Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted

In September of last year, the Trump Administration set the CEILING for refugee admissions at 45,000 for the fiscal year that began October 1, 2017.

As of the last day of August the number actually admitted so far is 19,899. 

Trump and Bush
Previously George Bush held the record for the lowest number of refugee admitted to the US. President Trump is set to break that record.

That would be an average monthly admissions rate of 1,809 for FY18. Assuming that rate continues (although August was below average at 1,685), total admissions for the year will come in at less than 22,000 for the entire fiscal year.

I looked around to see if I saw any anti-Trump screeches from the federal refugee contractors***,  but not so far. Maybe they are all at the beach.

Here (below) is a map from Wrapsnet showing where this year’s ‘New Americans’ were placed.

See how ‘welcoming’ your state has been this year!

Hint! Texas and Ohio top the list!

Continue reading “Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted”

What do refugee criminals cost taxpayers?

It is a question I have asked many times over the years!

Whenever I see a news story with some glowing report about how refugees financially benefit the communities in which they are placed, I suspect that all the costs to society are never calculated. 

For instance….

Costs like remittance dollars sent out of the US economy (a story for another day!)? Cost of interpreters for myriad obscure languages? Complete cost of educating the children? Costs associated with elderly and infirm refugees? And, the cost of crime, of courts, of prison time!


High security federal prison, Victorville, in California where an Uzbek refugee attempted to murder the prison warden!


We have had a bunch of refugee crime stories lately including the Iraqi alleged terrorist found living in California, the Iraqi who shot a police officer in the head in Colorado, the Uzbek sentenced for trying to kill the prison warden, the Ethiopian alleged human rights abuser arrested in Virginia last week, and see today’s more detailed story about the Arizona Somalis who lied to get in to the US. (All those and 2,000 more stories are posted in my Crimes category.)

Someone with accounting and financial skills needs to put some time in to researching the costs to the US taxpayer of refugee criminals in America.

Continue reading “What do refugee criminals cost taxpayers?”

More than half of refugees in US receive food stamps

That is from a recent Center for Immigration Studies report by Jason Richwine who analyzed the most recent Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Report to Congress.

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The news comes at a time when the President is deciding how many refugees could be admitted to the US in FY19 which begins on October first.

John Binder at Breitbart penned a short piece on the CIS study entitled:

More Than Half of Foreign Refugees Are on Taxpayer-Funded Food Stamps


More than half of the annual inflow of foreign refugees arriving in the United States are on food stamps, a government report reveals.

Since 2008, as Breitbart News reported, the U.S. has permanently resettled more than 1.7 million foreign nationals and refugees through a variety of humanitarian programs like the Special Immigrant Juveniles and the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act. This is a foreign population larger than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — a city with more than 1.5 million residents.

An annual report by the Office of Refugee Resettlement was analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Jason Richwine, in which the analyst revealed that about 56 percent of households headed by foreign refugees who arrived in the U.S. between 2011 and 2015 are using taxpayer-funded food stamps.

Nearly 30 percent of refugees received cash welfare of some sort, while 34 percent of refugees 18-years-old or older said they had no health insurance. Of the refugees who said they did have health insurance, about 50 percent said they were either on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance, both of which are taxpayer-funded.

More here.

Frankly I suspect the numbers are much worse.

The sampling used by the Office of Refugee Resettlement is tiny and dependent on how many of the refugees they can find via phone calls and how many will even participate by answering questions if they are found.

A large number are not even participating in the survey because of language barriers.

We have told you about the Annual Reports for years. Here is just one post in 2013 where we reported that food stamp use was 70% in Obama’s first year in office—2009!

Even in spite of the possible under counting in the welfare use sections, the reports are treasure troves of information for those of you trying to better understand how the refugee program works and what it might be doing to your towns and cities.

One of the things you will see in the reports is information on how many other grants and goodies the contractors receive over and above their per refugee head payment.

The US is no doubt importing poverty, something that the designers of the original Refugee Act of 1980 promised would not happen.

And, if you are saying to yourselves that new immigrants aren’t supposed to be eligible for welfare, remember that prohibition does not apply to refugees!

Below is the table from the 2016 Annual Report:


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SNAP is of course food stamps. Note that nearly 20% receive Social Security disability benefits—yikes!
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Next after food stamps, taxpayers fund medical care for a very large percentage of refugees.


Just so you know we admitted 69,933 refugees to the US in FY2015 and for the whole accounting period above (FY11 through FY15) the total was 324,508 according to data at Wrapsnet.

Cutting numbers is a good start and we applaud the President, but the whole program must be reformed.

Do it now!

Contact the White House and tell the President what you think! See contact link in right hand sidebar here at RRW.

Refugee industry advocates pinning a tiny bit of hope on Pompeo to save refugee program

….but they know the odds are not good that the Secretary of State will buck the White House on the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year.

Trump and Pompeo
Will Secretary of State Pompeo go with the White House or with the embedded refugee advocates employed at the State Department?

However, as the deep-staters (and their contractor buddies***) feed news to Politico, indications are that Pompeo could at least keep the shrinking Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration at the State Department.

Here is Politico which appears to have a direct pipeline in to the refugee industry both inside and outside of government.

Continue reading “Refugee industry advocates pinning a tiny bit of hope on Pompeo to save refugee program”

Have you no shame John McCullough?

Who is the Reverand McCullough?

He is the handsomely compensated CEO of Church World Service and here, The Hill, gives him a platform to play the Christian guilt card on members of Congress and their foolish naive staff people who will read this op-ed and say—yes, of course we must admit 75,000 third worlders to American towns and cities and shroud the whole process in secrecy!



Here is McCullough being arrested outside the White House during the Obama Administration while protesting on behalf of illegal alien rights.  You, the American taxpayer, pay 74% of his salary!


I know a good bit about CWS because it is the federal refugee resettlement contractor that came to Washington County, Maryland in 2007 and because of the activities of its subcontractor, Virginia Council of Churches, you are now reading Refugee Resettlement Watch!

Continue reading “Have you no shame John McCullough?”