Biden Says He Will Raise Refugee Ceiling “Back Up” to 125,000 as Americans Suffer Joblessness from Chinese Virus Lockdown

Update: Here is the Executive Order, no mention of the number yet, just laying the groundwork.  Focuses on climate refugees and getting rid of Trump’s extra vetting of refugees among a bunch of other stuff. More later as I have a better look at it.

If you have been following RRW for the last many weeks (and months!), this is no surprise.  Chairman Biden and his gang are more interested in swamping America with more mouths to feed than they are in caring for struggling citizens.

Americans Last is their mantra!

Watch the video.  Biden says he is raising the number “back up” to 125,000 leaving the uniformed to think that it was just a few years ago, during Saint Obama’s administration, that the number was that high.

It hasn’t been that high for 29 years, not since 1992!

He and Barack never even got near 100,000. (But, lazy biased reporters will never tell you that!).

Joe Biden Plans to Admit the Most Refugees in any One Year Since 1992

And, one more thing. Note that at about the 1:00 minute mark he says he will raise it to 125,000 “in the first full fiscal year” of his administration.  His first full fiscal year doesn’t begin until October 1 of this year.

So, does that mean that he is leaving Trump’s 15,000 ceiling in place for the remaining months of this fiscal year?  


As the refugees recently settled are still struggling to survive, the refugee resettlement contractors, who worked to place Joe and Kamala in the White House, have been pushing Biden to admit tens of thousands more.

Refugees Struggling in America, Yet Biden Promised 125,000 New Refugees in 2021

Tomorrow we should expect to hear from those refugee industry contractors and I’ll let you know what they say.

For new readers here they are, the America Lasters who want more refugees as the ones they previously resettled are struggling in the Chinese virus lockdown.



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