Worcester, Massachusetts having problems with refugee overload, contractor gets more grant $$$

Refugee resettlement contractor CEO Angela Bovill in 2013:  “This is a business!”

This story is one I had hoped to get to before going away last weekend.  Obviously there have been problems in overloaded Worcester and now the resettlement contractor is getting more grant money to help refugees access “services” which is code for welfare and other types of special treatment for this special class of immigrant.

I had to laugh (I know it isn’t funny!), but here we have Obama’s seeding program already being put into action.  And, the buzzword  “integration” is front and center.  This is not a plan for the refugees to “assimilate” better.  The extra grant is now to further smooth the way for refugees to get their services—the ultimate goal of Obama’s integration/colonizing scheme.

From the Telegram earlier this month.  Don’t miss the comments, all critical and some reporting that the city is a “dumping ground.”

WORCESTER — Refugees by the thousands have found a welcoming environment in Worcester, as low-cost housing, public transportation and available jobs provide the required building blocks sought by the U.S. State Department.

But integrating refugees into the community remains a struggle, with gaps in various services, fragmented integration of others and outdated procedures that don’t reflect the current influx, officials said this week.

Armed with a $170,722 grant from the Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts, Ascentria Care Alliance hopes to reshape the integration template.

Pay attention to this next line.  When the bill that was being spearheaded by Senator Ted Kennedy, that ultimately became the Refugee Act of 1980, critics in Congress wanted assurance that the bill would not just be a pipeline of foreign poverty into American cities, so “self-sufficiency” in a brief period of time was promised.  But, you and I both know that ‘refugees’ with little education and job skills are not getting jobs very quickly so with this ‘reshaping template’ contractors and the State Department are trying to get away from the original expectation (to effectively change the law without Congress!) that refugees would be self-sufficient quickly and off the welfare rolls ASAP.

The planning grant, announced this week, will fund a yearlong effort to create a collaborative integration model — one that focuses on resettled refugees’ overall well-being and not just employment and self-sufficiency. [What a bunch of gobbledegook! —ed]

Angela Bovill, CEO of Ascentria Care Alliance. The agency was originally known as Lutheran Social Services of New England. I think they change names just to make it more difficult for the average American to figure out who they are. Or, did they get in some sort of trouble under their old name? underhttp://www.ascentria.org/about-us/faq-about-new-name

“How do we unify services around these people?” said Angela B. Bovill, president and chief executive officer of Ascentria, formerly Lutheran Social Services of New England***, a $59 million human service agency. “There are gaps and fragments and pressures that are not being met.”

Worcester is the largest site for refugee resettlement in Massachusetts, with more than 1,600 refugees resettled in the city in the past five years, including Bhutanese, Burundians, Congolese, Liberians, Iraqis, Russians, Somalis and Vietnamese. Over the past three years, the majority (51 percent) have come from Iraq, with Bhutan second at 28 percent.

The State Department normally provides about eight months of assistance to refugees, with the major emphasis on securing a job and finding a place to live.

But many refugees arrive with many health and social needs because of years spent in crowded refugee camps, separation from families and unfamiliarity with the English language.

Building a framework that assesses and connects the refugee population to those services will be a focus of the planning grant, which usually turns into multiyear support totaling about $2 million.

“This issue has bubbled up a couple of times,” said Janice B. Yost, president of the Health Foundation. “Worcester has the opportunity to be an excellent pilot for the rest of the U.S. to follow.”

The planning grant will build relationships with the city of Worcester, the state Office of Refugees and Immigrants, Community Legal Aid, Family Continuity, the Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center, Quinsigamond Community College and Worcester Public Schools.

Read it all.

It is probably too late for Worcester as the resettlement agency is well-entrenched and likely now bringing the extended family members of all the first ‘refugees’ they brought in.  But, it is not too late for places like Spartanburg, SC.   Everytown America is a potential resettlement site, so please check out Ten Things your town needs to know!

This is a business—a very complicated business!

We reported on Angela Bovill’s comments in 2013 as she was taking over the reins of then Lutheran Social Services of New England:

Angela Bovill

The Worcester Business Journal interviewed  LSS’s CEO Angela Bovill just this past June and here are a few things she said.

When asked if her previous experience in business helps LSS, she responded:

This is a business. Yes it is a nonprofit, but (in) a nonprofit, it’s even more critical that you understand how to manage it like it needs to be managed. We have 1,600 employees across six states. It’s a very complicated business, so if you don’t have the business background to run it, I’m not sure how you could succeed.

Note to residents of Worcester:  Two “pockets of resistance” have formed in Massachusetts—both Springfield and Lynn mayors are trying to get the spigot closed on the refugee pipeline!

***See our previous posts on problems with Lutheran Social Services New England.

Newly resettled Iraqi refugee shot and killed in Dallas; was it a random killing by thugs, or something more?

We will have to wait and see how the investigation unfolds, but my guess is that it will be a random shooting in a mixed neighborhood (the kind of neighborhood the federal refugee contractors always choose because of the cheap housing).  Or, do refugee contractors just think they can mix up all the different ethnic groups they bring in, drop them in low-income and minority neighborhoods and presto! multicultural nirvana will be found?

Ahmed al-Jumaili, 36, shot in apartment complex parking lot last Wednesday.

From the New York Daily News:

An Iraqi refugee who moved to Texas be in a “safer place” with his wife three weeks ago was fatally shot while watching his first snowfall Wednesday.

Ahmed al-Jumaili, 36, his wife and his brother were taking pictures of the snow outside their Dallas apartment complex when a group of men shot him at about 11:40 p.m., police said.

Al-Jumaili ran back to his apartment and later died at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, according to the Dallas Morning News. His relatives were not injured.

“Just like all of us, a pretty snowfall brings the child out in us,” Dallas police Maj. Jeff Cotner said. “You can just imagine the excitement between his wife and his brother and himself as they were enjoying the snowfall.”

Al-Jumaili and his wife, Zahara, married 16 months ago in Iraq, according to a fundraising page. She “made the painful and difficult decision to leave her husband in Iraq and come to, what she believed, to be a safer place.”

They reunited in Dallas 20 days ago after Al-Jumaili earned enough money to join her.


The surrounding Muslim community is demanding to know whether the shooting was a hate crime, Salem, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the Dallas and Fort Worth area, told CNN.

Readers, send us a link if you see more news on who did it.

For reporters who might be interested in tracking down more on Al-Jumaili and the Iraqis being placed apparently in bad neighborhoods, go to this Handy State Department list of contractors.  Looks like 4 of the 9 major contractors have subcontractors that are falling all over each other to plant refugee seedlings in “welcoming” Dallas:  Church World Service, International Rescue Committee, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

By the way, if you didn’t know, Texas is the top refugee resettlement state in the nation.   Over 100,000 Iraqis, most of them Muslims, have been admitted to the US since the beginning of the Obama Administration.

US Census: Immigrant population boom happening now

This is the headline from the UK Daily Mail yesterday.  You may have already seen it:

White US children will be minorities by 2020 after immigrant ‘baby boom’, Census reveals


In the infographic linked below, the author of Diversity Explosion tells of all the warm and wonderful things that will come to America as diversity expands and blossoms—one of those wonderful new frontiers will happen with governance as the immigrants, we are told, will mostly register as Democratic voters!


Here are the first few paragraphs:

White children will be outnumbered by minority kids in the United States in just five years, new Census Bureau projections reveal.

This is the result of an ongoing trend of declining birth among white Americans and a baby boom among immigrant groups, as well as a surge in immigration.

By the year 2020, 50.2 percent of all children in the US are expected to be non-white, according to the Census. By 2044, whites will be outnumbered by minorities.

The Census study, released this week, predicts that by year 2060, nearly 20 percent of the population will be foreign born – thanks to an influx of 64million new immigrants.

The “seedlings” are sprouting at a rapid rate!  We are being replaced and Obama is one step ahead of us.

Read it all and see the graphs.  Be sure to click on the cute little infographic by Brookings where we are told in gleeful tones that the immigrants will vote Democratic (so as to get their government goodies?)!  See the book, here.


Oh brother! Sweden wants to protect itself from illegal migrants with fingerprint requirements

…..How about protecting itself by putting the military on all of its borders?  In airports and seaports too and turn the invaders back?  Or, does Sweden even have a military?

Interior Minister Anders Ygeman: We need fingerprints because we Swedes can’t tell one Middle Easterner from another from their passport photos! They all look alike.

What a coincidence!  Where are most of the phony passport holders coming from—why Turkey of course!  See our earlier post today, here.

From the Business Times:

[STOCKHOLM] Sweden needs to beef up its border security to stop passport fraud, a government inquiry argued Monday as the country grapples with unprecedented levels of immigration.

The inquiry proposed fingerprint scans for all nationalities entering Sweden from outside the passport-free Schengen Area in a move that pre-empts the European Union, which has yet to make such screenings mandatory.


Sweden has seen immigration levels soar in the wake of the Syrian conflict and expects a record 90,000 asylum seekers to arrive in Sweden in 2015.


Among travellers entering Sweden from non-Schengen countries with either fake or lookalike passports, 77 per cent had come from Turkey, a frequent transit point for refugees from Syria and Iraq.

So if they catch the fraudulent asylum-seekers are they going to have the spine to send them back to Turkey? I doubt it!

HOW CAN THEY BE SO STUPID (sorry I’m shouting!)?

See our complete Sweden archiveThe country is my bet for the first European country to fall in the Muslim invasion of Europe.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, here.

Of course, most Western countries are being equally stupid, including the US!

Was Jihadi John from a refugee family welcomed by the UK?

That is a question Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine asked yesterday, here.

Based on what we learned about Kuwait’s ‘gifts’ to the UK when ‘Pungentpeppers’ reported on that gruesome murder case recently, if Jihadi John is a ‘Bedouin’ (or is it ‘Bidun’?) his family was likely welcomed to the UK as refugees just like the murderer’s family.

Here is Daniel Greenfield (hat tip: Ed):

The Bidouin were originally nomads who might have lived in Kuwait or Iraq, depending on whom you ask. Kuwait doesn’t provide the Bidouin with citizenship making them stateless. After the Gulf War, Kuwait decided to get rid of more of them for supposedly collaborating with Saddam Hussein. That led to the Emwazi family settling in the UK.

Jihadi John (Mohammed Emwazi), just your friendly Arab next door?

The interesting question is did they come as refugees? Their Bidouin status might have qualified them as refugees in which case that would mean that yet another Muslim atrocity committed against Westerners was carried out by the son of “refugees”.

Here is what ‘Pungentpeppers’ educated us about while reporting on a “refugee” from Kuwait who was convicted of brutally murdering his wife (Kuwait’s Gruesome Gift to Britain: Hajji Wannabe, with Four Wives, Murdered One While Koran Played):

Manaa came to Britain from Kuwait where he had been living as a “Bidun” – a stateless person. Not to be confused with nomadic Bedouin, the “Bidun” (also “Bidoon” or “Bidoun”) reside in Middle Eastern countries without the benefit of citizenship. “Bidun” means “without”; it is shorthand for “without citizenship”. Often Bidun families have lived in countries for generations, but because their illiterate ancestors failed to register when citizenship rolls were taken decades ago, these descendants are denied citizen status. Perhaps eventually DNA testing could establish lineage and rights to citizenship. Meanwhile, some of the “Bidun” take advantage of their unusual situation to apply for refugee status in Western countries where – like this Kuwaiti – they can cause trouble and mayhem.

It doesn’t matter how you spell it, the bottom line is that if Jihadi John is a Bidun, his family very likely came to the UK to benefit from its generosity.