Partnership marks the launch of Support The Belly—refugee contractor joins Ingrid and Isabel for fundraising

Dear critics:  Much to your surprise I’m not going to make fun of the International Rescue Committee for raising money through a capitalistic joint venture with a for-profit business like Ingrid & Isabel.   That is, assuming, of course, that the more money the IRC raises privately means they will dip into the US Treasury less—right!

The kind of support every refugee woman needs!

And, helping poor refugee women around the world sure beats resettle and dump on… “  American cities and towns.

Besides, the IRC needs to raise money to pay its new CEO—David Miliband—the $400,000 plus salary he will be receiving, and the less of that coming from the US taxpayer the better.

Here is the gist of the new ‘Support the Belly’ partnership:

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Ingrid & Isabel, the maternity company known for its best-selling Bellaband, has partnered with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a non-profit organization that responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, for the launch of Support the Belly, the company’s philanthropic initiative. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 U.S. cities, the IRC restores safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure. The organization delivers 200,000 babies in crisis settings annually. Refugee women with little or no access to maternal health care are particularly vulnerable, and this is why Ingrid & Isabel wants to help.

“Motherhood is life-changing, it shouldn’t be life-threatening. So, we are proud to join forces with the IRC to address the dire need for healthcare, nutrition and maternal support around the world.”

“Ingrid & Isabel’s passion and focus is the expectant mother,” explains Ingrid Carney, Founder and CEO of Ingrid & Isabel. “Motherhood is life-changing, it shouldn’t be life-threatening. So, we are proud to join forces with the IRC to address the dire need for healthcare, nutrition and maternal support around the world.”

Together with the IRC, Ingrid & Isabel has developed a selection of charitable “Rescue Gifts” that can be purchased on to help expectant mothers in need. Ingrid & Isabel has pledged to match donations to the IRC up to $30,000. These tax-deductible gifts are offered at a variety of price points:

For gift ideas, read on.  I repeat, private charitable giving should be the goal of all NGOs doing humanitarian work!

If you are old and managed being pregnant ‘back in the day’ without a BellaBand, go here to learn what you missed.

California Rep: Open refugee resettlement to all Afghan women

So what happens when these women get to the US and apply for family reunification and want hubby to join them? AP Photo

Oh brother!  If you think this proposal by a California Congresswoman sounds a bit nutty, please note that the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill would in fact make refugee resettlement available to WHOLE CLASSES OF PEOPLE.

No longer would they have to personally show they are in fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted ‘social group’ (includes being gay now), they simply must belong to a certain group of people assumed to be persecuted—eg. Afghan women.

The Gang of Eight bill also allows the President to declare a whole group of people, eg. Afghan women, as in the “national interest” to admit to the US.

Most of us have sympathy for the plight of women in Islamic countries, but that doesn’t mean we should happily “welcome” them to America.  And, indeed, all Muslim women are not so benign as Rep. Jackie Speier would have you think.  Have we already forgotten Bomber Mom  Zubeidat Tsarnaeva?

Here is CNS News yesterday in a story that is buzzing around the internet:

( – A U.S. lawmaker, expressing concern about the lives of Afghan women when most U.S. troops leave the country in 2014, said those who want to do so should be allowed to come to the United States:

“I’m really concerned about these women,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) told a House Armed Services subcommittee on April 25. “I think everyone on this panel is very concerned about these women…But I think there is something we can do. And that is to create a refugee status for any Afghan woman who wants to leave the country and is seeking asylum in our country.

“And that we should put in place now a procedure whereby they can be informed of that opportunity and be granted that opportunity, so that we can at least save the lives of those who are not so embedded in the culture and want to find a way to free themselves of what I believe will become, without a question, more oppressive than what’s going on right now, under our noses with us there.”

But, I thought the Libs, like Speier (and Obama), think there is no reason to be in Afghanistan any longer, that everything there will be hunky-dory!   Truth be told, I don’t want us to be there either because we are never going to change these Islamic societies, we just need to now make sure they don’t bring their ‘religion and culture’ to America.

And Rep. Speier, tell me! what happens when all these women are granted asylum and then apply for family reunification in order to bring all their hubbies and half grown kids to join them in America—hmmmm?

Tell Congress to strip out all references to refugee resettlement and asylum from the Gang of Eight Amnesty bill.

Radio host Laura Ingraham calls for a halt to all Muslim immigration

Update April 29th:  Readers to this post made yesterday our best day ever at RRW, here.  And, reader Joseline, alerted us to the White House petition to halt Muslim immigration. I signed it and wrote about it here.

I was blown away when I saw this!  And, my first thought was how sorry I am that Lawrence Auster didn’t live another month to see someone with clout and a big megaphone echo his calls for a halt to Muslim immigration to America.  He was often critical of some in the ‘anti-jihad’ movement who wouldn’t go that far, demonstrating that even they had been infected with the disease of political correctness.

Laura Ingraham (not PC)

Here is one report on what Ingraham said on Monday.  From The Raw Story:

Right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham announced on her program Monday that she’s long believed the United States should shut down all immigration from central Asia and any nation with a majority Muslim population.

Going even further, Ingraham said she’s not sure why the U.S. allows people from central Asia either, particularly ethnic Chechnens, two of whom have been identified as the Boston bombing suspects.

“I would submit that people shouldn’t be coming here as tourists from Chechnya after 9/11,” Ingraham said. “Dagistan, Checnya, Kergystan, uh-uh. As George Bush would say, ‘None of them stans.’”

Ann Coulter, not known for her political correctness either, called for jailing Mrs. Tsarnaev for wearing a hijab and wondered out loud on Hannity if Tamerlan had required her to get a clitorectomy.  You go girls!

Seriously, female genital mutilation is on the rise in America as we reported, here, last month suggesting there isn’t much assimilation going on in the Muslim “community.”

Update:  Ann Coulter says LEGAL immigration is a problem, here.

Don’t forget!  Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, get it and read it!

Media silence on the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell includes silence on death of refugee at his hands

Bhutanese refugee Karnamaya Mongar and her husband.
Photo: AP

Fox News (Bret Bair) is reporting tonight on the increasingly obvious avoidance by the mainstream media of the “mass murder” trial of the Philadelphia abortion doctor.  Here is just one report from Newsbusters pointing out the media silence (warning: photos are graphic).

I still want to know why the additional silence about the  married Bhutanese refugee woman, Karnamaya Mongar, who also died at his hands.

A refugee, who had reportedly only been in the country for 4 months, didn’t speak English and lived in Virginia, did not ‘find her way’ to Gosnell’s Philadelphia office without the help of her resettlement contractor—who was it?  And, who helped the mother of three decide she needed an abortion in the first place?

See my most recent stories on the case here and here.

Are other refugees being taken for abortions?

Here is another account of Mongar’s death from the trial.

I repeat: Who took Karnamaya Mongar to have an abortion? And, why?

One day I guess we will know the answers to those questions (see my previous post for background).  Maybe after Gosnell gets his due there should be another prosecution?

I see today on Drudge that he has a link to the opening of the Kermit Gosnell abortion doctor trial in Philly and this (below) is near the end of the article.

Gosnell and his Philadelphia abortion clinic.

Gosnell’s attorney calls the prosecution “elitist” and “racist.”   From

He is also charged with third-degree murder in the death of a Virginia woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, who prosecutors allege was administered too much anesthesia during a 2009 abortion.

McMahon, however, argued that Mongar, a political refugee from Bhutan who arrived in the United States four months before her death, did not tell Gosnell or his staff that she had respiratory problems that made her more vulnerable to anesthesia.

If Mrs. Mongar had only been in the US for four months as a refugee who didn’t speak English, she would still have been under the supposedly watchful eye of a resettlement contractor.   So who helped her ‘find her way’ to Philly?

Was it Catholic Charities?

Lutheran Immigration Services?

Virginia Council of Churches?

or, the secular International Rescue Committee?

It could have been any of those four—all are resettlement contractors operating in Virginia.

I’m not convinced that a new refugee from a camp in Nepal could decide to have an abortion, find one of the few abortion clinics like Gosnell’s that still exist, get herself to another state and then be expected (without English) to give an accounting of her medical condition.  She had to have American help.   Were other refugees being taken to Gosnell?