By the way, in Burma (aka Myanmar), the majority Buddhist population does not think the group of people referred to as Rohingya are anything more than Bangladeshi ethnics who got in to the Buddhist country from Muslim Bangladesh over decades. That is why the word, setting them aside as some special ethnic group, should the Pope utter it, will not sit well with his hosts.
Pope Francis has arrived in Myanmar, becoming the first pope to ever visit the southeast Asian nation.
Pope Francis exchanges gifts with Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi who has been a greatly admired human rights activist. However, in recent years she has refused to promote the meme that the Rohingya are completely blameless in the violent clashes between Buddhists and Muslims and thus has been vilified by the Human Rights Industrial Complex.
The world’s most high-profile Christian takes center stage in a staunchly Buddhist country accused of horrifying acts of brutality against its Rohingya Muslim minority.
The Pope previously decried the violence against the Rohingya, calling them his persecuted “brothers and sisters.”
Experts warn that this trip will require balancing a uniquely complicated set of humanitarian, diplomatic and religious questions. Even his own cardinal has advised the Pope to steer clear of the word Rohingya for fear of stalling his message of reconciliation before it has even begun.
Aaron Connelly, research fellow at Australia’s Lowy Institute, said that there was little chance the Pope’s visit to Myanmar was going to be a “generic Papal visit.”
“Clearly the thing that motivated this visit was always a desire to talk about the Rohingya,” he said.
“The question is … is he going to do that in a way which is less confrontational and engages?” Connelly added. “Or is he going to say, this is outrageous, these people have a right to be in Myanmar?”
Reading almost like an afterthought, here is the last line of this news:
While Pope Francis’s stance on the Rohingya crisis will likely dominate headlines, the Pope is also expected to push for greater rights for the several million members of Myanmar’s Christian minority.
Why does all of this matter to you in America? We have already admitted nearly 20,000 Rohingya ‘refugees’ in the last ten years. I’ll be updating numbers soon.
For more on Rohingya, see my Rohingya Reportscategory herewith 214 previous posts.
Good for Secretary of State Tillerson! My estimation of him has just risen enormously!
He hasn’t fallen for the propaganda campaign that the Muslim Rohingya have no blame and that the Buddhist government of Burma (aka Myanmar) is made up of evil killer Islamophobes.
Secretary of State Tillerson is greeted by famous human rights activist and leader Aung San Suu Kyi. CNN parrots the Rohingya are victims meme here too!
Unlike VP Pence who immediately jumped to the international ‘humanitarians’ tune here in September, Tillerson wants more facts!
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson made his first official trip to Myanmar on Wednesday, he did not describe the country’s brutal military crackdown on Rohingya Muslims as ethnic cleansing, as other diplomats have done.
Now read this next paragraph, so typical of the Leftwing media. NO mention of how some atrocities were perpetrated by Rohingya against their Buddhist neighbors!
Security forces have conducted or allowed what critics call systematic rape and murder against the Rohingya minority, leading more than half a million to flee to squalid camps in neighboring Bangladesh since August.
But speaking in Naypyidaw, Myanmar’s capital, Tillerson declined to call for sanctions or other censure, saying more investigation is needed.
“If we have credible information that we believe to be very reliable that certain individuals were responsible for certain acts that we find unacceptable,” Tillerson said, “then targeted sanctions on individuals very well may be appropriate.”
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have already documented atrocities against the Rohingya, a Muslim minority in the Buddhist-majority country. In September, the United Nations’ top human rights official accused Myanmar of carrying out “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”
Whether Tillerson was ill-informed or following administration policy wasn’t clear. [It is almost laughable how they write the ‘news’!—ed]
Obama failed to sufficiently charm Suu Kyi!
This is what really has the Human Rights Industrial Complex (HRIC) steamed. Their hero won’t come to an unqualified defense of the Rohingya:
In Myanmar, human rights groups have been dismayed at the failure of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to speak out on the plight of the Rohingya, especially now that she is state counselor, a position akin to prime minister.
“What people mean is what I say is not interesting enough,” she said of her critics during Tillerson’s visit. “What I say is not meant to be exciting. It’s meant to be accurate, not set people against each other.”
John Sifton, who is following the conflict in Myanmar for Human Rights Watch, said it was “naive” for Tillerson to call for another investigation.
Continue reading herewhere the reporter gives another opportunity for Republican Senators Corker and McCain to badmouth Trump and the changes being made at the US State Department.
You should know that, in my opinion, Trump and Tillerson are making a huge mistake with this staff cut-back by leaving in place career bureaucrats to run the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), the agency within the State Department that hires the contractors that place refugees in your towns.
But, for the moment, I am thrilled that Tillerson has enough sense to not buy the HRIC line that will soon be followed by demands that we admit even more Rohingya to your towns and cities than we have already (nearly 20,000 in the last decade).
See my Rohingya Reports category herewhere for nearly ten years I’ve reported on the build-up of this propaganda campaign—that the Rohingya are the sole victims here.
This is the scary thing when you know a good bit about a subject and you see some Leftist media reporter, with a big following (surely you have seen her on Fox), writing about something she knows little about.
In this case it is Betsy Woodruff on the Rohingya.
Woodruff (left) and her friend Michelle Fields being oh-so-cool pretending to be serious Washington DC journalists! P.S. the devout Rohingya would not like those dresses.
Here (below) is the title of her piece where she suggests that anyone who doesn’t believe that the Rohingya are pure as the driven snow are themselves inciting violence.
She includes Ann Coulter, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and yours truly as instigators of violence (murder and rape by Buddhists) against the poor, much-maligned Rohingya Muslims of Burma (actually they are most likely Bangladeshis) simply because we haven’t bought the ethnic cleansing story hook, line and sinker.
The American Far Right Asks: What Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing?
Before you read Woodruff’s yellow journalism, I want to say a few things. I have followed the build-up of the controversy in Burma for ten years and have written 212 previous reportson Rohingya people.
I’ve watched the international Left build a classic propaganda campaign to promote the image of the Rohingya as the poster-children for ethnic cleansing—poor suffering souls who only want to be left alone to build their Muslim community in the midst of a violent (to hear them tell it) bunch of Buddhists.
The fact that famous Burmese human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi has not jumped to the defense of the Rohingya is telling. Dear Betsy, is she a Far Right activist too?
And, finally, yes there have been excesses from the Buddhists. It would be inexcusable for me (although I’m just a blogger) not to say that, but surely a ‘journalist’ of Woodruff’s stature might actually mention the rape and killing carried out by the Rohingya against Buddhists.
Here are Woodruff’s opening comments:
Some of the most influential figures in the far right have suggested that the Rohingya had Burma’s ethnic-cleansing campaign coming.
The Burmese government is engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing that has displaced more than 600,000 Rohingya civilians from their homes. Burmese military forces have burned dozens of Rohingya villages, raped women and girls, and murdered scores of people, according to an October report from Amnesty International. The government’s brutality against the predominantly Muslim ethnic minority has drawn condemnation from the United Nations, the international human rights community, and the U.S. State Department.
But in far-right media, it’s a different story. Some of the most influential figures of the far right have helped amplify voices that incite violence, and have even suggested that the Rohingya had it coming.
Continue readingas she gasps over remarks by Coulter, Geller, Spencer and unnamed writers at Breitbart including this one (she provides no link) who apparently said this:
(Let me ask you faithful readers if this sounds outrageous to you.)
“Perhaps the Buddhists are trying to maintain their own history and culture in the face of calls for destruction,” it concluded.
What an unthinkable concept that is according to Woodruff (gasping again)!
Yup! Monks being politically incorrect!
She does give a link for a recent story at World Net Daily by Leo Hohmann where I am quoted:
And WorldNetDaily, a site best known for promoting birther conspiracy theories***, recently ran a piece indicating Burma’s government was handling the Rohingya crisis appropriately.
“The Buddhists get it,” anti-refugee activist Ann Corcoran told the site. “They are being very politically incorrect.”
I urge anyone considering themselves journalists to visit my Rohingya Reportscategory with over 200 previous posts. You should learn that the Rohingya began the latest round of violence in 2012. First came the rape and murder of a Buddhist girl by Rohingya and retaliation by Buddhists. Then the Rohingya burned some Buddhist villages in Rakhine state….and back and forth it went.
*** Have some fun, go back to Woodruff’s pieceand see how many words she uses that are yellow journalism techniques— exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering or sensationalism. Like this: “conspiratorial right-wing Robert Spencer.”
Post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.
We’ve reported on the case of Mohammod Rafique here and here, but we are learning more details about the case and a controversial vote that shows the mayor of Nashua and some of his aldermen swallowed the propaganda from Welcoming America and designated Nashua as a welcoming city just one year ago. See here.
Democrat Mayor Jim Donchess: if we reject Welcoming America we will send a negative message.
Once again we have a story where the mayor and (some) local elected officials supported the seeding of third worlders into a small American cities that resulted in refugees like Rafique being allowed to roam free (I assure you he was not allowed to roam free in Thailand before he was brought to NH.).
The Open Borders Left has been working for years to get mayors elected who will carry their water.
LOL! Maybe we should make a list of a dirty dozen mayors who have to go! Donchess will surely make the cut! (send me suggestions!)
A Muslim refugee from Burma, also called Myanmar, is facing multiple sexual assault charges after he allegedly tried to kiss and fondled four girls between the ages of 7 and 12 in a New Hampshire town that just over a year ago became one of President Obama’s “Welcoming Cities.”
Police said the incidents allegedly occurred at some kind of gathering but were not more specific.
Mohammod Rafique, 27, a member of the Rohingya Muslim minority that is fleeing Burma, has been living in Nashua, New Hampshire, for almost two years but speaks no English.
Police cracked the case open after a 10-year-old Nashua girl told her family, then police, and then child-welfare advocates that a man “drank too much, (became) ‘touchy-touchy,’ rubbed her upper thigh and touched her buttocks,” according to the Telegraph, Nashua’s local newspaper.
Rafique also grabbed, fondled and tried to forcibly kiss the girls, according to reports. [So much for that “robust” screening that allowed someone like this to be admitted to America!—ed]
On this business about Rafique not being able to communicate with lawyers etc. As one of my readers asked, then how the heck did he communicate with his resettlement contracting agency***?
Lubell is an Obama “champion of change!”
Rafique has been unable to communicate with his attorneys or corrections staff, his lawyer told the Telegraph, and she tried to get his bail lowered earlier this week but was unsuccessful.
Just last fall, in September 2016, the Nashua City Board of Alderman narrowly voted 8-7 to become a “Welcoming City” under the umbrella of Welcoming America.
Welcoming America was founded by Obama friend and open-borders promoter David Lubell, whose agenda is to “water the soil,” softening up residents of U.S. cities to accept the seeding of Third World refugees and illegal immigrants.
The Obama White House honored Welcoming America as a White House Champion of Change for innovations in immigrant integration. The organization has also been honored by the United Nations.
Be sure to see Hohmann’s discussion about how many Rohingya are arriving in America. It is approaching 20,000 in the last decade.
We have written many posts on a ‘community organizing’ group started with Soros seed money—‘Welcoming America’—click here to learn more.
I also have over 200 posts on Rohingya refugees, here, the new flavor of the year for the refugee industry! (Laughing again! In ten years I’ve watched the Iraqis in the starring role, then the Syrians, and now the media have moved on to give the Rohingya top billing to pull on your heartstrings, and get into your wallets!)
And, for those looking for things to do, see this post where I describe getting involved politically at the local level.
We have stories too!
By the way, for those who read this and think it’s unfair to make Rafique the poster boy for refugees being placed in Nashua, remember that the Leftwing propaganda machine and its media handmaidens love to showcase the refugee who goes to Harvard/Yale (blah, blah, blah) making that person their example of a model refugee.
We can play the same game! As I’ve said often: for every refugee you can show me who goes to Harvard, I can show you a refugee like Rafique! (In fact, maybe 5 or 10 Rafiques for every Harvard-bound refugee!)
***Based on information available in recently acquired FY18 R & P Abstractsit looks like the New England Lutheran contractor, now called Ascentria, may have been his resettlement facilitator. They have an office in Concord, but they discuss in that Abstract placing refugees in Nashua.
Apparently the judicial system in NH can’t find an interpreter to communicate with him. (By the way, taxpayers must pay for the interpreters thanks to a Bill Clinton Executive order still followed by Trump.)
Poster boy for our supposed “robust” screening process!
But, my first thought, on reading this latest news from New Hampshire (our first post on the case ishere), is how did someone like this get through the super duper screening process we are told takes 18-24 months?
And, who made the decision that allowed the refugee application for Mohammod Rafique to move forward?
He clearly has problems. Did someone really think he would benefit America by being given refugee status? And, what about his resettlement agency? Didn’t they teach him anything about our culture and how we expect women and little girls to be treated? (He surely hasn’t heard about Harvey!)
NASHUA, N.H. (AP) — A refugee from Myanmar [aka Burma—ed] jailed in New Hampshire on sexual assault charges doesn’t speak English and hasn’t been able to communicate with lawyers or corrections staff, his attorney said.
Mohammod Rafique and his family fled persecution in their native country, and his experiences have left him extremely fearful of law enforcement, attorney Amanda Henderson said, according to the Telegraph of Nashua . A hearing last week had to be continued after the 27-year-old Rafique collapsed in the courtroom.
Rafique has been jailed in Nashua since Sept. 19 on three counts of felonious sexual assault and three counts of attempted felonious sexual assault. Authorities say he grabbed, tried to kiss and improperly touched four girls, ages 7 to 12.
Continue reading here to learn more about what happened in the courtroom. Was it an act?
Go herefor my Rohingya Reports category with over 200 posts archived there, and know that we have admitted close to 20,000 Rohingya Muslims to the US in the last 10 years.
Come to think of it, my Rohingya Reports category is full of stories about Burmese refugees who are violent. There is Esar Met the child killer in Utah. There is the Burmese biter in North Carolina as well as the Burmese man who slaughtered three little children in his NC neighborhood, and Rafique here. Why so many clearly mentally ill Burmese are being selected for us?