Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott: the only way to save lives in the Mediterranean is to STOP THE BOATS

I figured I didn’t need to say much about the latest drowning deaths in the Mediterranean since for once the mainstream media seems to have noticed.

In July 2013 the Pope went to Lampedusa to great the invaders from North Africa and the Middle East. And, lectured Italians to be more welcoming.

We have been writing about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ for what seems like years!

It goes on and on and European leaders don’t seem to get it.

The only way to save lives is to turn the boats back to the North African coast, and then let the UNHCR build some camps in Libya to house them and guard them.

It is either that or lose Europe completely as all of Africa and the Middle East want in!

And, by the way, this writer has no sympathy for the Pope (saying prayers as the news broke) since he helped encourage the invasion when he went to the Italian island of Lampedusa nearly two years ago and “welcomed” the invaders!

So here is the latest news from The Guardian about the sinking of yet one migrant vessel.

Italian police have arrested two suspected people traffickers among the survivors of the migrant boat that capsized on Sunday, as the United Nations confirmed that at least 800 people died in the sinking off the coast of Libya.

Prosecutors said they had detained a Tunisian man believed to be the captain of the vessel and a Syrian allegedly a member of the ship’s crew, taken from a group of 27 haggard survivors who arrived in the Sicilian port of Catania on Monday evening.

The two were charged with people trafficking and the captain was also charged with reckless multiple homicide in relation to the sinking.

The arrests came after an emergency meeting of EU interior and foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday made a decision to launch military operations against the networks of smugglers in Libya, as well as to bolster maritime patrols in the Mediterranean and give their modest naval mission a broader search-and-rescue mandate for saving lives.

Tony Abbott: Stop the boats!

The Guardian tells us the average age of the migrants was 25-years-old.  And male!  Sounds like an army to me!

Flavio Di Giacomo, spokesperson for IOM Italy, said those on board had come from Gambia, Ivory coast, Somalia, Eritrea, Mali, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh and Syria. Reports said all those on board were male, several of them unaccompanied children.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has the only solution if the European Union wants to save lives AND save Europe. 

You will find this near the end of The Guardian’s story.  LOL! I think they call this burying the lead!

Australia’s prime minister has urged European leaders to adopt tougher border control measures. Tony Abbott, whose government implemented a strict policy of turning back asylum seekers’ boats in a bid to discourage them from trying to reach Australia, called the latest Mediterranean crisis a “terrible, terrible tragedy” and suggested Europe follow Australia’s lead to ensure it was not repeated.

“The only way you can stop the deaths is to stop the people smuggling trade. The only way you can stop the deaths is, in fact, to stop the boats,” Abbott told reporters in the nation’s capital, Canberra. “That’s why it is so urgent that the countries of Europe adopt very strong policies that will end the people smuggling trade across the Mediterranean.”

See our archive on recent Australian success in stopping boats filled with illegal migrants.  And, our whole ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

Minnesota: More Somali refugee “youths” arrested on terror charges, FBI to comment today

Update April 26th:  More excitement in Little Mogadishu as feds arrest another refugee ‘youth,’ here.

Update April 21st: They were not without prospects for a good future in America, here.

News that is getting all too common…..Surprise! They wanted to join ISIS!

From Breitbart:

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Six people were arrested Sunday in connection with a terrorism investigation in Minnesota, where authorities have been tracking youths who have traveled or tried to travel to Syria to fight with militants, including the Islamic State group, authorities said.

A spokesman for the Minnesota U.S. Attorney’s Office said the arrests were made in Minneapolis and San Diego but there is no threat to public safety. Spokesman Ben Petok did not give details about the charges. He said more information would be released Monday.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI planned a news conference Monday to announce details. The news conference was billed in a press release as an announcement of a joint terrorism task force operation.

Continue reading here….

Harpstead is one of those contractors responsible for seeding Minnesota with Somalis. She pulls down a salary and benefits package of over $300,000 a year to ‘change’ Minnesota. Her ‘Christian charity’ is 89% taxpayer-funded.

BTW, if I were in charge I would let them go and revoke their passports so they can never come back.  Now we will have to pay for their incarceration and a charade of rehabilitation (besides having raised them on the taxpayer’s dime).

See also from last week Patrick Poole at PJ Media asking whether the FBI misled us just before last Fall’s election on the number of Americans going to fight for ISIS.

Who is responsible in Minnesota for colonizing the state with shariah-loving Somalis?

These Somalis didn’t just “find their way” to Minnesota, they were “resettled” there by federal refugee resettlement contractors.

For new readers, check out this post:   US State Department and its resettlement contractors are responsible for the Somalis they delivered to over 60 towns in Minnesota (over 10,000 Somalis in the last ten years)!  That is in addition to the approximately 2,000 ‘secondary migrants’ (refugees placed elsewhere) who head to Minnesota each year.

In recent research, we learned that five of the nine major US resettlement contractors are operating in “welcoming” Minnesota.  Four are so-called ‘Christian charities.’

Here are the nine major federal resettlement contractors (increasingly working to resettle those ‘unaccompanied alien children’ as well).  Those with offices in Minnesota are in red.

Doing research?  Go to this handy list to see who is changing your city by changing the people.

Kentucky: Iraqi refugee convicted terrorist back in the news; wants conviction and sentence reviewed

Update:  There is a 2013 ABC News expose of the arrest and conviction of these two refugees with information on how they lied to get into the US.  A long time reader suggested that many of you may never have seen it.  Watch it here.

He says he was misrepresented and didn’t understand English well enough (you can be sure he had been supplied with a translator!).

For you, in new towns being urged to ‘welcome the stranger’ and take in Muslim refugees, there are several lessons in this one short news story.

First, don’t believe them when they say that refugees are thoroughly screened! This pair of convicted terrorists LIED on their refugee applications and there was ample evidence, one not mentioned in this news story, that they were in fact fighting (and possibly killing) Americans in Iraq.  One of them had fingerprints on an IED shard the US had already collected from an attack on Americans.

Second, US and state taxpayers are footing the bill for translators and expensive trials and other legal proceedings.

And, third these two were placed by a resettlement contractor in an American town and you paid for it.  But, the media, in this case AP, cannot bring itself to tell readers that these two were REFUGEES.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi lied on his application for US refugee status.

Every reader of this AP story who is unfamiliar with the US Refugee Admissions Program is probably scratching their head and asking, well how did these terrorists get in here?

From AP at the Bowling Green Daily News (hat tip: Robin):

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — An Iraqi man convicted of terrorism charges in Kentucky is asking a federal judge to change his conviction and prison sentence because he says he was misrepresented by his court-appointed attorney.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi pleaded guilty in 2012 to being involved in a plot to send weapons and money to al-Qaida in Iraq.

Hammadi says in a motion filed last month that he felt pressure to plead guilty to a dozen charges and was told by his attorney, James Earhart, he would not get a life sentence. He is asking a judge to throw out or correct the sentence.

The motion asks the court to “vacate, set aside or correct” the conviction and life sentence he received in January 2013.


Hammadi said in the motion that he was pressured to plead guilty the day before his jury trial. Earhart, a longtime lawyer and former federal prosecutor in Kentucky, told Hammadi “no American jury would find him innocent following the events of Sept. 11, 2001,” according to the March 16 motion.

The AP wants you to think that they just simply “arrived” in the US, not a word about the US State Department bringing them in!

Alwan and Hammadi arrived in the United States in 2009. Both admitted to taking part in insurgent activities in Iraq in 2005 and 2006. Prosecutors said federal authorities became aware of Alwan when they found out he had been held in an Iraqi prison in June 2006 for insurgent activities.

Searching RRW for ‘Kentucky Iraqi’ I see that we probably have a couple of dozen posts in which we mention these convicted refugee terrorists.   In fact, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s fleeting criticism of the refugee program was surely inspired by his anger at the time about this case.

If you see Rand Paul on the campaign trail, ask him why he stopped criticizing the Refugee Admissions Program!

Make this issue a 2016 Presidential campaign issue!  In fact, ask all of the candidates if they support it and I bet you get a ‘deer in the headlights’ look!

After recent Somali terror indictment in Ohio, reader asks: do we vet those applying for citizenship?

It sure doesn’t appear that we do!

This is a ‘comment worth noting’ we received from Julia, a regular reader of RRW, in the wake of the indictment of a Somali refugee on terror-related charges this past Thursday, here.


“Here’s another item to add to the list of reasons to not trust the Obama administration – be it on refugee resettlement, immigration reform, negotiations with Iran….

Civic engagement? Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud was naturalized in February 2014, yet had been writing terror-related facebook posts in 2013! So we gave him citizenship and a passport anyway!

It has been reported that the Ohio man from Somalia who was naturalized in February 2014 and was indicted on federal terrorism charges Thursday, April 16, 2015 applied for a passport a week after he obtained his U.S. citizenship.

Fox News has also reported that this guy made terrorism-related Facebook posts in 2013 and was communicating online with his brother over plans to travel to Syria to fight in September 2013 – well before he was naturalized.

Does the U.S vet who it naturalizes as citizens? Will the media, Congress, or the GOP presidential hopefuls ask this question?

Part of the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration released by the Task Force on New Americans on April 14, 2015 is to “Celebrate our Newest Citizens.” The Obama administration intends to do this by providing individuals who become naturalized a Welcome Packet at their Naturalization Oath Ceremony. The Welcome Packet will include “practical tips” on applying for a U.S. passport and registering to vote.

Vetting these “New Americans” does not appear to be addressed in the plan. What will Congress do to prevent terrorists from becoming U.S. citizens? Let them vote in the next election?”

See our earlier post this morning about the Obama “plan” and see that WND writer Leo Hohmann also noted that security screening was never mentioned for the tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands!) of new American seedlings being planted in a town near you!

UNHCR putting pressure on US to take in more Syrians; security concerns still the hold-up

There is nothing much new in here that we haven’t already reported, but I want readers to know that the UN is agitating for us to get moving on allowing in what will amount to be 90% or so new Muslim migrants from Syria.

Do you trust this man? Antonio Guterres, the socialist UN High Commissioner for Refugees has selected 11,000 Syrians to send to your towns and cities. 90% of the Syrians who have arrived so far are Sunni Muslims.

Because the UNHCR got ahead of itself and pre-selected 11,000 Syrians for America, those 11,000 will be used to put public relations pressure on the security-minded Republicans who are holding a finger in the dyke right now.

Here is the New York Times (via the Telegram):

The United States is scheduled to take in its largest tranche of Syrian refugees to date — up to 2,000 by this fall, compared with a total of about 700 since the civil war in Syria began four years ago, according to the State Department.

The U.S. decision to accept more refugees reflects how swiftly the Syrian civil war has morphed into the most pressing humanitarian crisis in recent years. Generally, resettling large numbers of refugees happens long after other options are exhausted, like the possibility of displaced people eventually returning home.

Will terrorists enter the US among refugees chosen by UN?

But just as refugee admissions have faced political resistance in Europe, the plan to step up Syrian refugee resettlement in the United States has stirred pushback from Republican lawmakers in Congress, who are increasingly vocal about the fear that terrorists may sneak in with the refugees.

While the Republicans have not called for a full-on moratorium on Syrian refugee admissions, they have urged the Obama administration to go slow, until the United States can be assured that all applicants are properly screened. A congressional hearing is due in the coming weeks.

“In the case of Syrian refugees, our intelligence on the ground is alarmingly slim, making it harder to identify extremists,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in an emailed statement.

“As we have heard from intelligence officials, we do not have enough information to confidently screen these individuals,” he said. “We need to put our foot on the brakes until we have more certainty that terrorist won’t slip through our fingers.” In February, McCaul wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding details about refugees who have been admitted or are in the pipeline, including their ages, ethnicities and religion. He also wanted to know how U.S. officials are screening Syrians.

A State Department official said refugees applying for resettlement to the United States are “the most carefully vetted of all travelers to the United States,” with security checks by a host of U.S. agencies, including the National Counterterrorism Center and the Defense Department.

“Accepting refugees is an American tradition with bipartisan support in Congress,” said Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary at the State Department. “The question is not whether we take them in, but ensuring that we admit refugees in a way that is safe and consistent with our national security interests.”

The UN has 11,000 they have picked for your towns!

The United Nations has a list of more than 11,000 people who are waiting to be screened by U.S. officials for possible resettlement.

The U.N. refugee agency, which does the first round of vetting, says the people on the list are among the most vulnerable, including single mothers and their children, victims of torture and people with special medical needs. But few of them will be accepted anytime soon. Henshaw said the reason the United States is admitting fewer than 2,000 this year is “to make sure we’ve got the process right.”

You gotta laugh, even if the women, children and sick people aren’t terrorists they will be VERY EXPENSIVE for the US taxpayer to care for!

“Aid groups” want 65,000 Syrians before Obama leaves office. 

But, the damn NYT can’t bring itself to mention that these are not ‘charities’ but in fact are largely paid by the taxpayer to resettle refugees—there is money in it for them!

At the same time, the administration is facing pressure from aid groups that want the United States to increase the numbers of refugee admissions significantly, and to let them in much faster.

They contend that the United States should take in at least half the people the U.N. refugee agency wants to resettle in the West, which would amount to about 65,000 Syrians in the next two years.   [See former British Foreign Secretary pushing the 65,000 demand, here.—ed]