Indiana: Various social justice/peace groups 'welcome' Syrian Muslims to live among them

There is nothing special about this news and this ‘march’ last week in Indiana to protest the governor’s concern about unvetted Syrian Muslims coming to live in Indiana, but am posting it because I suspect such demonstrations are going on around the country.  And, you should know what they are saying.
As we have learned that 99% of the Syrians entering the US so far this fiscal year are Sunni Muslims apparently that doesn’t concern the ‘peace’ people.

Indiana march
March to welcome Syrian Muslims to Indiana. Photo: Alex Kumar | Staff Photographer

Here is the story at the Purdue Exponent:

On Friday, undergraduate students, graduate students and citizens from Lafayette and West Lafayette gathered in the Purdue Memorial Mall to show their support for Syrian refugees.

The event was organized by the Lafayette chapter of Indiana Moral Mondays, Purdue Student Justice Coalition, Students for Justice in Palestine at Purdue and the Lafayette Area Peace Coalition.

“I believe that letting Syrian refugees in is the right decision,” said Pittayut Phonboon, a sophomore in the College of Engineering. “From a humanitarian standpoint and looking at the United States’ interest in terms of foreign policy, this is the best decision to make.”

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You might want to visit this post we wrote back in March where a federally-funded resettlement agency working in Indiana says it’s a good state in which to resettle refugees because a leading Muslim Brotherhood organization has its headquarters there.  See also, here, where the ACLU sued Governor Pence.

If you live in Indiana, and don’t want more refugees resettled there, you need to let the governor know you support him to counter activists like these.

I’ll bet a buck that even after the masscre in San Bernardino by Sunni Muslims that these marchers fear global warming more than their potential new neighbors.

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