Obama’s diabolical propaganda campaign to force communities to “welcome” migrant seedlings unveiled yesterday in Washington

I don’t even know where to begin to snip this incredible article by writer Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily who has been following the Refugee Resettlement Program and the general community destruction happening across America under this President with his illegal policies on immigration geared to change America by colonizing your towns.

Know the propagandists! Eva Millona, co-chair of National Partnership for New Americans: we are happy there is a centralized entity to push ‘welcoming’ from the top down.

We previously reported on the work of the Task Force, here.

As readers here know, yesterday Obama’s Task Force on New Americans unveiled its strategy to seed your communities with aliens and coerce you into “welcoming” them one and all.  I’m told it was boring and for Americans not trained to hear certain buzzwords it might have seemed pretty much ho-hum.

But apparently not so as Hohmann tells us here.  You must read it!

These are some of the topics, besides the fact that they want the wheels of government to focus on assessing how “welcoming” you are!  (Presumably there will ultimately be some punishment if you are not sufficiently welcoming.)

* Assimilation and national security are never mentioned.

* Grants are given to “contain the backlash” where ‘pockets of resistance’ are forming.

* They want to create a “Refugee Corps,” an AmeriCorps for refugees who aren’t finding work (They don’t say that part, but I do! Refugee unemployment is extremely high, so this is one more way of redistributing the wealth.)

* ‘Welcoming America’ is involved in getting your minds right on this issue of “welcoming” migrant seedlings to the soil of your town.

* Hohmann reports on the role of George Soros and propagandist David Lubell.  He also brings in that incredible Mark Levin radio program we wrote about here.

* Watch for it, as Hohmann tells us:  “The White House report encourages every community in every state to establish an immigration integration plan.”  Resist!

Read it and send to everyone you know!

Obama is literally changing America by changing the people!  And, he is creating a propaganda campaign to ‘get your minds right’ (to shut you up!) so you will stay quiet as we are being colonized by the third world.

About the photo:  Learn more about the National Partnership for New Americans, by clicking here.  Ms. Millona is (or was) director of MIRA (Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition) and is co-chair of this New Americans gang where (Ha! Ha!)  Josh Hoyt is Director.  We wrote about Alinsky-style agitator Hoyt when he went with Wade Rathke (ACORN) to Egypt to help ‘community organize’ there during the Arab Spring.

Malta ‘invasion of Europe’ news: More die crossing Mediterranean, UN says EU must rescue them

But, how about using the Australian model (which is saving lives) and turning the boats back to Libya and other launching points in North Africa?  It is the only option to save Europe!

Our correspondent in Malta is reporting that this latest wave of migrants is (according to Italian press) being herded on to boats in failed states (Libya! Thanks Hillary!) without even having to pay traffickers.  In other words, it is a deliberate plan to push invaders to Europe, something ISIS is promising to do!

From Malta Today:

Rescuing the invaders. Malta Today photo: MOAS/Darrin Zammit Lupi

With a new and large-scale boat tragedy reported on the Mediterranean, UNHCR has appealed afresh to governments across the region to prioritize the saving of lives, including by urgently expanding and upgrading search and rescue capacities.

The latest incident involves the capsizing of a double-deck boat on Monday in waters about 120 kilometres south of Lampedusa. 142 people were rescued and eight bodies recovered.

But some 400 others said by survivors to have been aboard are feared lost.

“I was deeply shocked when hearing the news that another boat, an overcrowded boat capsized in the Mediterranean and where four hundred people died. This only demonstrates how important it is to have a robust rescue-at-sea mechanism in the central Mediterranean,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said.


So far in 2015, some 31,500 people are known to have made crossings to Italy and Greece – the first and second largest countries of arrival respectively. And numbers have recently been picking up further. According to the Italian Coast Guard more than 8,500 people have been rescued from several dozen boats and rubber dinghies since 10 April. If the 400 deaths are confirmed from the latest incident the death toll so far this year will have reached 900.

Amnesty International said that all indications point to a continued rise in the number of migrants and refugees making this trip as the weather improves, violence and persecution continue in countries like Syria and Eritrea, and instability persists in Libya, the launching point for the majority of the people-smuggling voyages across the Mediterranean.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Americans this affects you!

US readers, pay attention to Malta since some of those same illegal migrants rescued by the Maltese navy are being sent to your towns in America

This week we learned that some went to South Carolina!

Update:  NGOs want safe and legal access to Europe for all! Here!

Canadian poll: majority of Christians and Jews believe that Islam is incompatible with Western values

Canada has a huge and growing Muslim population. The public battle over the Niqab adds to angst among Canadians. Learn about a recent lawsuit here at BareNakedIslam: http://www.barenakedislam.com/2014/10/18/muslim-supremacist-sues-canadian-government-for-not-allowing-her-to-wear-a-full-face-covering-headbag-in-citizenship-ceremony/

Continuing our posts from around the world, see Kenya, South Africa, Australia and Spain from yesterday.

Breitbart this week reported on the results of a poll taken in Canada before the recent Islamic terror attacks in that country.

Even the Muslims themselves in large numbers agree that Islam and Western values are incompatible.

Breitbart (hat tip: John):

Two recently-released polls found that 42 percent of Canadian Muslims agree that Islam is “irreconcilable” with Western society.

The surveys also found that over 60 percent of Jewish and Christian Canadians believe that Islam is incompatible with the West. Among secular Canadians, 46 percent shared the “irreconcilable” viewpoint, the Vancouver Sun reported.

The polls asked 2,000 individuals and its surveying took place in 2013 and 2014.

Jack Jedwab, who’s Association for Canadian Studies commissioned the poll, said of its results: “It’s quite disconcerting that our poll results consistently show about 60 percent of Canadians see the West and Islamic society as ‘irreconcilable.’ It puts you up against a dead end.”

“It’s a huge blow to interfaith dialogue,” he added.

Yup, it sure is!

See our ‘Canada’ category here.

Kenya: UNHCR out! Somalis out!

Update April 16th: Lutherans and Catholics squabble about whether it’s a good idea or not to close Dadaab, here.

In the wake of that horrific attack by al-Shabaab at Easter where over 100 Christians were slaughtered by Somalis, the Kenyan government wants the massive camp (where we get a large number of the US-bound Somalis from!) closed.

They are also planning a border wall with Somalia!

Close the camp! The US is accepting refugees from this massive UNHCR camp, Dadaab, in Kenya which the Kenyan government now wants closed in order to move the Somalis and the UN out of Kenya!

From AP (hat tip: Joanne).  The UNHCR has three months to get out!

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has three months to close a refugee camp in eastern Kenya and send the more than 400,000 Somalis living there back to their country or else the Kenyan government will relocate them, Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto has said.

The Kenyan government says the Dadaab refugee camp in eastern Kenya has become a recruitment center for the extremist group al-Shabab whose gunmen last week killed 148 people at the country’s Garissa College University. Ruto said in a rally on Saturday that Kenya must be secured at all costs.

Garissa is our 9/11:

“We have asked the UNHCR to relocate the refugees in three months, failure to which we shall relocate them ourselves. The way America changed after 9/11 is the way Kenya will change after Garissa,” Ruto said in a statement distributed by his press office.  [Only problem is that our lesson was short-lived!—ed]

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta vowed a sharp response to last week’s attack at the university. Kenyan warplanes attacked suspected militant positions in Somalia, and the government said Wednesday that it was freezing accounts of organizations and individuals suspected of financing Islamic extremists.

Earlier in the week, the Kenyan government broke ground on a border wall with Somalia.  Learn more here.

UN choosing refugees for us from UN camps in Kenya!

A large number of our new US Somali refugees come from the UNHCR camps in Kenya.   We don’t take Kenyans as refugees so when you visit the State Department data and see that 1,424 refugees were processed into the US from Kenya from October 1, 2014 until April 6, 2015 (a little over 6 months!) know that they are largely Somalis the UN has chosen for us!

We have admitted to the US in that same time period a total of 4,425 Somalis picked up around the world!  (See data here) That means we will surely surpass 9,000 new Somalis in the US by the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.

If the FBI says we can’t screen the Syrians, how on earth are we screening the Somalis?

Editor:  This is our 4th stop around the world this morning.  See Australia, South Africa, Spain and now Kenya.

Mark Krikorian of CIS: Why isn’t Saudi Arabia resettling the Syrians? Why are we resettling any Middle Easterners?

Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies asks the questions any rational American is asking!

Writing at The Corner at National Review, here is how Krikorian begins (but I want you to visit The Corner for the links and his prescription!):

Mark Krikorian Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies http://cis.org/Krikorian

The International Rescue Committee, a refugee advocacy group headed by former U.K. foreign secretary David Miliband, has urged the United States to resettle 65,000 refugees from Syria by the end of next year. The head of the State Department bureau in charge of carrying out the U.N.’s instructions on refugees (the U.N. decides who gets to move to the U.S.) said last week, in the AP’s words, “that between 1,000 and 2,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand more in 2016.” Miliband welcomed this but said “it certainly needs to improve.”

The more important question is, why are we resettling any Middle Eastern refugees at all? Since January 2013, State Department numbers show that we’ve resettled here in the U.S. only 697 Syrian refugees, more than 90 percent of them Muslims. The FBI admitted at a congressional hearing in February that it lacked the capacity to do meaningful background checks on such refugees. That’s why we have headlines like “US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees.”

But putting the security threat aside, why would we take any Arab refugees from any war-torn country in the Middle East? Resettlement in a faraway country should be the absolute last resort; it’s preferable that displaced people be accommodated in countries near their homeland, facilitating eventual return, and in countries that are culturally similar to ease the strains for both the refugees and the host country.

In that vein, why aren’t we demanding that Saudi Arabia resettle the Syrians?

Read it all.   Be sure to see the many good comments!

I can think of several reasons, first, the Saudis don’t want any diversity in S.A. and have been deporting all their Muslim brethren riffraff who sneak in there from Somalia, Yemen, even Rohingya (from Burma), etc.

The UNHCR is pushing impoverished refugees on the US (to help us get diversity!) and more democrat voters.

Then the US resettlement contractors are paid by the head to bring them here, so big bucks are involved.

And, finally, this is about the Hijra—Mohammed told his followers to migrate to dominate all the lands of the world—and so the UN and Obama are helping bring that about, and, of course, S.A. doesn’t need more Muslim migrants to bring about shariah law.  They have it!

See our archive on Saudi Arabia and note its history of ethnic cleansing!