EU trying (in vain?) to get new agreement on migrant redistribution in Europe; fear increase in populism

“If we don’t get a deal by the summer we will lose credibility vis-à-vis public opinion and we cannot afford that because it would fuel support for populist and extremist parties across the country.”

(Unnamed diplomat from a frontline country)

Politico Europe is reporting that the European Union is working to get in place (by June) a new plan to redistribute migrants from frontline countries, but those frontline countries are not happy.

Invasion of Europe news….

Of course no where is it mentioned that they must first stop the boats arriving from North Africa (European equivalent of BUILD THE WALL)!
Continue reading “EU trying (in vain?) to get new agreement on migrant redistribution in Europe; fear increase in populism”

Refugee contractor: 100 refugee offices have closed

If this is true, then nearly 1/3 of all refugee resettlement offices have closed around the country. Really?
And, if this is true, why has the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) not deleted any of the contact information for those now supposedly non-existent agencies from its database, or updated their resettlement site map? What are we paying them for?
Continue reading “Refugee contractor: 100 refugee offices have closed”

Gatestone: Fearless Swedish Somali woman speaks, and you should listen!

Especially so-called feminist women should listen!
Do not miss this interview of former refugee Mona Walter by Natalia Osten-Sacken at Gatestone Institute.

Mona Walter
Mona Walter, the Swedish Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I’ve snipped just a bit of the interview, but the entire discussion is riveting.  See what she says about the moral equivalency the Pope has been promoting!
Continue reading “Gatestone: Fearless Swedish Somali woman speaks, and you should listen!”

Another 50 of Australia's rejected asylum seekers are on the way to Any Town, USA

The newest batch of 50 will join the 233 already here.  An Australian official who was originally involved with making the “dumb” deal with Barack Obama predicts the US will take all 1,250 and maybe more!
For new readers who have never heard of this incredibly stupid arrangement, see my entire archive of previous posts by clicking here.

australian detainees
The Trump Administration has selected 50 more for you to welcome to your towns and cities. Where are they being located? It is a secret!

From The Australian:

Former Australian Border Force commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg says he is confident the Trump administration will accept its upper limit of 1250 refugees under a deal with the federal government, and said the US might take even more people.

The government yesterday seized on reports a further 50 refugees in Manus Island and Nauru had been cleared for resettlement in the US to argue the government’s border protection policies were working.

Mr Quaedvlieg was removed from his job in March after an official investigation but previously worked on the deal originally sealed with the Obama administration.

It was the subject of a tense phone call between Malcolm Turnbull and US President Donald Trump.

Trump and Turnbull

“The US deal to settle refugees from Manus and Nauru was struck throughout the course of 2016 and was achieved through both formal and informal diplomatic channels,” Mr Quaedvlieg told The Australian.

“Many of us called in friendships and favours in relationships that we cultivated through the Five Eyes alliance.

(Click here to learn about Five Eyes which I had never heard of!)

“We were fortunate that President Trump honoured the deal that was struck with the Obama administration.”

Under the deal, the US agreed to accept as many as 1250 people as long as they passed “extreme vetting” procedures.

Mr Quaedvlieg, a former senior police officer, said he would not rule out the US accepting more than 1250 refugees.


Sky News reported 50 refugees had been cleared for resettlement in the US and would move to their new home within a fortnight. This would be in addition to the 233 people who had already moved to the US under the deal.

How ironic is this!  The new New Zealand Prime Minister made a big show a few months back of offering to take some of the mostly Muslim men that Australia won’t take to its mainland, but not so fast!

Government papers obtained by the news outlet this month show Australia asked the New Zealand government to keep its offer on the table as a contingency plan in case the US deal fell through.

Interestingly, the government documents suggested there were concerns about detainees passing New Zealand’s own strict screening and security laws.

There is no sense directing you to the whole article (it is behind a pay wall), but take my word for it.
Donald Trump should have stuck with his original instincts and nixed the dumb deal in the first months of his presidency.  It is not only dumb, but could set a dangerous precedent.  This process is way outside of the norm for international refugee movement.
And, if just one of these men (who have been incarcerated for at least 4 years) goes wrong, commits violence of some sort, it will be on the President!
Contact the White House! and tell the President what you think about this “dumb” deal!

Russian writer at Bloomberg: Hungarians are xenophobic and old

And, according to Leonid Bershidsky writing at Bloomberg, they better get with it because they will demographically die if they don’t admit young Muslim migrant workers.
That is the gist of a too long opinion piece at Bloomberg.  I’ve snipped just a bit of the article entitled:

Hungary Is Winning Its War on Muslim Immigrants


zolton kovacs
Is Hungarian Zoltan Kovacs “xenophobic” or a realistic observer of the present and past!


Orban’s Hungary… fiercely against a certain kind of immigrant.

“We’ve been living next to Islam and with Islam for 500 years and we know it’s not going to integrate,” government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told me in an interview this week. “We treat it as a civilizational problem.”

According to Kovacs, Muslim immigrants create “parallel societies” in the European countries that receive them, and Hungarians want none of that. Indeed — though it may be the result of relentless government propaganda — according to a 2016 Pew Research study, 72 percent of Hungarians have a negative view of Muslims in their country, compared with the EU average of 43 percent.

Sounding exasperated Bloomberg writer Bershidsky opines as he wraps up with this:

The best other European countries can do is demonstrate that Muslim immigrants can be successfully integrated to society’s benefit. It’s a long game, but if it goes well, hard evidence will eventually convince those who don’t understand yet that, unaided, Europe’s aging demographics are unsustainable.

And, my response: what if  Muslim integration doesn’t go well elsewhere in Europe (it doesn’t show promise now!)? It is a big IF!
And, frankly given a choice of dying via an aging proud Hungarian population and dying by becoming a Muslim/Sharia dominant country, I would take the former over the latter.  Wouldn’t you!
Read it all here (if you feel like it!).
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.