UN Says China Helpful with Refugees! WTH!

Even the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is helping spread Communist Chinese propaganda!

As we have reported over the years, China doesn’t take in refugees or asylum seekers (well at least none in recent decades) and while the UN uses bullying and threats against Japan to force them to diversify their population, I have never once heard the cabal of Leftist Open Borders agitators and the UN pressure China to experience the ‘joys’ of multiculturalism.

Incredible! In 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that ” his country has always believed that multilateralism is the only path that best suits the interests of the people of all countries.” http://english.scio.gov.cn/topnews/2018-12/01/content_74229831.htm


Now here is a story clearly meant to suck up to China just as the threat of the Communist Party there and what it is capable of doing to the world (can you say COVID!) is really sinking in for a lot of freedom loving people worldwide.

And, not a mention here of the word UIGHER!

From the Global Times:

China responsible and supportive on refugee issues: UNHCR representative

China and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency) have maintained a long history of cooperation. China has not only actively participated in the events organized by the UNHCR on refugee relief, but also contributed to international solutions to the refugee crises over the past 41 years. With increasing strength, China is expected play a more prominent role in the field of international refugee relief.

As for China’s role and contribution in the UNHCR, Sivanka Dhanapala, the Representative of UNHCR in China, told the Global Times in an exclusive interview that China has been extremely supportive in international dialogues about refugee issues, and has bolstered shared international responsibility.

What! China the great peacekeeper!

“As a very important member state of the UN, and a permanent member of the Security Council, China plays an extremely significant role in UNHCR through peacekeeping at the Security Council level that helps to stabilize regions that might otherwise end up in political turmoil,” Dhanapala said.

Dhanapala raised an example of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attending the Leaders Summit on Refugees at the UN headquarters in New York in 2016, noting that China has been extremely supportive in solving refugee issues since then, helping set the tone for shared international responsibility.  [Big whoop! they attended a meeting in New York on refugees.—ed]

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s website, Li addressed at the conference that China actively advocates political resolutions to regional hot-spot issues and has raised its own proposals on ceasefires, political reconciliation and ending violence.

Continue reading.

Here the Los Angeles Times a few short years ago (2017) gives a more realistic picture of China’s view of refugees.  It seems they did ‘welcome’ Vietnamese of Chinese origin in the wake of the conflict is Southeast Asia.  They put those ‘refugees’ on farms to work for the state.

There is not a chance in hell that China is going to give refuge to Middle East Muslims and Somalis from Africa!  And, there isn’t a chance in hell that the UN is going to ask that of them!

So while the hard Left blasts President Trump for being xenophobic, racist, and unwelcoming, there is never a bad word for the Chinese government or Chinese President Xi Jinping ! Why is that? 

Indeed there is not one critical quote here about Chinese refugee policy in the LA Times story from the likes of Human Rights Watch or any of the Leftists daily demanding that the US take in more diversity.

China once welcomed refugees, but its policies now make Trump look lenient

China gets it!  Diversity is not strength!

Jewish Publication Questions HIAS Policies

The Jewish News Syndicate finds that many Jews are wondering where HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) is going with its policies and programs now that very few Jews arrive in America as refugees.

For readers who want to know more about who is changing America by changing the people, have a look at this story entitled:

With HIAS changing longtime focus, supporters question some of its priorities

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, better known as HIAS, was for the better part of a century responsible for helping settle generations of Jewish refugees in their new homes in the United States. From 1881 through the release of Jews from the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the organization worked not only to resettle the new arrivals, but was involved in assisting them legally as well. Yet in a way, HIAS was a product of its own success and the success of the American Jewish community, whose activism helped bring most Jews over who wanted or needed to leave other countries.

Mark Hetfield, President and CEO of HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that resettles  refugees as one of nine federal contractors, led an anti-Trump rally in New York in 2017.  The event was the first of many rallies HIAS organized or participated in working against the President. They have also been the lead plaintiffs in lawsuits attempting to stop the Trump Administration’s immigration reform efforts.

Today, nearly all of the refugees HIAS resettles on an average each year are non-Jews—many of them Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia and other Middle Eastern countries.


As an organization with deep Jewish roots, HIAS’s new mission and purpose are being questioned by some observers, especially during a time of global uncertainty and rising anti-Semitism.

In 1975, the U.S. State Department asked HIAS to expand its portfolio and assist in resettling 3,600 Vietnamese refugees after the end of the Vietnam War and nearly two decades of US involvement in Southeast Asia.

In 2014, HIAS dropped the word “Hebrew” from its name and was simply called HIAS. At the same time, HIAS announced relocation of its headquarters from New York City to suburban Maryland.

Most notable among criticisms is that several HIAS partners have been linked to organizations with ties to terrorism, including Islamic Relief USA and the Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), whose leadership recently called Jews “the grandchildren of monkeys and pigs” and referred to the terrorist group Hamas “the purest resistance movement in modern history.”


There’s a crucial difference between past Jewish refugees and current Muslims, argues Richard Landes, a retired Boston University history professor now living in Jerusalem. “Jews came into the country determined to contribute to America—to be American—but the Muslims arriving now don’t always feel that way. We like to think if we are nice enough to our enemies they will stop hating us, but our history has shown that the incapacity to see malevolent intent in others is itself very dangerous to Jews.”

There is much, much more, continue reading here.

See my extensive archive on HIAS by clicking here.

I mentioned them here most recently.

40 Criminal “Clans” Active in Sweden; Prime Minister Says Integration Not Going Well

I’m writing about Sweden this morning in my ‘Invasion of Europe’ series because it is so interesting to see that after watching Sweden actively committing cultural suicide for more than a decade, law enforcement and political leaders may now be on the same page and admitting they have a problem.

Hey, let’s loot and burn down Sweden say migrants ‘welcomed’ to the naive country. Photo from 2017 story at Breitbart. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2017/02/21/sweden-cars-torched-looting-riots/


See my Sweden archive which is mostly filled with stories about foolish and naive decisions the quasi-socialist country has been making for more than a decade.

There is a lesson here for us! Sweden is the canary in the coal mine.

First this news (and btw note the use of the word “clan” rather than any mention of the ethnic origins or religion of those who refuse to be Swedish):

Migrant clans have come to Sweden solely to organize crime and obtain power, says national police chief

According to Deputy National Police Chief Mats Löfving, at least about 40 criminal clans are now active in Sweden, and these clans have migrated to Sweden for the purpose of obtaining power, making money, and further expanding their criminal syndicates.

“These clans have come to Sweden solely to organize crime. They work to create power, they have a great capacity for violence, and they want to make money. And they do that through drug crimes, violent crimes, and extortion,” said Löfving, who made remarks during an interview on Ekot’s Saturday program on Swedish Radio.

According to him, the clans have migrated to Sweden to not only to engage in crime but also to raise their children into a life of organized crime.

The police chief said that the increasingly serious gang crime is something the police have long warned about.

“What we are amazed at is that we believe this development was very clear since 2012. In 2015, we developed a method and mapped Sweden regarding these phenomena.

Continue reading here.

Then see this.

Oopsy! No integration happening!

Golly gee, was Donald Trump right after all!

Löfven’s turn: Connects large migration with the development of crime

The Social Democrats have firmly denied that gang crime can be linked to migration.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven speaks at rally for refugees in 2015

But in tonight’s hearing in Aktuellt, it sounds different from Stefan Löfven.

– If you have a migration that means in the order of magnitude that you can not cope with the integration then it will be that we get social tensions in a society and that is not good, says Stefan Löfven in the pre-recorded interview.

Stefan Löfven has long said that the issue of gang crime cannot be linked to migration. In SVT’s Agenda in November last year, for example, he firmly said no to the question. The Prime Minister explained that gang crime is due to segregation, social divisions and areas of exclusion.

During the party leader debate in the Riksdag on Wednesday, Stefan Löfven was asked why he did not see the connection between a large immigration and growing crime.

Then Löfven answered:

With a large migration where we can not cope with the integration, then we also follow a greater risk of the problems we see. It’s crystal clear.

And, then he said Donald Trump was right (no! just kidding!).

More here.

Don’t miss my post this morning on Sweden and the Chinese virus at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

Trump Immigration Policy and Chinese Virus Concerns Help Spur NYC Population Decline

But, gee no mention of the riots and crime having a thing to do with it?

I’m not crying for New York City and you likely aren’t either!

The Wall Street Journal is boo-hooing about the reduction in population on-going for NYC. Even the WSJ is into the Trump blame game.

Maybe the city can figure out how to get more African Americans in the workforce there.

Immigration to New York City Declines, Amplifying Economic Concerns

New York City’s economy depends on immigrants, but at a time when it needs all the help it can get, the flow of new residents from overseas is slowing.

Immigration to New York City dropped 45% between 2016 and 2019, with about 34,000 immigrants moving to the city last year compared with 62,000 in 2016, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau population estimates by William Frey, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. City officials and immigration advocates say tighter federal immigration policies and delays in processing visa applications during the pandemic have reduced the flow of transplants.

Immigrants make up about 45% of the local workforce and own more than half of the city’s businesses, according to a 2019 report by the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs.

“I am worried that declining rates of international immigration will hurt not only future economic growth in New York City but the stability of New York City’s tax base,” said Michael Hendrix, director of state and local policy at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank.

Immigration has traditionally offset the departure of New York City residents to other parts of the U.S., according to Frank Donnelly, a geospatial-data librarian at Baruch College. The recent slowdown in arrivals from other countries, however, contributed to an overall drop in the city’s population the last three years.


President Trump has restricted legal and illegal immigration since taking office, including banning travel from several Muslim-majority countries, reducing the number of refugees allowed to enter the country and imposing a public-charge rule that critics say will prevent immigrants from poor countries from moving to the U.S.

More here.

By the way, you should know that very few refugees have been placed in NYC for a very long time and that is primarily because the resettlement agencies couldn’t find enough cheap housing.

Open for Business! US Refugee Admissions Jump in August

1,318 refugees moved to America in the month of August. That is a huge jump from the previous COVID ‘crisis’ months that saw 522 arrive over a four month period from April through July.

Forty states welcomed the third worlders who will now need shelter, food, and medical care as US citizens continue to struggle themselves with those same needs.

Of the nine states and the District of Columbia that were unwelcoming, three are worth mentioning.  Vermont (Bernie), Delaware (Biden) and the District of Columbia didn’t take any.

Here is the map for August from the Refugee Processing Center.


I know the numbers are hard to read, so here are the top ten welcoming states (sure send us more poor people!):   Texas, California, Washington, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia.

Presidential Determination for 2021 due by the end of the month!

September 30th marks the end of the fiscal year and the President is required to tell Congress this month how many refugees the administration would like to admit in the coming fiscal year.

Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy set up the Refugee Admissions Program that has been operating to bring in more Democrat voters for 40 years. But, I’ve found it ever-so-amusing that Delaware has welcomed only a tiny, tiny number of refugees in those 4 decades.

I haven’t seen anything yet about where the negotiations stand, but if this is like other years there is much negotiating going on behind the scenes.  Of course the President could put off making any determination in light of the more important business facing the federal government right now.

Even if Trump sets a low ceiling, as he has done in previous years, it is just a ceiling and doesn’t mean that it must be reached.  And, if Biden succeeds in November, all bets are off.

Biden has already promised 125,000 refugees for 2021.

I thought you might be interested in this data at the Refugee Processing Center which shows the ceiling and the actual admissions for the last ten years. Take note of the fact that Obama himself never brought in anywhere near 125,000 in a year.

August 2020 data (1,318) had not been added yet.

And, these numbers do not include the Special Immigrant Visas from Iraq and Afghanistan that are treated with the same benefits as refugees.

As soon as I see anything about what the President is proposing for 2021, I’ll report.

Remember, as we have said for four years, he can set the arrival number at zero!