Desperate Swedes threaten pig farm next to asylum center

This is one more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.  Americans pay attention, by some estimates we are only a decade behind Europe.

From The Local:

Gullberg is about a five hour drive from Stockholm, Sweden’s capital

Plans for a new immigration centre in Gullberg have already been strongly opposed by local residents and on Wednesday it was reported that a group of campaigners had sent a letter to the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) pledging to breed pigs nearby in order to deter Muslims from seeking asylum in the town.

The note, signed by what described itself as the “interest group for Gullberg’s survival” said that it was trying to create a “probably impossible situation for some religious people, especially Muslims”, according to Sveriges Radio.

Local politician Henry Sandahl from Sweden’s Countryside Party (Markbygdspartiet) told the broadcaster that he agreed with the sentiment of the letter.

“You know that Muslims are not friends with pigs,” he said.


At this point in the story there is much sniffing and snorting from Swedish elitists about how silly this idea is.  You can read it yourself.

Then this!  Sweden will not survive an open door policy toward Muslims from Syria.  Here we learn how high the number of asylum seekers has risen.

Sweden became the first European country in 2013 to grant automatic residency to Syrian refugees and has since seen asylum requests rise to record levels, which are still expected to reach about 90,000 in 2015.

To cope with an increasing flow of refugees, the Swedish Migration Board announced in March that it was more than tripling the maximum number of residents allowed at asylum centres from 200 to 650.

Will there come a day when Swedes seek asylum in America—but surely not in Minnesota!

This reminds me, a number of years ago Maryland had a Muslim state legislator who actually introduced a bill in the legislature that would make it harder for Maryland pig farmers to make a living.  The bill, disguised as an animal rights bill, failed and he is no longer a state delegate.

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, and here for a very long list of posts on Sweden.  If someone wants to write a book about the death of Sweden, they can start their research right here at RRW since we have been chronicling the colonization there for years.

Gates of Vienna reports on refugees and Spartanburg, SC in particular

I love their masthead! Learn more about the last great (failed!) effort by the Turks (the Muslims) to capture Europe:

Update: This post has been corrected from its earlier version—I was too much in a hurry to read carefully!  Here is the link to the interview with Dr. Jeffrey.

Dymphna at Gates of Vienna has posted today (oops! it was yesterday) on the Refugee Resettlement Program (‘Refugees come in under the radar’) and wanted readers to listen to a radio interview with Dr. Christina Jeffrey of Spartanburg, SC.  Thanks to reader Jim for the alert.  Maybe you can contact the Andrea Shea King Show for a podcast.

For background, here is a link to our original report on the Spartanburg, SC controversy with updates.

By the way, all of you should add Gates of Vienna to your daily reading list!

Europe must follow Australian model (turn back the boats) or die!

It is so clear to anyone with a brain, that the only way to stop the ‘Invasion of Europe’ from North Africa is to stop the boats before they even launch from Libya and other ports in North Africa.

Where is America’s Tony Abbott?

The UNHCR could then care for the so-called asylum seekers in camps in Africa.

But, the European Union is saying NO WAY!  So, I guess they will all go down as the European ship sinks!

From the Malta Independent:

The European Union will not be adopting Australia’s migration methods despite Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s claim that some Europeans are seeking policy advice.

The EU’s executive Commission says Canberra does not respect the international standard on protecting refugees of “non-refoulement,” which is a U.N. principle prohibiting expulsion to a country where they could face violence or prison.

Commission migration spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said Monday that the EU “applies the principle of non-refoulement — we have no intention of changing this — so of course the Australian model can never be a model for us.”

Australia’s migration model was widely cited in debate at the European Parliament last week, as the EU struggles to cope with thousands of migrants seeking to enter Europe via Libya.

Read it all here.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe‘ series here, and check out how Australia is saving migrants’ lives (and discouraging more illegal migration) by turning boats back to the countries from which they launched (Australia category, here).

And, remember American readers, this is about you too as we are taking some of Malta’s illegal aliens and dropping them into your towns (most recently South Carolina, here).

That practice was begun, illegally I contend, by the Bush Administration.

St. Cloud Times weaves conspiracy theory about “secret conversations;” says private meetings no longer allowed in America

An editorial yesterday in the St. Cloud Times makes me laugh!

It was only last week that they called on a professional communicator, Professor Aric Putnam from a Catholic college, to call me out for promoting conspiracy theories, here.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the St. Cloud State Muslim Student Association organized a public meeting in St. Cloud in April. That tells you who is running the show in St. Cloud. And, by the way, has the St. Cloud Times checked CAIR’s “facts?” Could someone point me to that story. Photo: Jason Wachter,

Now, that very same paper says that citizens in America are no longer allowed to exercise their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble in a group of like-minded people!

Our meeting was by invitation only!

We were receiving threats that “progressive activists” were planning to disrupt a meeting we (ACT for America chapter leader and myself) were holding in St. Cloud.

We wanted our guests to not be subjected to hateful vitriol by a bunch of Leftwing community agitators. 

And, frankly, remember readers, you are not obligated to invite hostile media to any meeting in America!

Is the St. Cloud Times saying here that  it is not permitted, in the people’s republic of Minnesota, to hold private meetings?  Could they be spinning conspiracy theories themselves?

Talk about scare tactics!  It is a joke—“secret conversations!”  No wonder small city newspapers are dying.

Here is the editorial yesterday (hat tip:  Margaret):

Let’s keep talking, but let’s have those talks in public.


Unfortunately, there also have been some bad — or worse — secret conversations. [EEEK!!!—ed] Topping that list was the April 23 visit from Ann Corcoran, editor and founder of Refugee Resettlement Watch. She traveled all the way from Maryland to host an invitation-only meeting to promote her organization’s mission to “educate citizens about Refugee Resettlement Policy of the U.S. Government.”

Corcoran’s presentation was not open to the public. So while it’s impossible to know what she covered, a sampling of her opinions posted online indicate her message was likely rooted in disparaging all Muslims and especially those from Somalia.

To be clear, there are valid questions to ask federal elected officials about U.S. immigration policies they refuse to change.

However, Corcoran’s tactics — from secret meetings to extremist stereotyping — don’t have Washington, D.C. as their target. Instead, she’s much more focused on exploiting and expanding local fear of the unknown. Then, of course, it’s time for her to pack her bags and move to the next struggling community.

Struggling communities, here I come!

By the way, go here (scroll down to April 23, Part 1 and Part 2) to listen to my radio interview immediately following our “secret meeting,” so you can hear the gist of what we discussed in private—that every town in America receiving third world refugees (chosen by the UN) has the right to the FACTS on what is happening to their community.

Hey, I will bet you a million bucks that CAIR has held private meetings in St. Cloud and that the St. Cloud Times never threw a hissy-fit about their private (secret) conversations!  Why? Fear!

St. Cloud, MN letter-to-the-editor about Somali constitution brings firestorm of comments

The debate we helped start here a little over a week ago continues in St. Cloud, Minnesota as a letter writer says Somalis must choose between Somalia’s constitution based entirely on sharia-law and the US Constitution.

Somalis in Minnesota: Time to choose, sharia law or US Constitution? Photo at MN Historical Society

Here is Willmar resident Bob Enos this past Thursday.  As of this minute (on Sunday morning) there are 153 comments!  You should get in on the action, submit a comment and continue to educate the readers of the St. Cloud Times!

Thank you for your coverage of Ann Corcoran’s recent visit to St. Cloud concerning Somali immigration. With regard to Islamic Sharia law, if your fact-checkers read the Provisional Constitution of Somalia, here is what they would know.

Article 2 – “Islam is the religion of the State. … No other religion than Islam can be propagated in the country. … No law can be enacted that is not compliant with the general principles and objectives of Shari’ah.”

Article 8(3) states: “A person who is a Somali citizen cannot be deprived of Somali citizenship, even if they become a citizen of another country.”

A country’s constitution represents the hopes, dreams, aspirations and expectations of its citizens.

The question to our Somali-American citizens: You’ve sworn allegiance to an Islamic theocratic state and a U.S. secular, democratic state, each founded on diametrically opposed ideals. You can’t believe that both are correct.

You need to make a choice.

Go here and see what all the buzz is about, add some of your own!

For new readers, we have an extensive archive on St. Cloud, here.  Our earliest post (I believe) was this one (in 2008!) written by blog partner, Judy, about Somalis threatening a service dog and his owner at a St. Cloud area school.  The dog-owner subsequently dropped out of the teaching program.