Great mystery in Sweden: how do we suddenly have more men than women?

And, what will that mean for the social structure of the country?

More Invasion of Europe news…..
You can’t make this up!
I’ll bet there isn’t one of you reading this who doesn’t know the answer right now before you even read the story!

Nuur at Bare Naked Islam
One of those young men is asylum seeker Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, from Ethiopia, who has been charged in the murder of a white aid worker.

Sweden has opened its doors wide to the Middle East and Africa and who rushed in? Surprise!—young men! Mostly young Muslim men!
Here is how the story at the Daily Mail begins (it is an AP story so maybe that explains its ditzy-sounding opening paragraphs):

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Famous for its efforts to put women on an equal footing with men, Sweden is experiencing a gender balance shift that has caught the country by surprise: For the first time since record-keeping began in 1749, it now has more men than women.

Swedes don’t quite know what to make of this sudden male surplus, which is highly unusual in the West, where women historically have been in the majority in almost every country. But it may be a sign of things to come in Europe as changes in life expectancy and migration transform demographics.

“This is a novel phenomenon for Europe,” said Francesco Billari, a University of Oxford demographer who is president of the European Association for Population Studies. “We as researchers have not been on top of this.”

Ten paragraphs into the story we get the first hint of what has happened to Sweden.

Statistics officials say Sweden’s demographic shift is mainly due to men catching up with women in terms of life expectancy [Oh, really?—ed]. But the arrival in recent years of tens of thousands of unaccompanied teenage boys from Afghanistan, Syria and North Africa is also having a significant impact.

Sweden’s biggest male surplus is in the 15-19 age group, where there are 108 boys for every 100 girls. That imbalance could grow to 115-to-100 this year when the impact of last year’s record number of asylum-seekers — including more than 35,000 unaccompanied minors — is reflected in the population statistics.

You know this will not end well for the white women of Sweden (thousands upon thousands of young men with raging hormones and no women for them).  After citing a warning from an American university researcher, the reporter goes on to quote other ‘experts’ who say everything will be hunky-dory.
A warning from an American:

Valerie Hudson, director of a program on women, peace and security at Texas A&M University, said this should make Swedes concerned, because her research has linked skewed sex ratios in China and India to more violence against women and higher crime levels.

What’s happening in Sweden, Hudson said, “is one of the most dramatic alterations of demography over such a short period of time that I’ve ever seen.” She called it ironic that a country considered a beacon of women’s rights isn’t paying more attention to the issue.

Continue reading here because other women’s advocates downplay the news (naively in my opinion).
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.  And, we have written many posts over the years about Sweden, my pick for the European country that falls to the Islamists first.

Think about Utica, NY before you jump on the "welcoming refugees" bandwagon

Two years before I started writing RRW, Utica, NY was dubbed the ‘town that loves refugees’ by the United Nations.  They even had some propaganda show they took on the road to embarrass other cities into ‘welcoming’ refugees just as Utica had!

town that loves refugees
Read the 2005 UN propaganda report used to entice (embarrass) other cities into ‘welcoming’ refugees.

Now (11 years later) Utica has all sorts of problems.
Here in January 2015 we reported on the school system there suing the state of New York for more money. Why?  Refugee overload!
The school system can’t handle the numbers of refugees who speak over 40 languages in their schools.
From the Wall Street Journal:

Utica officials are grappling with high poverty rates, rising enrollment and big deficits.

Now, just a week or so ago, the school system lost a lawsuit filed by six refugee teenagers who claim they weren’t permitted to attend high school there.

Here is what the NY Times said about the case (by the way, typical of mainstream media reports on refugees, the NYT implies that the refugees simply made their way to Utica from the third world without explaining that the city was targeted as a resettlement site by the federal government and its contractors***!):

The Utica City School District settled a lawsuit on Thursday over its treatment of young refugees, who, the suit charged, were being excluded from the city’s lone high school because of their age and because they did not speak English.

The lawsuit, filed last year on behalf of six refugees by the New York Civil Liberties Union and Legal Services of Central New York, claimed that Utica shunted refugees who were older than 16 into lesser alternatives to high school, like a G.E.D. program only for English-language learners. New York law provides the right to a free public education until age 21.

Similar allegations, that refugee children are being excluded from public schools, have been leveled at districts elsewhere around the state and across the country.

Utica, in central New York, has become a magnet in recent years for those escaping persecution in their home countries. Today, nearly one out of six city residents is a refugee, according to the Civil Liberties Union.

Message to towns considering welcoming refugees—They do not bring economic boom times! Refugees bring poverty and social and cultural strife!

Utica mosque
Utica Methodist church becomes a mosque.

Special treatment for special people!
Further confirming that Utica has a problem with refugee overload, the White House has singled out Utica’s refugee teen population for $2 million worth of summer jobs! What about American kids who need summer jobs?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Utica is among 11 communities nationwide that will share $21 million in grants for summer jobs programs aimed at helping disadvantaged youth, the White House and U.S. Department of Labor said Monday.

Utica will receive almost $2 million to help 400 students in the city’s refugee population receive summer work experience and part-time jobs the rest of the year, White House officials said.

Again, think about the BIG LIE that refugees will help your struggling city. They won’t! The only money they will bring in to your town is the money Washington throws the city through myriad welfare programs—food stamps, medicaid, section 8 housing, and now funding for summer jobs.  Washington doesn’t grow money on trees!  The taxpayers of America are propping up refugee saturated cities!

If you live in newly targeted refugee placement cities—Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Missoula, MT and Ithaca, NY (and more!)—think long and hard if you want to be like Utica, NY some day!

Click here for our Utica archive.
*** The resettlement contractor in Utica is the Mohawk Valley Resource Center and that is a subcontractor of Baltimore-based Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (one of the US State Department’s top nine refugee contractors).

Migrants burn down refugee center on Lampedusa (thank you Pope Francis)

Invasion of Europe news…..
African migrants claiming to be asylum seekers (they are not, they are economic migrants and criminals) set fire to a refugee center on the Italian island of Lampedusa earlier this week (Hat tip: Pamela Geller).

pope on Lampedusa
Pope Francis went to the Italian island of Lampedusa in July 2013 and blessed the migrants while lecturing the Italians to be more welcoming! Migrants are trying to find “serenity and peace” said the pontiff.


A group of Tunisian migrants set fire to the main pavilion in a Lampedusa refugee welcome center Tuesday night, causing severe damage, after learning they would be repatriated to their home country, according to reports. [They were determined to not be legitimate refugees.—ed]

The fire enveloped the first aid and reception center of Imbriacola in Lampedusa, which presently houses some 530 asylum-seekers, though no injuries have been reported. This is not the first time that migrants have set the pavilion ablaze. Similar acts of arson occurred in 2009 and then in 2011.

After hours battling the fire, which was set around 10:30 pm, teams of firefighters stationed on the island were finally able to get the blaze under control in the early hours of Wednesday morning.


Reports suggest that in recent weeks tensions had already been growing inside the Lampedusa welcome center, linked to the refusal by a group of African migrants, mainly from Eritrea and Yemen, to submit to identification and registration procedures including the taking of fingerprints.

More here.
When is the last time you have seen news like this at any mainstream media outlet or on cable news?  One day America will wake up to the fact that Europe is lost and they will wonder how that happened so quickly.  It hasn’t been that quick!  We have reported on the invasion for many years now and chronicled the inability (unwillingness) of European leaders to stop it!
See our complete Invasion’ archive here.

Hungry Canadians move over! here come the Syrians looking for free food

According to CBC Canada, almost 27,000 Syrians have arrived in Canada since November and already (in 6 months) their private sponsors are falling down on the job and even government-funded refugees are scurrying to local food banks because they have no jobs and no money.

In photo op, Canada’s boy wonder, Justin Trudeau, greets Syrians at the airport. But, has he invited any home for dinner or planned how to feed them all so they aren’t running to the media with tales of woe? Photo and sickening propaganda video:

CBC Canada (begins by describing the plight of one hungry family dependent on food banks for indigent Canadians), then this:

“When we come here, we didn’t expect we get any kind of help, and, unfortunately, that was the ugly truth,” she said. “So, we are alone, and we struggle still.”


Demand is growing for food banks and the organizations that supply them.

From February to March, Daily Bread, which supplies its own food bank and 200 other food programs in Toronto, including the Scott Mission, saw a 20 per cent jump in the number of clients using its services.


It was the largest increase in recent memory, said head of research Richard Matern, and most of it was because of the influx of Syrian refugees.

“We are being overwhelmed at the moment,” he said.

Across the country in the Vancouver suburb of Surrey, more than 700 government-sponsored refugees have used the local food bank since February. [of the 1,500 resettled there—ed]

Canada has a bifurcated system.  Some refugees are government-funded (like in the US) and some are privately sponsored. Clearly they didn’t screen the private sponsors very well!  But, as reported above, even the government-sponsored refugees are devouring the supplies at local and regional food banks.

Under federal guidelines, private sponsors are legally required to cover the cost of food, rent and other living expenses for up to a year, a minimum of roughly $27,000 for a family of four, according to government estimates.

But in Asoyan’s case, her family’s sponsor, Sarkis Shaninian, is unemployed.

He had a job when he signed up to sponsor the family but has been without work for three months.

“Money, I don’t have money to help them, no,” he said in an interview with CBC News.


At last count, 26,921 Syrian refugees had arrived in Canada since last November, and thousands more whose applications are still being processed are expected to arrive by the end of this year.

Can Canadians impeach prime ministers (just wondering)?
See our complete Canada category (177 posts), here.

MN: CAIR filing another employment discrimination case involving Somalis and prayer breaks

This one involves a manufacturer of door and window hardware (not meatpacking for a change).  For the life of me, I don’t know why these manufacturers keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome—hire Muslims then end up in legal hot water over prayer break times.
And, if you don’t know what this is….this is creeping shariah!

CAIR-MN director Jaylani Hussein: 50% of our work now involves suing employers for discriminating against Muslims. See what ‘Minnesota nice’ gets you!

Owatonna is a little town of 25,000 or so in the southeast corner of the state within easy driving distance of the two big hubs of Somali refugee resettlement—-Minneapolis and Rochester.  However, Owatonna is a direct resettlement site too, see here.
I love the irony! Be sure to see Owatonna embraces its Somalis!
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune two days ago:

Nearly two dozen Muslim Somali-Americans are filing discrimination charges with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity against hardware maker AmesburyTruth and Doherty Staffing Solutions.

The fired workers said they were denied a place to pray at an Owatonna, Minn., manufacturing plant and lost their jobs for trying to practice their religion.

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is leading the effort on behalf of 21 former workers who were terminated in May and June 2015.

Owatonna, MN Main Street. They are changing America by changing the people!


Followers of Islam pray five times each day — at daybreak, midday, afternoon, sunset and at night. Before prayer, Muslims are required to wash their faces, hands and feet with clean water, which normally is performed in a restroom sink.

AmesburyTruth is headquartered in Edina and makes hardware for doors and windows, weatherstrips and extrusions. The company has about 2,000 employees at 11 locations around the country.

The Owatonna plant employs about 800 workers and specializes in making windows, hinges, locks and other hardware used in casement windows.


CAIR-MN’s civil rights director Amarita Singh underscored that Muslim employees have the constitutional right to have employers accommodate their religious practices.


Jaylani Hussein, CAIR-MN’s executive director, said more than 50 percent of the organization’s casework now comes from these types of workers’ rights cases, though many are resolved without needing to involve the courts.

Gee, I wonder why?

Nationwide, anti-Muslim sentiment has risen dramatically in the past year, sparking protests and anti-refugee legislation in Idaho, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and elsewhere, said Stephen Piggott of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit focused on civil rights.

More here at the Star Tribune.
Search Somalis Minnesota here at RRW and it will keep you busy reading posts for hours! But, don’t miss this one (10,000 Somalis to MN in ten years!).
Addendum:  I’ve gotta try to remember to always add the latest Somali numbers—right now we are admitting them at the rate of 750 per month, see here.