Nashua, NH welcomed Rohingya refugee now jailed for allegedly touching little girls

We’ve reported on the case of  Mohammod Rafique here and here, but we are learning more details about the case and a controversial vote that shows the mayor of Nashua and some of his aldermen swallowed the propaganda from Welcoming America and designated Nashua as a welcoming city just one year ago. See here.

mayor jim donchess
Democrat Mayor Jim Donchess: if we reject Welcoming America we will send a negative message.

Once again we have a story where the mayor and (some) local elected officials supported the seeding of third worlders into a small American cities that resulted in refugees like Rafique being allowed to roam free (I assure you he was not allowed to roam free in Thailand before he was brought to NH.).

The Open Borders Left has been working for years to get mayors elected who will carry their water.

LOL! Maybe we should make a list of a dirty dozen mayors who have to go!  Donchess will surely make the cut!  (send me suggestions!)


From World Net Daily yesterday:

A Muslim refugee from Burma, also called Myanmar, is facing multiple sexual assault charges after he allegedly tried to kiss and fondled four girls between the ages of 7 and 12 in a New Hampshire town that just over a year ago became one of President Obama’s “Welcoming Cities.”

Police said the incidents allegedly occurred at some kind of gathering but were not more specific.

Mohammod Rafique, 27, a member of the Rohingya Muslim minority that is fleeing Burma, has been living in Nashua, New Hampshire, for almost two years but speaks no English.

Police cracked the case open after a 10-year-old Nashua girl told her family, then police, and then child-welfare advocates that a man “drank too much, (became) ‘touchy-touchy,’ rubbed her upper thigh and touched her buttocks,” according to the Telegraph, Nashua’s local newspaper.

Rafique also grabbed, fondled and tried to forcibly kiss the girls, according to reports. [So much for that “robust” screening that allowed someone like this to be admitted to America!—ed]

On this business about Rafique not being able to communicate with lawyers etc.  As one of my readers asked, then how the heck did he communicate with his resettlement contracting agency***?

Lubell is an Obama “champion of change!”

Rafique has been unable to communicate with his attorneys or corrections staff, his lawyer told the Telegraph, and she tried to get his bail lowered earlier this week but was unsuccessful.

Just last fall, in September 2016, the Nashua City Board of Alderman narrowly voted 8-7 to become a “Welcoming City” under the umbrella of Welcoming America.

Welcoming America was founded by Obama friend and open-borders promoter David Lubell, whose agenda is to “water the soil,” softening up residents of U.S. cities to accept the seeding of Third World refugees and illegal immigrants.

The Obama White House honored Welcoming America as a White House Champion of Change for innovations in immigrant integration. The organization has also been honored by the United Nations.

Many more details here.

Be sure to see Hohmann’s discussion about how many Rohingya are arriving in America. It is approaching 20,000 in the last decade.

We have written many posts on a ‘community organizing’ group started with Soros seed money—‘Welcoming America’—click here to learn more.

I also have over 200 posts on Rohingya refugees, here, the new flavor of the year for the refugee industry! (Laughing again! In ten years I’ve watched the Iraqis in the starring role, then the Syrians, and now the media have moved on to give the Rohingya top billing to pull on your heartstrings, and get into your wallets!)

And, for those looking for things to do, see this post where I describe getting involved politically at the local level.

We have stories too!

By the way, for those who read this and think it’s unfair to make Rafique the poster boy for refugees being placed in Nashua, remember that the Leftwing propaganda machine and its media handmaidens love to showcase the refugee who goes to Harvard/Yale (blah, blah, blah) making that person their example of a model refugee.

We can play the same game! As I’ve said often: for every refugee you can show me who goes to Harvard, I can show you a refugee like Rafique! (In fact, maybe 5 or 10 Rafiques for every Harvard-bound refugee!)

***Based on information available in recently acquired FY18 R & P Abstracts it looks like the New England Lutheran contractor, now called Ascentria, may have been his resettlement facilitator.  They have an office in Concord, but they discuss in that Abstract placing refugees in Nashua.

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