It is official! Fiscal year 2015 Syrian resettlement: 97% Muslim

The federal fiscal year ended on September 30th.  We are now beginning FY 2016 (Obama says we will admit 10,000 Syrians who cannot be thoroughly screened according to the FBI).

That is UNHCR Antonio Guterres on the left. He chooses our refugees and Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM does what he says!

Because the UNHCR is choosing our Syrian refugees from its camps dominated by Sunni Muslims, you can expect the numbers (the percentage) of Muslim refugees to continue just about as they have been this past fiscal year.
I’m sorry if this news is repetitive for our regular readers, but I want the mainstream media to stop being so lazy (or duplicitous) when reporting on the Syrians who have come so far.

I repeat, these numbers will not change going forward unless we get the UN out of the business of picking refugees for us!

This data is directly from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.  I thought if I did the research maybe reporters wouldn’t be so lazy in reporting it!
In fiscal year 2015 we admitted 1,682 Syrians through the Refugee Admissions Program.  Religious affiliation is as follows:

Atheist (2)

Bahai (2)

Christian (29)

Moslem (53)

Moslem Shiite (10)

Moslem Suni (1,537)

No Religion (1)

Orthodox (1)

Other Religion (5)

Zorastrian (6)

That makes it 97% Muslim!

When you see politicians like Senators Mikulski, Cardin, Graham, Blumenthal and others we have mentioned this past week advocating for more Syrians, remember they are advocating for more MUSLIM Syrians to be admitted and placed in your towns, not truly persecuted Christians!

SC Senator Lindsey Graham advances bill to bring in MORE Syrian refugees, more quickly

Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, is also a contender for the Republican nomination for President.  He joins Far Left Senator Patrick Leahy in his efforts to get the Syrians in here faster.
Every time I see Graham, a proud member of the Gang of Eight on amnesty two years ago, I wonder whether Graham influences Rep. Trey Gowdy.  Does Gowdy share Graham’s position on immigration?

Does Graham keep a tight rein on Gowdy? Did either of them hear what the FBI said this week?

How closely does Graham monitor the activities of South Carolina Rep. Gowdy who has been dragging his feet on holding any hearing on the Refugee Admissions Program in the subcommittee (which he chairs!) responsible for Refugee Program oversight?
(A hearing was scheduled and postponed in the full House Judiciary Committee last week, but Gowdy, as subcommittee chairman, has been silent, and as such a disappointment, on the Syrian refugee question. If anyone has seen Gowdy raise concerns about bringing Syrians to America and his state, please send a news report my way and I will stand corrected.)
And, Mr. Gowdy, how about a hearing on the Babin bill that has 22 co-sponsors as of this writing?  Gowdy is not one of them!
I digress, here is the news about Lindsey Graham and his pal Leahy.
From The Hill (hat tip: Joanne).  Emphasis is mine:

A bipartisan pair of senators — including one presidential candidate — is pushing forward with an emergency spending bill to help strengthen the administration’s ability to combat the Syrian refugee crisis.

Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have rolled out legislation that would provide an extra $1 billion in emergency funding, mandating that the White House tell Congress within 45 days how it will use the money.


Dozens of Senate Democrats backed a letter from Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) [Hey, does Chris Murphy do the bidding of CAIR-CT too?—ed] earlier this week calling for an emergency spending bill. That letter was sent to Leahy and Graham, as well as Sens. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), the top two members on the Appropriations Committee. [Mikulski here—ed]

But FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that there are “gaps” in the screening process for bringing Syrians into the United States.

“There is risk associated of bringing anybody in from the outside, but specifically from a conflict zone like that,” he told members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Graham, who is running for president, quickly came out in support of accepting more Syrian refugees after a photo of a drowned Syrian child went viral and sparked international outrage earlier this year.  [He fell for the propaganda photo!—ed]

His position pits him against not only many of his Republican colleagues, but also other 2016 presidential contenders. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who is also running for president, said earlier this week that President Obama’s plan to accept additional Syrian refugees was “nothing short of crazy.”

The Graham-Leahy bill also requires that Secretary of State John Kerry describe what security vetting refugees would have to undergo before being accepted into the country.  [We already know they can’t screen the Syrians!—ed]

How many times have you heard Lindsey Graham say on TV that “if we don’t do something over there, the terrorists will be here!” So how can he so blithely, in the face of testimony by the FBI director, still advocate getting more Syrians here faster?

FBI Director confirms (again) that they can't thoroughly screen Syrians entering the US

Update:  97% of the Syrians we admitted to the US in FY2015 are Muslims chosen by the UN, here.
This time it is not a lower level official from the FBI, but the Director himself who testified to Congress two days ago that they cannot guarantee Islamic terrorists won’t get into the US in the Syrian flow that is about to start in earnest as we speak (FY 2016 began October 1).

FBI Director Comey: No data means we can’t crosscheck all the refugees entering the US.

And, for those who doubt me, there is further confirmation in this news account at The Hill that the UNITED NATIONS is choosing the Syrians for us!  And, because the UNHCR is choosing them, we are already getting a vast majority of Syrian Muslims and not Christians!

Federal officials say “gaps” remain in their ability to screen Syrian refugees headed into the country, even as their ability to check incoming migrants has improved.

During a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on Thursday, FBI Director James Comey sounded a cautious note that is likely to be picked up by critics of the White House’s plan to welcome more refugees into the U.S.

“My concern there is there are certain gaps … in the data available to us,” Comey said.

“There is risk associated of bringing anybody in from the outside, but specifically from a conflict zone like that,” he added.
“There is no such thing as a no-risk enterprise and there are deficits that we face.”

In particular, the lack of solid on-the-ground intelligence assets in Syria has clouded the U.S.’s ability to crosscheck the backgrounds of every refugee hoping to come to the U.S., Comey and other national security officials told the Senate panel.


Obama administration officials have insisted that the vetting will be thorough, despite concerns about the lack of intelligence.

Any refugees headed to American shores would first be recommended by the United Nations, the Obama administration has said, and then meticulously screened by various U.S. agencies.  [They have not been able to say how they could possibly be “meticulously” screened—ed].

Read it all.

Maryland Senators want more Syrians resettled in the state; seek to streamline security screening

Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.: Let's spend more taxpayer dollars to bring in more Syrians more quickly
Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md. and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.: Let’s spend more taxpayer dollars to bring in more Syrians more quickly!

We are always reporting on other states, but we mustn’t forget our home state of Maryland!  Although, as Maryland readers will attest, this is not exactly earth-shattering news!
Here the Baltimore Sun reports on efforts by Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski to obtain more funding to speed up the resettlement of mostly Muslim Syrians to the US and to Maryland.
And, although it is at the end, Sun reporter, Ian Duncan, does tell us that the Sessions’ hearing last week revealed that thorough security screening of Syrians is virtually impossible.

Maryland’s senators are seeking ways the U.S. government can do more to aid Syrian refugees, joining other officials in the search for a balance between the humanitarian urge to help those who are suffering and the security concerns of admitting masses of people to the United States from a region that has been cracked apart by terrorism.

Sen. Ben Cardin called this week for more funding to process refugee applications, and Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski has asked homeland security officials how better technology could speed the vetting process.


About 7,000 refugees from around the world were resettled in Maryland from October 2008 through September 2013, according to the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement. The Baltimore office of the nonprofit International Rescue Committee had found homes for 26 Syrians this year through mid-September.

Cardin urged the Senate Appropriations Committee to boost funding for the agencies involved.

“We must support funding to significantly increase the number of refugees screened and admitted into the United States,” Cardin and other Democrats wrote in a letter to the panel’s leaders.

Although it is at the very end of his story, the reporter does mention the important hearing held by Senator Jeff Sessions last week.

The process is also colored by concerns that the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Iraq and Syria could try to sneak operatives posing as refugees into the United States.

At a recent hearing, Sen. Jeff Sessions questioned whether immigration officials know enough about individual candidates to determine who might pose a national security risk.

“We have little or no information about who the people are, no background information, no ability to determine whether they are radicalized now or might become radicalized after their arrival in the United States,” the Alabama Republican said.

More here.
Adding Muslim diversity to Baltimore!
Be sure to check out some recent posts on refugee resettlement to Baltimore here and here.  An Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood is ‘helping’ refugees resettle in Maryland.  I wonder if they assist ol’ Ben and Babs with a little campaign help as well, just as CAIR is doing in CT, here, for another Democrat Senator.
Where is Governor Hogan on all of this? Does anyone know?

'Refugee' security screening Greek-style

Invasion of Europe news…

refugee men greece
From Foreign Policy story entitled, ‘The men who pretend to be Syrian refugees.’

Really good article here at Foreign Policy telling us how the ‘refugees’ reaching Greece lie, claiming to be Syrians, and how the Greek authorities sort them out.  However, it appears that no matter what nationality they determine the mostly men to be, they are moved northward in Europe.
Foreign Policy’s opening lines:

KARA TEPE, Greece — “Oh, you’re from Syria,” said one of the officials holding up a spiral-bound book with color pictures of 100-pound notes. “Can you point to which of these pictures is your home currency?”

One by one, the head of the vetting team led by Frontex, a European Union agency that works between member states to secure EU borders, quizzes men and families claiming to be from Syria who arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos.

“I’m a Syrian,” the man repeated to the official cautiously, his shoes and clothing still wet from the journey by sea earlier that day. “From Deir Ezzor.”

The man, who had arrived from Turkey that morning, hesitated and pointed to a yellow bill, a fake note that vaguely resembled Lebanese currency but was clearly not from Syria.


German officials have said that 30 percent of the people claiming to be Syrian asylum-seekers in Germany are not in fact from Syria, but officials in Greece with knowledge of the initial registration process on the Aegean island estimate the number is much higher.

Read the whole shocking (LOL! maybe not shocking!) story by clicking here.
Our entire (extends back many years) Invasion of Europe archive is here.