The President made it clear when he campaigned in 2016 that he wanted to see the number of refugees reduced if elected President especially from countries where the majority of its citizens hate us. He has been doing that with each year.
Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor, is a Religious Left organization that not only wants more refugees, but is a key player in the Open Borders movement—as you can see in this photo of one of their street activists. This is not just about a few poor refugees as they would like you to think—they want to fundamentally remake America.
And, this year he took one more step to answer the concerns of immigrant-overloaded towns and cities and has offered the opportunity for county elected officials and state governors to either opt-in or opt-out of the refugee admissions program later this fiscal year. This would give their taxpayers a breather since it is local and state taxpayers who must support the low-skilled and largely uneducated new arrivals.
Trump’s new system, that we have been writing about every day for the last couple of weeks, would go into effect in June 2020, but would likely have to be repeated in the fall as the determination for 2021 must be made by October 1.
The Open Borders ‘Religious’ Left has turned Trump’s efforts to give some control back to state and local officials into one more anti-Trump campaign.
One such group are the supposed “evangelicals” featured in this headline from something called theChristian Post.
2,600 evangelicals urge governors to continue refugee resettlement after Trump order
A reader very familial with the evangelical movement tells me that this is “fake news.”
He said he is “furious” and went on to explain,
“if you look at the actual letters, it appears that as many as 25-50 percent of the signatures have zero connection to the Evangelical movement. They are Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans and even a few Catholics. Shame on the Christian Post. Instead of saying “Evangelical Christians” their article should have said “Liberal Christians.”
And, I will add: Liberal Christians looking for more Democrat voters!
Here is some of what Christian Post reporter Samuel Smith says in this deliberately deceptive report:
Over 2,600 evangelicals called on their state governors this past week to consent to resettle refugees in their borders following an executive order signed by President Donald Trump requiring approval from state and local officials before refugees can be resettled.
The evangelical refugee resettlement agency World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table [Soros-linked!—ed] a coalition of evangelical organizations seeking comprehensive immigration reform, led an effort this past week to send joint letters to 15 state governors.
The letters call for the officials to permit the continued resettlement of refugees through the U.S. refugee admissions program in accordance with Trump’s Sept. 26 executive order giving states and localities the ability to block refugee resettlement.
So far, 17 of the nation’s 50 governors have indicated that they will continue to allow refugee resettlement in the U.S., according to World Relief.
We have only seen 11 governors go public so far, so we don’t know where they get 17. Are 6 additional governors hiding? See my right hand sidebar to see which governors have said yes so far.
These consenting governors have effectively said: send my state more poor people (we have run out of our own vulnerable citizens to care for). We look forward to the day when all the immigrants will vote and we can have just one big Democrat socialist party in America!
Will Governors who are prime targets for the Religious Left (Texas, Tennessee and Georgia) abandon Trump?
The Christian Post continues…
The letters received a combined total of 2,669 signatories, including 659 on the letter to Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee, 340 on the letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and 231 on the letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.
One state of concern in Texas, which is among the leading states in terms of refugees resettled in the past decade.
Texas has resettled over 80,000 refugees since 2002, according to Pew Research. Texas joined liberal states California, New York and Washington in hosting about a quarter of the refugees resettled in the U.S. in the fiscal year 2019.
As a conservative governor, Abbott hasn’t offered any indication so far on whether or not he will consent to refugee resettlement.
Another state of concern is Georgia, which resettled 1,000 refugees in the fiscal year 2019 as the Atlanta suburb of Clarkston, Georgia is home to thousands of refugees.
The states the Religious Leftwing letter writers are specifically targeting (they want to get their consent by Christmas) are Arizona, North Carolina, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.
Only four years ago 30 Republican governors were telling Obama they didn’t want any Syrian refugees (the big group Obama wanted to admit) and now Trump gives them an opportunity to slow the flow and allow the massive migrant population we already have to assimilate, they are turning tail and running and you know its because they are afraid of being called names by the Leftists (or are in the pockets of giant global corporations clamoring for cheap labor!).
The extreme Left that makes up Open Borders Inc. is so extensively organized (and largely using our tax dollars to help them organize!) that regular citizens like you and me have very little power against them.
One thing this Trump initiative will do is help us identify who are the real America Firsters controlling governor’s mansions.
Have you taken 15 minutes to call your county commissioners and governors?
The Religious Left is on the rise, if you are a true evangelical, please make that clear when you call or write!
It is Secretary of State Pompeo who is collecting letters from governors and local elected officials about whether they are opting-in or opting-out of the US Refugee Admission Program.
(Yesterday I posted a sample letter that you might use as a template when you write to your governor or county commission.)
Since the governors who have already said YES (how many we don’t know) to ‘welcoming’ more poverty for local and state taxpayers to support are likely round-filing (trashing!) your letters, why not send a copy directly to the Secretary of State.
If your governor has, or hasn’t, opted-in or out, then still send a letter to the US State Department.
Frankly, this whole exercise is a barometer for the President. We assume he will be reelected, and so during the next five years we expect him to make serious changes to how we resettle refugees (if we resettle refugees). He needs to know that you care.
Send your letters to:
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo
U.S. Department of State
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Carol T. O’Connell
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, U.S. Department of State
Just now I reportedon how the New York Times covered the Burleigh County North Dakota hearing and vote on whether that county would say yes, or no, to MORE refugees in the coming year.
A few paragraphs near the end of the biased report, which never mentions that the ‘religious’ groups placing refugees are actually federal contractors*** paid to place them in almost all states, jumped out at me.
Jenny Yang, lobbyist for World Relief, one of the nine contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America, is lobbying governors.
Jenny Yang, working for the refugee contracting agency World Reliefsays 16 governors have already opted-in and told the State Department that they want MORE poor people for their state to take care of.
I’ve been following closely and so far media reports indicate only these states are in:
Utah (R)
New Hampshire (R)
North Dakota (?)(R)
Arizona (R)
I guess you all need to find out if your governor has quietly opted-in without any public mention (that is, in secrecy).
Jenny Yang, vice president for advocacy at World Relief, an evangelical agency whose work includes resettlement, has been steering an effort to lobby governors to keep their states open to refugees.
She said about 16 governors have submitted written consent, six of them Republicans. Gov. Doug Ducey, Republican of Arizona, agreed after receiving a letter supporting resettlement signed by 250 evangelical leaders. Gov. Greg Abbott, Republican of Texas, who leads the state that received the most refugees last year, has not yet offered his view,despite a plea from the mayor of Fort Worth to continue accepting refugees.
As I have been saying, they are gunning for Gov. Abbott of Texas. Sure hope you Texans are telling the governor what you think.
Since Texas is the top resettlement state in the nation and has been for several years, Abbott could easily say—we need a breather to assimilate those we have ‘welcomed’ for the last decade!
***For new readers these (below) are the nine refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
The President listened to our concerns about having no say in where refugees are placed. If you are fuming over the impeachment process (which you can do nothing about) then support him by doing this one little thing—take 15 minutes and make some calls!
(Visit my category, Where to find information, if this is the first time you are hearing this news. I’ve been writing non-stop for days on this important opportunity Trump has made available.)
Here are a few of the arguments your elected officials (who want more refugees) will make:
Trump isn’t bringing very many so the numbers are tiny. Yes, they are smaller than they have been in the past, but wait till Trump is no longer in the White House and watch the numbers explode!
The federal government pays for the program. No it doesn’t. It has long ago stopped reimbursing states for myriad costs. Who do you think is paying for Medicare, education for the children and even translation services at every institution that interfaces with the refugees? Not to mention the cost of the criminal justice system in your county and state.
Non-profit groups and churches are taking care of them. Only for the first three months and they are paid by the federal government (you again!) to do their ‘humanitarian’ work. Their CEOs are pulling in obscene six figure salaries for their ‘charitable good works’.
Big companies like meat packers need the ready supply of labor—jobs Americans won’t do. Maybe that is because these giant globalist corporations aren’t paying decent wages. (Refugees receive welfare to make up for meager wages.) Why should your town suffer cultural destabilization and social upheaval to help the likes of BIG MEAT?
Our community is lacking in diversity and everyone knows that diversity brings strength. There is no research to support that favorite talking point of Open Borders, Inc. In fact there is some research that refutes that mumbo-jumbo.
But we are a compassionate people. Yes, and so how is it demonstrating compassion to move poor people from their own cultures, dropping them off in places like Chicago so they can get menial jobs, an act of compassion? Why not keep them safe in their own region of the world until they can go home?
We are a nation of immigrants. That is another of Open Borders activists favorite talking points. Do you know that we actually stopped most immigration to America for 3 decades leading up to 1965? Why? Because so many were coming that we needed a breather to give them a chance to assimilate. So taking a break is not unprecedented.
Refugees are screened and therefore they don’t commit crimes or commit acts of terrorism. Yes, they do and I have literally hundreds of posts archived here confirming they do. And, use your head, how do you screen someone who has left some hellhole country with no government and is wandering around the world with no papers? We aren’t stupid! Tell your elected officials, the US is not capable of calling up some little village in Syria, for example, to see if Mohammed has a criminal record.
Ask all pro-refugee elected officials if they have any limit to the number they want for your town/city/county/state. Is 100 a year a good number? 500? 1000? 10,000? Pin them down, make them tell you if they have a number that would be just too many for your community or state to absorb.
And, ask your elected official if they have in any way taken the pulse of your town/city/county or are they just listening to the political activists at the local Interfaith group.
When they call you names—racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, or whatever—know that they haven’t any good arguments and have resorted to attacking you personally. Wear the attack as a badge of honor!
I told you here last weekabout how county commissioners in Burleigh County (Bismarck), ND had postponed a decision about whether the county would ‘welcome’ refugees or not after President Trump has gone out on a political limb to invite states and mostly counties to say whether they want more refugees (or not) now, and into the foreseeable future.
So many people turned out at the meeting that the decision was postponed, but will be on the agenda tomorrow night in Bismarck.
One of the smartest things I’ve heard from any elected official is this from Commissioner Chairman Brian Bitner:
“I haven’t seen anything in this package, anywhere, that tells me that we’re consenting to five or 50 or 500 or anything. So North Dakota is already the highest per capita state for refugee resettlement in terms of number of citizens, so in the absence of any sort of number, there’s no way we could know the cost to the state or the county, and I simply can’t support that,” said Bitner.
And there won’t be any number given in advance!
When a governor or local elected official sends permission to the US State Department it is an open-ended invitation for any number from anywhere in the world.
It also signals that the state and local government agree to take on the financial burden of the social service costs refugees rack up. (State and local taxpayers carry most of the tax burden for their care as the federal government has over time shifted the cost to the states.)
That 50-100 mile radius issue!
So, know this, if Burleigh County says yes tomorrow night they are saying yes for placement of third worlders in any location within a hundred miles of the county.
This region includes 22 counties: Burleigh, ND; Dunn, ND; Emmons, ND; Foster, ND; Grant, ND; Hettinger, ND; Kidder, ND; Logan, ND; McHenry, ND; McIntosh, ND; McLean, ND; Mercer, ND; Morton, ND; Oliver, ND; Sheridan, ND; Sioux, ND… plus 6 more counties.
So all of you who live within a hundred miles, know that you are not off the hook!
Refugee advocates in ND are claiming that incoming refugee numbers are so low under Trump that there won’t be that many coming to Burleigh County anyway. Those refugee promoters also say Bismarck needs more diversity!
Stop and think! When Trump is no longer in the White House, the refugee spigot is going to be opened wide and your county will have said—bring ’em in!
Here is the news about the meeting tomorrow night. If you live in Bismarck or anywhere within a hundred miles try to get there!
Even if you can’t beat Open Borders Inc, you can at least show up and thank the President for giving you an opportunity to help decide the future of your community.
Burleigh County to Hold Special Refugee Resettlement Meeting
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A North Dakota county will hold a special meeting next week to take comments on whether it should resettle additional refugees.
Burleigh County commissioners postponed action on the matter at a meeting Monday after an overflow crowd showed up to address the issue.
A recent executive order by President Donald Trump stated that new efforts to resettle refugees would have to receive permission from state and local governments. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum announced last month that the state would continue to receive refugees as long as local governments agreed.
The public will be able to voice opinions Dec. 9 on whether to allow Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota to continue resettling refugees in the county. Commissioners could vote on the matter at the special meeting Monday.
The Cass County Commission voted unanimously Monday to allow Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota to continue its refugee resettlement program.
This post is filed in my “Where to find information”category here. Find recent posts about the President’s Executive Order archived there.