Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

“Small ghettos” of competing ethnic groups have developed!

We have been writing about Amarillo, Texas (a ‘pocket of resistance’) for a couple of years (see our complete archive by clicking here).  Like so many meatpacking towns in America, federal refugee resettlement contractors*** got a foot hold there years ago (mostly working as ‘head hunters’ for the meatpacking industry) and have continued to pour third-worlders into Amarillo despite pleas by elected officials to STOP! (See our post just yesterday, here, about BIG MEAT).
***Update*** See more about Cargill, the meat giant, here.
***Update Jan. 15th*** For some reason this post went viral, please take a minute to read the comments esp. ‘7delta’s’ response to reader Keith Jones who said that sharia law is no threat to us.

Omar Jamal in Amarillo
Omar Jamal meets with Somali workers from Cargill after van rollover accident in 2012.

From (hat tip: Robin):

As Texas officials spar with Obama administration lawyers over refugee resettlement, Amarillo is building Muslim “ghettos.”

Under federal refugee programs, the North Texas town has become home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants – giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.

“Our education system is overloaded with kids who can’t speak English. We have something like 22 languages spoken in our schools,” said William Sumerford, a local taxpayer activist.

City Commissioner Randy Burkett is considering a plan to halt further refugee settlements. Burkett could not be reached, but Mayor Paul Harpole isn’t optimistic about the city’s authority to push back.

“We’ve been a giving community, and it’s a huge disservice to bring in refugees in numbers that we’re not able to handle. We create small ghettos,” Harpole told

Why do Somalis need their own government within American cities?  It is about Sharia Law! This is how it begins!

“A group of Somalis came in to say they had elected a mayor of their community,” Harpole related. “Then another faction claimed they had their own leader. We come to find out that rival tribes — slaves and masters — were being settled together.”


Mayor Harpole said the city’s schools are particularly hard hit.

“We have 660 (refugee) kids who don’t speak English and the U.S. Department of Education says they have to be at grade level within one year. It’s a ludicrous requirement — they don’t even know how to use the bathroom,” Harpole said. Washington pays schools $100 per refugee student per year.

There is much more at
See also our three part series on Texas, here, from last year.
And, here is a recent post about Cargill caving to Somali demands regarding prayer break times.  Cargill is one of four meat giants destroying America towns and cities as they lure cheap refugee labor to your community.
Photo:  I can’t believe it, Omar Jamal, was acting once again like the Somali ‘Jesse Jackson’ here in 2012.  I bet we have mentioned Jamal in 50 posts (more!) here at RRW over the years.  He was originally an illegal alien, but was never deported and he manages to get to every hot spot in America as the voice of Somalis.
*** Click here and scroll down to Texas to see which Refugee Resettlement contractors are working there.

Ft. Morgan: Cargill caves to CAIR, will allow Somali workers to reapply for jobs in 30 days

Update!  A reader suggests you contact Cargill and complain about their accommodation of Islamic demands.  Tell them to hire Americans while you are at it!
It all boils down to the fact that ‘Big Meat’ doesn’t want to pay higher wages and so they have become completely dependent on refugee labor.  In the meantime, they are changing the face of rural America.

Cargill workers
Fired Somali workers could soon be back on the Job as CAIR has Cargill by the short hairs.

We reported the Ft. Morgan Cargill plant’s woes here as Somalis walked off the job with demands for special accommodation for prayer breaks.
Now here is the news that Cargill has changed its re-hiring policy to get many of those fired Somalis back to work. (While having given CAIR an opportunity to press for sharia workplace compliance!).
From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

Cargill will change its hiring policy — allowing employees to be potentially rehired 30 days after termination, not 180 days — in response to a walkout by Somali workers in Colorado.

After a dispute over Muslim prayer time, about 150 employees at Cargill’s sprawling Fort Morgan, Colo., plant didn’t show up for work for three days — grounds for termination. They were fired. Some of those workers claimed they weren’t allowed to take prayer breaks, while Cargill claimed that it was still following its policy allowing the breaks.

Minnetonka-based Cargill said in a statement Friday that it will change the hiring policy at all of its North American beef plants, allowing former employees terminated for “attendance violation or job abandonment” to be considered for rehiring 30 days after being fired. The workers would have to reapply for their jobs.

“We believe the change in our beef business policy related to how quickly a former employee may be eligible to reapply for positions at our beef plants is a reasonable update to something that’s been in place for quite a few years,” Cargill Beef President John Keating said in a statement.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has been representing many terminated Somali workers, said it welcomed Cargill’s change in hiring policy, though it criticized Cargill’s prayer break policy as ambiguous.

Now see at the very end, the admission that ‘Big Meat’ is changing America by changing the people.

They can get away with cheap wages as long as the federal government (and their resettlement contractors) continue to bring them fresh refugee laborers every year.   While they get away with paying low wages, you supplement the refugee family’s income with welfare payments!  What a business model for the meatpacking industry.

Over the past few decades, U.S. meatpacking plants — including in Minnesota — have increasingly relied on immigrant communities for labor. About one-third of Cargill’s workers at Fort Morgan are immigrants, or come from immigrant families from Africa, and are predominantly Muslim. Much of the rest of the workforce there is of Hispanic descent.

Read it all here.
Here is an interesting map showing Cargill meatpacking and other facilities in North America.
To learn more about how refugees have changed Fort Morgan, click here where we have an extensive archive going back several years.

Speaker Ryan blasts Trump over Muslim ban, can we hear Grover in his words?

Norquist scowl
Grover Norquist

That would be Grover Norquist of course, Ryan’s doppelgänger!  (or is it the other way around?)
Some observers who have heard Norquist opine on the joy that Islamic diversity brings to America—Muslims in the military (like the jihadist Major Hasan?) and in Congress and that it isn’t “conservatism” to worry about shariah law and devout Muslim-generated terrorism—think they heard Grover in Ryan’s speech.
If you are a new reader and have never heard of Grover Norquist, you have some catching up to do.
He is the President of Americans for Tax Reform, a longtime Washington, DC fixer, and as an Islamist has been a promoter of American Muslim ‘rights’ since before 9/11.  He is also a big fan of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House.

Norquist: Shariah law is compatible with the US Constitution!

Be sure to read a post of mine from 2011 at Potomac Tea Party Report about Norquist’s comment to Think Progress—‘Shariah law is compatible with the US Constitution’ here.

Ryan with beard
Yes massa’! More in common than their facial hair?

And, don’t miss this!  Norquist was in the wings advising Senator Marco Rubio on the Gang of Eight bill (another of Norquist’s pet projects as a long-time advocate for amnesty and open borders).  See Grover has a new gig!

Are Norquist and Ryan working to put Rubio in the White House—that is my guess.

They will be able to control (boy) Rubio, but not Trump.
See the Washington Post gushing over Ryan’s words against Trump (Ryan also gave a shout-out to Muslim Members of Congress Keith Ellison and Andre Carson) and completely (on purpose!) misses the point of Trump’s ban which is within the power granted by the US Constitution—we have every right to determine which non-citizens we permit in the country!
(See Ryan’s dump on Trump at that Washington Post link.)
Go here to our extensive archive on Grover Norquist.  Norquist was a Bushy, but I suspect he sees that Jeb is dead (politically). And, remember this—ten big name Republicans (including Jeb) signed on to a 2014 letter (most likely drafted by Norquist) asking that Republicans support MORE refugee resettlement (click here).  We first learned of Norquist’s involvement in the Hijra here in 2007 when he was promoting the resettlement of mostly Muslim Iraqis to the US.

Action Alert!  Trump is right! Ryan is wrong! Click here and call your House members today!

Update!  Watch this Trump supporter—people are p***** . He is talking about Ryan, Rubio, Norquist and the Washington elite.

Indiana: Various social justice/peace groups 'welcome' Syrian Muslims to live among them

There is nothing special about this news and this ‘march’ last week in Indiana to protest the governor’s concern about unvetted Syrian Muslims coming to live in Indiana, but am posting it because I suspect such demonstrations are going on around the country.  And, you should know what they are saying.
As we have learned that 99% of the Syrians entering the US so far this fiscal year are Sunni Muslims apparently that doesn’t concern the ‘peace’ people.

Indiana march
March to welcome Syrian Muslims to Indiana. Photo: Alex Kumar | Staff Photographer

Here is the story at the Purdue Exponent:

On Friday, undergraduate students, graduate students and citizens from Lafayette and West Lafayette gathered in the Purdue Memorial Mall to show their support for Syrian refugees.

The event was organized by the Lafayette chapter of Indiana Moral Mondays, Purdue Student Justice Coalition, Students for Justice in Palestine at Purdue and the Lafayette Area Peace Coalition.

“I believe that letting Syrian refugees in is the right decision,” said Pittayut Phonboon, a sophomore in the College of Engineering. “From a humanitarian standpoint and looking at the United States’ interest in terms of foreign policy, this is the best decision to make.”

Continue reading here.
You might want to visit this post we wrote back in March where a federally-funded resettlement agency working in Indiana says it’s a good state in which to resettle refugees because a leading Muslim Brotherhood organization has its headquarters there.  See also, here, where the ACLU sued Governor Pence.

If you live in Indiana, and don’t want more refugees resettled there, you need to let the governor know you support him to counter activists like these.

I’ll bet a buck that even after the masscre in San Bernardino by Sunni Muslims that these marchers fear global warming more than their potential new neighbors.

Minnesota Somali refugee terrorist connected to San Bernardino slaughter?

Fox News was just reporting a few minutes ago (about 9:30 a.m.) that this man (we told you about him before, here) may be linked to the Farook family killers.  I’m doing something else right now, but when more news is available, we will update this.
No surprise for all of you following the Somali refugee terror activities here in the US and abroad.
Stop talking about Syrians for a minute and remember that we bring in about 500 Somalis a month to live in your towns at this very minute!  (See data here).

Muhammed Hassan one of the refugees you raised with your tax dollars is believed to have been involved in the Garland, TX attempted terror attack. Now San Bernardino?

Updates later….
Click here for the news clip.
Leo Hohmann at WND has more, click here.