Connecticut elected officials welcome Syrian (Muslim) refugees

I was on the Lori on Liberty show from Connecticut yesterday, but hadn’t seen the news that Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is out stumping for more Syrians (mostly Muslims) to be resettled in Connecticut.  Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty, a Democrat from the 5th District, is on board too.  The governor, according to the Washington Times is warming to the idea.

Murphy to Obama: 10,000 Syrians for next year is not enough! BTW, next year begins on Thursday.

Get ready Connecticut (where Yale has accepted a Saudi billionaire’s gift to build an ISLAMIC LAW CENTER there).
From the Washington Times:

With heart-rending images of desperate migrants flooding into Europe, some have called on the U.S. to do more. President Obama recently issued an order allowing up to 10,000 refugees from Syria into the United States during the next fiscal year, but even that is not enough, said Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy.


In addition to the humanitarian obligations, he said there are practical reasons for helping the refugees. “We’re losing credibility (in the Middle East) if we sit on the sidelines,” said Murphy, a Democratic freshman who recently visited refugee camps in Jordan.

We knew 2016 Presidential candidate Marco Rubio was using weasel-words on the Syrians, but here the Washington Times reports that he is on board to increase refugee numbers to America.

Several Republican presidential candidates, including Sens. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of Florida, are also pressing for an increase in the number of refugees allowed into the U.S., as long as they are thoroughly vetted to determine that they are not part of a terrorist group.

Elizabeth Esty
We welcome Syrians to western Connecticut! Photo from ALIPAC when Esty voted for amnesty for illegal aliens here:

The FBI testified in February that the Syrian refugees could NOT BE THOROUGHLY VETTED—where have those Senator been?
The Washington Times continues….

Murphy agreed, saying the U.S. should “spare no expense” in investigating the refugees to ensure they have no terrorist connections. But, he added, “just because a place like Syria is violent, that doesn’t mean everyone who lives there is violent. We have a very sophisticated process for vetting refugees.”  [No we don’t—ed]


Rep. Elizabeth Esty, a Democrat from the 5th District, last week signed onto a letter to President Obama urging additional aid for the refugees. She said she would welcome refugees that have been thoroughly vetted resettle in her district and her community. [Danbury, Litchfield, Waterbury etc.—ed]

Continue reading here.
Waterbury reminds me ofWhoop-de-do’ in Waterbury several years ago when the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants‘ subcontractor was exposed in a local paper for neglecting mostly Burmese refugees in their care.  The US State Dept. at least temporarily shuttered the program there.  It may be up and running now for all I know.
I just noticed in that 2008 ‘Whoop-de-do’ post that refugees were receiving $850 per head upon arrival and the contractor was keeping half.  Here we are 7 years later and the amount per refugee now stands at $1975 per refugee!
For more information, go here to see if your city has already gotten Syrian refugees.  If so, you have been targeted for more.
Go here and see that Hartford’s mayor is one of 18 to write to Obama telling him to admit not 10,000 Syrians this year, but 100,000!

Iraqi headed to Germany: "Inshallah, we hope to be rich there."

Invasion of Europe news…..

migrants registering in Berlin
Migrants registering in Berlin. What happens when they don’t get rich? Photo:

That little line is a quote at the end of an AP story that appeared in the print edition of my hometown newspaper yesterday.  The headline is ‘Croatia lifts blockade with Serbia.’  I found the link for the story, here.  The man who uttered that line will surely be disappointed.  Then what?

“I just want to go only to Germany,” said Adnan Habbabi, a 36-year-old from Basra, Iraq….”Inshallah [Allah willing–ed], we hope,” he said. “We hope to be rich there.”

The line of course is a warning that Germany hasn’t seen the real problem yet!  What happens when tens of thousands of young men aren’t granted asylum let alone get rich there?

See the Daily Mail story from Friday:  ‘Germany in a state of SIEGE!’  German women told to cover-up as migrant men roam the streets.
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts extending back several years, click here.  For more on ‘Mama’ Merkel’s mess, go here.

Dayton, OH mayor: Bring us some Syrian (Muslim) refugees! Congressman says NO way!

Dayton, Ohio mayor is one of the 18 we told you about here yesterday who wrote to Obama asking for a supply of Syrians for their cities.  They think more refugees are going to be an economic boon to failing Democrat-run cities.  The only boost in the economy I can see is from the federal welfare dollars that would flow from Washington (but Washington doesn’t grow money on trees, it all comes from us).  Heck, they can even get more HUD housing to be built by crony developers!

nan whaley
Whaley said the United Nations, Homeland Security and the State Department decide where to resettle refugee populations.

Turns out that the Democrat mayor is getting a tongue-lashing from the Republican Congressman, Rep. Mike Turner, whose district includes Dayton. (Some reports I read just now on Mayor Nan Whaley say she is planning a run for Congress.)  She may be looking for new reliably Democrat voters since the majority of Muslim refugees are voting for Democrats (see here).
Most of the Syrians (97% of those arriving in 2015) are UN-chosen Sunni Muslims.
Here is the news from the Dayton Daily News:

The Obama administration should accept more people fleeing war-torn Syria, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley said Friday, adding the city is willing to be a landing spot to help resettle refugees.

Whaley and 17 other U.S. mayors sent a letter Thursday asking the president to increase the number of asylum-seekers America will take in.

She said Dayton is prepared to help the administration address the humanitarian crisis by welcoming refugees if they are placed here.

Mike Turner
Rep. Mike Turner: “I am adamantly opposed to Mayor Whaley’s call for the placement of these refugees in Dayton.”

“It’s a welcoming, open community, and that’s one of our core values,” she said. “Should they be placed here, we are happy to make sure they are successful.”

Congressman:  You, as a mayor, have no authority!

Interesting!  When a mayor of a refugee-overloaded city speaks up and tells the feds, ‘we can’t handle any more’ he or she is told to shut up and sit down, you have no authority (this is a federal program).  I’m thinking of the mayors of Amarillo, TX, Springfield and Lynn, Mass, and Manchester, NH who have begged for relief in recent years.
But, of course, when a mayor wants refugees to be brought in, then you can bet the Obama Administration (its US State Department) will be happy to defer to the wishes of the mayor.

However, U.S. Rep. Mike Turner, R-Dayton, said Whaley does not have the authority to extend that invitation and warned refugees require significant resources and pose a national security risk.

“Mayor Whaley’s actions are outrageous and, for the second time, she has decided to speak on behalf of the Dayton area without authority and without considering the repercussions,” he said, referring to her willingness last year to accept unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the nation’s southern border.

Here is what I want to know from the mayor:  Have you run out of poor white and minority American citizens who need help in Dayton?  

As we learned from our data base research here, Dayton has not yet received Syrian refugees, but other Ohio cities (Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Westerville) have.
I’d like to know where Ohio Governor (2016 Presidential candidate) Kasich stands on this—with the mayor or with the Congressman?
By the way, as we focus on the Syrian Muslims, the US is admitting thousands of UN-chosen mostly Sunni Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and yesterday we learned that thousands of Rohingya (Burmese Muslims) have either been resettled or are on the way.
The Hijra is well advanced.

18 US Mayors tell Obama: We want MORE Syrian (Muslim) refugees!

This story is from Syracuse, NY, but it is all about a letter 18 mayors sent to Obama telling him that they want MORE Syrian refugees now!
Remember Syracuse is the city that saw a beautiful Catholic Church become a mosque.  I’m guessing the mayor wants to see more of that because the majority of the Syrians to be admitted to the US through the UN are Sunni Muslims.   Kind of ironic that they penned this letter when the Pope was here.  Does he want more Muslims to take over more Catholic Churches worldwide?
Clearly Catholic Charities and Mayor Miner of Syracuse do!

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Mayor Stephanie Miner is one of 18 mayors encouraging President Barack Obama to accept additional Syrian refugees into the United States.

miner and Obama
Mayor Stephanie Miner: “[I]…urge you to increase still further the number of Syrian refugees the United States will accept for resettlement.” Photo:

Miner signed a letter, sent to Obama, that calls for an increase of the number of refugees the U.S. will accept in the next two years. Obama has already pledged to take 10,000 Syrian refugees and increase the overall refugee allowance to 100,000 by 2017.

“Our cities have been transformed by the skills and the spirit of those who come to us from around the world,” the letter reads. “The drive and enterprise of immigrants and refugees have helped build our economies, enliven our arts and culture, and enrich our neighborhoods.”

All 18 mayors are members of Cities United for Immigration Action, a coalition pushing for immigration reform. Along with Miner, mayors from Los Angeles, New York City, Pittsburgh, Boston and Chicago signed the letter. [I bet if you dug into this group, you would find it another George Soros-funded group.—ed]

Syracuse currently accepts between 1,100 and 1,200 refugees each year. Two organizations — Catholic Charities of Onondaga County and Interfaith Works CNY — resettle refugees in Syracuse.

“We have taken in refugees, and will help make room for thousands more,” the letter reads.”

See the letter at  And here are the 18 cities which need new mayors!

Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown, PA
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore, MD
Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston, MA
James Diossa, Mayor of Central Falls, RI
Mark Kleinschmidt, Mayor of Chapel Hill, NC
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, IL
Edward Terry, Mayor of Clarkston, GA
Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton, OH
Domenick Stampone, Mayor of Haledon, NJ
Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor of Hartford, CT
Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, CA
Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, MN
Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, NY
Jose Torres, Mayor of Paterson, NJ
William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA
Javier Gonzales, Mayor of Santa Fe, NM
Francis G. Slay, Mayor of St. Louis, MO
Stephanie A. Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY

Be sure to check out the hundreds of comments this story generated.  I skimmed some and it sure looks like Mayor Miner’s constituents aren’t too thrilled by her invitation.
If you live in any of those 18 cities be sure the citizens there know what their mayor is doing.
Addendum:  I just remembered, you can go to this post from a few days ago to see if your city is already getting Syrian Muslims. Note to Catholic Charities, of the 1,700 plus Syrians who were admitted to the US so far, 43 were Christians and there was 1 (one!) Catholic in the bunch.

Big business drives refugee resettlement in America: Could Chobani Yogurt be behind the drive in Twin Falls?

Called the largest yogurt plant in the world, Hamdi Ulukaya opened the Chobani plant in Twin Falls, Idaho in 2012. It is financially involved with the College of Southern Idaho which coincidentally houses the refugee resettlement office there run by the Virginia-based US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a federal resettlement contractor. How many refugee employees does Chobani want in Twin Falls?

For years we have chronicled the involvement of BIG business in pushing for cheap immigrant labor.
We’ve told you about meatpacking plants and hotel chains. Large agri-business concerns, including dairy farming conglomerates/egg producers, claim they need immigrant labor.  Most recently someone told me that a Lutheran nursing home chain was hiring refugee labor.  Here is one of many posts we have written on the subject of meatpackers changing small town America.
Indeed, why else would the Chamber of Commerce have played a major role in pushing the ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill a few years ago—cheap labor for their big business members of course!
And, you Lefties wonder why wages are so low!
(Americans would do the work if wages weren’t artificially kept low by a glut of immigrant labor (both legal and illegal)).
I’ve even suggested that the nine major resettlement contractors (which are selecting your towns for resettlement) and the US State Department act as ‘head hunters’ for large corporate interests all the while wearing their humanitarian do-gooder hats!
We know why Democrats want the immigrant influx (voting power), but, why do you think that RINO Republicans, as well as Republican governors, keep their mouths shut about the refugee program even in the face of vocal resistance in communities suffering the financial and cultural impact (and possibly a threat to security) of dozens of nationalities of third worlders in their towns?
Money! Money! Money! (That is why they don’t listen to you!)
Chobani Turk
Is Kurdish-American Hamdi Ulukaya behind the drive to bring Syrian refugees to Twin Falls? Just wondering!

Great business model!

This morning I see news that the Kurdish-American owner of Chobani Yogurt has hired 600 refugees for his New York yogurt plant and that he is spending millions to help refugees.
Spending millions where the refugees live in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq etc. is a wonderful thing and he deserves praise for that, but if he is using his financial power to bring Syrian refugees to small town America we have a right to be informed!
Refugees are here legally and make a better supply of cheap labor because they cannot go home!
Here we learn about Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO of Chobani Greek Yogurt at the New York Daily News:

A Turkish yogurt executive is putting his money where his mouth is, hiring Syrian refugees and donating millions to the cause.

You will need to go to the NY Daily News link to watch the video where they brag about hiring 600 refugees for the New York plant.
By the way, there is a new large meatpacking plant opening soon near Boise, Idaho—are they going to be looking for the cheap refugee labor too?
Since these industries pay low wages, you lucky taxpayers get to supplement the refugee families through the welfare system.  Great business model isn’t it!
See all of our coverage of the conflict on-going in Twin Falls, Idaho, here.  See especially our initial report on the public meeting held earlier this week.
Incidentally, my research of a data base kept by the US State Department indicates that refugee resettlement to Twin Falls was slow up until Obama took office when the numbers going to Magic Valley Idaho ticked upward dramatically (so no wonder citizens began to notice changes in the community).