Muslim Brotherhood affiliated charity, Islamic Relief, says UK must step up Syrian resettlement

Invasion of Europe news…..

And, you can bet they would scream bloody murder if the Cameron government ever had the guts to put persecuted Christians at the head of the line.
BTW, Islamic Relief is working in the US to help Syrians get resettled in your states—Kentucky and Maryland that we know of (so far).
I wanted to learn more about the new UK Director of Islamic Relief, Imran Madden.  I didn’t find much, but am posting this 2012 Al Jazeera interview I found informative…..a bit off-topic!

Here is the surprising (not!) news from Islamic Relief (UK must dramatically accelerate Syrian resettlement):

The new UK Director of Islamic Relief will use his speech in a fringe debate at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester to urge the Government to inject greater urgency into resettling Syrian refugees in the UK and leave ‘no diplomatic stone unturned’ in the search for a lasting peace in Syria.

At a conference fringe debate organised by Islamic Relief and World Vision (details in Notes to Editors along with details of separate Muslim Charities Forum fringe event), Imran Madden will speak alongside the Minister of State for International Development, Desmond Swayne MP, to highlight the enormous human cost of forgotten crises around the world – and the Syrian conflict in particular.

They recommend 5 prescriptions for the crisis, this is #5:

A dramatic acceleration of planned refugee resettlement in the UK.

Related:  First Syrians headed to Northern Ireland, here.  They will be mostly Muslims as the UK is working with the UNHCR to pick its refugees.
About the video (and maybe too much in the weeds for most readers!):   I’ve been following the Rohingya refugee issue for nearly eight years.  In the most recent years, the reason for the original outbreak in the latest wave of violence in Burma (Myanmar) which broke out when three Rohingya Muslim men raped a Buddhist woman, has been long forgotten.  I have been so annoyed over the years to see that original spark for the latest violence between the ethnic groups expunged from media coverage. The media and humanitarian agitators (including the OIC) have made it look like the Rohingya were pure as the driven snow.
I was thus surprised to see this 2012 Al Jazeera piece (an interview with Imran Madden) that actually does mention the rape that started it all.
For Hillary watchers out there, one of the few foreign policy success stories that Hillary was earlier mentioning was supposedly bringing some democracy to Burma. She even sent the ‘Podesta Group’ there to help shore-up her legacy.  Dead silence now as Burma is still in internal conflict.
If you are interested in the Rohingya issue we have enough posts here that you could write a book (see Rohingya Reports category).
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.

"Refugee Warriors" populate United Nations camps (where we get our refugees)

Last week the Washington Examiner published a lengthy piece by Jonathan Foreman entitled, ‘Does foreign aid really do good?’ It addresses in great detail what we already know—mostly ‘humanitarian aid’ is a waste of money!

Zaatari: A hotbed of radicalism and sinkhole of crime and violence. Is it any surprise that the UN isn’t providing enough security there.

We take the majority of our Syrian refugees from UN camps!

I urge you to read it all, however, here (below) is one section I wanted to highlight because: the US State Department is taking the vast majority of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) refugee referrals from those camps—-Zaatari is one of them.
BTW, I see a lot of misunderstanding in the mainstream media. We will not be taking very many of the migrants who have invaded Europe (except perhaps a few from places like Malta where we are breaking the law by bringing their illegal aliens here).  The majority of our refugees are first “screened” by the UN elsewhere—like in Jordan.
Last I heard the UNHCR had 17,000 in a pipeline to America.
Remember, UN camps for Syrians are populated primarily by Sunni Muslims (ISIS and Al-Qaeda are Sunnis).  Therefore, we are taking mostly Muslim Syrians and not the Christians.
This is what caught my eye (emphasis is mine):

There are many other examples of conflict being fomented and prolonged by those housing and aiding refugees, accidentally or deliberately. Refugee warriors, as some have called them, operating from the sanctuary of camps established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and others, have created mayhem everywhere from the Thai-Cambodia border to Central America and the Middle East.

Sometimes aid agencies have allowed this to happen as a result of ignorance. Sometimes it’s a matter of Red-Cross-style humanitarian ideology taken to the edge: a conviction that even the guilty need to be fed or a belief that providing security in refugee camps would be an abandonment of neutrality. And sometimes it’s because those providing aid are supporting one side in a conflict. The U.S. and Western countries did so from Pakistan during the Soviet-Afghan war.

For decades, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan allowed or encouraged Palestinian refugee camps to become bases for guerrilla and terrorist activity. This should make it clear that the aid world’s traditional ways of dealing with refugee flows are inadequate. Even purely civilian camps such as Zaatari, the sea of tented misery in Jordan that houses a million Syrians, quickly became hotbeds of radicalism and sinkholes of crime and violence, not least because they are unpoliced and because they are filled with working age men with nothing to do.

Read it all here.

They are leaving Zaatari!

There is an AP story yesterday about how ‘refugees’ are leaving Zaatari.  Some are going back to Syria and some are headed to (you guessed it!) Europe.

Germany: Diversity not so beautiful after all

Invasion of Europe news…..
Reader ‘domstudent11’ directed us to this Washington Post story yesterday—The Washington Post is actually reporting this! That is probably the big news!

tent city near Berlin
Tent city being constructed near Berlin. If this was happening in America, citizens would not tolerate it!

Germans not so welcoming now as ethnic groups clash in tent cities!

CALDEN, Germany — This German town renowned for its rococo palace threw open its doors to arriving waves of refugees.

Donations from clothing drives filled four garages. The volunteer fire department pitched in to build a tent city at the airport that now teems with 1,400 migrants.

But like other Germans in a country that has rolled out the welcome mat for Europe’s largest wave of asylum seekers since World War II, residents here are having second thoughts.

That is especially true after the riot. In this quaint municipality of 3,000 inhabitants, the chaos started at lunchtime Sunday when a 19-year-old Albanian cut in the food line at the town’s new tent city, prompting a reprimand from a 43-year-old Pakistani.

Pushes degenerated into punches. Soon, 300 migrants wielding pepper spray and metal pipes were attacking each other in rival mobs.

A caravan of ambulances and SWAT team vans careened down streets lined with gawking residents. More than 50 police officers struggled for hours to restore order, with three hospitalized with injuries, according to witnesses and local officials.

“You know, when the refugees started coming, I was one of those who saw people needing help and I thought we have to help,” said Harry Kloska, 46, a shaggy-haired instructor in the skydiving club based at the airport. He and his stunned clients huddled inside his office as the violence flared, Kloska said.

“But it’s been weeks [since the refugee camp opened], and I have a different opinion now,” he said. “I am not sure that we’re going to be able to do this, to help so many people from so many different countries.”

No kidding!
Read it all here.
More here at the BBC.
See our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  All of our posts on Mama Merkel’s mess are here.

Germany: Forget this humanitarian B.S. We want workers!

Invasion of Europe news….

While looking for something else, I came across this article from Der Spiegel from August in which it is made very clear that Angela Merkel’s welcome to the migrants is all about the cheap and abundant labor German industrialists need.  (This was written before the invasion crisis began in earnest and there was still a certain glow to the notion of inviting ‘refugees’ to Germany).
As we highlighted in a story from Twin Falls, Idaho—just follow the money!
See Angela Merkel’s prospective workers arriving via Hungary (be prepared to be sick!)  Hat tip: John

German Companies see Refugees as Opportunities!

The German economy is dependent on immigration, both from Europe as well as people entering the country due to asylum rights in Germany. With the German population shrinking, businesses are unable to fill many jobs, and specialized workers are increasingly rare. This trend will only be exacerbated in the coming years. It’s a development that jeopardizes the country’s future prosperity.


A smaller workforce translates into fewer people paying into the pension fund and health insurance systems, fewer people consuming and producing goods, and fewer people paying taxes to pay for expenses like schools and road construction. Fewer people also translates into a reduced potential for growth and less affluence.


The skilled trades have already started recruiting refugees and migrants. When Christoph Karmann is not sitting in his office in downtown Munich, he is visiting vocational schools, where he encounters young migrants with many questions. What can I do, they ask? What opportunities will I have? How does the vocational training system work in Germany?

As one of two so-called training canvassers with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Karmann places refugees and migrants in companies with training programs. Bavarian skilled manual labor enterprises are urgently in need of trainees and workers. This spring, the chamber of trade wrote to 7,000 businesses in Upper Bavaria to ask whether they would hire a refugee. In response, it received offers for 1,200 internship and traineeship positions.

There is much more, read it all.
Obviously Germany is willing to trade its cultural and religious future for cold hard cash!  What good is “future prosperity” if Germany becomes New Syria!
See our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  All of our posts on Mama Merkel’s mess are here.

Letters to the editor on Syrian 'refugees!' An example of what you can do!

We just mentioned a letter to the editor in Syracuse, NY that has stirred debate there about the mayor’s plea for the resettlement of more Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees for that city.
Now, here (below) is a Letter to the editor from Montana in response to a cartoon featured at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on September 22, 2015.
This is an excellent short letter that hits all the points you should be making where you live.  People ask me all the time, what can I do? This is something you can do!
The issue is hot and this is your time to respond to any mention of the Syrian invasion about to arrive on American shores (and into your towns).  In some ways, the outrageous demands (100,000, not properly screened, Syrians in one year) of the Hard Left (No Borders!) Resettlement Industry (quietly backed by RINO politicians looking for cheap immigrant labor for their big business donors), should be looked on as a blessing as Americans are waking up.
Please write letters to the editor in response to anything you see in your local papers on the issue.  The media (even Fox News I’m sorry to say!) itself is not going to give us a fair report, so you need to educate your fellow citizens. ***Update*** Be sure to check with your paper for the word count permitted!
From the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:

It’s astonishing how much is wrong with the editorial cartoon concerning putative Syrian refugees that the Chronicle printed on Sept. 22. (The cartoon shows Uncle Sam idling in a motorboat labeled “USA” and telling “Syrian refugees” swimming nearby to tread water while we run background checks on them.)

First, refugees are officially defined as people who have a “well-founded fear of persecution,” but being caught in Syria’s civil war, while obviously hazardous, isn’t persecution. So such people aren’t actually refugees.

Second, most of them aren’t Syrians, either! As the Wall Street Journal reported (“Migrants Pose as Syrians to Open Door to Asylum in Europe,” Sept. 12), there’s a brisk trade in stolen and counterfeit Syrian passports. As few as 10 percent of this human tsunami may be Syrians; some come from as far afield as Afghanistan.

Further, if these were predominantly people fleeing a war zone, they wouldn’t be 69 percent men (primarily men in their 20s), as reported by the UN Refugee Agency. Instead, most of these people are simply illegal immigrants from all over the Mideast and Africa who are using the chaos in Syria as cover to exit their own dysfunctional countries and move to the gravy-train welfare states of Western civilization.

And what about those background checks? Well, the FBI admitted to Congress that it can’t confirm identities or investigate histories of most people arriving from the strife-torn Mideast. For an explosive example of what this means, recall Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Chechen “refugees” who bombed the Boston Marathon.

So Europe should decline these faux refugees. The U.S. should too, especially considering that more than 90 percent of recent Mideast “refugees” here use food stamps and nearly 70 percent collect cash welfare.

Finally, your editors shouldn’t choose cartoons to publish based on uninformed sentimentality.

Brent Bledsoe


Incidentally Montana doesn’t have a refugee resettlement program at the moment, but efforts are underway there by the Lefties and their big business pals to get something started there.  See our post here in June.