Bowling Green, KY: Arrests made in Sunni vs. Shiite tussle


So where is Rand?

Did Grover get to Rand Paul? Or, was it big business donors (meatpackers maybe?) who caused Paul to go wobbly on the refugee issue?

Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine directs us to a brief news story from Presidential candidate Rand Paul’s home town.
Here is Greenfield:

Welcome to Bowling Green, Kentucky, the latest front in the Sunni – Shiite unholy war tearing apart the Middle East.

He then directs us to this news story about how a Shia Muslim claims he was assaulted by a Sunni Muslim in a dispute about their religious beliefs.
Then Greenfield closes with this:

Now how many Sunnis and Shiites do you need for there to be enough critical mass for these conflicts to turn violent? 

Why is this so interesting to me? 

The article does not tell us the nationalities of the two who scuffled, but I will bet a buck they were both Iraqis because we know many Iraqis have been resettled in Kentucky including those two refugee terrorists arrested in Bowling Green in 2011, on trial here in 2012.
At that time there was a glimmer of hope for Senator Rand Paul on this issue as he was very vocal in asking:  Why are we bringing so many Iraqis to the US?  See this post!  I was originally thrilled!

Now he has completely shut up on the issue!
By the way, Kentucky is an important refugee resettlement state and neither Senator Mitch McConnell or Senator Paul say a word about it.

The US State Department is admitting almost equal numbers of Shiite and Sunni Iraqis to the US, so you can expect more conflicts ahead!  Is that insane or what!

Again, we don’t know if these two Bowling Green squabblers are Iraqis, but this (below) will give you some idea of our foolishness.  I couldn’t get the State Department data base to open just now, but found my notes from a search  I did at the beginning of March.
From 1/1/14 to 2/28/15 (a little over a year) we admitted 22,446 Iraqis to your towns and cities.  The State Department data breaks them out by religion as follows:

Moslem (that is how they spell it): 351

Moslem Shiite: 7,747

Moslem Suni: 9,176

So the Muslims totaled:  17,274
All the other religions, or no religion accounted for the remaining 5,172 (23%).

So, is this kerfuffle in Kentucky the tip of the iceberg?  We’ll see!

See our Kentucky archive here, and don’t miss this post about the suspicious donation (for Syrian refugees) to a contractor from a Muslim “charity.”  See also Kentucky mosques cropping-up due to growing Muslim refugee population.

Make this issue (immigration and national security) a top concern for 2016 Presidential candidates!

If you have an opportunity to meet candidates ask them what their position is on refugee resettlement (look for a deer-in-the-headlights look!).

See NumbersUSA scorecard, here.  Paul has an abysmal D+ on immigration and jobs.
About the photo:  One of the earliest important stories we ever wrote nearly 8 years ago was about Grover Norquist lobbying for large numbers of Iraqi refugees to be resettled in the US.   And, see Grover here with RINO pals (including Jeb Bush) just last year urging the GOP to support the idea of more refugees coming to America!  Grover has been spreading the lie that Ronald Reagan signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law. He is wrong.  It was outgoing President Jimmy Carter who is responsible.


More rocks and more hard places for faith-based groups taking federal money

As we have reported previously, US refugee resettlement contractors which live off of millions and millions of your grant dollars are being faced with Obama Administration changes in policy that are forcing them to ultimately choose between principles of faith and cold hard federal cash that keeps them alive.
Here is another story that tells us about the rock and a hard place groups like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops find themselves in now that they have gotten in bed with ‘Caesar.’
I don’t think this will be as great a hardship for them as the earlier edict from the White House that the Bishops and others taking care of the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ must offer abortion services, but it is nonetheless a reminder of the perils of “church” groups becoming beholden to the federal government.
From Breitbart (hat tip: Julia).  BREAKING: Obama to Force Faith-Based Grant Recipients to Hire LGBTs

The Obama Administration is poised to require faith-based recipients of federal grants to accept applications from LGBT individuals, according to a report published today by the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam).

By executive order last summer, President Obama amended the Johnson-era federal order on non-discrimination in hiring by federal contractors to include non-discrimination based on “sexual orientation and gender identity.” That order has roiled faith-based groups.

A confidential source tells C-Fam that the White House has directed federal agencies to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” as protected classes in all grant agreements.


Faith-based groups, still grappling with the contracting question, are being caught off guard by this new policy on grants. None of the groups contacted by C-Fam were aware of the new policy.

The office of Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, who also heads the Bishop’s committee on religious freedom, wouldn’t comment. Neither would Anthony Picarello, General Counsel of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference. Catholic agencies would be hit particularly hard by such a change.

At the time of the executive order last summer, two Bishop-Chairmen of the USCCB said the order was “unprecedented and extreme and should be opposed.”

See this post earlier in the year about how much each of the nine major refugee contractors receive from the federal treasury (numbers are from FY2012).  They could not exist without this massive infusion into their coffers of your tax dollars.

Small EU countries: Don’t shove migrants down our throats…..

…..when you ‘welcomed’ them to Europe’s shores in the first place!

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..


Europe here we come! Migrants rescued off Italy. Don’t they look like an invading army?


The European Union is attempting to force a quota system on all EU countries demanding that everyone take a share of the tens of thousands of mostly African and Middle Eastern migrants flowing in to border countries like Italy, Malta and Greece.

Some countries are having none of it!

From the Associated Press via

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union plans to introduce a quota system obliging countries to share the burden of settling refugees unraveled Friday as member nations began rejecting the scheme.

Hungary, Slovakia and Estonia are among those to publicly object to a quota system, which would require unanimous agreement among the 28 EU nations.

Hold on a minute! Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says its “crazy” that you let them in and now we (who didn’t want them let in) are expected to take them!

“This is not solidarity. It is an unfair, unrighteous and dishonorable proposal which we cannot accept,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on state radio. “It is a crazy idea for someone to let refugees into their own country, not defend their borders, and then say: ‘Now I will distribute them among you, who did not want to let anyone in.'”

In a statement to The Associated Press, Slovakia’s interior ministry said that it “currently refuses binding quotas on migrants.” Estonia said it prefers voluntary relocation and resettlement for refugees.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged that it will be “hard work” to put a quota system in place but said there was “a large group of countries” in favor. Merkel said she was “convinced that we will not be able to do without a solution in solidarity in Europe.”

Germany, along with Sweden and France, is among a handful of countries accepting refugees. [Really dumb!—ed]

The EU’s executive Commission was to propose the plan next Wednesday as part of a strategy to help frontline countries Italy, Greece and Malta cope with thousands of migrants.

Read more here.

There is only one solution to stop the invasion—-turn the boats back to the North African coast as Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recommends, here.

St. Cloud, MN mosque vandalism called hate crime; Muslim arrested this week

Back in December the St. Cloud Islamic community was all in a rage over several incidents of vandalism that had occurred at a local mosque.  The local ‘interfaith’ community rallied and the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American Relations (CAIR) arrived on the scene and even called in the feds in hopes of proving that a “hate crime” had occurred.

Here is CAIR’s commentary—making sure that everyone is notified that Muslims are victims of hate crimes in America!

Lori Saroya
‘Our biggest concern is that it will escalate.’

Lori Saroya, [former] executive director of CAIR-MN, said the biggest concern is that the situation will escalate. There have been situations where vandalism has risen to arson in other cases, she said.  [Where, Ms. Saroya, has a mosque been burned by Islamophobes?—ed]

Saroya urged community leaders to use safety measures outlined in a CAIR booklet “Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety,” which was published in response to previous attacks on American mosques.


Since 2010, every new mosque project in Minnesota has faced community opposition, Saroya said, which can lead to safety concerns once a mosque is built.

Now comes news that an arrest has been made of a Muslim ‘worshiper’ who was caught in the act of vandalizing his mosque in a similar manner to previous attacks. 

Is he just a nut? Or, did he have instructions to help create a public relations event to elicit sympathy for the local Muslim population at this particular time when tensions are high in St. Cloud?  We may never know the answer because his story will never go beyond random-drunk-guy acting crazy!

Mosque vandal St. Cloud
Abdourahamane Diallo, a worshiper at the mosque, was arrested in the act of vandalizing St. Cloud Islamic Center.

From the St. Cloud Times (hat tip:  June):

A St. Cloud man was arrested early Thursday after a report of vandalism at the Islamic Center of St. Cloud, in the 300 block of Fifth Avenue South.

Abdourahamane Diallo, 29, told officers he had vandalized the Islamic Center and a vehicle because he was frustrated and had lost an expensive phone earlier in the evening, according to a report from the St. Cloud Police Department. [Oh sure, you lose your phone and then go attack a mosque!  Give me a break!—ed]

Police were called to the site shortly before 5 a.m. They learned that the window in a door and a window in a nearby vehicle had been broken while several people were attending prayer inside the center. Witnesses chased Diallo from the building to the end of the block and were walking him back to the scene when police arrived, the report said.


Diallo told officers he regularly attended prayer at the Islamic Center in the past.

Next time you hear about some mosque being attacked by vandals consider the very real possibility that it is an inside job!

Our extensive archive on St. Cloud going back to 2008 is here.  St. Cloud is being colonized with Somalis with the help of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota!

See Wednesday’s excellent opinion piece in the St. Cloud Times by AJ Kern, here.

Want to save your town from this?  Time to make Muslim immigration a major issue for 2016!

Your tax dollars raise terrorists as one more refugee wages Jihad

We haven’t written about the very brave American hero Pamela Geller and what happened in Garland, Texas, when she and other organizers of a ‘draw Muhammad’ contest flushed out a pair of jihadists living in our midst, because you would have to be living under a rock to have missed the news.

One more recipient of American generosity and good will! I bet you will never see the mainstream media mention the ‘R’ word (refugee) when reporting on Muhammed Hassan (aka Miski)

However, it now appears that another of the Somali “youths” you raised to adulthood with your tax dollars is at the center of the attack.

Remember readers that Somalis do not “find their way” to America.  The vast majority of Somalis in the US came (and continue to come!) through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.  You feed them, you house them, you give them medical care and you educate them!

Minnesota, where Muhammed Hassan is from, is Somali-central having received 10,000 Somali refugees in ten years directly from Africa and elsewhere around the world thanks to ‘Christian’ resettlement contractors.   (We are not counting the ‘secondary migrants’ who moved to Minnesota after being resettled somewhere else in the US and then move to join their kind of people in MN).

In the first six months of FY2015 we have admitted 4,425 Somalis to the US. Why are we bringing in any?

From ABC News:

A mysterious ISIS recruiter known online as “Miski” was in close and repeated social media contact with Elton Simpson for months before the Sunday attack in Garland, Texas, an ABC News investigation has found.

Miski is well known to FBI officials who say his real name is Muhammed Hassan, a fugitive since 2009 when he fled Minneapolis as a teenager to join terror groups in Africa.

Speaking in late April about the forthcoming Prophet Mohammad cartoon contest – the one targeted in Gardner Sunday – would-be shooter Simpson tweeted “When will they ever learn?”

A few minutes later Miski responded, “Where are the warriors of this Ummah [community]?” And then, “The brothers from the Charlie Hebdo attack did their part. It’s time for brothers in the #US to do their part.”


Since leaving the country in 2009, Miski has popped up repeatedly online as a vocal proponent of jihad. Each time Twitter shuts down his account, he simply returns in under a slightly different username and quickly reconnects with his supporters and potential recruits.

“His influence is quite extensive,” David Ibsen, Executive Director of the Counter Extremism Project, told ABC News. “He’s known as one of the go-to individuals online who individuals who want more information about how to travel to ISIS-controlled territory, who want information about what these radical groups are doing, they go to him.”

For new readers, we first began following the ‘missing Somali youth’ news way back in 2008, here.

We must demand a moratorium on the resettlement of Muslims from anywhere in the world—from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Burma, Uzbekistan and Syria to start with—if we want to have any hope of surviving!  Let the rich Arab countries take them!