St. Cloud, MN billboard removed when Catholic Charities complains

Here is the news from the Minneapolis Star Tribune yesterday (just as the Pope was doing his publicity stunt on the Texas border).

A picture worth a thousand words. (Readers this is one more way for you to get your message out and educate the public!) Photo: Jason Wachter at MN Star Tribune.

The local Catholic Charities in St. Cloud complained that the sign was inaccurate because their particular branch of CC didn’t actually place Somali Muslims in St. Cloud (that is the job of Lutheran Social Services).  The sign company agreed to remove the sign.
It is accurate that Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis do resettle Somali Muslims (a shocking number of their ‘youths’ have gone on to become international jihadists), so for the whole state of Minnesota the sign’s message is accurate.  We told you as early as 2011 that Catholic Charities was one of three phony non-profits (federal contractors) that first brought Somali Muslims to Minnesota beginning in the 1980s.
Go here to see one of dozens and dozens of posts about the ‘Somali youths’ who received the benefits of US citizenship, welfare as they grew up, and some even obtained college educations and still went on to become (or attempted to become) Islamic terrorists.
Minneapolis Star Tribune story begins:

A billboard that targeted Catholic Charities for resettling Muslim refugees was taken down Wednesday, just days after it was installed in St. Joseph Township in Stearns County.

The sign, which read “Catholic Charities Resettles Islamists: EVIL or INSANITY?” was apparently paid for by an individual who hired Franklin Outdoor Advertising to post it along a highway a few miles west of St. Cloud, where Somali immigrants have been targeted by anti-Muslim groups.

A spokesman for Catholic Charities in St. Cloud said the office reached out to the advertising firm after an employee spotted the billboard to notify the firm that the office isn’t involved with refugee resettlements. Franklin Outdoor agreed to remove the sign due to the inaccuracy, said Steve Bresnahan, the executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud.  [Again, it is not inaccurate for the entire state!—ed]

Continue reading here.   The St. Paul/Minneapolis Catholic Charities admits it resettles Somali Muslims.
Chuckling!  How many passersby saw this sign in Stearns County before it was removed compared to how many will see it now that Catholic Charities forced its removal… help get this story out far and wide!
Go here for a huge archive on St. Cloud (a pocket of resistance)!  Go here to see which other towns in Minnesota ‘welcomed’ Somalis over a ten year period.  And, don’t miss this recent post where we reported that over 43,000 Somalis have been admitted to the US just since Obama took office. Minnesota is destination #1 for Somali colonization.

German Catholic Cardinal: Germany must reduce the number of migrants

Invasion of Europe news…..
Well, this is refreshing (sort of!).  A Catholic leader is actually saying that his country cannot handle the massive number of mostly Muslim migrants entering it.  (No, he didn’t use the ‘M’ word! He didn’t go that far!).
I’m wondering if the Pope is going to slap his wrist for this heresy!
From the Daily Caller:

A high-ranking Catholic official has called for a reduction in the number of refugees coming to Germany.

Kardinal Reinhard Marx, Erzbischof von München und Freising und Vorsitzender der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, blickt am 21.09.2015 zu Beginn der Herbstvollversammlung in Fulda (Hessen) in die Runde. Zu Beginn des traditionellen Herbsttreffens der katholischen Bischöfe stehen Beratungen über die Flüchtlingskrise im Mittelpunkt. Foto: Arne Dedert/dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Cardinal Marx did recognize the growing problem for Germany and Europe here in September 2015, but didn’t sound as worried as he sounds now.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, cautioned Saturday that the country cannot “take in all the world’s needy.” Over one million refugees seeking asylum entered Germany in 2015 — the country currently struggles to manage the influx both logistically and politically.

“As a church we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees,” said Marx to Passauer Neue Presse. He noted that the response to the refugee issue should not be one only of “charity but also reason.”

Continue reading because I think you will see more about what is driving this remarkable statement.  He warns against xenophobia and the rise of the right-wing. (Is that the real boogeyman for Father Marx?)
More on the way!
There will be more coming to Europe (and Germany)!   The Times of Israel is reporting that Turkey is about to admit tens of thousands of additional Syrians at its border with Syria.  And, mark my words, Turkey will let them flow directly across the country and allow them to launch their boats to Europe as spring arrives.  Turkey would like nothing better than to see a Muslim Europe!
See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and go here for much much more on dear old Deutschland.

Alabama governor gets on wrong side of CAIR with comments about refugees

In his State of the State address earlier this week, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley spoke disparagingly about the secrecy that surrounds the resettlement of refugees into 48 US states (they want 50, but so far Wyoming and Montana are holdouts) including his own.  Of course, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) pounced.

Hadeed 2
Khaula Hadeed recently spoke at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her topic: Islamophobia is it real?

But, before I get to the news, let me say that this governor could do an awful lot more to help with restoring states’ rights regarding this program than simply spouting words.
He is one of twelve governors who have a ready-made 10th Amendment case just waiting for him to put his name on at the Thomas More Law Center.  It would only take one brave governor to test the legality of what the federal government has been doing to towns and cities for years.

If the governor is going to bring on the wrath of CAIR, he might as well do it with something that matters!

Alabama readers tell your governor to sign on to the Thomas More lawsuit!
Here then is the latest news from the Montgomery Advertiser:

MONTGOMERY — A Muslim advocacy group on Thursday asked to meet with Gov. Robert Bentley about statements he made on a refugee resettlement program that the group says were “derogatory and dehumanizing.”

During his State of the State address on Tuesday, Bentley criticized the federal refugee resettlement program for not disclosing refugees’ background information to government officials in the states where they settle. Bentley alluded to terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and said “among those killers was a refugee from a terrorist nation.” The governor later said, “Many have entered our state from terrorist nations.

Khaula Hadeed, executive director of the Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement that labeling a predominantly Muslim country as a terrorist nation promotes prejudice.

Changing America by changing the people!
This is not only about Bentley disparaging Muslims. Hadeed and CAIR understand the need to continue the UN/US state Department Refugee Admissions Program an important source of Muslim immigrants they need for the Hijrah (the migration).

Hadeed should take up the issue of ‘terrorist nations’ with Obama’s US State Department!

Just yesterday a reader asked me which countries are ‘state sponsors of terrorism.’  I have to admit I had never looked that up, but was then surprised to learn that there are ONLY three designated as such and they were designated decades ago:  Iran, Sudan and Syria!
So when Bentley refers to terrorist nations, and is discussing Syria, he has it right.

Merkel is squirming, says refugees are in Germany only temporarily

Invasion of Europe news….

Germany is a disaster and Chancellor Angela Merkel is like a worm on a hook trying to figure out how to release herself.  Now, she is trying to tell the German people that, WHEN things calm down in the Middle East, the Syrians and Iraqis will leave. Even if that were true (it isn’t!), it isn’t true of the hundreds of thousands from all over the globe who have invaded Germany at Merkel’s invitation.

Merkel pensive
Merkel: I promise they will leave once there is peace in Syria and ISIS is defeated in Iraq. (When pigs fly!)

Note to Americans: Our refugee program is permanent.  I think there is still some misconception that asylum seekers and refugees are only here for a little while until things change back home.  That isn’t so, when we accept refugees and asylees they WILL become US citizens and never leave.
When you hear someone say we need to share the burden of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey which are getting the brunt of the refugee flow, remember most of those ‘refugees’ are living in camps in those countries and will be forced to return home when the conflict ends.
If Merkel believes what she is saying, the migrants arriving in Germany should have been placed in camps and sorted out from there not planted in every town in Germany.
Back to the latest news from Deutsche Welle:

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she expects most Syrian and Iraqi refugees to return home once the conflict in their home countries has ended. She urged other European countries to offer more help.

Speaking at a regional party meeting, Chancellor Angela Merkel sought to moderate the criticism which has grown over her open-door policy towards refugees from conflict areas in Syria and Iraq.

“We need … to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that, once there is peace in Syria again, once IS has been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country with the knowledge that you have gained,” she told members of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Saturday.


The leader of Merkel’s coalition partners, the Christian Social Union (CSU), Horst Seehofer, has threatened to take the government to court if the flow of asylum seekers is not reduced.

Get ready for the spring tidal wave of migrants! (My recommendation, turn back boats and build camps to contain them!):

Merkel urged other European countries to offer more help by taking in refugees: “because the numbers need to be reduced even further and must not start to rise again, especially in spring.”

Head of the European Union’s border agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri said that the UN estimated up to a million migrants may try to enter Europe across the eastern Mediterranean and Western Balkans over the next year.

As we have previously reported a trickle of so-called refugees supposedly fearing persecution have begun to leave Germany as their welfare goodies aren’t fast enough in coming.  So, make sure their welfare is meager, housing is difficult and jobs not available and they might go home.
Every one from every country should be watching what happens in Germany and Europe generally as the invasion continues unabated because you are watching a major shift in the history of the world and possibly witnessing the end of the European font of western civilization.  See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
Be sure to see this post about the European Nationalist parties who do offer some hope for the continent.

European Nationalist parties convene in Milan: mass migration greatest threat to Europe

More Invasion of Europe news….

French far right leader Marine Le Pen, left, and Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders attend the press conference of the second day of a 2-day convention of European nationalists, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. The rally is being billed by organizers as the first congress of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
AP photo caption: French far right leader Marine Le Pen, left, and Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders attend the press conference of the second day of a 2-day convention of European nationalists, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. The rally is being billed by organizers as the first congress of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

The Associated Press reported yesterday on a meeting in Italy of Europe’s so-called “Far Right” parties.
Here is what AP reports (emphasis is mine):

MILAN (AP) — Sharing the stage with leaders of other European populist parties, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said Friday that Europe’s nationalist parties are ready to step in and clean up when European structures fail under current immigration and monetary policies.

Le Pen spoke at the end of the first meeting of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last summer. The 36-member parliamentary group is the smallest in the European Parliament, but includes some parties gaining strength in the polls in their home countries.

At a news conference, Le Pen along with populist leaders from host Italy, the Netherlands and Austria expressed their common view that Europe’s borders must be closed to mass migration from the Middle East and Africa and said that sovereignty over such policies must be restored to nations. They cited both the threat of terrorism and the strain on budgets.


Also attending the Milan event Thursday and Friday were leaders of nationalist parties from the United Kingdom, Belgium, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic.

Le Pen said the parties represented on the stage in Milan “are part of the future”….

Blankley book

Tony Blankley was prescient….

Tony Blankley, God rest his soul, predicted this in his 2005 book, ‘The West’s Last Chance.’  He said the day would come when famous nude statues across Europe would be covered so as not to insult Islam.

She (Le Pen) also said a decision by Italian officials to cover ancient statues depicting nude figures in deference to the visiting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was “ridiculous.”

More at AP here.
Click here for our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
See my previous post about angry Swedes taking revenge….