Desperate Swedes threaten pig farm next to asylum center

This is one more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.  Americans pay attention, by some estimates we are only a decade behind Europe.

From The Local:

Gullberg is about a five hour drive from Stockholm, Sweden’s capital

Plans for a new immigration centre in Gullberg have already been strongly opposed by local residents and on Wednesday it was reported that a group of campaigners had sent a letter to the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) pledging to breed pigs nearby in order to deter Muslims from seeking asylum in the town.

The note, signed by what described itself as the “interest group for Gullberg’s survival” said that it was trying to create a “probably impossible situation for some religious people, especially Muslims”, according to Sveriges Radio.

Local politician Henry Sandahl from Sweden’s Countryside Party (Markbygdspartiet) told the broadcaster that he agreed with the sentiment of the letter.

“You know that Muslims are not friends with pigs,” he said.


At this point in the story there is much sniffing and snorting from Swedish elitists about how silly this idea is.  You can read it yourself.

Then this!  Sweden will not survive an open door policy toward Muslims from Syria.  Here we learn how high the number of asylum seekers has risen.

Sweden became the first European country in 2013 to grant automatic residency to Syrian refugees and has since seen asylum requests rise to record levels, which are still expected to reach about 90,000 in 2015.

To cope with an increasing flow of refugees, the Swedish Migration Board announced in March that it was more than tripling the maximum number of residents allowed at asylum centres from 200 to 650.

Will there come a day when Swedes seek asylum in America—but surely not in Minnesota!

This reminds me, a number of years ago Maryland had a Muslim state legislator who actually introduced a bill in the legislature that would make it harder for Maryland pig farmers to make a living.  The bill, disguised as an animal rights bill, failed and he is no longer a state delegate.

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, and here for a very long list of posts on Sweden.  If someone wants to write a book about the death of Sweden, they can start their research right here at RRW since we have been chronicling the colonization there for years.

Baltimore: Thousands of impoverished refugees poured into city in last ten years; fuel for the fire?

Is Baltimore a failed social experiment in the government’s (and big business’s) push for more diversity in your towns and cities?

Can we call it a first spectacular failure for Obama’s Task Force on New Americans plan to seed communities with third-worlders?

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is one of the Top Nine refugee resettlement contractors in the country and it is headquartered in one of Baltimore’s better neighborhoods. This is what we said in 2014: Gotta keep up their real estate holdings! The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

Baltimore, a majority African American (63%) city where we hear jobs are scarce and poverty is profound, with by several accounts amounting to 25% of the population living below the poverty level, the US State Department and its refugee resettlement contractors have nevertheless been pouring more diversity and consequently more poverty into the city for at least a decade.

In fact, Baltimore is a preferred refugee resettlement site according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement!

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake fell for the feds ‘progressive’ scheme here in 2012 when she said that bringing more refugees and immigrants to the city would boost the economy completely failing to understand that, just because African Americans are black, they wouldn’t simply ‘welcome’ the rainbow colors of the world to compete with them for jobs, housing and scarce social services.

The hard truth was revealed in the New York Times of all places.  African Americans don’t take kindly to diversity!

Here is one shocking little fact that was buried in a New York Times story about the recent riots:

Black gang leaders directed angry rioters to Asian and Arab shops while protecting stores owned and run by fellow African Americans.

Then he described how he and some Bloods had stood in front of black-owned stores to protect them from looting or vandalism. He said they had made sure no black children, or reporters, were hit by rioters. They pointed them toward Chinese- and Arab-owned stores. Charles said Mr. Gray had brought gangs together.

So much for the diversity-is-beautiful myth!

How much diversity has been brought to Baltimore to compete with poor African Americans?

This morning I went to the data base and checked out the numbers of refugees deposited in Baltimore since 2005.  I’m listing only countries of origin if there were more than 10 refugees resettled there. There were many other countries represented by smaller numbers.

Baltimore’s new diversity (these are newly resettled from abroad since 2005, not secondary migrants from elsewhere in the US):

Azerbaijan (10)

Bhutan (1,352)

Burma (1,109)

Burundi (11)

Cent. African Republic (16)

Congo (26)

DR Congo (253)

Eritrea (374)

Iran (136)

Iraq (404)

Liberia (99)

Nepal (10)

Pakistan (13)

Palestine (19)

Russia (196)

Somalia (217)

Sudan (225)

Syria (26)

Uzbekistan (36)

Vietnam (15)

All are in direct competition with African Americans for jobs, education, housing and social services.  And, these numbers do not include the thousands of illegal aliens welcomed to Baltimore in the last decade!

Catholics want their cake and eat it too! Again!

Your tax dollars:

Here is one more whiny opinion piece by a Catholic ‘leader’ about the Obama Administration order that says if you get federal money, you have to offer abortion services.  That puts the US Conference of Catholic Bishops between a rock and a hard place doesn’t it?  They can’t take care of the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ they have been paid for years to shelter, unless they provide access to abortions.

It is a very simple concept that every one of these Catholic writers try very hard to muddy the waters on:  If you take Caesar’s money, you have to follow Caesar’s rules!

From Catholic News Service where author John Garvey starts out with a little sobbing for the “children.”

John Garvey is the president of The Catholic University of America in Washington.

 Last year a crisis unfolded as thousands of children, some as young as 6, made their way alone from their Central American home countries and attempted a dangerous crossing into the United States. Many little ones died lonely deaths in the desert. Thousands were fortunately rescued by federal authorities and now fall under our government’s care.

It’s an open question whether — or how many — of these children should stay, but they are children. The federal government cannot simply house them in prisons. It must find ways to occupy them constructively — to educate them, even — while they await final disposition of their court cases.

Uncle Sam outsourced this work, as he often does, to the U.S. bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services*** and other experienced refugee organizations, some of which are faith-based. That made sense.  [Outsourced is, of course, a nice way of saying the feds PAY us!—ed]

But on Christmas Eve (presumably to avoid attention), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published an interim final rule that could disrupt this arrangement. It is designed to guarantee abortion access for minors in this precarious position, on the off chance that any of them might have become pregnant as a result of having been sexually abused.


“This,” the coalition of Christian groups wrote, “will have the effect of disqualifying our organizations from being primary grantees, the very organizations that have the most experience in providing services to unaccompanied minors and are best qualified to serve as grantees. Such a discriminatory effect would immediately work to the detriment of the children who are the intended beneficiaries of the program.”  [It is all for the “children” except that it isn’t, it is about the Bishops’ money!—ed]

*** We examined the USCCB’s Migration Fund here and learned that the majority (98%!) of their millions and millions of dollars each year comes from you—the US taxpayer!   Of course Catholics are free to care for migrant children, refugees and immigrants generally with their own private charity and thus not have this rule, that flies in the face of their supposed religious beliefs (from the guy the majority of Catholics voted for) dictating what they do.

But, alas in order to hold on to their principles, they would have to dig into their own private pockets instead of stealing from the taxpayer.

Little Mogadishu update: Somali refugee tweeted death threat against US Attorney General

Gee, is that Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch he wants to “whack?”

Little Mogadishu is of course Minneapolis!

Mahamed Abukar Said, 19: “Ima whack that us attorney general.”

Don’t miss it!  Also, on Friday Rep. Keith Ellison went to the Somali neighborhood to calm the youths! (Here)

I wish I knew all this excitement was going on when I was in the neighborhood on Friday!

This is a story about a friend of the six (latest batch) terrorists charged with planning to join ISIS so they could participate in killing for Allah.   He also tweeted the photo of the FBI’s confidential informant.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

A man who made death threats on Twitter against federal law enforcement officials in connection with the case against six Minneapolis men accused of trying to join ISIL now faces federal charges of his own.

Mahamed Abukar Said, 19, was charged Friday with two criminal counts for threatening “to assault and murder a federal law enforcement officer.”

According to the criminal complaints, he tweeted a photo of the government’s confidential informant in the case against the six defendants accused of conspiring to join ISIL. He also threatened federal prosecutors with a “massacre,” investigators allege.

Included in the federal complaint were copies of Said’s alleged tweets, including one that said, “Ima whack that us attorney general.”

The criminal complaint said that Said lives in Minneapolis with relatives, “attends school, and is on probationary supervision in Hennepin County for a fifth-degree controlled substance offense.”

Said appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Steven Rau, who signed the complaint, filed and also signed by FBI Special Agent Michael Iverson.

The charges note that in addition to a threat to kill the U.S. Attorney General, Said added, “The Feds are getting two choices. Either they gon free my bros or they gon have a massacre happen then they gon take me too.”

There is more, read it all here.

Wow! Isn’t diversity beautiful!

Wake up Minnesota! You paid to raise this punk and his friends!

Tell the church resettlement contractors to stop bringing refugees like these charmers to the state!  And, everybody reading this should tell your Members of Congress, US Senators, and Presidential candidates to STOP the resettlement of Somalis to America!  They are not our problem and we are presently bringing in between 800 and 900 a MONTH!

Invasion of Europe news: Pope’s life in danger as 18 arrested in foiled terror plot; believed to have entered Europe as refugees

So just as the Catholic Church is helping to pour tens of thousands of Muslim refugees into US towns and cities, and as the Pope himself welcomed them to Italy in 2013, here, we have news that (surprise!) some “refugees” want to kill the Pope!

From Israel National News.  Hat tip: Frank at It’s all about Muhammad:

Report: Italian Police Foil Al Qaeda Attack on Vatican

The Pope “welcomed” refugees to the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013; lectured residents to be more welcoming.


Arrests of 18 suspects prevented suicide bombing at the heart of Catholicism, police reveal.

Police raids in Italy may have been targeting 18 Al Qaeda-linked suspects who were planning an attack on the Vatican, a state prosecutor revealed Friday.

Chief Prosecutor Mauro Mura revealed to Reuters that the suspects had been planning a bomb attack at the Catholic spiritual center and that a suicide bomber had arrived in Rome.

Wiretaps revealed suspicions of a “big jihad in Italy,” the police officer in charge of the raids, Mario Carta, added.

All of the suspects are Pakistani or Afghani; the cell was based on the island of Sardinia. Two of the suspects were allegedly bodyguards to Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, before his death in 2011, police say.

The terror cell entered Italy via smuggling or by posing as refugees; some were then sent to other cities in northern Europe to carry out attacks.

For more on the Invasion of Europe, see our extensive archive by clicking here.