Old story: Muslim populations rising rapidly in Australia and New Zealand; maybe not so much?

I’ve been thinking lately that we need other demographic researchers to either back Pew or challenge Pew on its findings on the spread of Islam to the West.  I don’t like relying on one organization (related to Pew Charitable Trust that I know for a fact leans Left).

Australian Muslims celebrate EID in Australia. http://www.ozzienews.com/news/australian-muslims-celebrate-the-end-of-ramadan/

I just now told commenter, FatherJon, that maybe Australia would be alone one day in standing against the Muslim migration (since the government there has been steadfastly turning the illegal alien boats away).

I don’t know why this old news popped up in my alerts today, but since it is before the Abbott government took on the boat people, maybe there is still hope for Australia!  Will it be Australia Alone?

After Paris it became clear that Pew and others need to get on the stick and begin revising their out-dated demographic data!

From The Australian (2011):

THE number of Muslims in Australia will grow four times more quickly than non-Muslims over the next 20 years as the continued instability in developing Islamic countries in Southeast Asia drives migrants and refugees to these shores.

A major new study by the US-based Pew Research Centre has forecast a global surge in the Muslim population, with Australia and New Zealand among the nations expected to see the biggest rises.

In Australia, the Muslim community will grow from about 399,000 to 714,000 by 2030, an increase of 80 per cent.

In that time the non-Muslim population will increase by about 18 per cent.

This trend is even more dramatic in New Zealand, where there will be a 150 per cent rise in residents who adhere to Islam.

The projections, by the Pew Research Centre’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, have been calculated using fertility, mortality and migration rates.

But while the study confirms the continued spread of the Islamic faith — Muslims will comprise 26.4 per cent of the world’s population of 8.3 billion in 2030 — it anticipates that this growth will level off.

As living standards rise, more Muslims gravitate towards cities and women gain access to education and employment, the fertility rates in these communities will fall.

Bob Birrell, a sociologist and immigration expert from Monash University, said that while Middle East migration had plateaued, the forecast rises were “very plausible”. Family reunion, the refugee program and high levels of net migration would contribute to the growth, especially with the pressures to migrate in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan and Malaysia, he said.

The Muslim population in Australia would still remain relatively low. At present, Muslims comprise 1.9 per cent of all Australians. That figure will rise to 2.8 per cent.

Don’t get too comfy!  My guess is that the tipping point of the ‘civilization jihad’ for a country comes at around 3%—the point where the Muslim population is emboldened and begins to demand shariah compliance.

NPR does Swedish “backlash” against Muslim migrants story

More in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series….

“Don’t touch my mosque!” (Stockholm)

“The Muslims want to change us!”

Finally the news is creeping into American mainstream media—Sweden is in turmoil because it has virtually opened its borders wide to any Muslim migrant who could get to that wonderful world—the generous socialist welfare state of Sweden!

From National Public Radio:

In the 1990s, the face of immigration to Sweden was someone like Robert Acker. His family emigrated from Bosnia when he was 6 years old.

“I got along with the Swedes early on,” he says in American-accented English from his years playing basketball in Kentucky and New York. “But now, I believe it’s a totally different thing.”

Acker lives in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, an industrial center that has become the power base for the far-right Sweden Democrats.

“They want us out,” says Acker. “They just want Swedes here.”

Across Europe, far-right anti-immigrant parties are gaining political power. This is true from the Slavic countries to the British Isles, and from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean.

The change has been especially dramatic in Sweden, which for decades has been known for its openness and tolerance.

Thousands of refugees from Iraq and Syria have settled there recently. Many of them are Muslim — and the ethnic tension is palpable.

“We can’t take care of all the people in the whole world who have needs in their lives,” says security guard Filip Wennerlund.

Wennerlund didn’t mind Christian immigrants, but he believes it’s not working with the Muslims, even though Sweden has had a Muslim population for decades.

“Often they don’t want to come here and change,” he says. “They want to change us. And we don’t want to be changed. So that’s a conflict.”

There is a lot more, read and listen here.  Especially pay attention to the discussion about the rise of the Sweden Democrats and how Muslims are trying to tie them to recent mosque fires.

For our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.  Our large archive on Sweden is here.

BTW, my guess is that Sweden will be the first European country to fall to the invasion.  Why do Americans not see what is coming for us?

Portland, OR: Somali parents want costly dual language program in school system

If you are an educator or just a taxpayer in a Somali “welcoming” town, this is a story for you.   In Portland, Oregon, Somali activists want a dual language program for their children, many of whom are ‘graduating’ from high school, but without a diploma!  I didn’t even know there was such a thing!  Do they just age-out?


The MRG Foundation, billed as Oregon’s leading funder of the ‘social justice’ movement gave these Somali youths a grant. http://www.mrgfoundation.org/history-and-mission/


Here is the story at the Street Roots News.    Apparently the recent wave (it is very large) of new Somali refugees are especially illiterate.

There are nearly 500 Somali youth currently attending Portland Public Schools (PPS), and since 2010, they’ve combined to make the district’s third largest immigrant community, behind Hispanics and Vietnamese. More than half don’t speak any English, and some had little, if any, formal education prior to moving to the U.S. This is especially true of the most recent wave of Somali immigrants. Many children in this group were born in refugee camps in Kenya and, like Mohamud, never attended school. In addition, few have parents with the education necessary to help them with their homework.

Read it all.

Everyone reading this should be giving serious thought to the fact that the next generation of Somalis in America are working (if they are working) at menial labor according to Street Roots News.

Remember Portland’s most infamous Somali youth—-the Christmas tree bomber, here.

We have resettled well over 100,000 Somalis around the country in the last 25 years.  9,000 came in fiscal year 2014 and we are on target to surpass 10,000 this year.

Seattle Somalis protest against a refugee agency over Mohammed cartoon

Looks like it’s Somali Sunday here at RRW.  Sure hope it won’t turn into Somali week!

Hassan Diis (left) and Ubah Warsame at the latest in a series of demonstrations at ReWA Friday demanding a teacher be fired. More protests are planned for next week. (Photo by Alex Garland)

It is not some bad ol’ edgy newspaper or rightwing blogger feeling the heat, but in what has to be juicy irony a long-time refugee agency that is a mecca of multicultural love and understanding in Seattle is facing the heat from Somali protestors.

The protestors who stood outside of Refugee Women’s Alliance on Friday were angry that one of its staff members had the naivete’ to think that here in America showing a Mohammed cartoon in a discussion about freedom of speech and religion is perfectly acceptable.

One of the cartoons that offends the Somalis—those refugees we are welcoming to America at the rate of 9,000 a year now.

Guess not!  The teacher, who is from India, may be fired (but, in the meantime, she has left the country!).

From Seattle Globalist (hat tip: Pungentpeppers):

Controversy over cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed hit home in Seattle recently, culminating in a protest outside of southend refugee service provider on Friday.

A group of Somali Americans gathered outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA) on Martin Luther King, Jr. Way to demand the resignation of a teacher who showed the cartoons to her teenage students on the day after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.

“We’re not gonna be silent when it’s something that’s not right,” said Hassan Aden, who was one of between 15 to 20 people who attended the protest. “We’re trying to show that we’re not happy with what she did.”

The teacher, Deepa Bhandaru, recently earned her Ph.D from the UW Political Science department, and works for ReWA teaching a free class on world affairs for youth, where she showed the cartoons during a lesson on free speech and religious pluralism.

There is more!  Continue reading here.

The cartoon and another story on the demonstration can be found here.

Be sure to have a look at the most recent Form990 for Refugee Women’s Alliance just one of the hundreds of contractors and subcontractors living off the taxpayers to help the ‘stranger’.    In 2013 its total income (p. 9) was $5.5 million and $4.4 million came from government grants. It reaped another $600,000 from child care income (some of that was probably subsidized by taxpayers too)!

What is wrong with this picture—we pay to feed, clothe, house and educate them and get a kick in the teeth as a reward!

See our two previous posts just today (here and here) on Somalis—gosh we would be so bored without them!

Seattle isn’t just about Seahawks—it is one of the top cities that “welcomed” Somalis over the last two decades.  Scroll down this handy list of all the refugee resettlement contractors.  On page 36 you will see who is responsible in Washington State.

Addendum:  Just remembered our December post about Somalis demanding more housing in Seattle, here.

Will wonders never cease! Washington Post report on Germany admits Muslims aren’t assimilating

This is an article the Washington Post ran last Saturday that I am just getting around to mentioning.  I didn’t even read it for a couple of days figuring it would be the usual mainstream media slam of “rightwingers” and “Islamophobes,” but check this out.  Right in the middle of the article is a section (below) which asks how can this be that second and third generation Muslim immigrants aren’t “assimilating?”

Could it possibly be that the Muslim immigrants, having reached critical mass, are more interested in advancing Islam than they are in acquiring the trappings of the ‘good (material) life?’


PEGIDA on the march in Germany. Photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/11340963/In-pictures-PEGIDA-ralles-in-Germany.html


From the Washington Post on PEGIDA (emphasis is mine):

As the movement has grown, tens of thousands of Germans also have risen up to condemn Pegida, taking to the streets in counter-demonstrations that have often been far larger that the anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant rallies they are opposing. Yet the Pegida movement has seemed to tap into a hidden vein of German angst.

Not assimilating! 

Some here are worried not only about the new asylum seekers, but also about the growing numbers of other migrants entering Europe’s largest and strongest economy. Equally vexing to many is the lack of assimilation among a significant number of Muslim immigrants, some of whom came to Germany decades ago. Last September, for example, Germans were outraged after a stunt in the city of Wuppertal in which 11 devout Muslims wearing the words “Sharia Police” on bright orange vests approached Turkish nightclubs and cafes and warned young partygoers that they were violating Islamic law by drinking.

Such fears have surfaced as security concerns are mounting in Germany and across Europe over the threat of homegrown terror. As in France, hundreds of radicalized young Germans — many of them the second- and third-generation sons and daughters of Muslim immigrants — have left to fight with extremists in Syria and Iraq.

“How is it possible that parallel societies are forming in Germany?” Pegida spokeswoman Kathrin Oertel said on German TV last week. “That Islamic judges have the right to administer justice, and that Islamic schools are inciting hatred against German citizens?”

It is because Islam and the advancement of the Caliphate is stronger and infinitely more important than anything (jobs, nice homes, fashionable clothes) Germany can offer!  Get it!

And, it goes on because most Western governments are chicken!

See our complete archive on the growing internal discord in Germany by clicking here.