it.  When I started writing RRW in 2007 the data at the Refugee Processing Center was password-protected and only insiders could see it.  I know because early-on a State Department official gave me one-time access to see data on Maryland.

A few years later, that data was open to the public and has remained so until now.

Refugee contractor World Relief has noticed that religion data is no longer available.  They claim they can’t check to see how many persecuted Christians are getting in. But, you can’t check how many Muslims are gaining entry either.

And, you can’t find out in which towns and cities the refugees have been placed!

From Religion News Service:

State Department refugee data on religion disappears

WASHINGTON (RNS)—The State Department no longer is making publicly available a number of statistics about refugees admitted into the United States, including their religious affiliation.

A spokesperson for the department cited two main reasons for the changes, which took place Oct. 9—the development of a new information technology system, which won’t be completed until December 2021, and concerns about privacy.

The department eventually will produce more reports after the system is completed, but the spokesperson could not confirm whether they would include religion data. Meanwhile, the “interactive reporting feature” that contained religion-related data on refugees already has vanished.

More here.  I can’t believe I have a point of agreement with a refugee contractor—World Relief.

Frankly, I see this as a move put in motion by the deep state actors that have hung on at the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration because they anticipate a Biden presidency and don’t want us to know who exactly is getting into the country as Biden has promised 125,000 in his first year in office.