Nebraska bill would place financial responsibility on refugee resettlement contractors

All over the country, various governors and state legislatures are attempting to get some control over the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program which has, up until now, placed third world refugees in cities and towns in 48 states with no serious attempt to get local input.
Now I see that a bill has been introduced in Nebraska which would put financial responsibility on the non-profit resettlement contractor acting as the front for the federal government if refugees commit criminal acts.
I have no idea whether this could fly, but readers remember that every time an effort like this is made, and publicity is generated, more Americans learn that this program exists, and most don’t like it when they find out!  
There will be no one silver bullet to the heart of the program, it will take years of agitation (political and legal) by you and your fellow citizens who hopefully will ultimately prevail in convincing your legislators in Washington that their continued support of the present program will cost them their political futures.
Before I give you the news from the North Platte Bulletin, please check out our category on crimes here at RRW. We have 1,927 posts! on the topic going back to 2007.  Not all involve refugees, some posts are about other criminals who got into the US through a legal program and some involve crimes in Europe, however anyone looking for examples of refugees who committed crimes should mine that category.

There should have been some responsibility placed on refugee contractor in Utah!

Kyi Kyi Po, left, and Cartoon Wah move a painting of Po's sister and Wah's daughter, Hser Ner Moo, during the Hser Ner Moo Community and Welcome Center Grand Reopening in Salt Lake City on Saturday, March 17, 2012.
After jury found Esar Met guilty of rape and murder: Hser Ner Moo’s father Cartoon Wah (right) said, “My only daughter is still no more.”

I want to tell you about one crime that still haunts me and it happened years ago (in 2008).
In Utah a Burmese Muslim was placed in a housing complex with Burmese Christians and he raped and brutally murdered a little Christian girl.  It was a horrible crime and involved a lengthy (expensive) trial in Salt Lake City that found him guilty (never made national news and it should have!).
I always believed there should have been some repercussions for the resettlement contractor (and the US State Dept) that placed him among Burmese Christians.  (A Salt Lake Tribune reporter, Julia Lyon, went to Thailand and found that the Muslims and Christians were in separate sections of the refugee camp for obvious reasons!).
Utah taxpayers will pay for his incarceration for life.
So, I like this idea of placing some responsibility on the local resettlement contractors because maybe they will stop being so naive about who they are dropping off in your neighborhoods!
Here is the North Platte Bulletin:

A bill introduced in the Legislature would make resettlement groups more financially responsible for Muslim refugees that they sponsor.

The bill would specify that a refugee resettlement agency is liable to the state or any political subdivision for the cost of prosecution and damages or injuries to victims proximately caused by criminal acts committed by refugee accepted by the agency within the state of Nebraska.

Nebraska state Senator Bill Kintner introduced the legislation.

The liability for each refugee would continue for five years after the refugee is relocated within the state.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Bill Kitner of Omaha. The Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing at 1:30 p.m. Friday on LB 966.

Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom President Doug Kagan said Monday that the bill is a step in the right direction because it will make the resettlement organizations more responsible for financial burdens that others might face.

More here and click here for everything we have said about Nebraska (meatpackers involved again!).
To see who is resettling refugees in Nebraska, scroll down this list (it is out of order and Nebraska follows North Dakota).
Again, I invite anyone working on bills like this to search our “crimes” category and you will find some shocking examples of rapists, murderers, Islamic terrorists and other petty criminals in the US refugee population.  Often overlooked when analyzing the cost of refugee resettlement, are the costs for court interpreters, police, trials and incarceration that state and local taxpayers must bear.

Almost 15,000 Burmese Muslims brought to US in last ten years

Yesterday, Obama was in Malaysia promising that our doors were open to Burmese Muslims known as the Rohingya.
Here are some numbers for you.  I went back ten fiscal years.  The vast majority of the refugees we take from Burma (aka Myanmar) are Christians.  See data base here (you will have to choose your parameters).  I ran data for FY2006 to FY2015.

Buddhist monks
In 2013 Buddhist monks protested efforts by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to get a foothold in Burma. “No Sharia Law” said monks not at all concerned with political correctness. Photo:

We took 149,020 total ‘refugees’ from Burma, presumably because they were being persecuted by the majority Buddhist nation.  The largest number we’ve taken in are Christians of various sorts, but we did take over 22,000 Buddhists (I thought the Buddhist nation was throwing out their minorities so this doesn’t make sense to me).
What I really wanted to know was how many Burmese Muslims/Rohingya we have been admitting.
By the way, when Trump and other candidates mention their worries about Syrian Muslims they need to be educated on the FACT that hundreds of thousands of other Muslims are being admitted as refugees—such as the Somalis and the Iraqis (now both over 100,000 each).
In the last ten fiscal years we have admitted 14,695 Burmese Muslims to the US.
Here is the year-by-year breakdown:

FY ’06: 33

FY ’07: 2,034

FY’08: 2,816

FY’09: 1,273

FY’10: 910

FY’11: 771

FY’12: 759

FY’13: 1,064

FY’14: 1,209

FY’15: 3,809  (looks like they have kicked into high gear)

And so far in FY’16 we have admitted 17

For everything you want to know about Rohingya, click here for archive with 183 previous posts on this Muslim ethnic group.  See especially here in 2013 when we reported that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops was lobbying the US State Dept. to admit more Rohingya.

Malaysia: Obama (today) meets with Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims on way to US

This story is a Drudge headline this morning:  Obama defiant: vows more refugees.
***Update*** November 22:  Almost 15,000 Burmese Muslim came in as refugees in last ten years, here.
He is in Malaysia, a safe Muslim country which is sending Rohingya Muslims (who arrive there illegally) to America!  So while we have anxiety about Syrian Muslims coming to the US, remember the US resettlement program has been bringing in Muslims from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Burma (and other countries) for years.

Esar Met evil face
Meet Esar Met a Burmese Muslim sentenced to life in prison in Utah in 2014 when he was found guilty of brutally raping and murdering a little Christian Burmese girl in his Salt Lake City apartment complex. The medical examiner testified that she died in excruciating pain. Shame on the mainstream media for never reporting on this case outside of Utah.

The Rohingya are especially fundamentalist Muslims we have been following for 8 years.  We have an extensive archive (Rohingya Reports) with 182 previous posts just on the situation in Burma and surrounding countries with the Rohingya.  (Want to write a book on Rohingya?  Your research is right here on these pages!)
In 2013 we reported that Anastasia Brown, on behalf to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, lobbied the US State Department to allow Rohingya Muslims to enter the US with a P-2 Designation meaning that they need not prove individually that they are persecuted, but that they would be admitted to the US as a class.
In other words, all they need do is say:  I am Rohingya and they are eligible for resettlement in your towns and cities.
Thousands are already here.   In our earliest years of reporting on Rohingya, the US State Department was not admitting them for fear that terrorists were among them.   All that has changed.
See the AP story at Myway:

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back against efforts to bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the U.S., President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world “as long as I’m president.”

Obama commented Saturday at a learning center in the Malaysian capital that serves the poor, including some refugees. He met with boys and girls wearing crisp white and black uniforms and neckties as they sat at tables and worked on painting and puzzle projects.


Most of the children the president met with are Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group. Tens of thousands of Rohingya have fled Myanmar to escape persecution by the country’s Buddhist majority, with many ending up in Malaysia, where Obama was attending a regional economic summit.


The refugees Obama met with have all been cleared to come to the U.S. and have been assigned to specific cities, the White House said.

Earlier this year we reported that 12,615 Burmese Muslims had been admitted to the US in the last ten year.  I’ll have to do an update of those numbers when I get a minute (Ha!).  BTW, the majority population of Burma (aka Myanmar) is Buddhist and they want the country to remain majority Buddhist.  Even the famed human rights activist from Burma has angered the humanitarian industrial complex by not speaking out on behalf of rights for Rohingya.
See why Obama is angry (in my opinion). His job was to get them in here as part of the UN agenda, and he has hit a roadblock!—YOU!
Addendum:  How could I forget.  Hillary has been touting her ‘success’ in Burma while Secretary of State.  Then why are we taking thousands of Burmese Muslims to the US if she has done such a good job?  You must see this post!  Podesta Group sent to Burma to shore up her image!

Muslim Brotherhood affiliated charity, Islamic Relief, says UK must step up Syrian resettlement

Invasion of Europe news…..

And, you can bet they would scream bloody murder if the Cameron government ever had the guts to put persecuted Christians at the head of the line.
BTW, Islamic Relief is working in the US to help Syrians get resettled in your states—Kentucky and Maryland that we know of (so far).
I wanted to learn more about the new UK Director of Islamic Relief, Imran Madden.  I didn’t find much, but am posting this 2012 Al Jazeera interview I found informative…..a bit off-topic!

Here is the surprising (not!) news from Islamic Relief (UK must dramatically accelerate Syrian resettlement):

The new UK Director of Islamic Relief will use his speech in a fringe debate at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester to urge the Government to inject greater urgency into resettling Syrian refugees in the UK and leave ‘no diplomatic stone unturned’ in the search for a lasting peace in Syria.

At a conference fringe debate organised by Islamic Relief and World Vision (details in Notes to Editors along with details of separate Muslim Charities Forum fringe event), Imran Madden will speak alongside the Minister of State for International Development, Desmond Swayne MP, to highlight the enormous human cost of forgotten crises around the world – and the Syrian conflict in particular.

They recommend 5 prescriptions for the crisis, this is #5:

A dramatic acceleration of planned refugee resettlement in the UK.

Related:  First Syrians headed to Northern Ireland, here.  They will be mostly Muslims as the UK is working with the UNHCR to pick its refugees.
About the video (and maybe too much in the weeds for most readers!):   I’ve been following the Rohingya refugee issue for nearly eight years.  In the most recent years, the reason for the original outbreak in the latest wave of violence in Burma (Myanmar) which broke out when three Rohingya Muslim men raped a Buddhist woman, has been long forgotten.  I have been so annoyed over the years to see that original spark for the latest violence between the ethnic groups expunged from media coverage. The media and humanitarian agitators (including the OIC) have made it look like the Rohingya were pure as the driven snow.
I was thus surprised to see this 2012 Al Jazeera piece (an interview with Imran Madden) that actually does mention the rape that started it all.
For Hillary watchers out there, one of the few foreign policy success stories that Hillary was earlier mentioning was supposedly bringing some democracy to Burma. She even sent the ‘Podesta Group’ there to help shore-up her legacy.  Dead silence now as Burma is still in internal conflict.
If you are interested in the Rohingya issue we have enough posts here that you could write a book (see Rohingya Reports category).
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.

Rohingya Muslims on the way to the US, many others already here

I thought I was done today.  I was just going to tackle my bulging e-mail in box when I came across an e-mail from reader Judith alerting me to this news from the Bangkok Post yesterday.

Rohingya boat
Rohingya are coming to the US. This group of young MEN was apprehended by the Malaysian government, a Muslim government, that doesn’t want the Rohingya. So we are taking them!

24 Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims are on the way to the US, but the article tells us that since right after 911 we have admitted 13,000 Burmese Muslims (how many are Rohingya?).
While we focus on the fact that Syrians can’t be screened, frankly neither can Muslims who get on boats in Southeast Asia (claiming to have been kidnapped) be properly screened!
New readers of RRW don’t know that we have an entire category on the very ‘observant’ followers of Islam that are known as the Rohingya.
We have 180 posts in our ‘Rohingya Reports’ category extending all the way back to 2007.  Back in 2007 and early 2008 there was no way the US State Dept. was going to admit Rohingya Muslims, but clearly all that has changed
Here is the story at the Bangkok Post (which won’t let me snip much, so please go read it yourself):

At 46 years old, Basamai, an ethnic Rohingya Muslim man, will for the first time obtain identity documents that will allow him to resettle in the United States next week, along with 23 other trafficking victims.

The 24 to be resettled follow four who left Thailand earlier this month, in a humanitarian programme that has resettled 13,000 Muslims from Myanmar since 2002, according to the US Department of State Refugee Processing Center.

They are not saying if they are coming to your town!

Following their arrival in the US — the exact location remains unknown — the Rohingya group will undergo Cultural Orientation Training before they can be resettled, said a source from the Ministry of…

Cultural Orientation Training, here? in the US?  That is a new one on me.
They were screened by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and the star of this story hopes to bring his wife and 8 daughters to America real soon!