Japan is one of the few countries in the world steadfastly attempting to maintain its “cultural and ethnic homogeneity” in the face of mounting pressure to open its borders.
See my posts over the yearsas western mainstream media, the United Nations, and international communists and open borders agitators regularly criticize Japan’s wish to save itself (just as they are now doing the same to Hungary and Poland).
Have you noticed that there are no Islamic terror attacks in Japan?
TOKYO (Reuters) – Two Syrian asylum seekers on Tuesday lost a bid to overturn a government decision to deny them refugee status, in the first such lawsuit in Japan since civil war erupted in the Middle Eastern state in 2011.
The Tokyo District Court upheld a government ruling made five years ago, that the pair’s bid for asylum was not admissible under international refugee law.
“The world understands the Syrian situation – it’s getting worse. But the Japanese court hasn’t understood that at all,” one of the plaintiffs, Joude Youssef, told a news conference. [The nerve! So Middle Eastern countries can’t stop fighting among themselves and that is Japan’s problem!—ed]
Speaking in Arabic through a Japanese interpreter, Youssef said he planned to appeal the court’s decision.
The second asylum seeker was not at the news conference.
Lawyers said Youssef had the right to stay in Japan, under a humanitarian status that allows residency but not full refugee rights. It was not clear if the second plaintiff would appeal.
Notice how the Reutersreporter can’t help but throw in this next bit about worker shortages and an aging population implying that the Japanese are stupid and should be inviting in the third world workers (who would of course change Japan forever!).
Immigration and asylum are sensitive subjects in Japan, where many pride themselves on cultural and ethnic homogeneity even amid a shrinking population and the worst labor shortage since the 1970s.
Youssef, a Kurd from the north of Syria, had applied for asylum in Japan in 2012, after saying he was persecuted for organizing pro-democracy demonstrations.
The Japanese government rejected the claim a year later, saying he lacked proof of his involvement in protests in Syria.
The second plaintiff had claimed asylum after refusing military service in Syria. [Think about this, because he refused military service in Syria he expects Japan to take care of him!—ed]
Although a major donor to international aid organizations, Japan has remained reluctant to take in refugees.
It accepted only 20 last year, with a record 19,628 people applying for asylum.
Reporter Frank Morris
I’m posting this news, just so you are aware of it.
The men apparently called themselves the “crusaders” and lived in what is known as the Kansas Meatpacking Triangle where the big slaughterhouses, like Tyson Foods, are bringing in immigrant and refugee labor to do the “dirty work” for low wages.
Here is an AP story. And of course NPR is busy on it too. There is a suggestion at the NPR story that “the men were lured into the bomb plot by FBI agents.”
KCUR reporter/editor Frank Morris is hot on the case as a reporter for NPR.
I’ll try to post more links (at this post) as I see them here during the trial.
Ten years ago they hid the fact that those poor third worlders coming in to the US as refugees were providing a steady supply of cheap labor for big business, now they are admitting it right up front and trashing Trump because he has cut their supply. Do you humanitarians out there really understand that the US Refugee Admissions Program is first and foremost for the pleasure of the Chamber of Commerce and businesses large and small which want to keep wages low? Why do you think the Republicans in Congress have made no serious move to reform the program?
And, secondly it is about giant ‘non-profits’ like Samaritas(formerly Lutheran Social Services Michigan) keeping their government funding flowing.
By the way Samaritas is a made-up word and why they dropped “Lutheran” is a mystery. (It is like HIAS dropping the “Hebrew” from its name!)
As I said here recently, if we have a labor shortage, let’s debate that, but then shut up about this being all about saving the downtrodden of the worldand trying to silence those of us questioning the business model (cheap immigrant labor brought to the US and supported with welfare by THE TAXPAYERS!).
One of the things I’ve wondered for years is: do the refugees coming in understand that low wage, often very dirty and difficult, jobs await them?
The wailing has become deafening as the refugee flow to America has slowed in the last year.
Here is Crain’s Detroit Businesswith this headline:
Refugee clampdown hits local nonprofits
The subheadline should be: Businesses aren’t getting their steady supply of taxpayer-supported laborers!
Here is a bit of the story:
Nonprofit services to help refugees fleeing war or persecution resettle in Southeast Michigan are a shell of what they were a year ago.
Local resettlement agencies have laid off much of their staffs and closed offices, following revenue decreases tied to a federal clampdown that has significantly reduced the number of refugees coming to the U.S., especially those from Middle Eastern and African countries that have been the mainstay of local resettlement efforts in recent years. [Revenue decreases because they are paid on a per refugee head basis!—ed]
We need immigrant laborers in Michigan (to heck if we change America by changing the people)! Picture kind of reminds one of picking cotton (just saying!). Steve Tobocman, executive director of Global Detroit, a proponent of immigration as an economic development strategy. http://www.modeldmedia.com/features/tobocman060610.aspx
Crain’s goes on….
The slowdown in acceptance of refugees and increased vetting was ordered by the Trump administration over concerns about security. It has had an impact on not just nonprofits but also employers who were relying on resettled refugees as a source of labor, local nonprofits say.
Similar cuts have played out at similar agencies in other parts of the country, said Steve Tobocman, executive director of Global Detroit, a proponent of immigration as an economic development strategy.
“Ultimately, the current state of affairs impacts the services agencies can offer to integrate new refugees,” given the loss of economies of scale that come with larger resettlement numbers, Tobocman said.
To continue providing services to refugees already here, resettlement agencies are seeking alternative funding such as grants from private funders.
And some are looking to local churches and community groups for help.
It is about time, why haven’t they been doing this (above)? Why? Because taxpayer funding was readily available, so why bother trying to raise private charity—that is hard work! Crain’scontinues…. Vickie Thompson-Sandy, president of Samaritas makes over a quarter of a $million annually, according to a recent Form 990. Will she give up some of her salary to care for refugees who are down and out now?
“When we’re closing offices in Ann Arbor, where does a refugee go? They can no longer stop by our office to get basic support,” said Vickie Thompson-Sandy, president of Samaritas, a Detroit-based social services agency that counts refugee resettlement among its services.
Some local companies are feeling the squeeze in their workforces.
Local manufacturing and retail employers that relied on new refugees as employees are calling the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Detroit on a weekly basis, said Tawfik Alazem, director of its Dearborn office. [USCRI is another of the nine federal contractors*** the US State Department hires to place refugees in your towns and cities.—ed]
Among them is Reino Linen Service, a company that launders and returns about 50 million pounds of linens to area hospitals, health clinics and doctors’ offices each year.
The company’s location in Brownstown Township, where public transportation is an issue, leads to high employee turnover, said Mary Onifer, a corporate human resources specialist for the company. [Truly a sweat shop says one commenter, here.—ed]
Reino has turned to organizations like USCRI Detroit for the past nine years to engage refugees as employees.
Once again we see federal refugee agencies are contractors (head hunters!) for businesses while they collect federal dollars for their supposed good works!
There is much more here, I’ve only snipped a tiny bit.
Don’t cry for Samaritas!
Now just to show you how Samaritas (a subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) is rolling in taxpayer bucks, and the head honchos are pulling down huge salaries, here are a couple of screenshots from a recent Form 990. Here is there income page—$30 million from taxpayers!
And here check out these huge salaries! Yikes! Ms. Thompson-Sandy’s salary isn’t even the largest! Doing well by doing good!
See more on Michigan by clicking here.
***The nine federal contractors you fund are here:
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
I’m posting this because I’m curious about this gang which was arrested shortly after the shooting of a respected Iraqi family man resettled in Rochester, MN by Catholic Charities only a few years ago. Was it a random shooting? We likely will never know.
I was also interested because the gang (playing the name game!) appears to be a mixed group of migrants and home-grown thugs. (Diversity is strength so they say!)
ROCHESTER — The man who was shot and killed Monday night escaped violence in Iraq, only to have it find him here.
Ahmed Muafaq Abdulhu Al Naddf, 40, was an Iraqi refugee who immigrated to the United States in 2014.He, his wife and their two young children left their home country and settled in Rochester shortly thereafter, with help from a local branch of Catholic Charities.
On Monday night, Al Naddf was shot and killed with a single bullet to the chest near his home in the 2800 block of Charles Court Northwest. Four men have been arrested in connection with the shooting — the motive for which is still unclear — and will likely face charges of second-degree murder.
ROCHESTER, Minn. – Four suspects are now in custody in connection to the murder of a husband with two kids, Rochester police said Tuesday afternoon.
Capt. John Sherwin said Tuesday the murder of 40-year-old Ahmed Muafaq Abdulhu Al Naddf began with a confrontation of some sort and ended with one shot being fired.
Eric Tyler Lee, 25, Sao Yim Jr., 24, Traequan Bamlounghong, 23 and Deante Stanifer, 24, are all facing second-degree murder charges.
Stanifer’s arrest was announced Tuesday afternoon after the other three had already been taken into custody.
For the folks in the multicultural mecca of Minnesota, let me know if you see more on this case.
This post is filed in my ‘Crimes’ category with the other 2000 plus stories archived there.
Yesterday this brief news item was brought to my attention (hat tip: Anne Marie) and I see that Frontpagemagazine is on the story too.
Although we know that the conflicts between Somalis and African Americans are more widespread and not limited to Minnesota, rarely does the media report on the tension. There are no photos of the brawl that I could find. But, don’t miss the story about a student being assaulted at the same school yesterday because he was carrying a Trump flag across the street from the ‘peace’ walkout. http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/03/14/trump-flag-assault/
My guess is that these incidents are not brought to the public’s attention because it goes against the PC multiculti myth (a myth that the media loves to advance) that those of the same brown skin color couldn’t possibly hate each other, but we have seen that clearly in the xenophobic unwelcoming black South Africans as well.
Here is the headline from Alpha News:
Safety concerns arise as violence continues to escalate at Minneapolis Southwest High School
And here are a few snips from the story:
MINNEAPOLIS – Safety concerns arise as violence continues to escalate at Southwest High School.
On top of an already failing administration, Southwest High School staff are struggling to maintain peace between students. Last Friday, March 2, multiple fights broke out during the school’s second lunch period. Despite attempts to sweep the issue under the rug and downplay the violence, persistent students and parents forced the administration to address the situation.
The fight was not limited to the two students, who were reported by classmates to be a Somali-American and an African American.
Over 20 students joined the chaos soon after the first punches were thrown and the original videos that surfaced were titled “Somalis vs. Blacks.”The original videos have been taken down due to pressure from school administration. The school’s resource officer was present in the cafeteria. In an attempt to control the situation, school officials put the cafeteria on lockdown for 15 minutes after the allotted 30-minute lunch period, keeping any students from leaving or entering, including the ones not involved. All staff members that were not otherwise occupied were called to action.
No police but, wow! 15 student resource officers called in from other schools!
The police were not called, but 15 student resource officers from other schools were called for backup. In an eyewitness video taken by a student, the administration’s inability to diffuse the skirmish in a timely, appropriate, and safe manner was made clear.
More here. Why parents leave their kids in schools like this is beyond me.
Five years ago another such incident happened (one that we know of!) at another Minneapolis high school.
The cafeteria riot at South High five years ago resulted in injuries. Fights were between Somalis and other students (African American and Native American). Somali activists said the school administration wasn’t doing enough to make Somalis feel welcome. That is the line Minnesota Public Radio was pushing. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2013/02/20/education/racial-tension-south-high-brawl
And, looking back in my archives from 2008 I see that an African American attempts to explain the tension between the supposed African ‘brothers’ (Somalis v. African-Americans).
The fight that ended the life of the African American was because the Somali teen was aggressive toward the American black girl and I will bet that much of this tribal violence is over turf and girls.
For new readers, I have a huge archive on Minnesota and especially on Somalis in Minneapolis and St. Cloud. Use key search words in the window at the top of the left hand side bar. But, don’t miss one of my top stories of all time—-Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis from 2011, here.