By our count twelve governors have told the US State Department (or at least told the media) that they want more refugees. (See my right hand sidebar.)
The contractors*** have been claiming that 16 or 17 have agreed.
(The contractors are pressing governors to agree by Christmas so they, the contractors, will have time to get their grant applications in—this is all about them getting their $$$.)
However, get this, the US State Department websitewent up today and only 9 governors have so far sent in their paperwork.
Only a tiny number of local jurisdictions have sent in the required consent, and it looks like there is some confusion because it is our understanding that it is county governments that must agree.
Below is what the DOS has at this time (not terribly impressive!).
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
The President made it clear when he campaigned in 2016 that he wanted to see the number of refugees reduced if elected President especially from countries where the majority of its citizens hate us. He has been doing that with each year.
And, this year he took one more step to answer the concerns of immigrant-overloaded towns and cities and has offered the opportunity for county elected officials and state governors to either opt-in or opt-out of the refugee admissions program later this fiscal year. This would give their taxpayers a breather since it is local and state taxpayers who must support the low-skilled and largely uneducated new arrivals.
Trump’s new system, that we have been writing about every day for the last couple of weeks, would go into effect in June 2020, but would likely have to be repeated in the fall as the determination for 2021 must be made by October 1.
The Open Borders ‘Religious’ Left has turned Trump’s efforts to give some control back to state and local officials into one more anti-Trump campaign.
One such group are the supposed “evangelicals” featured in this headline from something called theChristian Post.
2,600 evangelicals urge governors to continue refugee resettlement after Trump order
A reader very familial with the evangelical movement tells me that this is “fake news.”
He said he is “furious” and went on to explain,
“if you look at the actual letters, it appears that as many as 25-50 percent of the signatures have zero connection to the Evangelical movement. They are Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans and even a few Catholics. Shame on the Christian Post. Instead of saying “Evangelical Christians” their article should have said “Liberal Christians.”
And, I will add: Liberal Christians looking for more Democrat voters!
Here is some of what Christian Post reporter Samuel Smith says in this deliberately deceptive report:
Over 2,600 evangelicals called on their state governors this past week to consent to resettle refugees in their borders following an executive order signed by President Donald Trump requiring approval from state and local officials before refugees can be resettled.
The evangelical refugee resettlement agency World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table [Soros-linked!—ed] a coalition of evangelical organizations seeking comprehensive immigration reform, led an effort this past week to send joint letters to 15 state governors.
The letters call for the officials to permit the continued resettlement of refugees through the U.S. refugee admissions program in accordance with Trump’s Sept. 26 executive order giving states and localities the ability to block refugee resettlement.
So far, 17 of the nation’s 50 governors have indicated that they will continue to allow refugee resettlement in the U.S., according to World Relief.
We have only seen 11 governors go public so far, so we don’t know where they get 17. Are 6 additional governors hiding? See my right hand sidebar to see which governors have said yes so far.
These consenting governors have effectively said: send my state more poor people (we have run out of our own vulnerable citizens to care for). We look forward to the day when all the immigrants will vote and we can have just one big Democrat socialist party in America!
The Christian Post continues…
The letters received a combined total of 2,669 signatories, including 659 on the letter to Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee, 340 on the letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and 231 on the letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.
One state of concern in Texas, which is among the leading states in terms of refugees resettled in the past decade.
Texas has resettled over 80,000 refugees since 2002, according to Pew Research. Texas joined liberal states California, New York and Washington in hosting about a quarter of the refugees resettled in the U.S. in the fiscal year 2019.
As a conservative governor, Abbott hasn’t offered any indication so far on whether or not he will consent to refugee resettlement.
Another state of concern is Georgia, which resettled 1,000 refugees in the fiscal year 2019 as the Atlanta suburb of Clarkston, Georgia is home to thousands of refugees.
The states the Religious Leftwing letter writers are specifically targeting (they want to get their consent by Christmas) are Arizona, North Carolina, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.
Only four years ago 30 Republican governors were telling Obama they didn’t want any Syrian refugees (the big group Obama wanted to admit) and now Trump gives them an opportunity to slow the flow and allow the massive migrant population we already have to assimilate, they are turning tail and running and you know its because they are afraid of being called names by the Leftists (or are in the pockets of giant global corporations clamoring for cheap labor!).
The extreme Left that makes up Open Borders Inc. is so extensively organized (and largely using our tax dollars to help them organize!) that regular citizens like you and me have very little power against them.
One thing this Trump initiative will do is help us identify who are the real America Firsters controlling governor’s mansions.
Have you taken 15 minutes to call your county commissioners and governors?
The Religious Left is on the rise, if you are a true evangelical, please make that clear when you call or write!
When I told you in my previous postabout “grass top” organizer, Anne Richard, and some of the goals the refugee industry activists are working on, I noticed the reference to a House of Representatives “bipartisan” caucus organized to promote more refugee resettlement.
Hmmm? Who are they?
Before I get to who they are, I need to tell you about Leftwing ‘non-profit’ groups (501(c)3 organizations) and how they influence Congress.
NPNA, a consortium of Open Borders groups (I have never figured out where they get their money!), has created a spin-off—‘We are all America’—which helps confuse casual observers, a standard operating procedure for the Left.
Lobbyists for NPNAthen do the legwork on the Hill. First they find a few friendly members who agree to help form a ‘caucus,’ but it is the lobbyist(s) for NPNA who runs around the Hill, and talks to staff to find more of their ideological ilk to join the seed group.
In case you are wondering, those of us who want to see the Refugee Act of 1980 repealed (I don’t believe it is salvageable) have no such lobbyists.
Hang in there, I’m getting to the Republicans who are part of this Pro-More-Refugees-For-Your-Town gang. (Hint! See photo below right!)
Here is what ‘We are all America’ says about the mission of the “Bipartisan” Refugee Caucus NPNA created:
The Bipartisan Congressional Refugee Caucus is critical to affirming the need for the United States to demonstrate leadership both in terms of refugee resettlement and overseas refugee protection.
This has never been more important, given the global refugee crisis and the Trump Administration’s attacks against the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The decisions made by the Administration and Congress in regard to refugee protection and resettlement will continue to have profound impacts on refugees’ lives, on the American communities that welcome them and thrive because of them, and on the ability of the United States to serve as a beacon of hope to refugees in the future. The Caucus will bring together Members of Congress who care about refugees, refugee protection and refugee resettlement and will provide opportunities for collaboration around this important population and the policy issues impacting them.
Overall Refugee Caucus Goals
~Demonstrate bipartisan support for refugee resettlement
~Affirm the importance of refugee resettlement in terms of foreign policy and diplomacy
~Assert Congressional oversight to ensure the resettlement program is being implemented as stipulated by the 1980 Refugee Act
~Coordinate caucus members in actions that elevate refugee issues in Congress, media outlets, and the public narrative
~Educate and engage other Members of Congress around refugee protection and resettlement
~Support adequate funding for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Department of Health and Human Services and the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) within the State Department
If you are interested in joining the caucus, please contact Stephanie D. Stephens at [Notice Ms. Stephens works for the Partnership for New Americans, clearly as a lobbyist.—ed]
Go here to see the members of Congress who are opposing the President on refugee resettlement.
Seven Republicans joined 50 (hard Left!) Democrats so they can say a bipartisan group of legislators is fighting the President on a key 2016 campaign promise.
Is your Republican member in this group? Time for a primary challenge?
Do you remember this headline only four short years ago? Probably not. I hadn’t, although I surely wrote about it at the time. It was right after one of those horrible Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe and it woke from slumber some Republican governors for a few minutes.
30 Governors Call For Halt To U.S. Resettlement Of Syrian Refugees
My how things have changed.
They talked tough then (mostly because Obama was in office and they knew they had no voice), but now when the President has actually presented them with an opportunity to put up or shut up and go on record saying NO to more refugees from the Middle East and elsewhere, well now they are worried about their “workforce” and they tuck their tails and run fearing they will be perceived as mean and unwelcoming by the Dems.
Nothing has changed by the way! We bring fewer Syrians these days, but the vast majority of Syrians who do come are Muslims.
And, not just Syrians, but Iraqis, Somalis, Burmese Rohingya and literally tens of thousands of Afghans.
The vetting can’t really be improved because as Senator Marco Rubio said at the time:
“There is no background-check system in the world that allows us to find that out, because who do you call in Syria to background-check them?”
That same common sense applies to most places in the Middle East, Asia and Africa—who you gonna call?
Although I should be writing on all sorts of things on this subject, not to mention that my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks’ is suffering from lack of attention, I found myself rummaging around Wrapsnet (the Refugee Processing Center) and holy cow!
Four years: 19,514 Syrians!
In the 4 years since NPR posted their story (from November 17, 2015 to today December 11, 2019) we admitted 19,514 Syrians—19,514! 19,195 of those are Muslims!
Although most of those came as Obama was leaving town, 6,413 of the Syrian Muslims came in Trump’s first (partial) year with 602 since.
Here is where the nearly 20,000 Syrians were placed:
GOP governors betraying constituents by pushing refugee resettlement
He linked a list of today’s Republican Governors and so far that we know of (some might be hiding!), Republican governors of Utah, New Hampshire, Arizona and North Dakota are opposing the President (and America Firsters) on the issue of Refugee Resettlement.
Because of the national attentionBurleigh County’s Monday meeting was generating, the governor obviously went to the Administration to get clarification on how the process works and I want to comment on a few items he posted from the governor’s office.
But, he hadn’t gottenthe clarificationwhen he sent his letter supporting the program way back on November 19th in which he says they are happily integrating their refugees into their workforce.
White House clarifies proposed figures for refugee resettlement as local jurisdictions weigh consent
Here are a few points I want to highlight this morning from what the governor reports.
First, he got clarification that under the new Trump resettlement program this same process will be used every year, and each year the local community and the governor must consent.
The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs confirmed that local jurisdictions will need to consent every year for refugee resettlement to continue.
He learned that in addition to the 18,000 cap on the regular refugee program for fiscal year 2020 (which began on October 1, 2019) there will be 10,000 additional special refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq (virtually all Muslims we surmise) who supposedly helped our military in some way or other.
They are treated as refugees with all the social service benefits refugees receive, but with one important exception—they can go anywhere in America they wish. Regular refugees are placed by contractors*** in the locations they choose.
The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs also stated that up to 10,000 Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders – individuals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government in either Iraq or Afghanistan – are eligible for reception and placement services through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. Unlike refugees, SIV holders can choose where to settle in the United States. LSS is allowed to provide services to SIV holders and has served up to 21 annually since 2016, though none were served in 2019, according to the agency, which includes SIV holders in its reported total for refugee resettlements.
Then he did confirm why Republicans like himself support the flow of low-skilled refugees to America—because their state business interests want the low wage workers. And, because they don’t want any global corporations that might be eyeing ND to think the state is filled with bigoted hateful people. (He doesn’t say that, but that is what he means.)
“We support the administration giving states and local jurisdictions the consent authority on whether to continue receiving refugees, and we respect the right to exercise local control,” Burgum said. “That being said, we have serious concerns that denying resettlement to a handful of well-vetted and often family-connected refugees would send a negative signal beyond our borders at a time when North Dakota is facing a severe workforce shortage and trying to attract capital and talent to our state.”
Never mind that those low-skilled refugees earning low wages will need taxpayer-funded services and will eventually vote the Republicans out of office.
North Dakota is done for now, but you will have another shot at it later this year as the feds prepare for fiscal year 2021 that begins on October first of 2020! Assuming he runs again, Burgum will be up for re-election at that same time.
For many years, it has seen a lot of controversy over refugee resettlement. I just was reminded when I scanned my posts on the state that the Somali knife attacker in St. Cloud in 2016 was a refugee originally resettled in Fargo, ND
***For new readers these (below) are the nine refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!