Australia: More problems with their Muslim refugees as two Somali girls go to Syria

The Hijra is well underway Down Under. Muslims pray in the streets of Lakemba, a Sydney suburb, in this 2013 photo.


Just two days ago (a day before the hostage taking that is still on-going as of this writing) Australians learned that two more Muslim young women, wannabe jihadi brides successfully left Australia to join ISIS.  An earlier Australian jihadist was killed in Syria and her father now blames the Australian government for not being able to stop her!

I say let them go, and never let them back in to any civilized country.

Mohamed Karroum blames the Abbott government for the death of his adult daughter in Syria because they failed to stop her from leaving Australia (they had stopped her twice!). Any way to deport him back to where he came from?

From the Daily Telegraph (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):

A TEENAGER and her 20-year-old friend have become the first Australian women to “go it alone” to join terrorists in Syria and offer themselves as potential jihadi brides, intelligence agencies believe.

The girls, Hodan, 18 and Hafsa, 20, who are believed to have links with the Somali community, flew out of Sydney in the past fortnight to go overseas and are believed to have lied to their families about why they were travelling. The Sunday Telegraph has chosen not to publish their last names.

While there have been numerous cases of young Australian men being radicalised by Islamic State recruiters and women joining their husbands or boyfriends in the Syrian war zone, this is the first case of young women travelling independently to travel to the war zone.

If they travel to Islamic State’s stronghold in northern Syria, the province of al-Raqqa, the pair will face a jail term of up to 10 years if they ever return to Australia.  [Don’t let them in and save the taxpayers the cost of a trial and incarceration.—ed]

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said fresh reports of teenagers travelling to the region was of great concern.


Islamic State has issued a worldwide recruitment drive to secure brides for jihadists fighters.

Murdered Australian woman Amira Karroum, who grew up in Brisbane, died after she travelled to Syria with her husband.

Adding insult to Australia’s injury, the father of Amira Karroum wants to sue the government of Australia for letting her leave the country!  It’s just as I said about Sweden yesterday, let them in out of humanitarian zeal and then get kicked in the teeth—when will leaders of first world countries get it?    Here is the recent story at the Daily Telegraph.   Then watch the obnoxious father, Mohamed Karroum, on A Current Affair.

Come on!  We must stop the Hijra (migration) jihad!

Swedes fearful their welfare system won’t survive the Middle East migrant onslaught

Middle Easterners make up 30,000 of Sodertalje’s population of 90,000!


The story is being reported at one of America’s left-leaning news outlets—National Public Radio.  In this case, we are told that the “refugees” flooding into Sodertalje are mostly Syrian and Iraqi Christians—very needy ones.  The unemployment rate is high for the immigrants who must first learn to speak Swedish and there is a desperate shortage of housing.

Sweden’s migration board projects that 95,000 people, many of them refugees from Syria, are expected to arrive in 2015. That would be a record in this country of 10 million people, which already has taken in more refugees, relative to its population, than any other country in Europe.

But the arrival of so many refugees is testing the country’s famously tolerant identity.

Swedes voted out centrist Prime Minister Frederik Reinfeldt this September after he gave a speech asking people to “open their hearts” to those fleeing war.

Instead, an anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, won seats in parliament and helped bring down the center-left government of Prime Minister Stefan Lofven earlier this week.

One member of the Sweden Democrats, Linus Byland, told reporters they would fight any government proposal that would increase funding for immigration.

“There was a sense that our government didn’t have a clear plan for how to manage immigration,” says Boel Godner, the mayor of Sodertalje. “And the question that has come up lately, is, can the welfare system bear us all? What’s going to happen to everyone who comes here? No one has given the answer to that yet.”

Sweden’s cradle to grave welfare system can’t possibly bear them all, so I guess we all sit back and learn an important lesson about what happens when a country runs out of other peoples’ money.

See our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  And, see all of our posts on Sweden, here.

Islamic State spreading into North Africa (Libya and Egypt); blame Hillary and the girls!

In case you missed the story on turkey day last week, the Washington Times published a report that we are mentioning here for two reasons.

First, as you know, Libya is the primary jumping off point for the so-called Muslim “refugees” invading Europe by the tens of thousands via the Mediterranean Sea.  So what is going to stop a few ISIS types climbing into those boats?

The three reasons Libya is an Islamic hellhole that could easily become the newest ISIS acquisition! Photo:


And, secondly, we are posting this so that history is not forgotten—the Libya debacle is the direct result of Obama’s three witches dragging the reluctant warrior into their “responsibility to protect” scheme back in 2011.  That would be Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power dubbed the “humanitarian Vulcans” in the White House according to author Edward Klein.

Klein reports in The Amateur that Power had gotten tired of rinky-dink do-gooder stuff  like worrying about Iraqi Christians as Obama’s refugee czar, so she joined the let’s go kill the Colonel chorus.  Gaddafi might have been a tyrant, but he held the country together and kept a check on the number of boats launched from Libya, which is more than we can say for Obama’s girls.

Here is the Washington Times:

In its war to create a caliphate across Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is opening a front in North Africa, where affiliated militants are wreaking havoc in eastern Libya and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula — presenting a complex challenge for Washington and its allies in the region.

Through its savvy use of social media and slick production of recruitment videos, the Islamic State — also known by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL — is attracting a growing number of individual jihadis to its harsh interpretation of Islamic, or Shariah, law.

“ISIL’s stated goal of expanding its caliphate and its adherence to a strict form of Shariah has definitely resonated with a collection of extremists across North Africa, who appear to be mimicking ISIL’s rhetoric and brutality,” said a U.S. intelligence official who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss security issues freely.

What remains to be seen is whether the region will face a surge of unbridled Islamic State-style violence, including beheadings. Counterterrorism analysts say there is little doubt of that — especially in Libya, where the government is under threat of being overrun by militants, and in Egypt, where the military has struggled to contain Sinai extremists for years.

There is more.

If I were the Europeans, I would be turning back every boat that leaves the coast of North Africa!  But, they won’t of course because they are such chickens.

So remember Hillary’s role in Libya in 2011 and at Benghazi a year later as the 2016 election cycle begins in earnest next month.

Pope frets over Rome anti-refugee riots: Couldn’t he see this coming on Lampedusa?

He went to the besieged Italian island in 2013 and put on a great show of “welcome” to the mostly illegal aliens coming from Africa and the Middle East.

July 2013, Pope lectures on Lampedusa, chides the world for its indifference!


He said mass and lectured the world about indifference to our brothers and sisters, while the struggling elected officials of Lampedusa tried to tell anyone who would listen that they couldn’t manage the hordes anymore—the cost, the crime, all of it.

From the New York Times (entitled: ‘Pope offers mass on island beacon for refugees‘)

ROME — Pope Francis traveled on Monday to Lampedusa, the tiny Mediterranean island that has become a gateway to Europe for thousands of desperate asylum seekers and migrants, as well as an unknown number of others who have died during the perilous crossing from North Africa.

It was the pope’s first official trip outside Rome, and he used it to draw attention to a continuing humanitarian problem while chiding the world for its indifference.

“These brothers and sisters of ours were trying to leave difficult situations to find a little serenity and peace….

We wrote about his scolding here.

Now that Rome itself is overloaded with demanding third-worlders (mostly young Muslim men who came in through Lampedusa, by the way), and its citizens are rioting against the loss of their neighborhoods and their way of life, the Pope seems, what?  Surprised?  What did he expect!

Now, he says, we have a “social emergency!”

From Yahoo News:

Vatican City (AFP) – Pope Francis on Sunday described violent attacks on refugees in Rome as symptomatic of a “social emergency” that will only get worse if it is not addressed.

Addressing the crowds in St Peter’s Square after his weekly Angelus sermon, the pontiff urged authorities and church officials to work to calm tensions after several days of mob attacks on a holding centre for asylum speakers in a rundown neighbourhood of the Italian capital.

“In recent days in Rome there have been quite strong tensions between residents and immigrants,” the pontiff said, in a reference to the unrest in the Tor Sapienza district.

“These are things that can happen in different European cities, particularly in peripheral neighbourhoods already suffering from other problems.  [So why didn’t he see that when he essentially invited the masses to Italy in 2013?—ed]

“I call on the authorities, at every level, to address what now constitutes a social emergency which, if not dealt with soon in an adequate manner, risks degenerating further.

No kidding!

See our report (Saturday) on “the scene of some of the worst scenes of anti-immigrant violence witnessed in Europe for years.”

See also our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Sweden: Muslim immigrant gangs control no-go zones

This is not new news for readers of RRW.  This is the inevitable result of Sweden swinging wide its gates to Muslim phony asylum seekers for years and more proof for my contention that Sweden will be the first European country to fall in the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

OMG! Can you imagine the day when Muslim gangs torch cars in America!


From Matt Danielsson at the Daily Caller:

The situation in the gang-controlled no-go zones of Sweden is deteriorating rapidly. Following the police report conceding the areas to the primarily Muslim immigrant gangs, the Swedish ambulance union is now demanding military grade protection gear to enter the no-go zones.

There have been a number of violent incidents lately, where thugs attack ambulances responding to calls in the zones. Thugs have slashed the tires of the ambulances, smashed their windshields and hurled large rocks from overpasses, while the paramedics themselves are subjected to both armed and unarmed physical violence on a regular basis. The situation has become so dire that the ambulance union now demands dramatically improved protection for its members.

Hate crimes are one-directional!

White citizens are haters, but immigrants can never be racists and perpetrators of hate crimes (actually come to think of it, during his tenure at the Justice Department, US Attorney General Eric Holder has been trying to get that concept into American law too!):

Ethnic Swedes are also being attacked. Local celebrity Linda Edenström’s 12-year old son was savagely beaten. In October, he took the subway after school to give a birthday present to a girl in his class. He was unaware she lived in a no-go zone, and when he exited the station he was promptly stopped by seven grown immigrants. They declared that no whites were allowed and proceeded to attack him while hurling anti-white slurs.

Swedish law states that the incident is not a hate crime. The law does not apply to an immigrant targeting a native Swede, even if an immigrant does so while explicitly stating they are doing it for racial reasons. However, the reverse situation with a native Swede saying a slur that could be perceived as racist has severe civil and criminal charges.

Read it all and follow links to related stories.

Our extensive archive on Sweden is here. Their Muslim population has now reached a critical tipping point emboldening the Islamists.

And, our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.